God of Fishing

Chapter 945: Large Naha site

This time, Jiang Chao and Yang Xie seemed to have confidence and seemed to see the hope of going out.

Jiang Chaodao: "Han Fei, don't worry, just walk over!"

Han Fei said "ah" and quickly said: "Uncle! Time is tight!"

But listening to Yang Xie said with a slight smile: "Little Master Mo Ji, the thousand stars array can only be deployed at night. In the daytime, there is no way to start. The reason for walking is to take you to get some blessings. "

Han Fei spurned: "What's the blessing?"

Yang Xie laughed; "The luck of man is invisible and unsearchable. As those people just said, the luck of all the people on this vacant island, except for the three men of Tian Jianzong, is not comparable. An ocean of luck. But beyond that, there are blessings. "

Han Fei was a little hesitant: "So what is this blessing?"

But I heard Yang Xie said, "Little brother, you should know that there is an opportunity to become a king in this Dinghai chart ... but you know, how can you be a king?"

Han Fei shook his head.

Yang Xiedao: "Of course, with the increase of strength, you can become king by forcibly impacting the realm of kings. But there is another way to make others believe that you can become the king. The king is admired and admired by thousands. Similarly, the king needs The king should have the courage. "

Jiang Chao laughed: "Han Fei, do you know why all villages and towns have statues of sea gods?"

Han Fei wondered, "Is it to make her worship?"

Jiang Chao nodded slightly: "This is also a guess from us. Because there is also a statue here, and that statue is a man."


Han Fei suddenly took a breath: he was in Tianshui Village, Bihai Town, etc. The statues he saw were all female images! Why are there men?

Jiang Chao saw Han Fei's response and smiled slightly: "It is precisely because of this, that we guess that the sea **** we worship is not necessarily the true deity. It is possible that it is just the strong king. And there are many powerful kings. The kings you see in different places are not the same. "

Han Fei was shocked: "Poseidon is fake?"

Jiang Chao: "It's just our guess. If Poseidon is fake, then who is she? Why should she erect so many statues for people to admire?"

Han Fei took a deep breath: "She needs people's will?"


Jiang Chao and Yang Xie both hesitated for a moment, and then said, "The word wish is better than blessing. Yes, we guess he needs the will of people. And this power is invisible and invisible Can't feel it. "

Han Fei blurted out: "So, what am I going to do?"

Jiang Chao grinned: "Try it out, can you grab these wishes? First of all, get the approval of the people on this suspended island."

Yang Xiedao: "Little Master, you may want to be stronger and show you something different from others on this dangling island. It is better not to hurt people if it is not necessary."

Han Fei scratched his head and said, "Isn't this just forcing me to act?"

I am also a cow fork, and it took so much effort to pretend to run to this ghost place?

Han Fei took a breath and said, "Then ... how is it appropriate?"

Jiang Chaodao: "First of all, you have to show that you are here to save everyone from this world. You are here to save them."

Han Fei yelled, "Can anyone believe it? After all, ordinary people also have strong parents?"

Jiang Chao laughed: "Not the same. They have strong elders, but they have no ability! And, they haven't been able to go out after living here for so long. And you are different! You are an outsider, and now you are the only one People arrive here first. So you are new to them and you have never seen them. Anyway, there are only six days. If you get a chart in six days, you can rescue them. They Naturally, they won't be tempted by their own will. If you fail to rescue them after six days, it will be harmless to you, at best, you will fail. "

Yang Xie grinned and grinned: "At most, it has become a liar, and the problem is not big."

Han Fei: "..."


After a while.

Jiang Chaodao: "Han Fei, are you ready?"

Han Fei nodded solemnly. He didn't become a king, and he had already made the consciousness of admiration. This felt strange.

This is the bazaar of the hanging island. I don't know how many generations have developed? Anyway, there are quite a few people here. Counting it down, there must be hundreds of people in perception.

Want to come, the first group of people who came in should have talked about each other's love, and then they have breeded offspring. There must have been a bunch of in-laws here.

Anyway, with dozens or hundreds of people, it is not easy to create so many descendants.

At this moment, Han Fei saw a group of fluffy boys in linen clothes, looking at himself with a probe.

There are also teenagers who are watching blatantly.

Someone asked, "Uncle Jiang, who is this person?"

A little girl said timidly, "Uncle Yang, who is he?"

Yang Xie touched Han Fei a little.

Han Fei said: Is it time to start my performance?

But when he saw Han Fei stepping on his feet, he flew directly to a height of ten meters. "Hula", the phantom glass wing spread out.

Yang Xie muttered, "Fengshenzhu! This is something that no one has seen before. It is really pretty."


A large group of children chased Han Fei and ran.

Someone shouted, "Why is his wings different from those of my wife and grandpa?"

A child was curious: "His wings are better than my grandma's."

A little girl was envious: "What beautiful wings!"

Even those grown-ups couldn't help but sacrifice God at this moment. For the first time, I saw such translucent, glass-like wings.

Just listen to Han Fei drinking: "Children, today, Han Fei, across the mountains and the sea, but also across the mountains and seas ... Today, I stand here to take you out. Take you out of this world, take You cross the fog and darkness ... "

"Bengbiao fish! No one has ever been out of this place ..."

Someone scolded, saying that he did not believe what Han Fei said, and warned the children: "Don't listen to him. How many people have come without leaving, he will be left behind."

However, what do those kids know? At this moment, there is nothing but envy.


Xiao Jin appeared, flying and circling in the air.

With Han Fei's thoughts, Xiao Jin swept across the sky.

A child shouted, "Big bird!"

Someone was confused: "What's that?"

Some former practitioners came out and yelled, "But just a covenant spirit beast, why is it a fuss?"

However, as soon as his voice fell, a large bird with wings spreading nearly 100 meters dived down.

Someone shouted, "Wow, what a big bird!"

Someone exclaimed, "Is the flying contracting beast so powerful?"

However, the strong here are all insightful, which is obviously not a bird. Wings, but not wind and wing, are the most unfortunately legendary creatures. Some people even suspect that if this is not a bird, it is likely to be a legendary creature.

However, I saw Han Fei leap forward, standing on Xiao Jin's head, hovering in the air, and his voice trembled: "The sea of ​​bitterness knows no bounds, and the shore is turned back ... My name is Han Fei, here I am taking you out of the sea of ​​bitterness. I use my legendary contract spirit The beast is a guarantee, and within six days, it will open the world for you. "


Is it true that many people's faces have changed?

Many strong men look at each other. How can intermediate snorkelers have legendary creatures? That's all in the legend!

For a while, a large number of people came out, looking up, looking up at the sky.

Although the scene was shocking, many people actually disdain.

Some people shook their heads: "Thug Academy, I like to do these gaudy ..."

Someone sneered: "After six days, the original shape was revealed."

Someone sneered: "At the beginning, which one could come here, which is not Tianjiao? All are trapped here. Is n’t your thug college trapped here? Are you stuck here? What blow?"

Just listening to Han Fei yelling, "Here is a thin aura. In the beginning, I will give you a little fortune!"

Only saw Han Fei stretch out with one hand, capture the dragon in the void, and have water in all directions, forming a dragon shape.

I saw Han Fei reach out a little, surging aura gathered in the dragon body. For a time, this water dragon aura billowed.

The corner of Yang Xie's mouth twitched: "Teacher, do you say that the younger brother is outside? Is this always the case? This scene is not as skilled as the first time."

Jiang Chao also sighed a little: "Shouldn't it? Who is going to show these fancy flowers outside?"

Yang Xieyou said, "If so, what is the legacy of Jiang Lao?"

Jiang Chao could not help but hold his head, nodding slightly: "It is possible."

While talking, I saw only Han Fei's fist gripped, the water dragon exploded, and water droplets flew.

The aura-filled water drops turned into raindrops, suspended in the air, and fell directly in front of ordinary people. In this scene, Jiang Chao and Yang Xie saw some distress.

Jiang Chao: "One-time consumption of Reiki is almost 500,000 points! This boy is a bit of a loser!"

Yang Xie said with a smile: "That's also the young master's aura!"

And after ordinary people feel the aura, they just listen to Han Fei drinking: "Drinking this drop of water will improve your physique."

After all, these are strong offspring.

Is it aura? Everyone can tell. Han Fei made this, but it was a diluted Lingquan. Ordinary people who drink it will naturally help their health.

The little children were very excited, and someone shouted, "I'm getting stronger."

There was a little girl bouncing, "I look farther."


Someone stood out and looked at Jiang Chao and Han Feidao: "Let's get some spiritual springs out for a long time? What's the purpose of your thug college?"

I only listened to Han Fei with a smile: "It ’s just a meeting ceremony. I hope everyone sincerely sends me a blessing. After all, if I have accepted such a big thing here, if no one knows, would n’t there be a person who thanked me Anymore? "

Someone's heart.

Anyway, Han Fei is a hope. They themselves do not count on themselves. However, if Han Fei could receive the Dinghai chart, he would not dare to kill them. Otherwise, there is no background behind him.

Someone said lightly: "If you really have the ability to accept the chart and let us go out, everyone will thank you."

Suddenly, a child said, "Big brother, I wish you success."

There is a little girl, milk voice milk air: "Hee hee, big brother, me, I also wish you success."

After a while.

A large group of people followed Han Fei to the center of the village.

Han Fei said: "Uncle, I don't feel any change?"

Jiang Chao: "This is just a guess. I hope this thing is unsearchable. Now, it is equivalent to giving you an extra guarantee. As to whether the guarantee is useful? It is unclear."

In the bottom of Han Fei's heart, he actually believed a little. This is a rare thing! Why do idols exist? No one knows this. UU reading www.uukanshu.com In case, this is really a way to become king?

A moment later, Han Fei came to a large circular lake in the middle of the suspended island.

This lake, with a diameter of about 3,000 meters, looks like a compass.

And in front of the lake, there really is a male statue. However, this statue does not have a fishing rod in his hand, but a long sword clasped in front of it, which is completely different from the statue of Poseidon generally known by Han Fei.

And Han Fei, twitching at the corner of his mouth, isn't this old Han?

He was dumbfounded immediately. Old Han came and left?

Han Fei wasn't too surprised. What else should be surprising at this time? Ren Tianfei also followed up.

Looking around Yuanhu, there were three people sitting on the ground in a triangle, and now they looked at Han Fei.

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