God of Fishing

Chapter 915: Great victory

Does anyone know what it looks like outside?

Anyway, the battle was so fierce that everyone seemed to be in the midst of a storm.

Except for the place where Han Fei is located, other places have already been beaten up. With the naked eye, it's hard to see ...

Xue Shenqi and Pale Blue Feather hardened. Han Fei even doubted that they would collapse this ancient battlefield?

About a moment of time passed, the battle was finally over and the parties were at peace.

Han Fei Chuan Yinjiang: "Father, what is the situation? How many are dead?"

The old man from Jiang said: "The blue octagonal died four, and the blue feather was seriously injured under the siege of the two explorers. At this moment, they have fled."

Han Fei stunned his mouth silently: "Four deaths! I thought I would die all."

The old man snorted, "Your boy, you know a fart? Xue Shenqi said so badly in his mouth, of course he would not really kill the blue feather. One is the Wangu Valley and the strong checks and balances, and the other is the kill. The blue feather will again emerge as a new seeker. So it is better to keep the blue feather. "

Han Fei was curious: "What about that millennium shadow? Did you kill it?"

"No. At the Explorer level, it is not easy to die, let alone run away? However, although this time did not completely destroy Wan Yao Valley, but they can clearly understand their heritage. At least, this battle Hailing Siren, as many as 32 people were killed or injured. All the monsters in the ancient battlefield were completely destroyed. No one survived. "

Han Fei swallowed immediately: This is already strong!

Han Fei asked again, "What about human beings? How about human beings?"

The old man Jiang smiled: "If it wasn't for the protection of human seeds, the blue octagon could escape at most this time. Most people have been protected. This battle is considered a human victory.

Han Fei couldn't help but admire it. Even before him, he felt that the Kraken actually knew about the plan. But who knows? I don't even know this stupid idiot ...

Do n’t know, dare to blend in? His head must have been hit by an ironhead.

After calming down for a while, Han Fei felt that if he stood in the position of blue feather, I am afraid that even if he knew there was a game in it, he would have to jump inside? Otherwise, if mankind has won the battlefields of ancient times, the threat to the sea monsters will be greatly enhanced.

"Oh! Yangmou ..."

At this moment, Han Fei is wondering, the guy who can be the highest commander is really not easy! No matter whether the Kraken is mixed or not, he can maximize the benefits. This battle can even determine the pattern of the broken island in the next few decades. It's really smart!


After a while, figures appeared in the air.

Xue Shen stepped forward, and the old man in Chaojiang arched slightly. In the latter case, a large hand pressed into the array, and the array made a "click" noise. After a while, he was captured by the old man and disappeared.


This time, there were more than a hundred law enforcement officers. Cao Wudi also returned. Right now, there are three explorers on the field, which can be described as three-legged.

A lot of the other seven major gates, the Qianxing City clan, and those wild law enforcement.

Han Fei looked around, and old Han was away.

"Well! Old Han wants me to grab a chart, but I won't come here? This is really big!"

The big brothers didn't say anything, the juniors from all sides went to visit their parents.

During this time, there were still dozens of people here. Han Fei saw Yue Twelve and was knocked over by a burly middle-aged man who was comparable to a strong man.

A closer look shows that there are 523 snorkelers here.

Han Fei was surprised: "What's wrong, everyone can enter?"

Just listen to Xue Shenqi shouting, "This time, humankind has won a great victory. More than 5,000 sea monsters in the half-mermaid lands, the slaughter is over, and you have done something."


"The slaughter is over, isn't it to kill the Kraken all at once?"

"Wow, is this a bureau?"


Below, there was some restlessness.

Around Han Fei, only the musician sighed madly: "I know that such a large-scale battle is still the first time in history. How can it be so simple?"

Zhang Xuanyu sighed: "Anyway, I already have a soldier in hand, it doesn't matter."

As for Xiao Bai and Jiang Qin, they were very calm and their looks did not change.

Han Fei couldn't help but despise Zhang Xuanyu: "Do you dare to recognize the Lord? Your stick, who recognizes the Lord, is likely to **** you directly."

Zhang Xuanyu stunned for a moment: "So what?"

Han Fei shrugged: "How do I know? Demigods sticks, make up first. Unless you have vital spirits and potions full of vitality, don't try to make that stick recognize the Lord."

Zhang Xuanyu committed: "If it was stolen, what should I do?"

Han Fei said, "Take it back again, what can you do? Others take it, and others don't recognize the Lord. Anyway, it is now a masterless thing."

However, I saw Jiang Qin directly lost a bottle of elixir to Zhang Xuanyu: "Take it when you recognize the Lord, you can madly anger the blood. But even if the weapon recognizes the Lord, don't use it easily. With your current strength A weapon of this level, once used, will probably drain all your auras. At that time, it will be slaughtered by others. "

Zhang Xuanyu's eyes flashed at once: "Thank you, sister, she is so nice."

Zhang Xuanyu is just like dreaming. Who can know such a troublesome thing, Jiang Qin just lost a bottle of elixir and solved it?

Han Fei was surprised at once: "Sister Qin, what are you waiting for?"

The musician trembled and said, "Sister, and me ..."

Jiang Qin glanced lightly at a few people: "In the bottle, there are four elixir, one for each of you."

Han Fei immediately knew: co-authored, this is for four! Without asking, I almost swallowed Zhang Xuanyu alone.

Jiang Qin took a meaningful look at Han Fei: "Grandpa's best at it is actually not formation, but Dan Dao."

Han Fei was a little surprised: Tang Ge learned alchemy, didn't Tang Ge get the true story of the old man from Jiang? Co-authored, the Julingjing can only rank second!

However, remembering that the old man Jiang just played, Han Fei suddenly felt that he was learning well. Alchemy, others can't see it! It was the picture that was so eye-catching as soon as it appeared, so strong that it had no friends.

If you think about yourself, you can draw a dozen arrays of fusion arrays. Old Jiang, how many formations were there in that time?

What's the relationship between Tang Ge and himself? Own brother. Although they are not brothers, what is the difference between them? Lao Han disappeared at an early age, and the two killed each other. He refined the alchemy and learned it by himself, one by one.

Thinking about it like this, Han Fei immediately felt uncomfortable.


Above the sky, law enforcement powers soon arrived.

"Master, everyone else has taken out the ancient battlefield. Is anyone here to take it out?"

Xue Shen lifted his head and said lightly, "Everyone, I don't know who is hidden in this hole, go out."

In the crowd, many people talked to each other, and some did not know. Although it is Tianjiao, but the wild one, where do you know what is hidden in this hole?

This one came out of 102 people at once.

These people, after taking a step forward, immediately the whole person's eyes shrink: everyone else knows the secret in this hole?

Isn't this too outrageous? Isn't everyone coming for the first time? How can you know the secret in this hole?

Han Fei, of course, did not move one step, depending on the situation Xue Shenqi is about to clear the field.

However, what Han Fei did not expect was: "All listen well, you are the arrogance of Broken Star Island. But today, you need to know one thing. The unknowable place is called the unknowable place, not because of Broken Star An island, but because of another world buried deep underground. An underground city that only exists in the legend ... "


The 102 people looked at it immediately: How could there be such a secret? But why tell them now?

Xue Shenqi said: "Since you have the ability to come here, you have the right to know. But ... listen well, there is a lot of danger and a lifetime of death. 102 of you, those who leave now, can immediately get the Seven Stars on Broken Star Island, Ten million bonus points. Back to the island, as the principal, can anyone leave? "

The 102 people looked at each other, and at the same time were thinking about it. On the one hand, there is a life of nine deaths, on the other hand, the promotion of star titles, ten million points reward, which one to choose?

Someone went straight out. He saw it thoroughly before, even before, he had no qualification to know the secret. This shows that other people have been prepared for a long time, and they didn't know anything, just rushed in? Nothing bad.

Someone took the lead and suddenly came out a large area. Some people also think: the road to growth should be gradual. If you fall in this hole, you have no chance of even rising up ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Of course, some people will not leave. Fighting to fight to this day, finally stood with some Tianjiao. How can you let it go? The path of spiritual practice has been broken into bones and mountains, and found opportunities in life and death.

Danger also represents opportunity. These people have been cultivating so far. What scenes have they never seen? fear death? If you are afraid of death, you may not even have the qualifications to enter this ancient battlefield.

As a result, 76 of the 102 people left the team and were not ready to participate.

The rest decided to die.

Only saw the law enforcement strong landing, one-handed painting.

Han Fei's eyes froze slightly: a small teleportation array? The faceless master had shown it before. He also stole the lessons in 72 Demon Realms. However, it should be no school.

The law enforcer said, "He who left, go out with me."

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