God of Fishing

Chapter 921: Cross the sea

The fight between Han Fei and You Tianzhang has been from above the spider camp, and out of the spider camp.

In fact, Han Fei found that he was not an opponent.

If it weren't for his own enough aura support, at halfway, he would be attacked by You Tianyi because of lack of aura.

This is the first time that Han Fei has discovered that Phantom Liulichi met his opponent. This made him feel shocked! Even the legendary creatures will be so powerful after law enforcement. What will happen to Xiaojin in the future?

However, although Han Fei failed to get the downstream sounds, in Zhang Xuanyu's eyes, it was another picture.

Zhang Xuanyu was shocked: "Is this the effect of all the phantom glazed wings? This is too exaggerated, it flashes infinitely!"

The musician sighed wildly: "It made me so enviable now! I also don't know, how did you get Fengshenzhu in the first place?"

Luo Xiaobai shook his head slightly: "No, this should not be the full power of Phantom Glass Wings. Do you remember when Han Fei was showing speed in the Snake Cave before? It is faster than now."

Zhang Xuanyu and the musician were mad at each other: immediately, they looked at each other, this cheating, this is!

After a while, Han Fei dived. Flashing multiple times, avoiding the attack of You Tianji, fell directly to where Luo Xiaobai was.

You Tianyi is a little anxious.

It is the king of the sky, not the king of the land. It doesn't particularly want to approach the ground! At a height of 50 meters, the swimmer did not chase after him, just hovering in the sky. Seems to be shouting: there is a kind, you come up!

After I saw Han Fei erected a middle finger, he ignored it.

Luo Xiaobai: "How about consumption?"

Han Fei took out a spiritual fruit, shoved it into his mouth, and said, "It's okay. Now that there are no more mounts, we have to find a way to grab another mount."

The musician hurriedly said, "Still catching? The one in heaven, didn't you catch it?"

Han Fei pouted: This fat man, which pot is not open? If you ca n’t catch it in the sky, grab the puppet on the ground.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "Let's walk for a while. Just now, in heaven, I seemed to see water in the distance. It should be a big river. It seems that we only have two ways to cross the river. Either heaven. "

Zhang Xuanyu couldn't help but brighten his eyes: "It's good to have water! It's not on the ground, can't we in the river?"

Han Fei grinned: "Do you think the river here will be simple? The sky is extremely dangerous, and the river will be simple? Even if there is a river, do you think it is not dangerous?"

Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "Go and watch first. I suspect that it is not easy to go from here to the river."

Han Fei nodded slightly: living creatures on land need water resources. If a large river appears, there must be a lot of nearby creatures. After all, water can nourish all things. According to the normal habits of living things, they should all move closer to the river.

This is also the reason why the big spiders are laying a web of heaven and earth here! Because there will be creatures by the river!


After an hour.

Han Fei was rushing around, and flying like needles in the sky, a group of big hedgehogs were chasing them.

The musician shouted arrogantly with a big shield: "What kind of creature is this again? Lu shanghai bile? This thing is more fierce than sea urchin. A thorn is comparable to the best spiritual artifact. The one that is especially leading, my demigod The big shield was pierced by it. "

As he ran, Zhang Xuanyu said with emotion: "I know how miserable humans were in ancient times! We might as well stay in the sea. If this thing were to appear in the village, as long as it was half a day, there would be no one in the village."

Luo Xiaobai's face changed slightly: "These things are not afraid of poison, and the vines can't bind them at all."

I only listened to Han Fei sighing: "Okay, after all, we have to run anyway. Just now, aren't we all over that piece of grass and needles? Were there a group of ... uh ... what is Shanghai and Shanghai? The question is: it's getting late. We have to pay attention to what is the difference between day and night? "

Yes, there are day and night here, it seems no different from the outside world.

At this moment, it is not the danger that a group of hedgehogs chasing themselves and others. Han Fei clearly knew that if it was in the animal world, night would be the time when danger came.

At this time, in the flower jungle, there have been countless lights flashing.

Except that the plants here are special, the glowing stuff at night is definitely not a good thing.

Light will always attract the attention of souls.

Glowing in the night, it is clear that I want to lure the enemy to capture. At this moment, everyone's vision is glowing everywhere. This made Han Fei have a bad hunch.

After a while, the group of big hedgehogs didn't know why, and stopped chasing.

Han Fei and others stopped and only listened to Han Fei's honest saying, "We are not far away from the river, it is estimated that there is water and gas here."

Luo Xiaobai: "In ancient times, did humans live in such dangerous places? No wonder ancient times are about to collapse."

Zhang Xuanyu and the musicians nodded madly and agreed.

Han Fei rolled his eyes: I also think that the sea is dangerous! At least, there are many beings here, and I am still familiar with it. Instead, it feels a little bit more than the sea.

Suddenly, Han Fei said, "Don't move!"

The crowd looked at him immediately, expressing doubt.

Han Fei found that there was a large swath of butterflies in the distance.

During the day, he noticed that he had come all the way, except for bees and the like, but no butterfly came. It stands to reason that there should be a lot of butterflies in such a wonderful world.

Or is it ... the road I took is actually problematic? Or does the pollen spread here not through butterflies?

But now he saw it. Tens of millions of butterflies have wings and stand among a group of flowers. Han Fei frowned slightly: Have you ever had this stuff? This piece was blocked by these flowers. Also, what does this butterfly do? Han Fei didn't know either.

After a while, when Luo Xiaobai felt the butterfly, she couldn't help but be surprised: "This is, butterfly?"

Han Fei said in surprise: "Do you know?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded slightly: "Yeah! Extremely rare. But there are still in Qianxing City. But the butterflies in Qianxing City are different from these."

Han Feixin said: Of course it's different. Those who can live in the city must be low-level and non-aggressive.

However, now I see this thing, two pairs of wings, with four eye-like streaks. Under the wings, there is a long tail, black, blue and yellow. At first glance, there was poison.

Han Fei said indifferently, "Don't panic! Butterflies, at night, they usually sleep. You see, they are not moving, and they are holding their wings."

Music Maniac: "But how do we get there?"

Zhang Xuanyu said, "Would you like to fly past? As long as you fly at low altitude, shouldn't it be a big problem?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "It shouldn't be a big problem. During the flight, pay attention to the surroundings, and don't let the creatures hiding on the spirit plant attack."

After a while.

The four flew in midair, more than 20 meters high, flapping their wings gently, preparing to cross the sea of ​​flowers.

When Han Fei flew halfway, they saw that a butterfly suddenly opened its wings and fluttered, as if fluttering.

At that time, the three of Luo Xiaobai's faces slightly changed, and Han Fei frowned: "Are you mutating butterflies? In the middle of the night, do you fly a hair?"

Han Fei: "Slightly higher, smaller movements."

But that butterfly, I do n’t know if it is curious, or what? It turned out toward Han Fei.

Soon, Han Fei saw the butterfly's message.

[Name] Moontail Silkworm Moth

[Introduction] A species of nocturnal moth that uses pollen of various poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds as food. It has strange poison and is extremely weak in independence. When attacked, the poisonous powder trembled and the phantom opened.

[Level] 56

[Quality] rare

[Contains Reiki] 15233 points

[Edible effect] inedible

[Collectable] Moontail Poison


"My Nima ..."

Han Fei was a little hesitant at the time: he ignored a situation that he should have guessed early. He saw many flowers. Only butterflies and bees can spread pollen. Therefore, there is no association with the moth.

Doute is empirical. Where is this Can the souls here use their own inherent experience to measure?

Han Fei immediately said, "Everyone closes his eyes. Wisteria white vanilla leaves are in his mouth."

After hearing what Han Fei said, how could everyone not understand? Mint leaves are refreshing, indicating that this butterfly has the ability to psychedelic.

Luo Xiaobai did not dare to delay for a moment and stuffed the mint leaves without hesitation.

Han Fei looked at the big moth, and seemed to want to widen the markings on his wings. Immediately, the thoughts moved, and the shot was shot instantly.

"Full speed, fly over!"


The four of them were rushing out of the wind.

However, when the moon-tailed silkworm moth was beheaded, a large swarm of moths began to wake up. There was a strange light on their tails, which was flashing.

A moment's work, flying all over the sky.

Han Fei drank: "Relax."

Han Fei hung a line of nothingness to the three of them, and at the same time the phantom glazed wings fanned, and the wind rose.

At that moment, the moths were flying, and the eyes were unreal.

Han Fei turned around, the law of gravity appeared, flying all the way, and large moths fell.

However, even if Han Fei took a mouthful of mint leaves, what he saw in his eyes was still an illusion.

Han Fei seemed to see a few years old, saw a figure like a fairy, saw a giant city palace, saw bone guards ... Various pictures appeared in the sea.

"Your sister!"

"Seal your fist."


The horror fist prints rippled all the way.

But the fantasy is still there! Somehow, Han Fei saw a pair of eyes, a pair of clear eyes, very large, as if the eyes were the same all over the world.


A mouthful of old blood spewed out, Han Fei bit his teeth and wrapped the crowd with endless water.

Suddenly Luo Xiaobai clicked in his hand and said, "Hana burst!"

But when everyone saw the past, the sea of ​​flowers burst and the pollen filled the sky.

Through the line of nothingness, Han Fei suddenly saw the scene where the music man was sitting alone on a boat eating sea melon seeds, and also saw the scene where Zhang Xuanyu was lying on the ground and beaten. Luo Xiaobai sat on the roof and looked down blankly. Scene of a big city.

It's a pity ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I don't have much emptiness, so I can see very few pictures.


The four Han Fei quickly broke through the sea of ​​flowers. When Han Fei saw a large snake coming, some information appeared in his eyes, and he shot it without hesitation and chopped it directly.

After more than 20 full breaks, all the people fell to the ground.

The flowers have passed.

It was just that Han Fei looked weird when he looked at Zhang Xuanyu and Yue Ren crazy. They cried?

Luo Xiaobai seems to be a little depressed.

Han Fei took a long breath: "Fortunately, the ranks of these butterflies are not high. And most of them are directly scattered. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable."

Suddenly, Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Fei: "What did you just see?"

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