God of Fishing

Chapter 901: Ambush

When he returned, Han Fei was a little gold possessor, although Phantom Glass Wings could still be used. But before, he has been swallowing the energy fruit, and the use of wind haste has never stopped.

At this moment, the wind's tricky speed is not available, and the Overlord Jue is also out of food. Only Xiao Jin has the fastest speed.

After a while.

Cao Tian and others rushed to the place where the ancient snake snake fell, and looked at the huge potholes on the ground, and the thick **** gas permeated in the seawater, and could not help but look moved.

Cao Tian's eyes flickered: "The power of law enforcer level, and not yet a junior law enforcer."

Cao Qiu froze for a moment: Look at the marks on the ground, how big a creature is that to get such scary scratches?

Ye Baiyu scrambled out and looked around: "No residue. The man has already run, so fast."

However, Cao Jiaren suddenly took out the flute around her waist and played it gently. With the sound of the flute, there was an illusion in the water. After a while, Cao Jiaren stopped playing and said lightly, "Han Fei."

"What? Han Fei?"

Cao Qiu widened his eyes directly: "Impossible. How many days has Han Fei just broke through the submersible? This power ..."

Cao Jiaren said faintly: "Don't forget, Han Fei has killed law enforcement, one-on-one."

Cao Tian's eyes fixed, and after a long time he said, "Let's go! No need to chase, since it is Han Fei, we will meet sooner or later."

Ye Baiyu suddenly ran back: "Sirens come, should you fight side by side?"

Cao Tian's face smiled wryly: "No need, take your own."

A moment later, there was a roar again.

The three Cao Qiu gradually disappeared. On the ground, 9 siren remains were left.


Luo Xiaobai is chasing Han Feilai. However, Han Fei's speed is really too fast. At this moment, they have just traveled a third of the way.

When Han Fei returned, the two sides ran into each other exactly halfway.

The musician yelled suddenly: "No, here ... the snake? Where's the snake?"

Zhang Xuanyu's face was bitter, apparently chasing after him: "No! Are you okay? Are you back?"

Speaking, Zhang Xuanyu also stared directly at Han Fei.

Luo Xiaobai said: "Get rid of it?"

Han Fei said silently, "How do you keep up?"

Zhang Xuanyu said: "Of course we have to keep up! Maybe I can help you."

Han Fei suddenly said badly: "Shouldn't you go and explore the valley? I managed to lead the snake away, so you didn't take advantage of this opportunity to go for a while?"

The musician rolled his eyes frantically: "I've been chasing after you, where can I control the snake cave?"

Han Fei immediately said: "Walk around, Ma Liu goes to Snake Cave."

Luo Xiaobai wondered, "Where is the snake?"

Han Fei: "Done."



"What? He killed it?"

Han Fei left: "Walk and say ..."

After swimming for a while, Han Fei suddenly said: "Forget it, Xiaobai, can you find the spiritual plantation you said?"

Luo Xiaobai frowned: "What's wrong? Okay."

Han Feidao: "Let's go separately. I'm fast. I went because the overlord was still there and the snow's sorrow was also there. I had to get it back. There should be no relics there. I don't need you to run Trip. You go to the next place, I will go back to you. "

Luo Xiaobai said in surprise: "You lost Dinghai Yibao there?"

The musician suddenly frantically said, "Will it be taken away by others?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "No, we have to go back with you. A piece of Dinghai Yibao can be better than those demigods picked here. If this is stolen, how can it be taken back?"

Han Feidao: "Rest assured, I killed the big snake. There are a few more that I can't do? You go quickly. I found Cao Tian them on the other side, just keep the distance. Remember, if there is a big Crisis, don't rush into it! "

Luo Xiaobai nodded slightly: "I'm stable without you."

Han Fei smiled awkwardly: "Okay, let's go back and talk about it. I'll go find the overlord first."

At this moment, Han Fei faintly felt that the overlord seemed to be fleeing, and was no longer in the snake cave. If four people return together, they can only slow down their speed.

Slap Xiaojin said: "Leave, look for overlord."


Along the way, Han Fei was watching the endless drop of water in his palm. Ever since the endless water burst, it has been absorbing a kind of water vapor, or the essence of water?

Han Fei probably has a speculation that the endless water self-detonation is strong, but it is not infinite. After it explodes, it also needs to absorb wind and water vapor like phantom glass wings.

Now, Han Fei is just looking at how long it takes for the endless water to be absorbed before it can absorb enough water and return to the original.

Han Fei was sitting on Xiao Jin's body, and occasionally a soul eater appeared, but Han Fei was not prepared to answer it at all.

Xiao Jin is not slow. If he only wants to hurry, those soul-eaters cannot catch up.

The ancient Mingzhu, Han Fei was not ready to absorb immediately. Han Fei also had to prevent, when absorbing, suddenly there was someone who came next ... When the time comes, in case of a loss, the big snake will kill for nothing.

Little black and white, at the moment in circles around the puddle in the refining world. The two little guys circled into a circle and didn't know what they were turning. However, anyway, the overlord's spirit is still there, and he can sense the position and go directly.

After more than two hours, Han Fei suddenly felt a sting in his head, and the overlord was abolished?

"Mash! Which turtle son is so brave? Lao Tzu's avatar, he dare to abandon it?"


Xiao Fei possessed, Han Fei stormed out. Another energy fruit was bitten in his mouth to ensure that when he found the overlord, he still had enough fighting power.


After half an hour.

A group of more than 20 people of the Kraken are gathering to rest.

Among them, there is even an acquaintance of Han Fei, Yu Ji.

Overlord was also found by Yu Ji. Thanks to her just breaking through the sea monster realm, she was able to enter this ancient battlefield.

Someone scolded: "After chasing this iron golem for a long time, he turned out to be a demigod."

Someone sang, "Restore with all your strength. If this is a demigod, where is his master?"

Tianjiao said, "It's very likely that it was in the valley just now. When we went in, we didn't see it. How many people fell there? The snake was so confusing that it caused us to fall 13 people."

Yu Ji frowned and said, "No, Yu Fei is not dead. If Yu Fei is dead, how can this maggot escape?"

Some captain-level strong said: "Yu Ji, are you really sure, this is not right?"

Yuji nodded: "I'm very sure. At the time of the monster channel, this cricket had cooperated with Yufei. If you insist on who the cricket is, it's definitely Yufei."

Someone frowned: "Yu Fei? How did he get a blue sea blue demon? In the crowd who came in this time, there was no blue sea blue demon! There is no human side."

Yuji shook her head: "I don't know. But, I think we have to leave here quickly."

Tianjiao scorned: "What do you run? What strength did Yufei have at that time? Don't you know the high-level transformation of the demon realm. Even if he cultivates faster, how long will it take? Entering the sea monster realm ... no matter how bad it is, The peak of his junior sea monster realm, so many of us are afraid of him? I think we can use it to attract him. In the end, killing him is definitely a great achievement. "

The strongest in the sea monster realm nodded: "Yes, even if it has reached the peak of the sea monster realm, it will not be possible to win. Even when he arrived in the sea spirit realm, he couldn't win against so many of us."

With that said, the strong man held Frostmourne and said, "This sword, it should be extremely extraordinary, and it is definitely of the highest quality. It is difficult for us to find such a level of weapon even in our Wangu Valley."

What did Yu Ji want to say, but there was no chance.

She wanted to say that if the fish had to deal with it so well, it would not have killed so many people. In the battle of the monster forest, we may not even lose.

80 miles away.

Han Fei passed by, because Han Fei was more powerful than these people at this moment. So no one found it.

"Yu Ji? Oh ... I will not show mercy on the battlefield."

Han Fei didn't panic when they saw that they were resting. Frost's sorrow could not take them. He had enough time to kill them.

At this moment, Han Fei instead took out a few fish skin maps and started drawing.

"Hey! As long as you're stuck, wait for my overlord to be buried!"

One sleepy array is not enough. Han Fei also painted two kill arrays and a dazzling white light array.

After a scent of incense, 20 miles away, Han Fei carefully moved towards them.

If Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are in a special state, hiding in Xiao Hei's mouth is the most suitable way.

At this moment, in order to prevent these people from escaping, Han Fei must approach carefully. This distance is at least 10 miles, so I can be sure to leave everything.

After all, since Yu Ji saw Overlord, he must have guessed that Yu Fei was also there. And appearing on their own, it is easy to think of them. As long as you let go of one, your identity will most likely be revealed.

Just as Han Fei was about 15 miles away from these people, suddenly someone looked in his direction.

Han Fei immediately stood still.

Still someone squinted and said, "Something is wrong, be alert."

Han Fei's fangs, the turtle son's perception ability, is quite strong.

Immediately, Han Fei manipulated the line of nothingness and drew up to the ground seven or eight miles away ~ www.ltnovel.com ~

These people suddenly looked there. Han Fei ’s overlord tactics opened sharply, Xiao Jin possessed a body, and Sun Mu's face was changed with a thousand changes. At the moment when these people's eyes moved elsewhere, the whole man went violently.

At the moment Han Fei's figure appeared, all the sea monsters suddenly changed color. However, they were all a little stunned: "Gold-red wings, human snorkelers, where do the gold-red wings come from?"

Just listen to Han Fei roaring: "Killing the Siren is everyone's responsibility. I, Sun Mu of Qianxing City, is a generation of arrogance, unparalleled, and invincible. I am beheaded today and serve the human race."

A large group of siren were stunned, then with a grimace: "Intermediate snorkeler? This guy, has a pit in his head?"

Someone yelled, "Be careful, look for an ambush?"

I only listened to Han Feibao: "To kill you, do you still need an ambush? Do not go to Xingdao Island to inquire, who is my Sun Mu? Wait for Xiaoxiao, and die."

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