God of Fishing

Chapter 2876: storm eve

When he saw this little vine, Han Fei felt the change of the demon pot, and the little vine actually danced actively, as if he knew that someone was coming to pick it up.


Han Fei saw that there was a fruit hanging on the vine, which was very attractive red.

Based on Han Fei's understanding of the small vine fruit, the fruit is obviously ripe, which greatly relieved his heart. Mature is good, mature means

The vine itself has also matured.

Moreover, this is the tenth vine in the legend, and it has already grown fruit. Every vine of the demon pot can always surprise me. It is said that refining the demon pot is

A peerless treasure born to suppress ominous, then this fruit should be quite extraordinary.

Han Fei immediately took out the refining demon pot and approached it, only to see a question mark in his eyes.

Yes, Han Fei couldn't help frowning because he couldn't see through the demon pot made of eight divine vines.

Ximen Linglan breathed a sigh of relief. The nine vines in the demon pot have always been very powerful. Now that the tenth vine has appeared, it may really be possible to save the Xinghai Ten Thousand Clan.

At this moment, the tenth vine began to return actively.

However, as the tenth vine was pulled up, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan suddenly felt that the speed of the river was intensified, more than 30% faster than before.


Moreover, the void space of the source of chaos actually broke a crack, and upon closer inspection, the roots of the tenth vine had penetrated into the source of chaos.


Through that crack, Han Fei could vaguely see a vast and boundless sea of ​​stars, like a shimmering mist of various colors.

It's a pity that the gap disappeared too quickly, and it disappeared in just a moment.

Han Fei: "Ling Lan, did you see what's in there?"

Ximen Linglan hesitated and said, "It's not very real, it seems like a stream of stars is flowing, but the number is too many, it seems a little unreal."

"Countless star rivers flow?"

This source of chaos should be hidden, but now is not the time for him to pay too much attention to it. Even if there is a secret, he doesn't have time to study it now.

We can only search for some information about the source of chaos after solving the predicament of the Xinghai authorities.

At this moment, the tenth small vine has been combined with the refining demon pot. I saw the remaining eight small vines in the refining demon pot, suddenly flowing with a strange luster, and even the demon refining pot itself,

The gods were shining brightly, spinning in mid-air, and stopped after a full half-day of the scene.

Han Fei glanced at his information, but nothing changed. When he looked at the fruit hanging on the tenth vine again, it was also full of question marks.

does not appear.

Han Fei didn't expect this situation. Could it be because of his lack of strength, or because of the demon pot deliberately not showing him the fruit?

If you can't even see the effect of this fruit, then getting the tenth vine will only improve the ability of refining the demon pot to deal with the ominous, not

What a substantial effect.

Seeing Han Fei frowning, Ximen Linglan knew that the situation might not be as good as expected, but she still asked, "Is there any problem with this fruit?"

Han Fei shook his head: "This fruit itself is fine, but... I don't seem qualified to use it now."

"With the strength of Zhenhai **** level, you can't use it?"

Han Fei nodded. He wondered if it was because he was not the real Zhenhai God, so he couldn't see the information about this fruit. But for now, this expectation is based on

The old one was lost.

Ximen Linglan: "Could it be because there is still a small vine that has not returned?"

Han Fei: "It's possible! It seems that this battle has to be fought after all."

Han Fei's original intention was to think that if he could break through the dominance, he would be more sure of dealing with the Eternals at that time. If you can't break through the master, if you refine the tenth demon pot

Xiaoteng, if you can directly end the crisis in the first battlefield, you can also fight the Eternals at that time.

But now, after using it for nearly five hundred years, the Supreme Technique has not been able to break through, let alone the long-awaited tenth vine, which has not brought him any surprises. It is indeed a surprise to him.

Somewhat disappointed.

Ximen Linglan suddenly sighed inexplicably: "It seems."

"Huh? What is it like?"

However, she saw Ximen Linglan smiling slightly: "Do you still remember the time when we were in the 100,000 Mountain? The sea monster attacked, the route was cut off, and the strong human race, the 100,000 Mountain, went all out to welcome it.

enemy. At that time, you were in the law enforcement realm, and you rushed into this melee. Now, although times have changed, it seems that the crisis is always coming, and it has never given us respite.

Opportunity. "

Han Fei couldn't help but recall that time, yes! The Kraken at that time, to them, was equivalent to the present ominous.

However, Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "Yes, I was not afraid at that time, but now that I have grown to this point, how can I be afraid of war. Let's go!

No, then fight! "


When Han Fei and Ximen Linglan reappeared the old site of the Chaos God Race, the divine vine was still intact, but when the two of them appeared, an enchantment appeared directly around the divine vine.


Obviously, Han Fei's last shot forcefully absorbed his power and made Shenteng resist him instinctively.

"Oh! If you can't kill you now, it doesn't mean you can't kill you in the future. From now on, the luck of the six meridians can only be taken by me."

"I'm so angry, it seems that this trip is not going well?"

Qiu Wanren appeared, and he had been looking at it all these years, so as soon as Han Fei and Ximen Linglan appeared, he knew.

Han Fei said with a smile: "There has never been a smooth thing in this world. Old Qiu, do you know the drawbacks of the Pure Soul Way?"

Qiu Wanren raised his brows: "Are you going to take action against the Eternals?"

Han Fei nodded: "This is the last way, I need the blessing of luck, I also need to refine the demon pot, and I don't worry about the Eternals. Therefore, this battle must be won.

fight, and must win. "

Qiu Wanren's face immediately became solemn, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "The way of pure soul is too extreme.

Their advantages, but also disadvantages. "

"The formation of source power is the fusion of soul power and power, and a new kind of power is born. Without the physical body, there is no source of power. Once the Eternal Race is strong

If they want to be stronger, for example, if they want to break through the Zhenhai God, they must have a physical body, otherwise, the source power cannot be born only by the soul body itself. "

"So, the Eternals, who are above the Zhenhai gods, still have to have physical bodies. But where did their physical bodies come from?

of great power. Therefore, when the Eternals reach the **** realm or the god-killing level, they have to start condensing their bodies for themselves. "

"And there are two ways to condense. One is similar to refining tools and raising puppets, nourishing a soulless body through a long period of time, and strengthening it repeatedly until it can withstand

carry their souls. Basically, once the body is raised, the God-killing Eternals will have the qualification to enter Zhenhai Divine Spirit. "

Hearing this, Han Fei couldn't help but think: "So, the way of pure soul is the pinnacle of killing a god?"

Qiu Wanren nodded: "These years, the old man has also been studying the Eternal Race. There are thousands of races in the sea, and the same destination is the same. Although the Eternal Race is special, it is impossible to completely escape.

The life form of all races in the sea. No matter which race it is, it is not easy to come up with a Zhenhai God, otherwise, the Eternal Race would have ruled all races long ago. But it is undeniable that

, their gods and god-killing powerhouses must be quite a lot. How long has it been since the flood era? I am afraid that there are countless people who have been deprived of the fruit of divine robbery by them. the place

The reason why they didn't dare to attack the Wan clan was mainly because their peak combat power such as Zhenhai God and Dominion level was not enough. "

Han Fei: "In front of the real powerhouse, the gods are like ants, so what if they have more gods?"

Qiu Wanren couldn't help but said: "The key is that they have been dormant for too long. For such a long time, they can always cultivate some sea-suppressing gods, and even dominate the realm.

There can never be only one. Otherwise, your three temples, haven't you swept the Eternals to the ground? "

"But not too much."

Just listening to Ximen Linglan speak: "The call to overthrow the Eternals has always been in our three temples. I didn't dare to touch the Eternals before because of the blood tree.

Now that the cycle of reincarnation is now, if it wasn't for the ominous invasion, it should be able to solve it with the combined efforts of the three temples. "

Qiu Wanren shook his head slightly: "But you haven't tried it after all. Moreover, if there are really many god-level powerhouses on the other side, it's hard to say whether they will jump over the wall in a hurry,

It is not impossible for a cholera sea to come to the world. "

Han Fei: "Don't worry, since I take action, I won't care how many gods they have?"

Qiu Wanren couldn't help looking sideways: "I really can't imagine how many hole cards you can play."

Han Fei smiled: "In the first battlefield, many top powerhouses were indeed trapped, but this does not mean that all powerhouses were trapped. How is the devil now?"

Qiu Wanren looked in the direction of Xinghai: "It should be ready to break through! This person is a bit extraordinary, I don't know where to get an ancient Taoist seed, if it can be integrated

, the achievement of Zhenhai Divine Spirit should be a sure thing, and it will be a very strong one. "

Han Feidao didn't think there was anything, but this was an existence who realized that the gods and demons have no phase power, and forcibly turned himself into a dual spiritual vein, which should not have been possible.

The way of God has all been made clear, and naturally it will not be a simple role. When Han Fei called him back, he naturally had high hopes for the devil.

Don't look at it as just a Zhenhai God, how can the Zhenhai God in this world be so good? Whether it is Senior Brother Qinglong, Senior Brother Five, Senior Sister Shadow Shadow, Senior Brother Six God, Master Lei Heng

Brother, which one did not grind for a long time at the peak of the Great Emperor before being promoted to Zhenhai Divine Spirit in one fell swoop? There is no special chance and chance, ordinary people want to achieve this state, how many times

It's like a fool's dream.

And the Zhenhai God, whose combat power is the lowest, can suppress a galaxy, and may not be comparable to the master. But killing gods and killing gods is like playing.

Han Fei: "Old Qiu, tell me, I can't wait too long, a hundred years is my limit, let him break through within a hundred years, be sure."

Qiu Wanren was taken aback for a moment: "What are you going to do?"

Han Fei: "I'm going to see the **** of death."

Just when Ximen Linglan was about to speak, Han Fei looked at her and said, "I know, I'll take you with me."


! "

Ximen Linglan smiled, that's what she wanted to say.

"Old no."


The door of no distance is approaching in an instant, as fast as it is right next to it.

Han Fei: "Go to the Temple of Immortality."

Han Fei didn't know where the Temple of the Undead was, but he didn't need to know either, the Gate of Infinity only needed to know.

When Han Fei appeared outside the fog of death where the Temple of the Undying was located, this time, he didn't need to find the door himself, and a teleportation formation formed by death appeared in front of him.

Han Fei didn't hesitate, and directly dragged Ximen Linglan up. If Death is going to shoot at him, no one can stop him under the current situation of the sea world.

When the fog of death in front of the two of them dissipated, they appeared in the sky above the Asura Purgatory, the bottom was the endless hell, and the top was a void entirely composed of dead energy.

There is no palace, similar to the composition of the Temple of Time.

In the palace, there are eleven divine pillars, five on the left and right, and one thickest at the front. Every pillar is completely composed of dead energy, at this moment, the Ten Halls Yan

Luo walked out of this pillar of death, everyone was wearing black robes with hoods, and they couldn't see their faces under the black robes, but there were different marks on the black robes, which should represent their respective

identity of.

At the forefront, the God of Death did not appear as a young man in white as last time, but appeared in a black robe, just like Yama of the Ten Temples. under him, floating

There is a large chair made of dead air.

Han Fei guessed that this pomp was still for Ximen Linglan to see. Although the three temples are concentric, it does not mean that there is no competition between them.

"I have seen the **** of death."


Under the black robe, the death god's deep voice came out: "I heard that you went to the Chaos Era, how come you are still in the Great Emperor Realm?"

Han Fei was also speechless, thinking that I don't want to! But how can the Supreme Art be as simple as you think?

Just listen to Han Fei: "It won't be anymore soon."

When it was over, the **** of death seemed to turn his head to look at Ximen Linglan: "Time also brings good luck, and I picked up a big bargain. With your way, all three temples can be entered."

Ximen Linglan bowed slightly: "Thank you Lord Death for your praise."

Death shook his hand slightly, then straightened his posture and looked at Han Fei: "Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

Han Fei is also blunt: "I want to destroy the Eternal Race."

Han Fei could feel that when he said these words, the eyes of the Ten Temple Yama all fell on him.

He knew that if it was given to others, he might not necessarily understand it. He would only think why should he go to war with the Eternals at this time?

But these people in front of them are not ordinary people. Since Han Fei is back, he naturally already knows what happened on the first battlefield. In this case, he insisted

To destroy the Eternals, that means destroying the Eternals, must have some special meaning. Even, this will directly affect the battle situation on the first battlefield.

The **** of death was not surprised, but instead said: "You should know that it is not convenient for me to shoot now."

Han Fei turned his head and glanced at Ten Point Yama: "What about them?"


Han Fei didn't know how strong the God of Death was, maybe not as strong as Big Brother, but Gao and Low were also the hall masters of the Three Gods Temple, and could be said to be one of the strongest three at the moment. with him

People, guarding the sea world, unless there is a third ominous figure that surpasses the master level, it is really hard for him to imagine, who can attack the sea world under the eyes of the **** of death?

Just listening, the death myth took a turn: "Just, do you know how many gods there are in the Eternal Race, the god-killing level, the Zhenhai gods, and the masters?"

Han Fei said calmly: "It doesn't matter how many there are under the Zhenhai God. But there are 20 Zhenhai Gods?"

"Do you think that Zhenhai God is a school of fish in the sea, do you catch a lot of fish?"

The **** of death Jie Jie smiled, but when the two laughs were over, the voice returned to majesty again: "Almost! There may be a few more, but no more than 30."

Han Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he had already overestimated the Eternals enough, but he never expected this number.

However, Han Fei just raised his eyebrows and continued to ask, "Where's the master?"

"There are two on the surface, there are actually five, there are no hidden ones, I said."


Hearing Death's answer so clearly, Han Fei actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that, Han Fei couldn't help but smile: "Senior Death God, how about helping me kill a ruler?"

"Didn't I say it's not convenient for me to shoot?"

I saw Han Fei stretched out his hand, took out a fishing rod, and threw it into the long river of time.

After about three breaths, the **** of death smiled slightly: "Okay."

Han Fei clasped his fists: "In that case, the juniors bid farewell."

After a while.

"Old no."

The door of no distance reappeared, and Han Fei said: "Old Wu, send me to... the road of no return."


Immediately, the door of no distance trembled slightly, and three words appeared directly on it: "Are you crazy?"

Ximen Linglan couldn't help but say: "If the big brother and the real ominous are at war, how do you get there?"

Han Fei: "Because, there is a senior brother! I won't be able to stop even if I count the breath, right?"

The Door of No Distance: "That place is somewhat beyond my teleportation range."

Han Fei: "But from what you said just now, you obviously know that place. So, can you go?"

The Gate of No Distance seems to be hesitant, and after a few breaths, the text emerges: "Yes."


The Gate of No Distance is said to be accessible in the entire Chaos Sea in an instant. Today's Chaos Sea is actually because

Ominous presence, then divided. On the Chaos Sea side, is the first battlefield, and after the first battlefield, I am afraid it is an area shrouded in ominous.

Therefore, it is not that the Gate of Infinity cannot go, but that he does not want to go.

The Gate of No Distance: "Going to that place, you are gambling your life."

Han Fei smiled calmly: "I bet, how about you? Don't you particularly want to cut off the ominous?"


I saw that the door of no distance opened, and a word appeared on it: "Betting."

Han Fei seemed to feel the decision of the Gate of Infinity, and just smiled lightly. Immediately looked at Ximen Linglan, only to hear the latter say: "From the moment I stepped into the long river of time.

Right from the start, it's a gamble. "

Han Fei took Ximen Linglan's hand and smiled, "Don't worry! There will be no danger in this trip."

At the end of the Xinghai, the road of no return, the chaos around here has long since collapsed, but all the collapse has not happened on the road of no return.

In the turbulent turbulence of the void where the energy is raging and the space is shattered, and in the environment full of ominous atmosphere in all directions, the Gate of Infinity is forced to open in the frantic space.

A door comes.


Han Fei was bathed in brilliant golden light, the law of life was gushing out, and his strength had risen to the level of Zhenhai God.

As for Ximen Linglan, at the moment, the battle strength exceeds 20 million, which is much stronger than Han Fei. Forget it, as soon as the two of them appeared, Ximen Linglan appeared on her body.

Road cracks.

And in the depths of the void, there was a continuous roaring sound. As for the senior brother, the undead brother, and the ominous deity, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan did not have a single one.


Just listening, Han Fei roared directly: "Elder brother."

Before the words could be heard, there was boundless ominous aura in the collapsed void that spanned hundreds of millions of miles around, condensed with a palm print, which had already slapped down.

At that moment, the Gate of Infinity trembled wildly. He wanted to run straight away, but he had already gambled his life with Han Fei. If he ran away, Han Fei would definitely finish the game.

so he can't run.

Even Ximen Linglan couldn't help clenching Han Fei's palm. Facing such a mighty force, it would be a lie to say that he was not afraid. The power of this palm, if it is really photographed, it will be him

The two of you will be crushed in the blink of an eye.


Just when the ominous giant was less than a million miles away from Han Fei, a black divine coffin blocked the sky, and the stalwart figure of the undead senior brother finally appeared.

A huge palm also shot by the undead brother, collided with the ominous palm millions of miles away, and in an instant, the space there was crushed, forming a kind of

space dust.

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly, such a mighty force, if he is in it, I am afraid that he will be disintegrated by the dust in that space in an instant, even if he is invincible now, can he?

Holding a breath is a problem.

"Little Junior Brother, what do you mean when you bring your younger brother and sister?"

Suddenly, the voice of the senior brother rang in the ears of Han Fei and Ximen Linglan. The two hurriedly turned their heads to the side, only to see the senior brother in blue clothes, with his hands on his back, standing still.

Quietly looked at the undead brother who fought against the ominous.

Although the senior brother seemed to have the same demeanor, Han Fei still saw that the clothes on his body were a little wrinkled.

Ximen Linglan hurriedly bowed and saluted: "I have seen... Senior Brother."

The senior brother nodded slightly, then turned to look at Han Fei.

Han Fei didn't dare to waste time: "Senior brother, I want to create an astrolabe."

"it is good."

I saw that when the senior brother raised his hand, the fortune astrolabe appeared in his palm. The fortune-telling astrolabe seemed to resist and vibrated slightly. But the big brother just bends his fingers

With one shot, the fortune-telling astrolabe immediately fell silent, and obediently flew in front of Han Fei.

Just listen to the senior brother: "The cracks in the fortune-telling astrolabe have been repaired, but there is not enough time. If they are subjected to a particularly powerful force, they may still crack."

Han Fei took the fortune-telling astrolabe and said, "I see! Senior brother, wait for me..."

After speaking, Han Fei didn't dare to stay any longer, because the senior brother was talking to him, and one of the dark arms was blown away by the undead senior brother.

Perhaps to the undead senior brother, that may not be a big deal, but obviously, the undead senior brother is not that ominous opponent. It wouldn't be right to let it get in the way.

After all, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan turned around and entered the gate of no distance. Han Fei stepped in with the last half of his foot, and the gate of no distance disappeared with a "swipe".

What Han Fei didn't see was that the corner of the senior brother's mouth evoked a rare arc.

In this world, there is a roaring voice, like a gust of wind roaring: "Void

, Is this kid the owner of the demon refining pot? It's a pity it's such a low level. "

Senior Brother said lightly: "Since you think his realm is low, why did you take action?"

"An ant who dares to set foot here will be punished."

"Don't you know that ants can also shake the sky?"

I saw that the senior brother raised his hand and pointed out that this shattered galaxy, in a blink of an eye, recovered from the riotous space dust to a calm and stable space

, as if the one that was broken just now is not here at all.

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