God of Fishing

Chapter 963: I heard you moved my son?

Chen Aochen's family, although not dealing with the Thug Academy.

However, in the past, they did not participate in anything, so they chose not to stand at the moment.

Han Fei laughed: "I save the Chen family, the seniors are not going to help out?"

Chen Xuanbao said: "I don't shoot, it's already the biggest help."

Han Fei laughed: "Then I will wait for the matter to end, and I will let go."

Chen Xuanba was indifferent, and with a face of brutal Chen Aochen, he stepped through the void and stood a hundred miles away.

Ye Dongfei and Li Tongyuan stood up directly. At that time, they participated deeply. Sun Baisheng has started, and they have to stand up.

The distant sky is like a thunderstorm. Old Jiang and the two great explorers changed their colors and roared.

Old Man Bai glanced at these four people: "Four of you, when I really don't have a back hand?"

Li Tongyuan looked at Mu Tianfang and others: "Although you didn't take action at the beginning, you will not know what happened to the Thug Academy. Are you still preparing them to continue to cause trouble?"

Mu Tianfang's expression was sullen and he looked uncertain. He looked at Mr. Bai and said: "Mr. Bai, what I said just now counts."

Tang Ge and Mu Ling were guarded by the Tianjianzong law enforcers. At this moment, they could only be anxious, especially Tang Ge, whose body was tight.

Mu Ling: "Relax, the Thug Academy should not be simple, and what happens next?"

Bai Congye shook his head slightly, only to see him stretch out his hand, and a puppet in black robe appeared beside him. It's a puppet, but it's more like a corpse.

At the moment when he saw the corpse, the faces of the four Mo Dufei changed slightly.

Just listen to Ye Dongfei said: "I'm coming."

I saw Ye Dong flying to the previous station, tearing the void. He and the puppet of the corpse came in and out of the void.

Zhang Wanjin said: "Bai Congye, if you can find the body of the body, this time we count it as a plant. You brought a body of avatars, how? You think our family clan, so easy to deal with?


The void was suddenly torn, and an old man suddenly appeared above the sea.

Seeing this old man, Zhang Wanjin immediately frowned: "Jiuyin Lie? This matter has nothing to do with your family? Why, you Jiuyin family feels that they have a arrogance in their own house, which is amazing?"

Jiu Yinlie gave Han Fei a deep look: "I have the power of the clan, it's all about Xiao Ling'er. Han Fei is the person my great-granddaughter wants. I come to help, it's reasonable."

Old Man grinned: "Thanks."

Jiu Yinlie sighed slightly: "The old and talented people are mediocre. It's already valuable to be an explorer, and I can only barely block the next person."

Suddenly, I heard Li Tongyuan smiled and said: "Then I will meet the Jiuyin family's Tianxuan Jiuyin, how powerful is it? Please!"

At the scene, Mo Dufei and Zhang Wanjin were left, but Zhang Wanjin shouted, "Are you going to watch the movie?"

"Ha ha!"

A laugh came, and Han Fei suddenly discovered that Yue Twelve around him disappeared suddenly.

Thousands of kilometers away, a sloppy strong man carrying a wine gourd in one hand, smiled and said: "My disciple, my character follows me, since Han Fei can take him out, this drama! I will see, it is not necessary to shoot. "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes and saw the two come out of the void again. However, they did not come close. They still looked like a movie and had no plans to do so. Enemies are friends, it is not clear.

Han Fei did not panic, he knew: Old Han is also one of the chess players. Old Han didn't show up for a while, he should have his reason.

Although, Han Fei feels that Lao Han is not as he showed it, after all, Dinghai took himself to see the situation of Lao Han and his mother.

At this time, the people of the Seven Great Sects were unhappy, and Gui Yuanfeng had a strong man shouting: "Since people are not willing to return, are our seven families hot faces with cold ass?"

The Shanhaige strongman snorted coldly: "Yes, if you let the thug academy come, who knows what will happen in the future?"

Han Fei looked back: "The three great swords of Tian Jianzong are in Dinghai. As long as they don't intervene, I will let them leave. The other seven families have disciples beside me except for those who have no students. You are sure to take action against my thug academy regardless of the safety of your disciples? "

Yang Xie suddenly said: "There are disciples in Taixu Academy, Liner was born, and the seventh-level spirit vein is in the picture. There are disciples in Yuxian Palace who are born to have beautiful daughters of the heavens. Medium. Gui Yuanfeng has three disciples, who are both practicing with the people of Jade Immortal Palace. The proud daughter of that day was your disciple of Gui Yuanfeng, do n’t you want it? "

As soon as this remark came out, several sectarians changed their faces.

The old eyes of Taixuyuan lighted up: "You said that my disciple of Taixuyuan gave birth to Liner with a seventh-level spirit?"

Yang Xie said with a smile: "I don't need to deceive my predecessors. Qi Da Zong Men and my thug academy have never complained deeply. These children call me Uncle, and I want to let them go."

The Taixuyuan old school said immediately: "Well! If there is such a thing, I will not intervene in the Taixuyuan. But if you want to lie to me, blame me for being ruthless."

Jade Immortal Palace nodded and said: "Jade Immortal Palace does not participate in this matter."

The strong face of Gui Yuanfeng's strong face changes: Jade Immortal Palace is a woman. The children born should belong to me.

Immediately, he said: "Okay, but can you give me a glimpse of my return to Yuanfeng?"

Han Fei waved a hand, but saw a girl being led by a woman, and was afraid of suddenly appearing in a strange land.

"Mom! Water, sea ..."

The woman didn't do anything. At the moment, she panicked and looked nervously at Yang Xie: "I ... Mr. Yang ... what's going on?"

Yang Xie said with a smile: "Why, Xiaoya, you say who your mother is?"

The woman said: "Lin Qingyue, my mother is Lin Qingyue."


The jade immortal palace screamed: "What, did the moon die?"

The strong man Gui Yuanfeng tried his best to calm his tone and smiled, "Doll, who is your father?"

The little girl hid behind others nervously, and said pretty: "Zhou ... Zhou Wuji."

The strong man of Gui Yuanfeng exclaimed immediately: "What, Wuji? Is your father Zhou Wuji?"

Yang Xiedao: "Xiaoya, send you back first. We are negotiating, don't panic."

Han Fei's thoughts moved, and Virtual Shadow wrapped them up and disappeared again.

Han Fei looked at everyone and said: "Everyone knows that the people who can compete for the charts are all highly talented people. Among them, the majority of the seven major sect gates. How, the seven major sect gates still have to fight?

The old man Gui Yuanfeng gave Han Fei a deep look: "Okay! I don't care about this matter to Yuan Feng. But Han Fei, you let the people out first, and I will take them away immediately."

Only the jade immortal palace said: "That little girl is also the person in my jade immortal palace? You say take it away?"

"Oh! Sons and daughters follow my father. I won't take them away. Do you take them away from the Jade Immortal Palace?"

The jade immortal palace strongman said angrily: "This is not what you said. Our jade immortal palace is about to bring it. What can you do?"

Han Fei laughed: "Several predecessors, why should we argue now? My thug college's danger has not been lifted. Now, I certainly can't give it to people. After all, we are not familiar. People gave it, turning around and turning your backs, why bother? ? "

Someone shouted, "Boy, you can't believe the reputation of my seven major schools?"

Old Bai laughed: "If you talk about credibility, don't ask for people now."

Suddenly, Gui Yuanfeng, Taixu Temple, Jade Immortal Palace, Tianjian Sect, and other sects did not take action. Wushengmen, Shanhai Pavilion, and Haiyun Tower will naturally not shoot alone.

"Giggle ..."

Suddenly, a laugh sounded, and Mo Dufei said: "Is this the way of your mob school? Even the children have become your threatening tools?"

The old man scolded: "There is little yin and yang. You still have a smile on your face? You are a poisoned woman. You Mo's have something to do. Who doesn't know?"

Mo Dufei's face was ugly: "Bai Congye, would you try again?"

Old Bai laughed and scolded: "What do you Mo family do besides finding men well?"


Two waters of the black dragon bombarded the old man. But I saw the old man with a big shot, the sea wave burst, the tide flowed into the sky, and it fell away.

Mo Dufei shouted: "Even if they don't shoot, but don't forget, there are not many law enforcement here. Zhang Wanjin, you and I join forces to suppress this old man."

"Why bother?"

There is a voice down.

Everyone looked up and saw a middle-aged man coming out of the void.

This person's expression is faint: "Bai Congye, you never thought about it. You have been arguing for charts, but are you good enough? The first two games were messed up, and you still have to play this time? Whoever Ding charts belong to, but Do n’t go to your house. If you retaliate against the Thousand Stars City, I will ask you, what is your ability to retaliate? "

Old Bai looked cold and gritted his teeth: "Chumen."

Han Fei and others wondered: What the **** is Chumen? Thousand Star City clan, so many?

Xue Shen, who has not spoken, said: "What is the reason for Chumen to show up at this moment as people in the future fight for plans?"

The man smiled disdainfully: "So many people, even a thug academy can't figure it out, who am I not coming from? Call some fallen families with crooked melons and dates? I Chumen disdain for the picture. The picture can fall on the hands of these people in the Thug Academy. "

With that said, the man swept to Han Fei: "Aren't you called Han Fei? Hand over the chart, you can spare you."

Bai Congye scolded: "Chun Nanfeng, are you threatening my thug academy?"

The middle-aged man named Chu Nanfeng laughed contemptuously: "It's just a threat, what's wrong? It's a good seedling to grab a Dinghai chart, but don't let me break it. Is your thug college losing money?"

Han Fei saw that Chu Nanfeng's style ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ was very strong, and immediately cursed: "Old Turtle, do you want to fold me? Believe it or not, Master, tear down your Chu Men?"

Chu Nanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Boy, are you looking for death?"

Han Fei: "Come here."

Chu Nanfeng took a step down, vacillating in the void.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Unexpectedly, now a miscellaneous fish, now know how to do prestige and blessing?"

Void concussion, someone came from the sea, carrying his hands, long wind rolled coat, elegant posture.

The man appeared like a thousand miles, a few steps, and appeared in front of everyone.

"I heard that you want to move my son?"

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