God of Fishing

Chapter 959: Leave the ground

Han Fei at the moment can feel everything in the Dinghai map. All creatures are in his mind.

Han Fei speculated that the reason for the abnormal growth of his mental strength after harvesting these half drops of source water should be to control the chart.

Han Fei tried to disperse the mist of Jiuyin with a thought.

"Master ... Master ..."

"Congratulations to the host in charge of this world."

Several voices, branded in Han Fei's mind, came from Di Jiu.

Han Fei swallowed and snorted: Good fellow, Ding Hai Tu has really become his own, do not need to confess his blood?

Han Fei did not let them come to the island, but asked: "How do I leave here?"

Just listen to Di Jiu lightly said: "The host only needs to leave in mind."

Han Fei glanced at the people who were watching him nervously, and immediately responded to them: "I will wait until I leave first."

Han Fei recovered the fog of Jiuyin again: Now that he can go out, some people now have to guard against it.

However, these people have been living in the picture for so long, and they have passed on from generation to generation. Anyway, those ordinary people are innocent. As for other people, they cannot be released for the time being. What does the outside world look like, I don't know yet!

When entering the underground city, there are so many people waiting!

Once released now, out of the dungeon, some people will definitely be robbed by others. In that case, they may die very badly. If you do n’t let people go now, then some of them may even become their hostages.

Although, outside, old man Jiang was watching. However, an extra guarantee is always good.

Seeing more and more people coming around, Han Fei immediately said to everyone: "Dinghai chart, I have already collected it. But most of you should know, where is the Dinghai chart ... This place is dangerous, believe You also understand. So, please wait a few days. When I leave the place where I buried my bones, let you go out. "

Someone's heart is a little deep: They are wondering, will Han Fei really let them go? After all, Han Fei is from the Thug Academy.

From a standpoint, they have always been enemies, not friends.

Some people also shivered: "Han Fei, if you let us go out and accept your feelings, at least all of us here will not be hostile to your mob college."

"Yes! Han Fei, after so many years, we haven't lost the blood and impulse that year. And, they are familiar with Lao Jiang, and they will not go too far."

Those ordinary people just look at it and dare not talk. However, the expectations in the eyes are beyond words.

Just listen to Jiang Chao Road: "Han Fei, you take Yang Xie out first. I will stay here first to stabilize people's hearts. After all, these people should let go."

Han Fei looked at Jiang Chao and nodded slightly: "Okay!"

Yang Xie couldn't restrain her excitement. However, when Jiang Chao was not prepared to leave immediately, he immediately said: "Teacher, in fact, it is the same if we go out first."

Jiang Chao said with a smile: "It's not urgent at this moment. I have stayed for so many years, but I'm still a few days away? It's you, go out and see how Xiaoqin is?"

Yue Twelve said: "Let me go too! I am not the one here."

Han Fei nodded, then looked at everyone and said, "Relax, say you are released, and you will be released naturally. However, wait for me to go out first. At this moment, everyone from your family is here, just outside the sea. By then, Hope you guys know what you should do. "

Everyone nodded.

Even those who had tried to stop Han Fei before, all sighed and nodded.

How fierce is the scramble for the chart? How could they not know?

There must be many families in the entire Qianxing City, and the seven major sect gates were dispatched.

It was Han Fei who got the charts, who was from the Thug Academy.

According to the urine of those big men, it certainly won't let him easily. And when the time comes, they will show their position. The various tribes and ancestors should not look at their own arrogance and stay in the picture forever.

Someone said: "Han Fei, we will try our best to do this, but we cannot guarantee it. However, even if something unpredictable occurs, please ask these children to leave first. They are ordinary people, and No cultivation is in the body. "

Someone replied: "Not bad. I can stay, but please let them leave."

It seems to foresee what, many ordinary people said to their ancestors: "Grandpa and Grandpa, I will advance and retreat with you."

"To shut up."

The man shouted angrily: "Is this something you can blend in? All shut up for me, no talking."

A child pulled the corner of a strong man: "Grandma, I want to be with you."

The strong man sighed, "Listen, yes. Grandma will go out with you, our teacher of Jade Immortal Palace, very good."

For a time, it's time to stage warmth and affection.

Han Fei glanced at Yang Xie and Yue Twelve: "Brother, go out with me first?"

Yang Xie nodded: "Okay!"

Han Fei thought, and communicated with 95 people: "Can you leave Dinghai Chart?"

What Han Fei thinks is that all these five people are the peak of law enforcement. Moreover, all are legends. The mighty strength may be comparable to the explorer. With the help of five of them, they can be described as having five super cards.

He listened to the nine ways: "Master, we have already integrated with this world. With your current strength, you can only let one of us leave at most. And, the time of leaving is limited."

Han Fei's heart sank: Is there such a restriction? Is it that he is too weak?

He listened to Shui Zedao: "Master, Di Jiu said that all strength left, and the body came to the outside world. But if it only came in the form of avatar, we can stay outside for a long time."

Han Fei's eyes lit up: "How much strength do you have?

Shuize said coldly: "Less than 10%, probably has the strength to enter the law enforcement for the first time."

Han Fei raised his eyelids: Dopants are comparable to law enforcement? This is already very strong! Of course, for those outside, it may not be enough. But it doesn't matter, at least he can temporarily let a person completely come to the outside world.

Tree Spirit Road said: "Master, although it can't completely come to the outside world for a while, you can put people in. Master, as long as it is not an explorer, five of us can deal with it in the picture."

Shu Ling added: "The reason why it is not an explorer is because it is extremely difficult for the explorer to fall. Although we can suppress it, the world in the picture will be damaged in battle."

Tinder smiled and said: "If there are only four or five law enforcers, we can deal with it calmly. But a large number will also cause the world in the picture to collapse. After all, although we are legends, we cannot destroy the enemy in an instant. Realm, there are many ways to master the rules. Of course, I ’m talking about the peak of law enforcement. Anything below the peak, whatever. "

The knife suddenly said: "Master, a single law enforcement peak, you can throw it at me. My master kills, non-Tianjiao law enforcement peak, like me."

Han Fei heard the words of the criminal knife, but he couldn't help but feel agitated: Listen, this is called domineering! Where the peak of law enforcement goes, it means that from now on, the peak of law enforcement can't help itself.

Han Fei immediately asked: "How do I put people in?"

Di Jiu Dao: "The Dinghai map can wrap the mountains and rivers. The owner can summon a projection of the world in the picture and install it. Then accept this projection. The nine-tone mist is a good trap. Just nine If the sound mist is trapped for a moment, people can be included in the chart. "

Han Fei moved, and couldn't help but ask: "Can the power of the nine-tone law be called?"

Di Ji responded: "Yes, but this world is just a weapon after all. So, no matter whether it is the dynamic code or us, the master will be under some pressure."

Han Fei: "For example."

Di Jiu Dao: "If you want us to come, you need to provide massive aura and energy support. However, if it is on the sea, the water can absorb energy by itself. If in the forest, I can also absorb the aura and energy. See where your master is fighting? If you want to use the nine-tone rule, you need to consume your own mental power. Therefore, the power of the rule will also weaken. "

Han Fei took a breath: Anyway, the biggest baby, the source water, had already gotten it himself. Although this chart is also a darling baby, it doesn't necessarily need it so much.

If you meet someone who is in the realm of law enforcement, you can use the chart to help. Exceeding this strength, it is estimated that it is more insuring to refine the world.

With such a thought, Han Fei does not have to worry so much now!

Han Fei responded: "I know. I will go out first, and I will call you something in the future."

As Han Fei moved, the whole person swished and disappeared in the Dinghai chart.

Along with Han Fei, there were Yang Xie and Yue Xie.

It's still on that 10,000 steps. Han Fei looked back and found that the Dinghai chart was still flying in mid-air.

As he beckoned, Dinghai's chart disappeared and sank into his body.

Yang Xie snorted: "It's finally out."

Han Fei frowned and said: "Brother, according to your statement, this should be the sixth day I entered the Dinghai chart. If the others came out, wouldn't they all go?"

Yang Xie said with a smile: "Maybe they were not sent here at all?"

Yue twelve echoed: "It makes sense."

The three Han Fei went down the steps.

Along the way, those bones have not turned into super big skulls, nor skull storms.

Until Han Fei walked out of the place where the bones were buried, he returned to the sky city, turned his head to look at the gatehouse, and found that the corpse was still there. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

Han Fei immediately said: "Senior, may I ask anyone who went in with me before, have they come out?"

The corpse glanced at Han Fei, "Go out."

Han Fei was relieved, and then said: "Senior, why are you staying here?"

The bone seemed to be in deep contemplation, and after a moment, he said: "Home."

Han Fei couldn't help but sigh: I don't know where this sky city came from? However, that's fine. In an unknown area, there is still such a place, just like Xanadu, it seems to be good.

As for the other secrets here, there should be many. It seems that I have the ability to find myself now.

Just as Han Fei was going to ask Yang Xie to find a chance together, he suddenly saw two fishing boats flying into the sky. Jiang Qin, and everyone else, are there.

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