God of Fishing

Chapter 961: What happened to me?

The first one to come out, named Lin Qi, is the Tianjiao of Broken Star Island. Not from Qianxing City, but from 36 towns.

As soon as Lin Qi came out, he saw the eyes of the big brother, staring at himself.

He was suddenly terrified: Nima, what is it for?


Suddenly, he heard Xue Shenqi said: "At first glance, this son is my broken star island, you continue to wait!"


Someone said: "Old Xue, just ask two sentences!"

Xue Shenqi looked at the man: "Senior Ye, what should I ask?"

Ye Jiaqiang said with a smile: "This little friend, have you ever held a sea order?"

Lin Qi shook his head nervously: "No!"

The Ye family asked again: "Little friends don't panic, I just want to know, what is the crisis in this underground city? What does it look like?"

Lin Qi immediately respected and said: "Seniors, to be honest, it is not like a city, but like an island. There is a crisis on it. Various terrestrial creatures that have never been seen are endless, and many are not life. It ’s in the water. The juniors also died in nine lives, found some chances, and did n’t dare to venture in, so they came out. ”

Immediately, everyone stared at Lin Qi again and asked some specific matters.

Some Lin Qi knew, some he didn't. Lin Qi only described what he saw and heard. Soon, everyone lost interest.

These are big brothers, aren't they terrestrial creatures? Everyone has read a lot of ancient books.

Although there may be some curiosity in my heart, are the records of terrestrial creatures and ancient books the same? But it is just curiosity, not too much to ask.

Lin Qi came out first and only stayed in the underground city for 3 days. It can only be said that Lin Qi's strength is relatively weak. However, it also represents the majority of people who are similar to Lin Qi, and it is almost time to come out.

as expected.

One has two, and after two hours, another one comes out, still broken Star Island.

Then, five or six people came out one after another, all of them on Broken Star Island.

Waiting until the 5th day, 50 or 60 people from Broken Star Island came out. At this time, the first big disciple appeared, a disciple of Taixuyuan.

However, the powerhouse of the Taixuyuan only said to everyone around them lightly: "It is not a disciple who grabs the picture, you need not pay more attention."

The strong man in Taiyuan Academy just asked some questions at will and let this disciple go to Broken Star Island.

On the sixth day, there were already 109 people coming out one after another. None of the disciples who could grab the picture appeared.

Until the seventh day, a white light flashed out of the cave.

Ye Jiaqiang immediately appeared in front of the white light and grabbed Ye Baiyu's hand: "Yu'er, can you grab the picture?"

Yang Erxa shouted, "Ye Dongfei, what panic do you panic? It's like we're going to eat Ye Baiyu's kid?"

Mo parents laughed lightly: "Bai Yu, to be honest."

Sun Baisheng shouted: "Bai Yu, I ask you, but how did Sun Mu die?"

Ye Baiyu stunned: "Ah! Sun Mu is dead?"

Ye Dongfei screamed at Sun Baisheng: "To my family, Yu'er, what is the fierce? How can there be no chance to die? No wonder Yu'er is on his head. Yu'er, can you grab the picture?"

This time nobody spoke, they were looking at Ye Baiyu, and they seemed to want to get an answer from Ye Baiyu.

Ye Baiyu smiled and shook his head bitterly, "Second Grandpa, Yu'er has a heavy family trust. Although I have the fastest speed in Dinghai, there is not enough speed there. In the end, I lost to Cao Jiaren. "

Ye Dongfei sighed a long way: "Fuck, no, this thing is lucky. But, let's talk about it, what is the picture like?"

Ever since Ren Tianfei snatched the chart, he has never fallen on the hands of the lords of Qianxing City. I grabbed a picture before, but I haven't come out after I entered it, and basically died inside.

Therefore, they also don't know what is the situation in the Dinghai chart? I only know that the sea character order represents luck.

Although a few came out, the news was also blocked and treated as top secret, only known to the family.

At this moment, Ye Dongfei's idea is to let Ye Baiyu say everything he knows. In this way, everyone can understand the Dinghai chart. In the future, no matter who gets it, other families can also know how to deal with it.

But listening to Ye Baiyu said: "There are five legendary powerhouses in the picture, the strongest in law enforcement ..."


This sentence alone, many people took a breath of air. However, some people are indifferent. For example, Cao Wudi is like this. The jade immortal palace is also like this. Tian Jianzong did not respond much ...

Ye Dongfei shocked: "Legend? Are you sure it is not a legend, but a legend?"

Ye Baiyu nodded: "You can't be wrong, this is one of the old trees said in person, basically he will say anything. If there are five legendary creatures, the most difficult place in the picture is a place called Jiuyin Mist. But I asked which nine-tone is the nine-tone? This predecessor only said seven-tone, which is seven emotions of joy, anger, sadness, fright, and thought, representing seven emotions. I do n’t know what the remaining two sounds are. "

Immediately, someone said: "Jiuyin? Will it have anything to do with the Jiuyin Family's Freedom Law?"

Someone nodded: "Jiǔ shouldn't leave ten. I heard that this generation of Jiuyin's little girl, Tianzong Wizard, is 17 years old and broke the law enforcement. In the history of Qianxing City, the top ten can be ranked. Jiuyin can't get rid of the relationship. "

Ye Baiyu went to Barabara for a while, and gave a general description of the situation in the picture. He tried to enter the fog of Jiuyin, but he couldn't get in at all, it should be the reason that his luck disappeared and he couldn't enter.

Ye Dongfei said: "Yu'er, don't get it if you don't get it, anyway."

Listening to Ye Dongfei ’s words, Ye Baiyu could n’t help but smile bitterly: “Second Grandpa, Ding Haitu should be given by someone. Because we just came out on the sixth day. When we entered, there were 84 people in total and 52 people in total. It is confirmed that all the major families in Qianxing City have failed. "


Someone was stunned: "All failed?"

Yang Erxu scolded: "Ye Xiaozi, are you saying that all of our clan have failed?"

Ye Baiyu nodded: "Because when I came out, everyone came out at the same time, all together. Except that I didn't see Sun Mu, I saw all of you at home."

With that said, Ye Baiyu turned his head to look at Cao Wudi: "Including Cao's family."

But he saw Cao Wudi suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell directly on Ye Baiyu: "What are you talking about?"

Ye Baiyu sighed: "Uncle Cao, although I lost to Cao Jiaren, they did fail. Cao Jiaren, Cao Tian, ​​and Cao Qiu who seemed to have become another person, all came out with me. of."

Sun Baisheng said: "Ye Xiaozi, you didn't ask, why isn't Sun Mu at home?"

Ye Baiyu sighed: "Senior Sun, you know, my relationship with Sun Mu is not very good."

But when he saw Cao invincible, he suddenly looked at the old man Bai and Jiang who were thinking.

Everyone else's eyes also looked at it, very unfriendly.

Just listen to Old Man Jiang blowing his beard and saying, "Look, what? My thug academy has always been out of arrogance. Besides, only more than 80 people went in. Only 52 came out. This shows that there are not many battles between life and death this time. Want to blame the deaths of the rest of the people on the thug academy? "

Sun Baisheng gritted his teeth and said: "Sun Mu and Han Fei have a hatred."

Old Bai laughed: "What's the matter? Don't say you're still not sure that Sun Mu killed Han Fei. What if Han Fei killed him? If only your Sun family could kill you, I wouldn't allow my thug academy to show power? Sun Baisheng, Laozi Here, do you have a chance to pick one? "

Old Man Jiang sneered: "As long as you can't kill both of us, your Sun's road will come to an end. You just wait for the endless hunting of my thug academy!"

Sun Baisheng's body shivered slightly: "Bai Congye, Jiang Daqian, really thought I dare not move you?"

Bai Congye sneered: "It's a day or two for you to join forces to deal with my thug academy? In the past, you failed to completely kill my thug academy, now you still want to start? You ask how many are willing, Help you? "

Old Man Jiang echoed: "You know, only your grandson is dead in the family. Why didn't anyone else die? Just the death of your family?"

Sun Baisheng's face was cold: "Wait for everyone to come out. If Mu Er was really killed by Han Fei, you two, just look at it, would I dare to do it?"

Old man Bai and old man Jiang are not afraid of boiling water. In fact, the two are talking.

Old man Jiang: "Have you brought something? Bacheng hasn't ran. According to Han Fei's urine, it is impossible to keep his hand. It must have been killed by him. Also, those grotesque students in the Seven Dajongmen are unlikely to get Dinghai. Picture. Therefore, it is estimated that the kid. "

Old Man Bai replied: "Bring it. As long as the Seven Sects don't shoot. We can't fight, but it should be possible to save people. Are you ready for the battle?"

Old man Jiang: "Do you think I'm like you? I'm ready for it. When the time comes, you will run them directly with you, after I break."

Old man Bai: "Don't panic. Perhaps, things haven't reached that point yet. Do you think I'm not prepared for anything? Let things happen more than 30 years ago, happen again?"

"Buzz ..."

It took more than three hours, and suddenly, dozens of people got out of the tunnel.

Li Heiye, Li Baiye, Chen Aochen and others were among them.


In the underground city, Han Fei painted in the sky. However, there is still a certain distance between the true teleportation array and the unfaced uncle. The teleportation array that I studied at 72 Monster Realm seems to have a teleportation distance of up to about 500 miles.

Perhaps, after a period of research and improvement, it can be spread far away, but now there is not enough time.

Han Fei only draws once every other period. Although the distance is short, he can avoid most of the trouble, and the speed is very fast.


Cao Wudi said lightly: "Failed?"

Cao Tian nodded slightly ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Cao Wudi set his gaze on Cao Qiu and sighed slightly: "Go back!"

On the other side, Sun Baisheng asked: "Li's boy, Chen's boy, do you know who killed Sun Mu?"

Li Heiye and Li Baiyan froze for a moment, and said in unison: "Sun Mu died?"

Chen Aochen shook his head: "I didn't meet him."

Li Hei said: "Maybe it's Han Fei! It should be that he got the Dinghai chart."

Just when Li Hei's words were just spoken, Cao Qiu's voice was a little cold, and he said: "I killed, what's wrong?"

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