God of Fishing

Chapter 2861: In the future sea world, the human race will be the king

"Cut off?"

Everyone was speechless, and Qiu Wanren said directly: "Do you know how much power this vine has gained since it has grown up? This is what you said can be cut off by cutting it off? Don't look at him now as harmless to humans and animals, if you do anything to him, I'm not surprised that he burst out with the power of dominance."

Han Fei was stunned: "Is it exaggerated?"

The old murderer: "It's not an exaggeration. There was a precedent. In the past, there was a treasure gourd that gave birth to a lineage of the gourd, and there was a Zhenhai deity who coveted the treasure gourd and shot and robbed it. As a result, the treasure gourd was killed by seven hammers on the spot. What he faced at that time was fundamental It's not the treasure gourd itself, but the power of the heavens and the world, the entire star sea. It's hard to imagine how powerful it is."

"Ah! That's fine."

How could Han Fei know that there are such secrets in this world, but after Qiu Wanren and Lao Xie's words, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​suppressing the ancient gods by force.

Everyone looked at this ancient divine vine with big eyes and small eyes. The vine didn't know where it took root. It seemed that his nutrition came from this root.

After some exploration, I couldn't even follow the vine, and I couldn't find the whereabouts of the roots of the vine.

Han Fei surrounded the ancient divine vine, and the demon pot could not see the information of the vine, so he only listened to him: "Senior Brother Liushen, since Senior Brother wants you to guard it, do you know when this fruit will ripen?"

Brother Liushen shook his head: "I don't know, but these fruits are glowing at the moment, which means they are absorbing power. And the source of this power, no surprise, should be the ancient demon clan, the **** demon forest, and the chaotic **** clan that were slaughtered recently. This million people. But these alone should not be enough to ripen. I think we might as well wait and put a ban on this place. "

Senior Brother Lei Heng: "When Senior Senior is over, ask Senior Brother, he will definitely know."

Lei Heng is a typical slacker, this ancient divine vine has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't care about it at all.

Qiu Wanren said: "The history of this divine vine is too long, and it involves the era of chaos. In this era, very few people know him. Even the old man, he has never seen or even heard of it."

Yue Lingke: "Little Junior Brother, let's take the Hongmeng Purple Sect first! There are 20 billion ordinary people waiting for you to deal with. This is a matter of your human race, and it depends on your thoughts, but kill them all. This is not realistic, and it needs to be handled properly.”

All the powerhouses of the Chaos Protoss fled with their clans, and even nearly capsized Han Fei in the gutter, which really taught Han Fei another lesson.

The strong man ran away, leaving behind 20 billion people. Han Fei was also speechless, thinking that this Chaos Protoss was also a bachelor.

Han Fei sighed slightly: "Where is the Purple Gate of Hongmeng?"

"Just outside the cave here, we saw it when we came in."

Han Fei couldn't help but ask: "Do you think that this Hongmeng Zimen has anything to do with this ancient divine vine?"

Qiu Wanren: "You asked all the nonsense, it must have something to do with it! Otherwise, it would be too coincidental. Some of them have concealed the story of the ancient divine vine, and some of them have the Hongmeng Zimen."

Han Fei: "Then take down the other forces first."

After a while, Han Fei charged the Hongmeng Zimen. Several people stood above the sky and looked at the 20 billion creatures in the world.

Basically, they are ordinary people in the sea-opening realm, and it is absolutely impossible to kill them. Han Fei is still not determined to do so, after all, the Chaos Protoss is a branch of the human race, and these people can basically be regarded as the human race.

But if you keep it, these people definitely don't have the slightest impression of Han Fei. From their point of view, it is they who have destroyed their long happy life.

It is even more unrealistic to directly earn the human race, otherwise God knows how many traitors there will be among these people.

Lei Heng looked at it and shook his head: "Little Junior Brother, the Chaos Protoss did give you a big problem!"

Han Fei shook his head: "Is this a problem?"

Han Fei pondered for a moment: "Old Qiu, trouble you."

Qiu Wanren shook his head again and again: "I don't have the ability to deal with it. Even with 20 billion ordinary people, I can't do that either!"

Han Fei: "I'm not asking you to take action, I want you to keep this place sealed."

Yue Lingke: "Little Junior Brother, do you want them to be confined here?"

Han Fei nodded: "In a hurry, I don't have time to deal with these people. Since they are ordinary people, let them spend the eighteen thousand years peacefully here. If Xinghai is defeated, everyone has to finish the game. It’s okay to let them out when the time comes. What’s more, what are they? My human race has been trapped in the human race’s ancestral land for endless years, and it will be difficult for them to die if they are eight thousand years old.”

Han Fei directly chose not to take the pot or kill it, but that doesn't mean he would want it. Today's human race, the population is growing rapidly, and the overall strength is also undergoing a qualitative leap. It is impossible for him to let these people disturb the human race.

Senior Brother Liushen: "It's appropriate to deal with it like this, but since you want to seal it, then seal it thoroughly. Otherwise, if you don't let go, it doesn't mean that the Chaos God Race will not find a way to exile them to the sea world. You can't kill them at that time, but they But I hate you, and I will find trouble for you if I have nothing to do."

Qiu Wanren nodded, "Yes."

Han Fei grinned: "Okay, that's it. However, leave a passage for ourselves, the ancient divine vine, we always have to watch."

Brother Liushen: "I will arrange for the Zerg to guard. If something happens here, I will know immediately."

"It's so easy, then let's go to the Sky Spider Valley without delay."

The collective run of the Chaos Protoss means that the human race and the gods have won a great victory in this battle. After all, the whole family has run away, and the Zhenhai deity is still here, so his brain is definitely a bit of a hole.

Therefore, the sea-suppressing **** of the Chaos Protoss also ran away 100%, and the other white-haired old man, even if he stayed in the sea world, would have to be captured after all.

Heavenly Spider Valley.

At this moment, the blood is raining, and the cracks on the avenue are crisscrossed.

The 80,000,000-mile Insect Valley was almost completely trampled. Lin Xian was right, they were all abandoned sons, and since they couldn't kill the human race and the gods, they would use themselves as the nourishment of the ancient divine vines.

In a sense, even if Han Fei and the others won a big victory, they could not escape the fate of the chess pieces.

And the chess player never showed up.


Luo Xiaobai led an army of 80 million people into the battlefield.

Zhang Xuanyu, Xia Xiaochan, Le Renkuang, and a few other powerful emperors were the first to confront the opponents. However, in terms of the number of Emperor Venerables, how could the Heavenly Spider Insect Valley be on a par with the gods, so the Emperor Venerable Realm battle did not last for half an hour, and all the Emperor Venerable Realm powerhouses in the Heavenly Spider Insect Valley fell.

At this moment, Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan and Zhang Xuanyu are standing together.

I just heard Henry Zhang muttering: "No! Although your daughter was born late, she is actually stronger than my daughter in strength. She has a magical skill. Isn't this outrageous?"

At this moment, in the battlefield, Han Chanyi is also fighting with blood. But her innate ability, in charge of the space avenue, at the same realm, teleportation speed, frequency, and mastery of the space avenue, even Xia Xiaochan felt a little guilty when she saw it.

At this moment, Han Chanyi, Zhang Panpan, Wang Xiaoxiao, etc., combined together, they are like a strong army, they are the arrogance of the arrogance of the heavens, whoever confronts the opponents of the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, if there is no lily, they will definitely be killed. .

Han Feixiao looked at Henry Zhang and said, "Don't think I don't know, your talent has been passed on to Panpan. Such talent is not weak, not worse than you."

Le Renkuang sighed a little: "Speaking of which, do I have to hurry up and have another one so that I can make up with Yiyi and Panpan?"

Zhang Xuanyu laughed and scolded: "Then you are fast!"

Suddenly, Han Fei seemed to think of something: "By the way, Fatty, where did the bosses of the three big bandits in the Western Wilderness go to, and I didn't see the battle of the gods, don't you know?"

Le Renkuang: "I know! But you didn't ask me. Behead the old man and the other two, and join forces to overcome the divine robbery. At this moment, they should burn, kill, and loot in Zhonghai Shenzhou. You know, the temperament of bandits, Just like we used to be."


Han Fei immediately retorted: "When have I ever burned, killed, and robbed? I am a famous teacher, and I attacked my opponent head-on and took away resources."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Xuanyu laughed and said nothing.

After another three days, after cleaning up the Heavenly Spider Insect Valley, I found the Purple Gate of Hongmeng again.

It seems that the existence of this Hongmeng Zimen is mostly scattered among the six schools mentioned by Lin Xian.

Bright City.

When Han Fei and the others arrived, the entire Guangming City had been disbanded, and the massive population had dispersed to the entire sea world.

But even if the population was dispersed, Han Fei could not be stopped. For seven days in a row, he quickly found those powerhouses who were hiding resources with the Navigation Vientiane, and successfully robbed the countless resources of Guangming City back.

As for the powerhouses of Bright City scattered into the sea world, their life may not be easy.

In the past few days, the four major Shenzhou have completely no longer covered, and all the frontiers have been blocked. As long as the people of Guangming City are in the sea, they are surrounded by heavy siege.

Don't underestimate the Four Great Divine Provinces. Their information channels are not bad. Han Fei killed the ancient demon clan and the gods and demon forest with his forefoot.

For a time, the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou, countless forces, can be said to be trembling, and many relatively weak forces have long been shaken and chose to form an alliance with the four big Shenzhou.

Large-scale powers, such as Fist Sect, Feixianlou, Mirage, and Huantian Sect, although no one has been attacked at present, there are countless powerhouses from the four Chinese states who come to negotiate every day. On the one hand, they couldn't hold back their face, and on the other hand, they naively felt that such a big event should not affect them.

After all, it is impossible for Han Fei to completely overthrow the order of the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou and start over.

However, such forces as Jueyin Mountain and Wanxiangmen are between Zhongda and Dazhong, but they are very decisive. They didn't care so much about their face, so they happily cooperated with the four major Chinese states.

Of course, there are also some forces, not too big or not too small. There are strong emperors in the clan, and there are spiritual treasures to protect them, so they forcibly reserve the right to continue to survive in Zhonghai Shenzhou. But they also didn't think about it, Zhonghai Shenzhou has changed, how can anyone stay out of it? As a result, they fought with some forces in the four major Chinese states.

The worst is the small and medium-sized forces that rely on the protection of the ancient demon clan and these super-powers, they have no choice at all. Whether they choose to surrender and disband, no one will believe them, so war is inevitable.

In just over half a month, the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou was completely reduced to a battlefield.

Above the sea, wars can be seen everywhere.

At this moment, Han Fei led an army of 80 million human races and 8 million divine descendants to come to the Taikoo Temple in a mighty manner.

The old man, who had fought against the old murderer twice before, blocked Han Fei's crowd at this moment with a solemn expression: "Han Fei, the Taikoo Divine Institute, gathers the entire Zhonghai Divine State, and even the Four Great Divine States, countless arrogances, it is the cultivation holy place of countless students, you Do you still want to destroy my Taikoo Divine Institute?"

"Oh! So you are from the Taikoo Divine Institute!"

The old fierce smiled: "Big bird, you didn't escape, I'm very glad."

The white-haired old man was not afraid of Han Fei and the other four sea-suppressing gods, he just listened to him: "I am the only one who is recognized by the Xinghai powerhouses, the multi-party sea-suppressing gods and even the masters, and who is responsible for guarding the sea world, you can call me. For, the guardian of the sea world."


Yue Lingke spat: "You are the guardian of the sea world? Then when Zhonghai Shenzhou slaughtered my lineage of gods, where were you? Where were you when Zhonghai Shenzhou's combined army tried to destroy the human race? You still have a face. Said he was the guardian of the sea world."

The white-haired old man was still tough: "What this old man is blocking is a foreign enemy, not a civil war. Moreover, those who attack the gods are the strongest but the gods, and those who attack the human race are stronger than the emperor. Who do you think set this threshold?"

Han Fei grinned, showing a smile similar to that of the old fierce: "Do you still feel proud? Think I should thank you?"

I saw that Han Fei stepped forward step by step and said lightly: "I, Han Fei, are only at the peak of the Great Emperor. I am here to challenge the Primordial Divine Institute. Do you have any opinions? Don't worry, I will not use the secret method, only the peak of the Great Emperor. force."

The white-haired old man's pupils shrank slightly: "Human Sovereign, you want revenge, are you looking for the wrong person? The Primordial Divine Institute has not participated in the Eastern Expedition."

Han Fei: "Really? But without your connivance, they can destroy some forces from time to time and cultivate ancient divine vines?"

The white-haired old man's pupils shrank. From the moment Lin Xian betrayed him, he knew that the secret of the ancient divine vine could not be kept. However, the old man was not afraid: "You don't know the meaning of Shenteng's reappearance at all, this is an opportunity."

"Go to your mother's chance."

Han Fei shouted: "Old man, if it wasn't for the sake of your being the Zhenhai God, I would have killed you today. But although you can be spared today, you need to take the initiative to complete three things. In the courtyard, all the people from the God Demon Forest, Ancient Demon Clan, Bright City, Sky Spider Insect Valley, and Chaos God Clan should all be handed over. Second, take the initiative to hand over Hongmeng Zimen. Third, after the first two things are done, immediately Get out of the sea and never return."

"Presumptuous! The Primordial Divine Institute, since the floods to the present, there have been 5 masters in history, 128 Zhenhai gods, 501 god-killing gods, more than 3,900 gods... Han Fei, if you want to move the Primordial Divine Institute, are you qualified?"

"Ha ha!"

Han Fei couldn't help but grinned: "Then you will let the powers of the Primordial Divine Institute take revenge on me! Senior Brother Lei Heng, Senior Brother Liushen, I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to Senior Sister Kagura. Old murderer, let's kill him."

The old fierce licked the corner of his mouth, and his eyes showed a scarlet color: "It's long overdue."

Lei Heng and Liushen Senior Brother looked at each other, Lei Heng himself was used to being lawless, hehe smiled: "It's not that we are disobedient, but you look at the old man, you have high self-esteem, not to mention the younger brother can't bear it, I can't bear it either. already."

Senior Brother Liushen sighed slightly: "Forget it, you guys watch and take action!"

I saw that Han Fei immediately ran the Dao of the Self, opened his mouth and shouted, and his voice was rumbling, spreading all over the sea: "The Taikoo Temple has no virtue, and cooperates with the five major Chaos God Clan, God Demon Forest, Ancient Demon Clan, Sky Spider Insect Valley, and Guangming City, etc. Forces, secretly slaughtered all races, and sought the fate of all races for personal gain. Now, I, Han Fei, announce that the Taikoo Temple will be dissolved today."

The old man shouted: "Ignorance child, the Taikoo Divine Institute actually can be dissolved if you say it is dissolved?"

In the Primordial Divine Institute, there are no mathematicians, all of them are dignified at the moment.

Someone snorted coldly: "What a domineering emperor, who does he think he is? The ancient temple has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. In fact, he said that it can be dissolved if it is dissolved?"

Someone echoed: "Han Fei's mischievous words to confuse the public should really be punished."

However, there are also students who are just observing secretly. In the past few days, the blood and rain in the Sea Divine Region has been monstrous, and the killing is dark. Those who do not know the general trend will eventually be buried in the dust of history.

Some students, after receiving a notification from the clan, learned that the sect clan has united the four major divine states, so they will never sacrifice themselves for the Primordial Divine Institute.

What's more, in the Primordial Divine Academy, there were originally many children of the four major divine states. What to do and what not to do, they are as clear as a mirror in their hearts.


Following Han Fei's violent shout, he took the lead.

Today, Han Fei's strength can be considered a big improvement. With all his strength, he has 6.2 million combat power. Although it is still the bottom of the Zhenhai Gods, it is still a lot stronger than before.

The one who shot faster than Han Fei was an old murderer. Han Fei's strength certainly cannot shake the old man, but the old man is not Han Fei, he has long been thinking about the old man's body.


The three of them broke into the sky in an instant, shattered the void, and roared for a while.

"Count me in."

The sky was full of mad thunder, locking the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, and a thunder **** shadow also joined the battle group.

The four major Shenzhou, such as the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the powerhouses of the West Wilderness, saw this scene, and their hearts were greatly settled.

The three big bandits in the Western Wilderness shouted: "Kill, anyone who is attached to these six major forces can fight casually. This kind of opportunity is rare once in millions of years, and the speed cannot be robbed by other states."

East China Sea Shenzhou, the Prince of Shendu led his army to personally expedition: "After winning the city of Guangming and all its surrounding forces, Shendu will be stationed in Zhonghai from here."

The Phoenix Divine Race, countless strong men, overwhelming the sky, like a sea of ​​flames and clouds, covering the sky.

I saw Phoenix Patriarch personally lead the army and shouted: "There will be no more gods and demon forests in the sea world. Take all the forces around it, and kill the offenders on the spot."

As for the Sky Spider Valley and the Chaos Protoss, no one went there. Obviously, this one can only be left to Beihai, and the other is a branch of the human race. Who would go to fight with Han Fei?

And the ancient demon clan has become a place for many medium and large forces to compete. As early as the beginning, the surrounding small and medium-sized forces ran and fell, and there were too many pretenders in this land. Now that Han Fei's general situation has become a reality, Zhonghai Shenzhou can resist his forces and be cut to pieces. How can a Zhenhai deity in the Taikoo Temple be used for nothing?

No, as soon as Han Fei started this battle, all kinds of battles erupted around the ancient demon clan.

At this moment, the three Han Fei joined forces to surround and kill the white-haired old man. Although Han Fei was at the bottom of Zhenhai Shenling, it didn't mean that he couldn't shake the old man. In fact, the Immortal Slaying Sword and the Game-Breaking Sword, combined with the source power, have equally huge lethality. Although the old man is powerful, his two fists are no match for four.

Just the old fierce one, after a long battle, he can chop off one of his thighs, let alone now. Senior Brother Lei Heng, who is in charge of the Quartet Lei Territory, every shot is comparable to Zhen Hai Divine Tribulation, his terrifying power is not inferior to the old murderer at all, even stronger than the current one.

At this moment, wherever Senior Brother Lei Heng passes, they are all transformed into the Thunder Territory, which is filled with the power of Lei Fa, and all other methods are greatly reduced here.


Han Fei only saw a phantom of the **** of thunder rising from the ground. There were a total of twelve figures of the **** of thunder, which were exactly the same as those that Han Fei had seen in the ancient temple of Leiyin.

"The Twelve Seals of Leifa, figurative?"

Han Fei couldn't help but realize that Senior Brother Lei Heng had reached the limit of the path of the ancient **** Lei Yin.


The thunder and fire spread, the ten thousand thunder fusion killing technique, the thunder of the soul, the speed of the thunder arc, the thunder of the jump, the strange change, etc., the thunder of the heart... The white-haired old man was scorched black by the blast, and one arm was torn off by the old man. .

Even Han Fei took advantage of his unpreparedness, slashed his heart with a knife, and swarmed into his body to kill the gods, killing the white-haired old man, blood spilled into the sky, and his blood was empty.

Senior Brother Lei Heng stood proudly on top of many thunder gods, and summoned the rolling clouds of calamity. Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help but change his color: "The ultimate seal of the twelve seals of Lei Fa, the Heavenly Tribulation Killing Technique."

Being able to perform this move means that the twelve seals of Lei Fa are completely accomplished. This is a heavenly robbery killing technique that can suppress the sea gods. Naturally, its power should not be underestimated.


When the catastrophe came, the white-haired old man was instantly enveloped in it.


I saw that the old man was finally defeated, and he turned into a goddess of the sky, with ten thousand feathers covering the sky. Seeing his cold eyes, he shouted violently, "Han Fei, you are the thief who brought trouble to all races, you should be punished."

The next moment, I saw that the two swords actually merged and went straight to kill Han Fei.

"Lei Xiang, the Thunder Shield of Ten Thousand Waves."


However, this sword is not only the sword of the white-haired old man, but also the ultimate strike of the treasure of creation.

Seeing this, the old fierce, with a ferocious appearance, turned into a poor and strange phantom, with double horns on his face, he went straight to the sword and rammed away.



I saw that the poor and strange dharma image was also smashed by life. It can be seen that the power of the treasure of good fortune really exploded with all its strength, and even the Zhenhai God could not stop it!

Han Fei squinted his eyes, held the divine chain of law enforcement, intending to strike with all his strength, and forcibly blocked the sword in an invincible state.


But the moment the sword was in front of him, Han Fei drew his sword and slashed. But I saw a figure that suddenly appeared here.


The next moment, I saw the visitor pinching his **** together. This violent sword attacked by the two sea-suppressing god-level powerhouses, Po Lei Heng and Lao Xie, was actually caught so he couldn't move.

"Senior Brother Fifth, you came in time."

Han Fei is speechless, do you have to be so thrilling?


Fifth Senior Brother smiled lightly: "Bai Mei, the way is different, and they don't conspire. But you are bullying the small, so I have to take care of it."

The white-haired old man shouted angrily, "Zhang Shaoling, one day, you will regret it."


Lei Heng approached in an instant, punching the white-haired old man back hundreds of millions of miles, obviously angry for killing Han Fei just now.

He only heard him shout: "A person with good looks, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a good thing I didn't enter the Primordial Temple, and I will send you back to the West today."

"Junior Brother Lei Heng!"

Fifth Senior Brother waved his hand: "Forget it, it's really inappropriate for me to take action. If he wants to escape, the three of you won't be able to take it. In that case, go back separately. By fate, you will meet again in the future. , if there is any dispute, I will not stop you for the sake of my brother."

The white-haired old man turned into a human form again, and he looked at Han Fei deeply: "I'm waiting for you to kill me, but the Primordial Temple is innocent."

"Whether there is a crime or not, you don't have to say it. If I say kill it, then kill it."

Han Fei didn't care, and saw that he slashed through the endless void with a single sword, and immediately drank the clan's army, his voice echoed in the sky of the Primordial Temple: "Tie down the Primordial Temple, all who resist, kill!"

"Han Fei~"

Bai Mei shouted angrily.

"Go away~"

Han Fei was even more violent: "In the future, the human race will be the king of the sea world. I will show you, without those flies and dogs, the sea world will be stronger."

Saying that, Han Fei pointed his white eyebrows: "Old man with white eyebrows, he will find you when I set foot in Xinghai."

After all, Han Fei turned around and left.

As soon as he stepped out of the endless void, Baimei had not yet left, only to hear Han Fei's voice in Haishenzhou: "I am the human emperor Han Fei, and now I order Yudingmen, Quanzong, Feixianlou, Jueyin Mountain, Shiyinmen, Mirage, The Huantian Sect... The head of the Vientiane Sect and the sect master-level powerhouse, within half a day, come to see me at the old site of the Taikoo Divine Institute. If you don't arrive within half a day, you won't use it..."

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