God of Fishing

Chapter 969: The old turtle is under the hole

Three days later.

Han Fei's net worth reached the richest moment in history.

More than 3,500 pieces of superb artifacts, obtained 3.02 million Jin Lingquan, more than 23,000 pieces of spiritual fruit.

And 301 half **** soldiers are worth a lot. Finally, after deducting the commission of 2 points, there is a total of 4.6 million catties of Lingquan, which is equivalent to 4.6 billion auras, which is almost close to 5 billion. There are 47,840 pieces of Lingguo, if counted as Reiki, it is at least 7 billion.

And during this period, he also sent over the resources he collected. However, compared with Han Fei's current family, it is nothing.

At the moment, Han Fei's body has reached 55,000 Lingguo.

As for the inferior and middle-ranking **** soldiers, Han Fei is naturally impossible to sell.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether you have money or not. These magic soldiers need to refine a blood-drinking knife, a large seal, a fishing rod and a long stick.

If you want to refine it into a top grade soldier, the chance should not be great. I happen to have 2 top quality warriors and 3 middle-level warriors. The problem of the three-in-one warriors of the middle-level warriors becoming top-level warriors should not be a problem.

Uh ...

Hangtian waterfall.

When Han Fei opened the mist array at home, he couldn't help but sigh.

"The power of the refining demon pot is not enough to refine the best soldiers? It seems that you have to wait for the third Koto!"

Han Fei intends to refinish the super hero. Soon, he discovered the problem. This aura consumes a lot, but the refining progress of the Need for Divine Soldiers is extremely slow.

If you want to force refining, it may require a large amount of aura. Although I do not lack aura now, there is no need for that. Even if you have refined the best soldiers, you can't exert your full strength!

Is a mid-level martial arts soldier. According to his practice speed, he should be able to exert his full power after the peak of the submarine fisherman or the breakthrough of the law enforcer.

So, the two super heroes are still lying in the refining world. It was the three middle-class **** soldiers who made a blood-drinking knife, a gold seal, and a dragon pole.

Han Fei: It's too much trouble to name it! Can't you always change a name every time you upgrade your equipment? Therefore, it is better to use it.

As for the fishing rod, the name refined this time is called Burial Dragon Rod. Han Fei wondered, this name is good, and can be used in the future.

Uh ...

Three months later.

The poolside of Xuantian Waterfall.

One person, one cat, sitting on a rock and fishing.

In the middle of this person and a cat, on a stone, there are two fruit bowls, and there are rare things like pineapple.


Han Fei was eating the pineapple while pulling the fishing rod, said: "Rhubarb! If you continue to do so, the cat is not enough!"


Rhubarb bit off half a pineapple in one bite and said depressedly: "The cat just wants to give birth to a cub, and they are dead. Is the cat born to be alone?"

Han Fei snorted: "So, maybe you are the unique cat."


A red blood butterfly fish was pulled up by rhubarb. With a paw, Rhubarb poked people to death.

Poke dead red blood butterfly fish, Rhubarb did not eat, but looked at Han Feidao: "Why didn't you catch any of them?"

Han Fei said lightly: "I didn't fish again, this red blood butterfly fish tastes so ordinary."

Rhubarb: "It seems that your strength has not changed."

Han Fei laughed: "I'm digesting it."

Rhubarb: "Will it take so long?"

Han Fei sneered: "Long? You glance at yourself? Sorry to say I'm long? At most three months, it's almost the same."

Yes, the price to pay for the improvement of strength is not small, mainly because after eating the original water, Han Fei temporarily changed his promotion path from the suffering mode to the **** mode.

Now he is too strong. He has been wearing it for three months, but he hasn't even worn down the small barriers.

Of course, this is temporary.

After Han Fei has completely broken in, the road to promotion will be opened. Before going to Qianxing City, it should be no problem to break through the law enforcers.

It's just that this time, it's really boring.

Luo Xiaobai, they are different from themselves. They have their own way. If they don't work hard, they may not keep up with themselves.

And myself, now seems to have truly become a kind of hard-to-find, even a thousand-year-old wizard. I dare not guarantee it elsewhere, but here it is already.

If you didn't get the source water, you didn't seem to be so exaggerated.

But now, no one is willing to fight when they are looking for them to fight.

The reason is that Han Fei is very powerful. There is no need for a secret method. If the opponent tries his best, he can't fight it. Well, with the secret method, people just stopped playing it because they could n’t fight it.

Moreover, the changes in the source water and strength growth are also slightly different.

For example, the strange speed of wind cast by the phantom glass wings has changed from the original 3 times speed to the current 4 times speed.

10 times the outburst of the magic change became 8 times outbreak. It seems that with the enhancement of the physique, the effect of the magic transformation has also weakened accordingly.

In this case, Han Fei tried to find a junior peak law enforcement officer to fight. As long as you can't overwhelm yourself with the method, you still can't win yourself.

Han Fei once felt that he didn't pursue anymore, and only had a breakthrough in mixed eating.

"Human, you haven't changed things with me for a long time."

The sound of the big turtle fell into Han Fei's mind.

Han Feixin said: What can you give me now? Qi Lingye, I'm over 80,000 catties! Nowadays, they are also precipitating, and I have nowhere to use them.

Moreover, Han Fei also determined another thing: Kai Ling Liquid has little effect on law enforcement. The reason is that Qilingye is the rule, and the law enforcers can enforce the law, and the two conflict.

If you want, there are still many in Dinghai Chart.

However, Shu Ling said: Qi Lingye cannot be taken too far. It has the effect of stabilizing one side, otherwise Han Fei can take it directly from the Dinghai chart.

So, Han Fei said, "Senior Tortoise, what do you want to change now? Three months ago, so many people enforced the law. The power of the ban hasn't been able to hold you back for several years? Why bother?

The big turtle was silent for a moment: "I can make it cheaper."

Han Fei couldn't help rolling his eyes, I wouldn't buy it cheap.

He couldn't help saying: "Senior, anyway, we are all okay. Nagging! The spring eye under you, where is it?"

The big turtle was silent and did not speak.

Han Fei glanced around and said, "Senior, to be honest, I don't need Kai Lingye anymore. And, when you come out, the big hole underneath will eventually be visible. Otherwise, you tell me , You tell me now, I will immediately go to the outer sea area, find a sea monster nest to be destroyed, and grab you some demon stone to come back, what do you think? "

The big turtle said: "Actually, it's not as complicated as you think."

Han Fei didn't care: "Not complicated, let's talk about it!"

It may be because Han Fei often came to fish recently to pass the time, or it might be that the big turtle knew that he was not far away from the unsealing, but did not expect it to say so.

Only listened to the big turtle: "Actually, what I pressed was the broken body of a deep sea monster."


Suddenly, someone hummed in the void, and suddenly the big turtle was speechless.

And Han Fei, directly caught in shock: What do you mean? Deep sea monster?

Han Fei breaks his finger and counts, the sea spirit realm, the broken spirit seeks the way, enters the road to respect ...

"Mistgrass! King Realm Corpse?"

Han Fei was like a divine initiation at the time, and instantly understood why the Kraken was going to break Sing Tao? Why do humans stay on Broken Star Island? The corpse of the powerful king realm, who knows if it can create another king realm?

If the Kraken got this corpse, think about it. If that happens, how can the Thousand Stars City be an enemy if someone uses his corpse to become a king?

Just listen to the sound in the void and go straight to the bottom of the pool: "Old turtle, don't think this kid will be your chance."

The conversation between Xue Shenqi and Lao Gui does not know Han Fei.

On the surface of the lake, Xue Shenqi's phantom emerged: "After three months, no matter what you do, I can't stay at Broken Star Island anyway."

Han Fei stunned: "Ah? Why?"

Xue Shenqi said indifferently: "The day when the seal of the old turtle is lifted is the time when the war between humans and sea monsters is over. This time is 8 years away. Your father is counting on you to become king. Do you really think this is so easy? I still know that entering the Dao is respectable, so that even if the explorer ’s barrier is there, can you find a way to get through it, the Venerable Realm? What is Dao, have you ever thought about it? "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes: Break through the explorer and go to Mizuki. It seems not easy to become a Venerable ... Eight years, it seems a little short! But why is it eight years?

Xue Shenqi continued: "If you want to be a king, you have to join the battle eight years later."

Han Fei didn't care about this ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ If you want to be king? It may be recognized by many people. Promoted by the clan of the Thousand Stars City, it is difficult for them to not participate in the war.

However, he questioned: "Since this matter is so important, why do you want everyone to break the law here and shorten the time for the old turtle to come out? Wouldn't it be early to let the senior turtle out?"

Xue Shenqi said indifferently: "There are some things that you don't understand. You think that the king-level corpse is really that simple? That is a corpse of Dao Yun, which can evolve countless enlightenments. Otherwise, you think, Where is the chimney from the sea? Do you really think that the old turtle wants the resources to come out? "

Han Fei shuddered: What do you mean? The old turtle didn't want resources to come out, it was ... to suppress the hole?

Han Fei quickly shook his head and said, "Isn't it said that breaking the law enforcement will only allow Senior Turtle to come out early? Obviously, it was said that it can take decades, but now it has become 8 years. Isn't it because of breaking the law enforcement?"

Xue Shenqi looked at Han Fei seriously: "If you had a chance to become a king, this shouldn't have been told to you. What you said is just something declared to the outside world. In fact, this is not the case. The old turtle is ahead of time, but it can absorb some Daoyun by breaking the law enforcement, which can reduce the pressure of the old turtle and allow it to be pressed for longer. "


Han Fei dumbfounded: So, everyone is in the dark?

In fact, Xue Shenqi and the old turtle are deceiving people.

Han Fei suddenly got up: "Then, if there was no collective law enforcement three months ago, how could Senior Turtle last for several years?".

Xue Shenqi's expression did not fluctuate: "Three years."

Han Fei: "..."

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