God of Fishing

Chapter 899: Chased crash

Looking at the huge figure, the crowd suddenly felt powerless.

Fortunately, as soon as his brain was hot, he went into the valley.

Otherwise, it ’s such a big snake that people do n’t feel they have been eaten, and their teeth are not qualified.

Someone's face changed greatly: "What should I do? How can this ...?"

Someone booed, "Han Fei, how dare he fish?"

Some people rolled their eyes and said, "Fuck a fart? This thing, you try to catch one?"

Someone nodded: "It must have been Han Fei's attack with a fishing rod. He couldn't be foolish, and took a fishing rod to catch such a big thing."

Someone was speechless and looked at the three of Luo Xiaobai at his eyes: "Anyway, any of your thug colleges, really ... are the least fearless colleges I have ever seen."

Luo Xiaobai's face changed: "Chasing! Others can do it themselves."

Others can only smile bitterly: the point is that we can't catch up! Even if you catch up, you can't do it!

It ’s just that for Luo Xiaobai, they ca n’t catch up, they ca n’t catch it, they ca n’t watch it! Have to catch up before talking.

During the talk, the three of Luo Xiaobai had flew away.

Because the big snake was too strong, so far, even the soul eater did not emerge, or did not dare to emerge.

After all, even if the soul eater is disgusting, it is also a loss of wisdom. They hit humans and kill siren. This king of the snakes can crush them with one tail.

Who would rush up silly? Isn't that looking for death?


At Han Fei, they rushed out.

Our overlord classmate Han Fei is quietly digging into the huge snake hole. Just now, the big snake came out, but just took a sip, and the snakes and sea monsters fighting over the sky were exhausted.

At this moment, there were only two or three siren, and they were about to fall.

As soon as the overlord carried Frostmourne's sorrow, he went into the snake hole that had been opened.

Why does Han Fei leave Frostmourne to the Overlord? Mainly because of this level, the power of overlords is no longer enough to change any situation. Frostmourn allows the Overlord to have a combat power close to that of advanced sub-fishers.

Although Frostmourne is Dinghai Yibao, in this ancient battlefield, who can erase Han Fei ’s mark, whether it is human or sea monster? Even if erased, who dares to let Snow's sorrow confess the Lord?

Not to mention, Frostmourne has been following me for so long. Even if he was taken away, Han Fei confirmed that if he did not die, he could easily find it.

At that time, huh, who grabbed Frostmourne's grief, killed him directly.

Within the Snake Cave.

Because of the riot of the King of the Snakes just now, many ordinary snakes were directly killed. In addition, 50 pounds of poison **** broke out in the snake cave. Although it was not close to the most central location, it also broke out in a pile of snakes.

Now, in the snake cave, countless song snakes are killing each other, killing that is called a **** flood.

The overlord jumped down from the hole and saw a pile of meat paste when he landed. A few hundred meters away, a large number of snakes were biting and fighting.

Han Fei saw the three corpses at a glance.

And that little tree, what kind of spirit fruit is the stubborn tube, anyway, it's right to take it out.

Because this was originally the habitat of the King of the Snakes, ordinary snakes are afraid of it. Therefore, after Han Feicai did all this brazenly, he could still poke inside.

As a result, Han Fei really found something strange in the tail of this big cave.

This is a big hole in the mountain belly, with snake eggs everywhere. And in the center of the snake egg, there is a round pit, and in the pit is a green enlightening fluid.

This scene made Han Feile at that time. He swooped in and madly poured it into the swallowed seashell.

Unfortunately, the pit is not large, and it is only 2 meters deep.

"Only 500,000 kilograms? Is this too pit? Is it a snake nest that is so large, and you leave 500,000 kilograms of enlightenment for your eggs? Where is it enough?"

However, after thinking about it, Han Fei felt that this was also reasonable. How many years have passed in this ghost place? Moreover, with so many snakes in the snake cave, Qi Lingye has not been drunk, it is already a miracle.

Han Fei doubts that if it weren't for the presence of these snake eggs, I wouldn't have left even a little bit of Kai Ling.

After receiving Qi Lingye, Han Fei had found that the snake was running towards his side. Immediately, Han Fei cursed, how long did this come in?

"It's nothing, I don't have time to spend here, I have to run quickly! Slow, but I can't run away."


More than 600 miles away from the Mingling Mine, the giant snake seemed to sense something. He glanced back again, suddenly more angry.



The magic sound is rippling, Han Fei yells at Cyclonus: he won't go back this time, right? What if I go back? Overlord can't do this thing ...

Moreover, what makes Han Fei very depressed is: 40 pounds of poison god, all fed this goods, it can even chase so fast? At this moment, the distance between the two has gone from 50 miles to less than 40 miles.

It does n’t work like this! Sooner or later, I want to be caught up.

"A thousand swords return ..."

Inside the serpent, endless water was cutting like a hob. But this snake is too strong. Even in his stomach, Han Fei can feel that the endless water has some obscurity and weakness.

"Special, endless water! Anyway, give me some power, okay?"

Han Fei is speechless. With his current state and strength, Endless Water should be destructive at the demi-level level! Shouldn't it be ... as a city heavyweight, there shouldn't be only such a little power.

"How the **** does it work? How does it work?"

Just thinking, Han Fei felt more than 80 miles away, and a team of six monsters was fighting against several soul-eaters.

Immediately, Han Fei's sixty-four elephant fish and dragon dance was re-imagined and turned into a flying fish tactic. He changed his direction and immediately changed it back.

This is not because of Han Fei's short time switch, the snake has caught up with more than 3 miles.

"A turtle son, rush!"

Dozens of miles away, a few mermaids had just killed this soul eater, and they didn't need to perceive it. When I looked up, I saw a white light rushing towards myself in the distance.

Someone yelled, "Pay attention to the defense. Comes fast."

"No, that's ... phantom wings? Han Fei, Han Fei ..."

A captain-level strong man yelled, "Poseidon is coming. This time, the one who went to Wangcheng ... Sea King is on top. What the **** is behind?"

"His! Run away ... some horrifying creature is chasing this!"

Just now, they also wanted to try to attack Han Fei. But at the moment, snipe a fart?

This thing, how do you snip? Behind Han Fei, such a huge figure, just looking at the head, knows that it is not easy to mess with. This Han Fei obviously brought trouble to them.

Han Fei spoke to the snake behind him: "The turtle king eight snakes, my teammates are ahead. If you chase again, I call my teammates Ang!"


The sound of the monster blew, and the siren who were fleeing suddenly stopped their bodies and turned back, their eyes were full of fierceness, and they killed Han Fei.

At this time, Han Fei also took out an energy fruit, stuffed it into his mouth, and said to the snake: "You are miserable. I tell you, you are miserable, my teammates are very powerful."

Han Fei looked at the goods on the opposite side and used the method of Poseidon's advent. It was not hard to resist, at the moment of the encounter, only saw Han Fei “brushing” nine consecutive afterimages flashed, directly passing these people.


As if it was a trivial matter, Han Fei continued to think about the use of endless water, and the sea monsters behind him were dead.

Sure enough, as expected by Han Fei, those people were still chasing Han Fei, but it was found that Han Fei had run away, and the snake was rushing.

"Poseidon strike ~"

"Whale ride ..."


Huge red wings swept past. What Poseidon strike, or ghost strike? The several sea monsters were smashed by the snake's wings.


Han Fei was surprised: Something is coming out from the surface of this big snake?

He snapped, and the whole person was bad at the time: Can this **** even detox himself?

The distance between the two sides has been shortened to 30 miles. Han Fei is so anxious that this is endless.

Han Fei recalled the scene when he first got the endless water. When I was in the water column, I didn't feel anything. The cave had been covered with knife marks.

Can endless water only be used as a weapon?

I can try many methods later, except that the spirit can control the form, and the attack intensity should grow with me.

But if it is just this, it should not be called the title of a city heavyweight! After all, based on the capabilities and growth attributes that have been demonstrated so far, it should be at most Dinghai Yibao.

But is Tianhuang City an ordinary small city? Han Fei believes that at the beginning of the fall in Tianhuang City, there must be a lot of strong men in the city. At least not less than Broken Star Island, or even more than Qianxing City.

After traveling for hundreds of miles, Han Fei encountered a group of humans. Because in a straight line, Han Fei suddenly said: "Everyone makes way."

However, the group of faces were aggressive: they didn't even know where the sound came from ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Han Fei gritted his teeth, changed his posture again, changed his direction, and caused the snake's pursuit distance to have reached Within 30 miles.

After a while.

The group of five people was stunned when they saw Han Fei and Da Snake passing by in the distance.

Someone forced: "Han Fei? What is chasing him?"

Someone booed, "So, snake?"

Someone was speechless: "Have you ever seen a snake with wings? More than 300 meters, I drop a little bit and co-author Han Fei saved our lives?"


Someone was silent: "But, what is he doing with a fishing rod in his hand? Fishing for a snake?"


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