God of Fishing

Chapter 2863: Emperor Sparrow's Story

In Zhonghai Shenzhou, there is such a special place called the Sea of ​​Strange Beasts.

Here dwells the lineage of divine beasts and the lineage of vicious beasts. It may sound like divine beasts and fierce beasts seem extraordinary, but in fact, their status in Zhonghai Shenzhou can only be regarded as not high.

In the outer area of ​​the Sea of ​​Strange Beasts, it is specially open to the major superpowers of Zhonghai Shenzhou. Why open up? It was actually for the arrogant disciples of the major forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou to hunt and then domesticate them into mounts.

It is precisely because of the disguised delivery of some mounts to those great forces that the lineage of the ancient strange beasts has actually won a good position in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

After all, in addition to the absence of gods, there are quite a few strong emperors in the divine beast lineage and the fierce beast lineage.

When Emperor Que stood on Han Fei's shoulder and appeared in the sea of ​​strange beasts, there were immediately countless beasts so frightened that Sa Yazi ran wildly into the depths of the sea of ​​strange beasts.

They don't interfere in the affairs of Zhonghai Shenzhou, but that doesn't mean they don't know. In the past month, Zhonghai Shenzhou can be said to be insane, the blood rain has not stopped, and it is still raining.

Now, these two killing gods appeared in the sea of ​​strange beasts. How could ordinary beasts not be afraid when they saw them?

Han Fei's perception swept away: "The divine beast lineage and the vicious beast lineage actually live in the same sea area. Isn't it crazy on weekdays?"

Emperor Que said lazily: "If you fight too much, you won't be so crazy. The bloodline of the beast is the same as the bloodline of the beast. The two of them, their realm is limited to the peak of the emperor, if they really want to fight to the death, it will only be It's a lose-lose situation. Therefore, the disputes between the two sides are mostly about the practice of training and training. If I don't show up, it will be difficult for them to fight to the death."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Then why are you here now? Are you going to bring the beasts to destroy the lineage of the beasts?"

Di Que shook his head slightly: "There have been many misunderstandings about me in history. In fact, I never thought of destroying the line of divine beasts. What I want is for divine beasts and vicious beasts to return to their hearts."

Han Fei was puzzled: "You are a vicious beast, why do other people's divine beasts belong to you?"

Di Que tilted her head and looked at Han Fei: "Didn't you come to find the ancient beasts? Divine beasts and fierce beasts are collectively called the ancient beasts. And I was born to be their king. Forget it, it's a long story, some You'll find out later."

Han Fei: "Let's go then! Let them know that their king is back."

"No, wait for a stick of incense."


After a stick of incense.

Han Fei quickly came to the depths of the sea of ​​strange beasts without needing the guidance of the emperor bird, just following the footsteps of some beasts.

It is an island group formed by tens of thousands of islands. At this moment, Han Fei's perception, outside the largest island, millions of beasts have gathered, some standing on the island, some flying In the sky, everyone looked up at the direction Han Fei and the others came from.

In addition to the millions of beasts, there are also countless beasts on the other islands. Standing on the edge of the island, they seem to want to see something.

As soon as Han Fei and Di Que appeared, they saw the ferocious birds and beasts in the sky landed on the ground. Following that, the ferocious beasts slumped on the ground in unison, shouting, "Welcome the return of my emperor."

Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help joking: "It's a big show, if they could help me earlier, we might have come earlier."

The Emperor Que's voice was high and cold: "They are subject to Zhonghai Shenzhou, how can they make a big move in the open? Otherwise, why do you think the beasts came to help me when you thought they were gangsters in Chaos?"

Han Fei: "I'm still a little curious now. The two mythical beasts who helped us at the time should be considered peacemakers among the mythical beasts? But most of the mythical beasts should still hate you, right?"

Di Que said calmly: "If I hadn't become your gifted soul beast, most of the beasts really hated me, and would even kill me at all costs."

Han Fei was stunned: "Is it possible that they became my gifted soul beast, and their hatred for you disappeared?"

"No, they were shaken."

"Shake what?"

Di Que did not continue to answer Han Fei, because the two had already come to the front of this giant island. In front of the countless beasts is an ancient dragon elephant. The giant statue's eyes were red, and the two fangs at the corners of the mouth were rolled up, but the long nose was like a centipede's limbs, but it was round and looked quite strange. Moreover, the fur on the ancient dragon elephant is very short, and there are many dark lines on the body, and even the soles of the feet are very strange, not like the big footprints of a normal giant elephant, but a bit like bear claws, only thicker .

On the back of the ancient dragon elephant was a woman wearing a snow-white cloak. The woman maintained a human shape, but her head had four curved red horns, like a crown, and silver hair on the other end. The wind flutters. Around her waist, there is a long whip, which is of extraordinary quality.

Han Fei fell to the ground and looked directly at the woman.

However, seeing that the snow-white cloak on the woman's body suddenly unfolded, Han Fei couldn't help being stunned. It turned out to be a pair of cloak-like wings.

Following this, the woman turned over and knelt down on one knee: "The contemporary leader of the fierce beast lineage, Chu Tianxue, has seen my emperor."

The Emperor Que did not get off Han Fei, but nodded lightly: "Shenxuetianluan, among the ancient strange beasts, the bloodline ranks among the top ten strange beasts."

"Everyone, get up!"


As Chu Tianxue got up, the millions of beasts behind him all got up, some tall and some short. But it seems that each of these ferocious beasts is ferocious. Their body structure, no matter how you look at it, looks like it has been distorted. This kind of distortion is a bit similar to the kind of distortion that takes the path of extreme equilibrium. There are only a few, and it seems to be a little more harmonious.

However, these beasts, of course, did not follow the path of extreme balance.


I saw that the Emperor Sparrow finally spread its wings, soaring upward, the sky filled with black clouds, and gathered into a terrifying black condor that spanned thousands of miles.

"My clansmen, this emperor, have returned."

"Hoo! Hoho~"

"Emperor, Emperor, Emperor~"

Suddenly, countless beasts roared furiously on the entire island, as well as on the tens of thousands of islands around it. Thousands of beasts roared together, and the color of the world changed.

Even, many beasts shouted: "Kill all the beasts, my emperor, I will kill them all in this life."

"I would like to follow the emperor and destroy the divine beast."

"Kill all the divine beasts, kill all the divine beasts~"

After seeing the Emperor Que, immediately there are countless beasts, their blood is boiling, and they want to fight aggressively.


Emperor Que spoke, and the beasts hurriedly restrained their voices. He only heard him say: "This time, this emperor is no longer alone, and this emperor is not returning to destroy the beast. When the emperor returns, he will recover the beast and break the ominous curse of cause and effect. I will help you to enter the realm of the gods. , reproduce the ancient beasts."



"is it possible?"

"Can you break the curse of cause and effect?"

"Do you still want to try?"

Immediately, a vicious beast shouted: "My emperor, you can completely push the line of the gods and beasts like the emperor. As long as the gods and beasts die, we can also break the curse of karma."

"Yeah! Lord Dique, we are in the same vein as the beasts, water and fire are incompatible, how can we integrate again?"

"Lord Dique, you have tried many times, but haven't you realized it yet?"


The emperor bird descended with divine might, and shouted loudly: "You must have heard what the emperor said. In this vast sea of ​​ten thousand clans, in this vast sea of ​​stars, there are only ten thousand years left. The battle between fierce beasts and divine beasts should also come to an end. This emperor has witnessed the fall of countless beasts, and his hands have also been stained with the blood of countless beasts. But don't forget, who turned the ancient beasts into beasts from ancient times? It's ominous. We should have a unified The enemy is ominous. Otherwise, there is no difference between divine beasts and vicious beasts in this world. This emperor wants to prove to the world that my emperor bird is the king of strange beasts, not the incarnation of ominous. I will also To rectify the name of the beast, we are not the beast, but the ancient beast of noble status, pure blood, and contempt for the sea of ​​​​stars..."

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Countless beasts roared wildly.

And the black cloud in the sky slowly dissipated, and the emperor bird has transformed into a human form. It was a thin, fierce-looking young man with an arrogant face.

Wearing a black feather cloak, Emperor Que raised his hand and shouted, "God Emperor Spear is coming."


I saw that among these tens of thousands of islands, on a certain island, the ground was shaking, and the surrounding sea water rose into the sky.


A black-gold spear pierced through the island, bursting with divine light in the void, shattering the void in the next moment, and rushing towards the Emperor Sparrow in an instant.

I saw him take the gun with one hand, and a giant eagle phantom flashed away behind him.

I saw that Emperor Que held the spear in front of him, stroked the body of the spear lightly, and sighed, "Old friend, long time no see."

As an outsider, Han Fei was witnessing the return of Emperor Que, thinking in his heart, what is the curse of cause and effect in Emperor Que's mouth?

Listening to Di Que's meaning, this causal curse seems to come from ominous. Could it be a curse that would be more powerful than the curse of the Dragon Clan? The question of cause and effect has already been touched upon.

Moreover, the Ferocious Beasts seem to have a deep hatred for divine beasts, and they even know the method of becoming a god, which is to slaughter divine beasts. But what does Di Que mean by subduing the divine beast?

At this moment, Di Que landed on the ground again, looked at Chu Tianxue and said, "Can you understand me?"

Chu Tianxue nodded: "I can understand, but does the emperor confirm that it can be done in this life? Even if the gods and beasts know that you are the emperor's innate soul beast, they will choose to recognize you. One vein, the contradiction has been too long. I am afraid it is not easy to make all the beasts unite.”

Di Que said calmly: "A thousand years. If I can't completely subdue the beasts within a thousand years, all the beasts will return to my heart. This emperor will slaughter them."

When Chu Tianxue heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she shouted, "Ferocious beasts, willing to follow my emperor."


The sound of elephant chirping spread all over the line of vicious beasts.

As soon as Chu Tianxue made his statement, all the beasts shouted again: "We are willing to follow my emperor..."

Han Fei seems to have underestimated the prestige of the Emperor Sparrow. He should have never crossed the sea of ​​strange beasts in the future, but it seems a little unreasonable to directly convince the entire beasts.

Waiting for Dique to appease the beasts, Chu Tianxue and several top-level powerhouses from the same lineage of beasts, who are beyond the extreme, gave a general introduction to the current beasts and mythical beasts, as well as the specific situation with the major forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

He only heard Chu Tianxue saying, "If it weren't for the Human Sovereign's sweeping of Zhonghai Shenzhou, my line of vicious beasts and even the lineage of divine beasts would not be able to escape the control of Zhonghai Shenzhou at all."

Han Fei: "Have you never thought about cultivating some gods yourself? I think you should be able to do it."

"Of course you can, but we are in Zhonghai Shenzhou. Does Your Excellency the Emperor think that those forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou will allow us to cultivate gods?"

"That's true."

Chu Tianxue: "Since the era of the end of the law, until today. We and the beasts have not started a real war. The specific situation is also due to the oppression of Zhonghai Shenzhou. They want us to provide them with a car, but they don't want to. Our turmoil affects Zhonghai Shenzhou, and we don't want us to break away from their control, so we are placed in this sea of ​​strange beasts."

Emperor Que: "How many people and how many emperors are there in the line of beasts?"

Chu Tianxue: "There are still more than 180 million beasts in the fierce beast lineage, more than 80,000 people in the emperor realm, and more than 300 people in the emperor realm. However, there are only less than a thousand emperors in the clan, and only eight people in the emperor realm. .Others were sent to Xinghai to fight, at this point, we have no choice."

When Han Fei heard this, his heart was shocked. There are more than 80,000 emperors, what kind of race is this, and there are too many emperors born? Even if most of them were dispatched, there were still more than a thousand beasts in the Emperor Venerable Realm. If it weren't for the fact that there were no gods in charge, then this should be the number one force in the sea world.

However, Di Que frowned: "There are so few strong people?"

Han Fei was speechless: "Is this still less?"

Chu Tianxue: "It's really rare. The growth of strange beasts is not slow. But it's not that we can't give birth to more strong people, but the sea of ​​strange beasts, which is the most resource-poor place in Zhonghai Shenzhou. Even if it is barren, we Half of the collected resources must be handed over to those big forces. Therefore, our growth is very slow. Of course, the same is true for the mythical beasts. The powers of Zhonghai Shenzhou deliberately let both the beasts and the beasts maintain a balance. "

Di Que couldn't help looking at Han Fei: "When needed, I need to recall all the strong men of the fierce beast lineage and the **** beast lineage who are fighting in the sea of ​​​​stars."

Immediately, Chu Tianxue and several other beasts looked at Han Fei one after another. This is no small matter, can Han Fei do it?

Han Fei: "Do you have to come back?"

Emperor Que: "If you want to become a god, you must return."

Han Fei: "Okay!"

Han Fei agreed without hesitation, I am confident that with the influence of the Void Temple, I can do this. You must know that if these 80,000 people return, they can become gods. Even if 70% to 80% of the gods died during the divine tribulation, 20,000 gods could still be born. Is this a joke? 20,000 gods and 80,000 great emperors, who is stronger or weaker, can't help those who are strong in the sea of ​​​​stars not letting go.

But I saw that Chu Tianxue and the others were all relieved, it would be good if they could come back. If this emperor bird can succeed, this world may reappear strange beasts.

Hearing that, Han Fei suddenly said, "Now, you should tell me what is going on with your beasts and mythical beasts, right? I'm still at a loss. If you can reproduce the strange beasts and make them become gods, Why didn't the Emperor Sparrow in previous lives do it? After all, who can resist the temptation to become a god?"

"Master Human Sovereign doesn't know?"

Chu Tianxue and others seemed a little surprised. When they saw Han Fei and Di Que returning together, they thought that Han Fei knew everything.

I just heard Di Que say: "Well! It's time to tell you. First of all, there is no Di Que in previous lives. The Di Que in every life is me."


Han Fei was stunned. He couldn't help but remember that Lao Yuan had said that in each life, only one Emperor Sparrow would be born at the same time. He thought it was the Emperor Que that was special, but how could he have imagined that they were all the same person.

Han Fei was stunned: "So, how long have you lived? Why did you become my gifted soul beast. When I was young, my strength was terribly weak, so you knew that I would come this far?"

Di Que: "This matter, we have to start from the beginning, and listen to me slowly."

I just heard Di Que's low and cold voice, as if she was bluntly telling a story that had nothing to do with her:

"At the end of the Chaos Era, the first ominous return. The six ancient veins and countless strong men participated in the battle. The ancient strange beasts of the year were the strongest in the Xinghai except for the human race. My father was the ancestor of the ancient strange beasts at that time. The patriarch, he dare not say that his strength is disdainful of Xinghai, but he is also one of the top few people in the world. He fought ominously and won."

"Defeat the ominous?"

In just a few short sentences, Emperor Que revealed a world-shattering secret. Even if the ominous first time was the weakest, it was only relative, and its strength could never be so weak, otherwise, how could the Chaos Era transition to the Great Desolate Era?

Emperor Que continued: "Ominous and resourceful. Knowing that my father was strong, he ended up in person, quietly contaminating my mother, but she didn't know it. Until the day I was born, my mother turned into an ominous body, and the whole family Everyone was shocked. Countless strange beasts witnessed that my father had no choice but to kill my mother. However, how could he stay out of my mother's ominous body? So he found that he was actually invaded by the ominous body, and there was nothing left. The remedy. Therefore, he chose to purify himself, burn everything, not to be reincarnated, not to be reborn, to have no thoughts and no consciousness, and truly fallen. But he didn't kill me, why do you think?"

Han Fei came back to his senses after a few breaths. He didn't expect the ominous to be so strange, to force one of the strongest in the Chaos Era to purify himself.

Taking a deep breath, Han Fei said, "It should be the tiger's poison that doesn't eat its children. He doesn't want to do it himself!"

The Emperor Que raised his head slightly: "Yes, he doesn't want to do it himself. But there were countless powerhouses in the ancient strange beast lineage at that time, how could they allow me to exist? Especially, when I was born, I actually put the mother's body. The ominous power of , swallowed it all up. If it were you, what would you do?"

"Purify you."

The creatures born from this ominous body can devour the ominous, and the first reaction is naturally to purify them.

Emperor Que: "Yes, the powerhouses of the ancient strange beasts thought so too. However, perhaps the ominous itself did not think of it. My birth is a special case. I have a half ominous body, so even if I After being burned, I can actually be revived. In addition, I have half of the normal bloodline of strange beasts, so part of me is not afraid of purification. But at that time, everyone only thought that I was more difficult and more powerful and ominous. So, they used powerful means to forcibly burn me out."

Chu Tianxue also sighed slightly at the moment, perhaps because of the past, it was too sad.

Di Que looked at Han Fei: "Do you know that I can devour the evil in the world?"

Han Fei nodded, this is the talent that Emperor Que had at a young age.

Emperor Que continued to say calmly: "After my parents and I fell, ominously showed his fangs, no longer lurking, and launched a war against the ancient strange beasts. Save it, but at that time, many people were actually infected secretly. Many people were developing ominously. For a time, the ancient strange beasts seemed to be doomsday, and the clan was full of hatred and resentment. Many people have been tainted by ominousness, and they have attacked the same clan with malicious intent. Under the influence of the evil in the world, I have recovered."

"So what? What if you recover?"

The emperor said leisurely: "I can swallow the ominous in their bodies and make them return to normal. At the beginning of my recovery, they didn't know it was me. I thought that some kind of divine embryo was born in the clan, which could devour and purify the ominous. Until I was reborn , they knew it was me. Therefore, they hesitated whether to purify me or not. And I, who was still young, helped them swallow the ominous. Some of the infected were light, recovered well, and kept the original one. Sacred state. The other part is heavily contaminated with ominous and deformed. Although the ominous power is swallowed up by me, it cannot return to normal. Moreover, those who are distorted are indeed more brutal and extremely fierce. However, the danger of race is also It was a temporary relief, and because I was not ominous, I was regarded as the new king and grew up smoothly."

At this moment, Han Fei noticed that the faces of Chu Tianxue and others were not good-looking. There were even fierce beasts who gritted their teeth, clenched their fists, and shouted in a low voice: "The blood of the god-damn beasts, a group of sanctimonious guys."

Di Que glanced at him, and the man quickly shut up. I just listened to Di Que: "Those who have returned to normal, feel that those who have not returned to normal have ominous residues in their bodies and want to destroy them. They set up an ambush and tried to clean up all the distorted beasts in one fell swoop. It was on that day that I woke up. The Eye of Calamity. And brings ominous..."

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly: "What happened later?"

Emperor Que also took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and seemed to be recalling: "This ominous incident is only the first remnant, it was just hidden. After killing some strange beasts, it was quickly killed by the first generation. The major forces joined hands to calm down. However, the ominous hidden ancient strange beasts have been hiding for too long. During this period, a causal curse was laid. The curse is that if the strange beasts do not return to their hearts, they will never be able to transcend the catastrophe and become gods. This is a curse engraved in the blood, so It's like the dragon family will always be hungry. The dragon family's initial situation was no better than that of the ancient beasts. Their curse at that time was half solved, otherwise it would be as bleak as my fierce beast lineage and mythical beast lineage at most."

Han Fei finally understood why the line of beasts and beasts couldn't become gods. The ominous conspiracy was actually a success. The reason why it was not destroyed directly was because the ominous knew that the six ancient meridians could not be destroyed. But laying down cause and effect to prevent them from becoming gods is equivalent to cutting off a line. To him, what is the difference between an ancient six meridians who cannot become gods and waste?

As for the beasts returning to their hearts, this is almost impossible. The Emperor Sparrow summoned the ominous on the spot, and although it was forced, it almost directly caused a bigger crisis.

Who dares to enshrine an ominous emperor bird who can summon it? Even if it was himself, his first reaction would definitely be to kill him.

Emperor Que: "The ancient strange beasts can't tolerate me, and other naturally can't tolerate me. Therefore, I died again, which seems to be a matter of course. And because the ambush of those normal strange beasts was the fuse that led to this matter, so The ancient strange beasts, according to whether there were any distortions, two factions appeared. One was called the creation beast, and the other was called the prehistoric beast, and the creation beast believed that there must be ominous residues in the body of the prehistoric beast. Because at that time, Ominous did a lot of things and everyone was scared."

"After many years, I recovered again. At that time, I knew that I was immortal. Only I knew that all this was a misunderstanding. I wanted to find the beast and the beast to make it clear. However, at that time, the beast was in the same vein. In the middle of the book, there is a saying... Once the divine beast returns to his heart, the emperor bird will gain supreme power and become truly ominous. Therefore, I am beheaded again."

Han Fei couldn't help but stunned, Di Que's life experience is really tragic! Compared with Emperor Que, Han Fei immediately felt that Lao Han and Lao Niang were quite fragrant.

Han Fei: "Then you went to war after being resurrected again?"

Emperor Que sneered: "Naturally, you have been beheaded so many times, but you can still maintain a good heart? I changed my past life to be kind and determined to suppress the mythical beast by force, so I started a war between mythical beasts and fierce beasts. But, No matter how many times I'm resurrected, the opponent's myriad methods and the ultimate goal are to kill me alone. So, it's actually very difficult for me to escape the pursuit of so many powerful people. After all, I can't become a god. There are many gods in my son. However, I have died many times, and everyone has realized one thing. Anyone who kills me will go crazy, die violently, fall into a demon, etc. In short, the result is all dead. , is the origin of the death of the emperor bird killer. Thinking about it, it should be the evil of the world that I absorbed and transferred!"

"I see."

Han Fei couldn't help but click his tongue: "Then how did you find me in this life?"

The emperor said lightly: "At the end of the flood, I once fell and set foot on the cycle of reincarnation. Because of my particularity, the cycle of reincarnation cannot seal my memory. As a result, that time, I met your mother who was stealing the cycle of reincarnation. Lu, but was severely injured by the owner of the reincarnation circuit. I took the opportunity to leave a unique mark on your mother. Originally I wanted to be reborn, but your parents are too strong, in fact, I have long discovered that I left The imprint. Until your mother gave birth to you and touched my imprint... I tried to replace it, and then you should know, of course it didn't work. However, they gave me another option, that is, to be your talent Soul beast, let me borrow the stone from the mountain to attack jade."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "My parents actually believed you?"

Di Que: "Your father is the smartest person I've ever met, no one."

Han Fei grinned: "So, in fact, you already knew some of my father's layout, right? And then you always pretended to be deaf?"

Emperor Que: "I don't know what the game is, but I know that they have laid out a lot of tactics. When I saw the refining demon pot on you, I knew that in this life I will recover the divine beast. One lineage. After all, if I am really the incarnation of Ominous, then how could the owner of the refining demon pot, the dignified person, the disciple of the dignified Void Temple, collude with Ominous?"

Han Fei couldn't help but sigh, so he picked up a unique and ominous body in the entire sea world.

I only heard Chu Tianxue say: "Actually, my emperor has explained these things with the divine beast many times. But when they are in the game, they look at my emperor with the eyes of a bad guy, and naturally they will only see the strangeness of my emperor. However, with the help of the emperor now, they no longer have reason to doubt."

Han Fei: "I didn't even think about it, I actually have this ability. So what are you doing now, do you want to go to the line of the beast?"

Emperor Que: "You have to accompany me through the scene, and then you can do your own work! I need to stay here for a while, after all, I have been at odds with the divine beast for too long, and some things won't happen all of a sudden because of your appearance. It's solved. It takes time for the beast to return to his heart."

Han Fei shrugged: "Alright, that's right, I also have a very important thing to do. I hope that when I return, you will have regained the lineage of the beast."

"Well! By the way, the River of Eternal Darkness fits your veins of Eternal Darkness very well. You can try to stay in it for a while longer."

------off topic-----

The ins and outs of the Emperor Sparrow, let me explain...

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