God of Fishing

Chapter 298: Fish

Perhaps it was a brand new environment, Han Fei felt that the air was full of novelty. Clear sky is like jade, and the sea is like blue! When you look at it, it is full of freshness.

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ..."

Han Fei has just landed the fishing boat on the sea surface, and the sound of 嘤 嘤 嘤 is not far away.

"Oh! What sound?"

非 Han Fei poked his head and saw only a few colored fishes, which looked like butterflies and were dressed in red and white. They were less than half a meter in length and protruded from the sea.

Han Fei's eyes.

名称 [name] catfish

介绍 【Introduction】 Common fishes often act in groups and are inedible. They will emit crisp and sweet sounds, group skills, and fish roam around the ship ... Its skull can be played as an instrument.

等级 [Level] 31

[Quality] Normal

[Reiki] 462 points

[Edible effect] Inedible

【Collectable】 Sound skull


Han Fei just thought it was incredible, and there was such a wonderful fish! I ca n’t say it. I can take it off as a fish head and play it as an instrument? This is a little bit worse!

I don't seem to be afraid of people when I eat this sturgeon. Seeing Han Fei probes, they also started to come together.

They are like a group of curious babies, with big eyes sulking Han Fei curiously, and a "squeak" sound in his mouth.

At the beginning, it was only three or two, which was scattered. However, because Han Fei didn't have any slight attack behavior, more and more catfish came swimming. For a moment, however, hundreds of thousands of catfish appeared in front of Han Fei.

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ... 嘤 嘤 嘤 ......"

At first, Han Fei also thought this catfish was very cute. But when thousands of catfish meet, it's not cute at all.

At this moment, Han Fei only felt the pain in his head, and his head was full of "嘤 嘤 嘤".

Han Fei lifted the fishing rod, poked at several catfish, and pressed their heads into the water. But when the fishing rod was retracted, the sturgeon came out again, and there was a more violent "嘤 嘤 嘤" facing Han Fei.

"Look down ... go away, all go away for me ... ah your sister!"

Han Fei slammed a fishing rod and drew a splash in the water, directly frightening a group of catfish to escape.

Han Fei looked at the stray catfish, Han Fei laughed, "It turned out to be a group of timid fish."

Han Fei wasn't in a hurry to fish when he was finished. He took out two maps of the fish skin and was proofreading.

As a result, before he opened the map, the sound of 嘤 嘤 嘤 was heard in his ears again.

"I'm going, aren't I gone? How can I return?"

Han Fei stretched his head and found that the fishing boat was full of densely packed catfish.

This time, the tweet was getting louder and louder. Han Fei looked around before and after going to the fishing boat, and found that all around were fish. These guys were crowded together, head to head, and opened their mouths to the fishing boat, and directly looked at Han Fei.

"Get out of here! Little Master has no time to play with you."

非 Han Fei took out his stick and stirred around the fishing boat, and the school of fish receded again.

Ye Ke hasn't waited for Han Fei to sit down again, so this shameful stuff is here again.

"Look for death ..."

非 Han Fei is speechless: Is this fish snake ill? If the fishing grounds are all these annoying gadgets, how can you start this adventure?

When a catfish fell out, the scene began to confuse beyond Han Fei's expectations. These catfish began to thump and began to jump over the sea.

The crux of the sting problem is not the riots of sturgeons, but their sounds. As if it was magical, it fell into Han Fei's ears, just like a 3d off-body loop sound, one after another.

After a while, the sea water was shaking. The intermittent tremor on the sea surface caused by high-frequency sound tremors caused Han Fei's fishing boat to start to shake violently, as if a large motor was installed on the hull.

The sound wave is from the inside out, and Han Fei felt his head hurt like a needle.

"Many swords, I kill ..."

As the Bihai Yulong knife shuttled in the sea water, Han Fei even called Shrimp Ritian, and the Jiuxing Chain was frantically stirred in the sea water. But after a while, a lot of catfish were crushed.

Han Fei wondered, should this scare them away? As a result, the snoring sounded again after a short while.

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ..."

"嘤 ..."

非 Han Fei's cheek is pulled down, so angry! As soon as I came to the fishing grounds, I encountered a group of problem fish. Who does n’t have a headache?

"I hit your uncle ..."

Han Fei didn't read the map either, so he chose to go fishing directly. OK, you guys criticize, you win. I can't afford it, can't I hide?

This is the first time Han Fei has encountered a totally uncertain thing. The key is that these fish can't do it!

Suddenly flew out more than 500 miles, Han Fei then let the fishing boat land again.

Fortunately, this time we met terrible fish such as catfish without falling into the water.

Han Fei held a fishing rod and waved out 咻.

Han Fei did not continue to look at the map, but to see what was happening underwater. After all, the environment is too unfamiliar, and the fish here are all above 30, it is better to explore it first.

Reckless, although you must continue to be reckless, be careful.

一年 After a year of precipitation, Han Fei has completed the third piece of the puzzle. The current mental perception is 200 meters.

That's because he spends most of his time on studying matrix formations. Otherwise, if the "Scared God Map" is unrelenting, I am afraid that the sensing range will exceed 500 meters.

Under the water, the fishhook has just fallen, and the eyes are in the shape of shellfish with long fingers. These shellfish have a tentacle placed outside the shell for water spraying.

I don't need to make a demon pot to check the information. These basic creatures, he has read in the book Wen Renyu gave.

贝 This shellfish is called "Zongzi", but it is not the kind of mules buried in the soil. This shellfish, seemingly small and low-level, is a real 10-level creature. Once in danger, thousands of mules gather together and turn into a huge stone. In addition, barbed spikes will be extended in the shell for defense.

Then, Han Fei saw some big shrimps. These prawns are arched with two tentacles that are nearly half a meter long on their forehead.

This is "Red-brown Shrimp". When swimming, the two red eyebrows were dancing in the water, which looked good.

In addition to red eyebrow shrimp, there are some common creatures such as butterfly worms, snow snails, gluttonous fish, and so on. Because the biota is too complicated, Han Fei just recognized a few things in haste and did not identify them.

The first thing Han Fei did was to simply get the hook into the water and try to test the depth of the seawater. As a result, the hook quickly dived 500 meters without touching the ocean floor.

There are a lot of large fish around here, and these creatures are the main threat to fishing grounds.

非 When the fishing hook was 800 meters deep, Han Fei reached the end here.

"Good guy, wherever you go, it is more than 800 meters deep. If you want to come to this fishing ground, the water depth in kilometers should be normal."

非 Han Fei was thinking about the depth of the water, but suddenly he saw a big fish, four or five meters long, swimming slowly.

"Oh! Blackmoon sickle?"

This is a black-yellow-and-white mixed-colored fish with an erect body and a flat shape and a beak like a bird's beak. The back is different from other fish. Other fish have dorsal fins, and the dorsal fin of this fish is a sickle-shaped scimitar, which is extremely sharp.

Seeing this kind of fish, Han Fei's first thought was "horn sickle". How similar the two are, but the size of the black moon sickle is tens of times larger than the horned sickle.

非 Han Fei immediately moved his heart, and the fishhook and fish thread turned into water veins, hiding their shape. Then use the snake method ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ to approach the black moon sickle. However, when Han Fei launched Flash Hook and Thousands of Thousands of Silks, I saw the black moon sickle fish "snap" and suddenly slipped away to dozens of meters.

"Sink ... Is this fish so smart?"

Han Feizheng was surprised, and saw that the black moon sickle flickered by, and the sickle on the back was straight.

Han Fei was shocked: I have already used the water vein method to hide the fishing line! How can this guy still find out?

But how can Han Fei do what he wants? Can you cut my magical fishing rod?

When the sickle on the back of the Black Moon Swordfish crossed the fishing line, Qian Qiansi started instantly. However, the fish was too large. The Qian Qiansi had just wrapped around and had not tied it. "I slipped away.

嘿 "Hey, it's interesting! No wonder the fish in the fishing grounds are quite smart. It seems really smart now!"

非 Han Fei is not discouraged, but just runs a fish and catches it.

As a result, Han Fei changed his action strategy. I can't hook fish forcibly, can't I do traditional fishing?

I saw the fishhook of the Bihai Yulong pole turned into a nimbus, with full arm length, controlled by Han Fei, pretending to go to the sand and gravel on the sea floor to find food.

As far as Han Fei perceives, there are no less than thirty kinds of beings, and he is thinking about this aura fish.

"Hey, fish is fish, still want to play routines with the little master?" 21 Baidu read the latest chapter of "Fishing God Jiezhong Literature" for free the first time.

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