God of Fishing

Chapter 951: Head Iron Yue 12

Up to now, Han Fei felt more and more: It wasn't that he was born well. Of course, there are advantages, but often they are not as firm as those who rely on themselves ... today.

Yue Twelve is not from Qianxing City. It seems to be from which village? Yes, it is in the village, not in the town.

Yue Twelve was more sloppy and rash. From the time he saw his fight, Han Fei could tell.

Want to win? Also have to be reckless.

This is not the same as the attitude towards those of Qianxing City. Han Fei feels that although people like Yue Zhuang are secretive, their nature is already revealed, not so heavy and deep.


Above a kilometer altitude, only two small points can be seen from the ground. For these ordinary people and children on the ground, naturally envy. They also thought that one day they would be able to stand on top of this emptiness, and swell the situation ...

After all, they have heard too many stories about the outside.

For example, what are the creatures in the sea ... what is a real suspended island? How colorful is life outside?

However, cognitively, Han Fei is the most advanced. Moreover, he also performed exaggeratedly. Therefore, Han Fei has long been truly blessed by these ordinary people. Psychologically, these people prefer Han Fei to win.

About 300 strong people, some are sitting in their houses at the moment, some are standing in secluded fields, and some are beside ordinary people.

Because they know how terrifying the battle between the strong! Before entering here, these people thought that as long as they came in, they would get a chance to get a plan. They thought that the one who would kill himself was called a dark, **** river.

At that time, the suspended island was almost destroyed. Now, it's just like rebuilding and recovering.

But in the end, they found that there was no opportunity.


Han Fei said with a smile: "Twelve, we haven't played in the big waterfall in the sky. I didn't expect to fight here! Now that you're here, play well.

Yue Twelve nodded with a smile: "Okay!"

At the end of this remark, the box of soldiers beside Yue XII slowly unfolded.

In ancient battlefields, he had seen Han Fei's strength. Faster than him, the outbreak seems to be stronger than himself, let alone physical fitness.

If none of these can be compared to Han Fei, then only endurance.

Yue Twelve intends to fight for endurance. Doesn't Han Fei think so?

The body punch cannot be used, at least not at the beginning. Because once shot, it is likely to kill Yue Twelve.

There is one more terrible situation! Once used, did not kill Yue Twelve, then he was in danger. After all, Yue Twelve is a division of armor. If hundreds of shields are piled up, can the body punches be broken? It is also a problem.

Secondly, one of the reasons why he didn't want to use his body punches is that he didn't know what grade of Yue 12's gifted soul beast, the undead Jinzhang? What if I ca n’t beat it?

Instead of using the line of nothingness, it can be regarded as a respect for Yue Twelve!

But if it is absolutely necessary, Han Fei will definitely use the line of nothingness. Because he must take this chart!



Han Fei flashed, and there was a rage of anger in the box of Yue Twelve.

Han Fei certainly would not look down on this knife. After all, this is a demigod, and Yue Twelve has the habit of exploding.

"Magic change."


The fist prints blasted out, and the sky was golden above the sky.


Han Fei speechless: the first knife, you explode! Co-authored, are your demigods endless?

Han Fei was shocked.

However, the demigod blew himself up. If it is before the invincible heart is realized, the demigod can explode and hurt itself. At this moment, it is impossible, leaving only a few scratches and abrasions. Can that be considered an injury?


The fist marks are roaring, because Han Fei saw Yue Zhuang's armour box, and the demi-soldier had hundreds of handles. There is a faint red light on each handle.

Han Fei recognized that this feeling was the kind of recklessness, or bravery, when Yue Twelve fought.

Han Fei grinned: "Twelve, it is impossible to defeat me by demigods. Are you sure you want to damage so many weapons?"

Han Fei had probably guessed: It must be Yue XII in the ancient battlefield, and also found somewhere ... there are a lot of demigods.

Compared to the Dinghai chart, the demigods are not worth mentioning. It doesn't matter if it runs out. This should be the real idea of ​​Yue Shier.


Han Fei was in the air, flashing frantically, and his figure was floating. All he has to do is solve this guy in melee.

Fist prints are like dragons, and they are insane.

At these speeds, the swords of the Bingjia Division rushed, and they could not even attack themselves. Almost between the few breaths, Han Fei was already close.


Only saw Yue XII withdrawing a magic soldier again.

Han Fei's eyes shrunk slightly: at least weapons of more than Chinese ranks can already seriously threaten himself.

Han Fei shouted, "The Dragon Seal of Jiugong!"

Long Yin sounded. The Kowloon Long Yin, under the pressure of Han Fei, can now produce the greatest power, about 10 waves of gravity.

However, Yue Twelve suddenly spit out blood, and the blood burned. On that stick, the power was deep, and even the emptiness was distorted.


The clouds were evacuated, the madness was masterpiece, and the force of terror fell from high altitude. And those who have been prepared for a long time, screamed and lifted off to protect this shock wave.

Otherwise, these ordinary people cannot live at all.

Below, ordinary people, in fact, can't see anything at all, and can see the golden light shining in the sky. The ripples visible to the naked eye swept from heaven to the ground, which made them breathless in their hearts. Be sure to go out, and maybe you will get this kind of power in the future.

Above the sky.

Han Fei and Yue Twelve flew out simultaneously. With a hard blow on the front, nearly 10 waves of terrorist forces made the gold seal in Han Fei's hands directly burst and could not bear it.

At the moment Han Fei flew out, a hundred soldiers hit the air.

"Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..."

A hundred soldiers blew themselves up, and a wave of terror swept over the suspended island. All the houses and fields that were not protected by the protector were directly broken down. Boulders were crushed into dregs.

Yue twelve mouths sprayed blood, and the golden dragon appeared behind him, and his injury was rapidly recovering.

While Han Fei was in the midst of a hundred soldiers' self-detonation, he could not see anyone at all.

Below, Yang Xie looked dignified: "Is this kind of power sufficient for the little master's energy and energy?"

Jiang Chao was also dignified; "Theoretically, it should not be enough. As long as Han Fei resists, it will consume a lot of aura and energy. However, the road to invincibility is by no means so simple. Han Fei was the first to arrive Is it an ordinary means to deal with the suspended island? "

And ordinary people who are defended by the strong can't believe this terror. When a child saw his house, it turned into a powder in the blink of an eye, crying.

"Dad, the home is gone."

"Mom, our house has collapsed."

An adult comforted him: "Baby, we will leave here in a few days, don't cry. Remember this scene, this is the world of the strong. In the future, you will also become the strong, and you will also stand in this high altitude In. "

Yu Wei dispersed.

In the roaring explosion wave, a golden man appeared, his feet were empty, and his hair was disheveled, but his momentum remained undiminished.

Yue Twelve grinned and said, "It's really strong!"


Han Fei hurricanes away again. Jinguang's fist prints blasted the void, burning fire in the air, roaring with sonic booms, and huge fist prints traversing half the sky.


Golden dragon, floating in the air. Yue Twelve rushed forward, the magic soldier in his hand, emitting a bright and dazzling light.


There is no garbled warfare, it is hard to beat. With more than 30 punches in a row, Han Fei was able to resist Yue Zhuang's lifeless explosion. The demigod weapon almost hit him.

Han Fei gasped and grinned, "Twelve, can you survive?"

Yue Zhuang's answer was simply: "Yes!"

Han Fei grinned: Qian Kun Jian was not refining and could only use the sadness of Snow.

"Draw a sword!"

Between heaven and earth, it was illuminated by a touch of white light. Below, everyone yelled, "Not good, try your best, use mysteries to block."

And above the sky, Yue Twelve was drinking: "Burst!"

To Han Fei's expectations, this guy exploded the magic soldier, and it exploded under the mystery of blessing: Can he stop the sadness of snow?


Shen Wei exploded Yu Wei, and finally was chopped by the sorrow of snow. However, this also greatly reduced the attack power of Snow Mourning. After all, Han Fei could not exert the full power of Snow's Sorrow.

And Yue Twelve is the same as Cao Jiaren. Cao Jiaren did his best to confront Han Fei, and Yue Twelve took his life against Han Fei.


In the armor box, a great shield of the magic soldier flew out.

"Dang ~~~"

Endless sound.

However, the subordinate soldiers are not high enough and can barely block the remaining power of Snow Mourning.


Yue XII's second inferior soldier was broken. In a flash, his blood squirted wildly, and the whole person was like a meteorite, smashing towards the hanging island.


The ground was shaking, a crack running through more than 30 miles. Yue Twelve half kneeled, kneeling in a large pit.

However, Jin Yan growled. Yue Twelve collapsed with blood, and his whole body was on fire. He seemed to want to play the last blow.

Someone was furious: "Is he crazy?"

Someone was horrified: "This is going to die! The outcome is already divided, so why do you spell it like this?"

Jiang Chao booed: "He can bear such a terrifying power. His talented soul beast is not ordinary?"

Yang Xie swallowed and said, "Now I confirm that the people who came this time are really strong."

Han Fei had a **** mouth. Seeing this scene, he had to sigh that this guy was really iron. What if I win? Can you still get the luck of others?

However, at this time, Han Fei is naturally unable to flinch. But when he saw the foot stepping in the void, a large gathering of spirits emerged. Suddenly, the sky fire came and instantly burned Han Fei.

Han Fei's energy is empty. Eating spiritual fruit is not that fast, and he has sufficient aura, so he needs the power from the sun, the scorching sun.

At this moment, no matter where he finds clues, as long as he can win, they see it.

Jiang Chao was shocked: "Daylight spurs the scorching sun! Not good, Han Fei stops."

Yang Xie had flew into the sky, but was blocked by Ren Tianfei.

Yang Xie; "Senior."

Ren Tianfei shook his head: "This kid is cruel to himself! However, it's okay. It's nothing to provoke the energy of the strong sun."

Yang Xie's speechless: What is so special?

However, only three breaths away, the beam of light disappeared, Han Fei was bathed in flames, his skin cracked, but he didn't care.

Yue Twelve dare to die, is he afraid of Han Fei?

At that moment, in the pit of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, there was a golden dragon breaking through. This is the last blow of Yue XII. Then again, he can't move.

"Crush me."

Han Fei shouted, the invincible fist seal blasted out like money, the sky exploded, and the void was unstable. The strong are holding fast to the square, as long as they protect their own children.

Looking at the broken dragon shadow in the fist shadow, Ren Tianfei shook his head slightly: "Heart is too soft! Whether it is invincible fist marks or self-bodied fist marks, as long as they stick together, the reckless husband cannot be blocked.

Han Fei gasped.

Above the sky, Han Fei glanced at Ren Tianfei: "This is a friend."

Fifth more ... for monthly tickets ... ah ah! Tickets were issued earlier, why? ...

(End of this chapter)

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