God of Fishing

Chapter 934: Dinghaituxian

"Little brother, what's wrong with you? Is there any problem with that person?"

Chu Linyuan came up long ago.

However, Mu Qingchuan didn't have the sea word order, so he didn't get it. The purpose of Chu Linyuan and Wang Shuaishu was to **** Han Fei.

Han Fei shook his head: "No problem, just wait for the enchantment to open."

All eyes were on Ren Tianfei. Because he was only one person behind, but someone couldn't help wondering: before, I always felt that I had never seen this person.

Someone said, "Do you know this guy? Who are they?"

Some people shook their heads: "None of them is, it may be from the overhanging waterfall."

The Xuantian Waterfall is also surprised, and Liluo stares with wide eyes: "Ah, hey! I feel like this person looks terrific, why did the last one come up?"

Yuno smiled lightly: "No one sees the first appearance, and the last one is enough to be domineering."

Chu Linyuan said: "Little brother, remember, from now on, be careful. Even if you and I are the boss, once you find that we are not right, do not have any contact with us. When necessary, we may also treat us as an enemy . "

Han Fei frowned: "Why so exaggerated?"

Chu Linyuan solemnly said: "It must be so exaggerated. Some things that I haven't told you before, just don't want you to know, lest our thinking limit you. In fact, Dinghai is not just a picture, it is dangerous and it is not a conventional meaning. Danger. When you see it, you know. "

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder: "Serious?"

Chu Linyuan nodded: "Very serious."

Han Fei nodded secretly: "Okay! I see."

Chu Linyuan talked about this, and he couldn't ignore it.

The soldiers came to block, the water came to cover the soil, no matter what the secrets of the Dinghai chart, then it was.

When everyone looked at Ren Tianfei, this guy grinned: "Want me to dig the sea, it's simple. On the way I came, I swallowed the sea shell and smashed it. Now I want ten thousand catties of Lingquan and ten thousand catties of inspiration liquid. , A set of sublime soldiers, a sublime soldier stick, 10,000 top-grade spirit stones, 1,000 energy fruit and aura fruit ... well, that's all. "

Some people are dumbfounded: "Is this, what fool come from here? You have nothing left, ask us? We are more stupid money?"

One disciple yelled, "Are you sick? Why should we give it to you?"

Yang Deyu said angrily: "Where did the neurosis come from? How can I drop it without you?"

For a while, everyone fry: they have never seen such a cheeky person.

Only Han Fei understood the reason almost instantly.

When he came, Ren Tianfei didn't know himself, he just died. This product, because there is nothing on the body, has been sitting dead until the end.

Han Fei can be sure that the last person who came was Ren Tianfei's fall. Maybe he has been killed by Ren Tianfei.

Robbed the sea word order, the last one came up. Because of the restrictions here, others can't attack him, and can't force him, so he can now demand it unscrupulously.

"God logic!"

Han Fei was shocked: Ren Tianfei was really ruthless about the ways of pit people! I didn't expect it?

If it is yourself, then the lion will definitely open up and give anything.

It's just that Han Fei didn't understand. Why didn't he ask himself at first?

But I saw Ren Tianfei smiled and said, "Then I will not dig into the sea, you bite me! Anyway, without me, you group of people can't do anything! You can only wait here ... I don't care , I can drag you to death. "

"Ahhhh! I chopped you."

Yang Deyu, the second sister-in-law, jumped up and slashed at Ren Tianfei.

At this moment, Ren Tianfei held out a finger and dug his ears, disdainful.


A thunder splattered and split Yang Deyu directly to the ground.

Ren Tianfei smiled hesitantly, "Well! What a gift? Okay, nephew, are you polite?"


Han Fei couldn't help but he directly said, "Why not?"

Ren Tianfei didn't look at Han Fei, but a voice appeared from the heart of Han Fei: "Idiot, you can't hear you as someone else? It ’s useless, it has everything in the Dinghai chart."

Han Fei: "?????"

For a while, several people looked at Han Fei.

However, he didn't say anything and didn't know what he was thinking.

However, he saw that Han Fei had lost 1,000 kilograms of Qiling fluid: "Look at you one by one, but also the descendants of the clan, and the children of the ancestors? So something, why not? It ’s just fine for one person? Is it something to count as an enemy? "

As soon as Ren Tianfei stretched out his hand, he took the group of Qi Lingye and swallowed it directly like a cow's drink: "Look, there is still something to understand. What do other people say?"

Ren Tianfei said lazily: "Give you ten minutes to consider. After the ten minutes, the asking price doubles."

For a time, most people looked cold and wanted to split Ren Tianfei.

But when the Thunder came out, they remembered the **** rule. Ren Tianfei did not take the initiative to dig into the sea. Others really couldn't take him!

Suddenly, Gongyue said, "I have 5,000 pounds of Lingquan."

Suddenly, some people realized that it was easy to get rid of the people who gave out the resources first. Who would give the soldiers casually?

Cao Jia said humanly: "I also made 5,000 pounds of Lingquan."

Sun Mu: "500 Reiki Fruits."

Zhang Wengang wanted to call Lingquan, but Cao Jiaren called out, and the words turned around immediately: "I have 2000 top-quality spirit stones."

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly.

"I have 1,000 top-quality spirit stones."

"I have 300 energy fruits."

"I have 300 Aura Fruits."

Finally, when Xiapin Shenbing, everyone looked at Zhang Wen.

Zhang Wen was speechless: "What are you doing? I'm out of the top 2000!"

Li Heiye said: "Brother Zhang, who can do a lot of work. Your family has money, you come."

Li Baitian echoed: "Yes, Zhang Brother Mo is stingy."

Zhang Wen's face was all black, and he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Xiapin's battle suit, I'll come."

Suddenly, let Ren Tianfei suddenly point to Cao Tiandao: "Who? Who is it? Give me your gloves, and I won't stick."

Cao Tian frowned immediately, smirking: "Do you know me?"

Ren Tianfei grinned, "Well, the Cao family! The ones in Qianxing City who practiced boxing are the Cao family and the Chen family. I guess you are the Cao family, do you give it or not?"

This is what Han Fei said to Ren Tianfei. Being able to pit is one, let's talk first.

Cao Tian put away his thick face with rare hands, stretched his hands, and threw his gloves to Ren Tianfei.

The latter took it indifferently, and with a touch of his hand, Cao Tian's imprint of the spirit disappeared, and many people saw their pupils shrink: this is a strong man.

Ren Tianfei's net worth suddenly rose, and this scene saw Han Fei's sincere admiration: This robbery has no ancients before, and no one comes after it! Also forced others to scramble to give things. No, this trick must be learned and reserved for future use.

After receiving everything, in the rage of the crowd, Ren Tianfei's hand reached into his chest and dug out, and a sea-character order appeared in his hands, and then turned into blue light and rushed into the enchantment.

Chu Linyuan said: "Little brother, be careful with this person, the calculation is too deep."

Han Feixin said: If I say that this product is a respected one, I am afraid it will scare you?

I heard from Lao Han that Ren Tianfei used to be a respected and overbearing group. Later, he was maimed.

Right now, this is a strong snorkeler, but Han Fei is absolutely not convinced. Ren Tianfei asked this dummy to sit here for decades, maybe even hundreds of years, would it be an ordinary dummy?

"Buzz ~"

The water wave enchantment began to ripple, and the enchantment began to disappear.

At the start of time, light and shadow flashed, Ye Baiyu had opened the temple door.

As a result, Ye Baiyu flew back in this push, and the force of terror directly shook it back.

At this moment, a scroll slowly flew out of the door and floated in the air.

Someone was overjoyed at the time: "Dinghai plans."

Yang Deyu jumped up and reached out to catch.

Chen Aochen punched in the void, Mo Fei took a long whip, and more than 20 people shot.

"Boom boom boom boom ~"

After all the thunder broke, all of them were stiff and planted directly on the ground.

Han Fei smiled scornfully, a group of two hundred and fifty: If the Dinghai chart was obtained in this way, would it take such a great effort to run over?

Someone said, "Dear everyone, now is not the time to grab the picture, look at it."

Yang Deyu scolded: "A turtle son, dare to split Laozi, Dinghai Yibao is amazing?"

Han Feiyou said: "Dinghai Yibao is truly amazing. You have the ability to tear it up?"

Yang Deyu gave Han Fei a glance: "Oh! Han Fei, you have offended a lot of people here, not arrogant. I can fight you for five hundred rounds."

Han Fei sneered with a scorn: "You're done! Don't people draw drafts now?"

Yang Deyu snorted, and said in his heart: Sooner or later I split you.


The scroll was wide open, the gap was slightly exposed, the gold was shining, the light was overflowing, and the clouds disappeared above the sky.

The scroll stood up to three meters, showing at every moment. After the golden light passed, Han Fei's eyes saw rolling mountains, seeing the river surging, seeing the sea and waves, seeing flowers, birds, fish, insects, and birds and beasts ...

And the picture is still open ...

The crowd saw a dangling island with strange shapes, prominent edges and corners, and pedestrians on the building.

The upper part of the Ding Hai chart ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and the sky is dense.

When Han Fei saw the starry sky, he suddenly felt wrong.

Theoretically, there should be impermanence in the painting, and the position of the stars is unknown. But in that painting, Han Fei looked at it from the perspective of the array master. There are 28 stars, 36 stars, and a mighty galaxy. There are also many stars that look cluttered, but they have a regular arrangement.

In the picture, there is almost everything, mountains, rivers, forests, raging waters ...

It is hard to imagine how so many mysteries can be gathered in a painting? I ca n’t draw too!

But in this picture, everything is very harmonious, but it looks like a picture of the gods and mountains.

Han Fei took a breath, and he understood: the sea word order is the key, the key to unlock the chart.

The key opens the door, and all beings enter the picture.

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