God of Fishing

Chapter 955: God of War Cao Qiu

Han Fei continued to throw himself a healing spell, and his injuries have basically recovered. The strength of soil fertilizer is not enough, and two tentacles have been broken.

Han Fei made up his mind. It seems that the eyes of the yin and yang cannot be hidden.

"Buzz ~"

Cao Qiu's momentum is rising, and his body has grown to a half-sized height in just a few moments. The original fat body was thin at the moment.

This Cao Qiu made Han Fei very uncomfortable. Isn't it Cao Qiu who is a fat man, is he really Cao Qiu?

"Gee ..."

Cao Qiu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes became strange and enthusiastic. A kind of enthusiasm that Chen Aochen had seen appeared in Cao Qiu's eyes.

However, it is also different from Chen Aochen. At the moment, Cao Qiu has a kind of indifference similar to Cao Jiaren.

Cao Qiu looked at Han Fei and paused for a long time. Youyou said, "I haven't forgotten the previous memories. I don't want to fight this battle. But ... I can't admit defeat. Those who do not retreat will wait for you to fully recover."

During the talk, Cao Qiu stretched out single, and grabbed Aura with his big hand. With a fierce grip, Sun Mu's body was instantly crushed.

Cao Qiu said lightly: "Sun Mu, I'll kill it, it has nothing to do with you."

After speaking, Cao Qiu also took a look at Cao Tian, ​​who nodded: "A Sun Mu, although a bit troublesome, but the problem is not big."

Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly: Cao Qiu has really changed! What blood of God of War is it so scary?

At the side of Han Fei, Chu Linyuan said, "Very strong. Little master, if you still have any hole cards, let go. Anyway, after you get the chart, you are already on the cusp of the wind. It ’s OK to expose the hole cards. Thug Academy. "

Wang Dashuai nodded: "Little master, win him."

After a fragrant incense, Han Fei resumed its heyday.

After so many battles, he has already digested more than half of the boosting effect brought by Qi Lingye. Pure power also stands above 8 million pounds. If you break through advanced snorkelers, you should be close to a wave.

Under the blessing of the mysterious method of magic change, supplemented by invincible warfare, even if Cao Qiu has the blood of the **** of war to unblock and awaken, what can happen?

Five legends, did not speak at this moment.

Judging from the strength of Han Fei at this moment, they can even compete with legendary creatures in the same realm. This is a close fight.

Although Han Fei also tried his best to play Sun Mu just now, it was an all-round crushing spike. The realm of combat and consciousness are too different.

At this moment, Han Fei's feet appeared in midair.

Cao Qiu flew up at the same time, moving himself: "Intellectually, I don't like this feeling very much. This bloodline seems to affect my emotions and will. Over time, perhaps under the influence of the bloodline here, it will become new God of War. But it's hard. "

Han Fei laughed: "You don't look like a ball now. Come on! Let me also see how terrible the so-called blood of the God of War is?"

"Magic change!"

Han Fei's body showed a touch of golden light, and his eyes gradually became indifferent.

He took out the mint leaves, stuffed them into his mouth, and looked at Cao Qiu: "It's all unblocked, so go for it!"

Cao Qiu nodded, his battle suit faded. Strong muscles swelled, and in the void, there seemed to be strength entering his body.

"God of War, possession."

"Hmm ..."

The two rushed towards each other in an instant.

"Boom boom!"

Golden light, red flames, filled the half sky. The terrifying waves, forming storms, crushed the ground. Mountains and rocks collapsed, all vegetation was damaged.

Once they came up, they attacked tentatively. After dozens of punches, Cao Qiu was blasted for thousands of meters by volley.

But Han Fei didn't have any joy, he could feel that Cao Qiu was a little jerky. The power of the blood of God of War is not enough. And myself, now becomes a sharpening stone.

If it is a battle, you will score. What means? It should be used.

The line of nothingness stretched out quietly, Han Fei's figure flew out, and the invincible fist marks struck the sky like a streamer.

Cao Qiu stepped out of the sound boom, a red faint giant shadow appeared behind him.


At this moment, the line of nothingness buckled Cao Qiu instantly. Cao Qiu frowned, and the shadow flickered behind him. Han Fei suddenly found that the line of nothingness could not go any further, and couldn't hold the spirit of Cao Qiu at all.

The two separated after another battle, Cao Qiu looked coldly: "Just now, there seems to be a strong crisis. You seem to have a means to attack the soul. However, under the will of the true God of War, the war will be as strong as the soul, so the law is invalid . "

Han Fei grinned: "Let me see first, if your energy is endless ..."

"Boom boom boom ..."

Ten Breaths!

Thirty Breaths!


A hill was smashed directly by the two.

Judging from the situation, Cao Qiu, who has untied the blood of God of War, is worse than Han Fei in strength. Those hills were basically smashed by his body.

Yu Wei, who fought with the two, shocked the crowd: the two were too strong. Even Marshal Wang couldn't help but sigh, at least Cao Qiu now exerts his strength to catch up with Cao Tian.

And Han Feizheng was panting, gagging Linguo.

Han Fei said dumbly: "The blood of the God of War can continue to ingest energy from the void, which is a domineering blood."

Han Fei frowned. Unlike his own thoughts, when he first met Cao Tian, ​​he thought that Cao Tian had reserve energy, so he could continuously play a tyrannical attack.

But Cao Tian didn't turn his blood, maybe he just practiced the corresponding skills, otherwise, if his energy was endless, Wang Taishuai would have lost early.

But it seems that this is not the case. Blood of God of War, this is simply taking energy from the void, which is more than himself.

Although the desolate body can also absorb reiki and energy from the void, it is not so exaggerated. Even if you already have seven levels of spiritual veins, the absorption speed is far higher than ordinary people, but it is not enough to see what the blood of God of War is.

Cao Tian shook his fist at this moment, his face was serious. The so-called God of War is invincible. However, Cao Qiu's blood awakening has a gap with Han Fei in basic strength.

If it were not for the blood of God of War, I am afraid that it would not be able to sustain such a while. This Han Fei's power is stronger than the last time he met in the swamp land.


Suddenly, we saw a strange black and white light burst out in Han Fei's eyes. The phantom glazed wings shook, and the wind's swiftness erupted.


Han Fei left a fire mark in the void. It was sparks rubbing against the air, dazzling, scary, because it was too fast.

"God body, magic fist."

"Seal your fist."


The sky's blooming fire illuminates the night. Even thousands of miles away, you can feel the slight tremor from the void.

The fruit given by Chu Linyuan has been stuffed into Han Fei's mouth, and Han Fei's energy is replenished again.

Snow's sorrow, pulling a sword, white light across the sky, it seems to have been cut on something, rubbing the sound of "stabbing".

When Han Fei took a closer look, a hundred-zhang giant was fighting with his hands and shoulders. However, due to the power of this sword, the light on the giant became more and more dim.

"Too much Yin-Yang chakra."

At this moment, Han Fei himself turned into a round of Taiji Yin-Yang diagrams, with only 20-meter-large Yin-Yang diagrams. Cut on that **** of war, and draw swords, and fell into obstruction at the same time.

Cao Qiu, with his body behind the giant, pressed his hands against the void, burning blood to resist.

The energy of the void is gathering wildly.

However, how much energy can be collected in an instant to stop such an attack of such intensity?

Therefore, the giant was worn away a little bit and transformed into nothingness.

Chu Linyuan was still exclaiming: "Every attack is comparable to Sun Mu's last sword just now. This consumption is too scary."

Wang Shuai was firm: "Little master can win."

Cao Tian said indifferently: "The blood of God of War has just awakened. If there is a buffer for a while, Han Fei is not an opponent."

But he heard the sword suddenly laughed: "Not necessarily. The little fat man, although it seems to be useless, but the seal on his body is comparable to the power of Dinghai Yibao. Moreover, the bracelet on his hand is The true source of this **** of war. Compared to Dinghai Yibao, it is also a superb soldier. This means that the little fat man is now using at least two superb weapons. He can not play the strongest state of weapons on both sides Under the circumstances, there is no difference between the best soldiers and Dinghai Yibao. So, at present, the little fat man is just resistant.

Mizusawa said coldly: "The fat man wants to fully adapt to this power, I'm afraid it will take more than 3 years. You should unlock his seal 3 years earlier."

Cao Tian shook his head: "Early untied, there will be no triple seal. It can be untied at most, but it is meaningless."

Chu Linyuan said: "Oh! You can insanely ingest energy from the void, this is the hole card of the blood of God of War? Without this incomparable power, this blood is worthless."

Chu Linyuan said so, but his heart was still quite emotional: the heritage of the clan is still strong! This kind of power alone can basically allow Cao Qiu to sweep the enemies.

Regardless of himself or the commander, even Cao Tian himself is not Cao Qiu's opponent.

The premise is that Cao Qiu has fully grasped these forces.

And now, Cao Qiu just resisted.


The giant's shadow exploded, and the sword-drawing technique collapsed. Taishang's yin and yang wheels are still turning, and they turn directly towards Cao Qiu.

The latter's face was pale and could not be consumed by the enemy. If Han Fei's attack is not so fierce, as long as he fights a protracted battle, Han Fei will lose.

But Han Fei obviously wanted to fight fast, and he had to ignite his blood.

At this moment, a pair of giant hands that seemed to extend from ancient times stood in front of him, trying to tear the yin and yang map of Tai Chi.

However, this is not a taiji yin and yang map simply transformed by Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, but also Han Fei.

"Zizi ..."

The pair of big hands broke apart.

Di Jiu suddenly said: "In the black and white circular light, there is a rhyme, and the fat man can hardly hold it."

Cao Tian frowned: Dao Yun? What is Han Feicai's strength? How could it be related to Dao Yun?

Shu Ling also said: "Even without Han Fei joining, those hands should not be able to tear the black and white picture ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, but it can be repelled with horrible power."

"Kakaka ..."

The giant hand was covered with cracks, and was breaking inch by inch. Cao Qiu was dripping with blood, Qiqiao bleeding, and his muscles burst open. If it were n’t for the crazy concentration of energy in the void, at this moment, it might be directly split by the mourning yin and yang chakra.

Cao Tian's rare eyelids were beating: "Admit defeat."

However, Cao Qiu was not moved, but instead drank: "The will of the God of War, undefeated, and never confessed to defeat. Fighting to the end is always the way."

Cao Tian shivered suddenly: Yes, Cao Qiu now is not Cao Qiu before.

Immediately, Cao Tian looked at the five legends: "Please help, we give in."

However, none of the five legendary creatures shot. He only listened to Di Jiu and said indifferently: "For the luck contest, either he confessed to lose, or he lost, or he died, and no one else can intervene."

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