God of Fishing

Chapter 973: Han Fei, the father of the half **** soldier

The significance of the appearance of the semi-divine soldier refining furnace is epoch-making, not that the semi-divine soldier itself is epoch-making.

For the five-star refining master, if there are enough good materials in hand to refine the semi-divine soldiers, it is actually not difficult.

It's difficult, how to use the materials of the best spirits to refine the semi-divine soldier? This is the point.

This has epoch-making significance!

This means that the materials that could be used to refine the top-grade spirit weapon can now be used to refine the demigods! If this is not a great result? What is it called?

At this moment, Han Fei and the three people, together with the Semi-Shen Bing Refining Furnace, have been moved to the Refining Hall of the Central City at this moment.

A large group of refining masters who had learned the news had already enclosed this place.

Just listened to Li Yunfei: "Please wait a moment and wait for the meeting again."

Center City Refining Hall, the most luxurious refining room, several people are discussing the naming of this refining furnace.

This thing was developed by Han Fei, Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer. Well, the name naturally needs these people. This is also a rule of the refiner hall.

Yuxu smiled and said: "Don't underestimate the naming of this thing, this is an event with a long history. This means that from today on, everyone who uses this kind of refining furnace will mention its name every time it is mentioned . And this name was named by all of you. "

Li Yunfei smiled and said: "Han Fei, what do you think?"

Han Fei said, "Is it important?"

Beihuo laughed and said: "It can make you famous. The entire Qianxing City may remember your name."

Han Fei glanced at Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer. Don't look at Guan Qingyan with a cold face every day, in fact he is the one with the longest research. Of course, credit is certainly not as big as yourself.

As for Mu Jiaer, don't look at it all day long. She put forward the last idea of ​​refining the demigod soldiers. In this study, she also made many suggestions.

Didn't wait for Han Fei to speak, just listened to Mu Jiaer: "Called Santianjiao refining furnace, on behalf of our three refining geniuses?"

Everyone: "..."

Han Fei felt that his name was already bad enough, but I didn't expect another one to be worse than himself!

Han Fei pouted: "It might as well be called Han Guan Mu Refining Furnace."

Everyone; "..."

Mu Jiaer mouth bulging and said: "Why am I at the end?"

Everyone rolled their eyes: Are you at the front?

Guan Qingyan was silent for a long time and said, "Just take a name!"

Han Fei has a toothache: "What is the name of us?"

Li Feiyun smiled and said: "Isn't it simple? Why should the surname be in front? What about the non-Yanmu stove?"

Everyone: "..."

Han Fei is right: "Forget it, Laoguan, it's up to you."

Mujiaer: "I actually ..."

"What do you actually do you actually? You eat peaches."

Han Fei reached out and stuffed Mu Jiaer's mouth with a peach: "It doesn't matter what it's called, anyway, people will always know the three people behind the name."

Guan Qingyan said: "Listen to Senior Li's, it's called Non-Yanmu Fire Furnace."

Li Yunfei smiled and said: "Look! My suggestions are always good."

Yuxu and Beihuo skimmed their lips: Can you be jealous!

About half an hour, all the people who should have arrived have arrived. At this moment, the refining room was full of people, and everyone's eyes were staring at the "non-smoke animal stove".

When they got the news, to tell the truth, everyone was ignorant.

Thought that the mark of the formation proposed by Mu Jiaer was already advanced enough. Although it is a little more troublesome, it has been able to refine the demigods.

But suddenly, someone told you that you do n’t need to do anything now, just throw the material into a stove, add aura and energy, and the semi-divine soldier will come out automatically. Who can bear this? Is there such a good thing under the sun?

At this moment, someone asked: "Master Yunfei, this is the refining furnace that can refine the semi-divine soldier?"

Li Yunfei said: "It just got a new name, called non-smoke animal husbandry furnace. This furnace is mainly developed by Han Fei, Guan Qingyan, and Mu Jiaer, and the three people worked together."

Said, Li Yunfei smiled and said: "I'm too lazy to say anything. Just come up personally ... you, you, the tallest one. You come to do it yourself!"

Sun Jia's spirit was revived: This good thing, it was my turn to operate it for the first time? The point is, he is a Samsung refiner!

He immediately felt nervous: "Senior Li, me, my Samsung, is that okay?"

Li Yunfei smiled and said, "I just want to select Samsung Refiners to operate. If you can operate successfully, then this non-smoke stove is definitely no problem, and mass production can begin."

Li Yunfei is not a joke.

The materials of demigods are very rare. It is impossible to refine the demigods with the materials of demigods.

However, if these semi-divine soldier materials are used to refine non-smoke animal husbandry fire, if this is not possible, the broken Star Island has accumulated for so many years and you can throw away the fish for feeding.

Sun Jia went to the stage to exercise.

And among the crowd, there is another Samsung Refiner, staring at Han Fei.

Han Fei discovered long ago: Who is this uncle? It seems a bit familiar.

Han Fei suddenly remembered that when he first went to the Refining Hall for the first time, he spent money to watch other people's refining machines. Seems like this one? At the beginning, the other party wanted to teach himself ...

And the man was shocked at the moment: What is this evil? At the beginning, I still wanted to mention him. As a result, watching Han Fei's arrogance, saying that the refiner was simple, he suddenly lost interest.

As a result, everyone now has a five-star refiner, and he is still a Samsung!

Seeing Han Fei looked over, he quickly lowered his head and said: Don't recognize me!

On the field.

Sun Jia took a breath and only listened to Yuxu with a smile: "Concentrate on the spirit, and then refine it according to the normal method of refining the top grade spiritual weapon. After refining the spirit, just put the materials through this hole and put it in."

Sun Jia nodded solemnly: Rong Ling, meticulous, even a little concentrated.

After all, these eyes are watching! One mistake, I lost my face, don't know where to arch?

Fortunately, everything went well, although it took a little longer. However, Sun Jia's operation is no problem. After a while, he poured the material into the mold.

Immediately, the non-smoke animal husbandry started to run automatically, and the aura spewed out.

The spirit fire erupted, the original dark lines on the stove, at the moment the spirit fire rose, one line after another, as if drawing a wonderful picture.

Approximately more than 500 rest, when the spirit fire extinguished, a long sword floated in the furnace, the cold light captured people. In view of its quality, it is by no means comparable to ordinary top-grade spirit implements.

"His! Is it done?"

"It's that simple?"

"This is too simple, right?"

"Mist grass."

"With the advent of this furnace, the human pattern will change!"

"Necessary spiritual weapons may become a thing of the past, and if everyone is replaced by a semi-divine soldier, the strength of mankind will be greatly improved."

Some people shook their heads: “Do n’t be too optimistic. First of all, how many of these non-smoke fires can be refined? This is a question. Such a large one will certainly consume a lot. And the human population is large, even if it is refined day and night, Want to get everyone to pick up the half **** soldier? I'm afraid it's a very long-term thing, and it can't be done in a year or two. "

Li Yunfei said: "I know your concerns. This time, I'm calling you only to show you how to operate the non-smoke animal husbandry furnace? Later, I will personally report to the coach. Broken Star Island's top materials At the first time, I started to make non-smoke animal stoves. In addition, three days later, the whole city was informed of this matter and gave everyone a strong heart. "

After the demonstration of the non-fire animal husbandry stove, in addition to the three people of Han Fei being praised fiercely, the crowd was dispersed.

Yuxu handed the five-star refiner certificate to Han Fei, and said to Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer: "You two can also get the five-star refiner certificate, but not now, but all non-smoke animal husbandry After it's built. "

Guan Qingyan nodded: "It should be."

Mu Jiaer also has no opinion ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ She found that Han Fei is so incomparable, too abnormal.

And Han Fei said with a smile: "Senior Yuxu, that ... I have a five-star refiner certificate?"

Yu Xuwei smiled and said: "The commander said, go and see him yourself."

Han Fei: "..."

To tell the truth, Han Fei did not want to meet Xue Shenqi. Every time I see it, I have a straight face, and a gangster.

Is finished, Yuxu added: "Oh, yes, the commander said, let you see him after you have made all the existing materials into non-smoke fires, and make all kinds of weapons."

Beihuo added: "You still have to get the book, it is urgent."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: I am a hero, I have worked hard for humans! Why is it now a robot on the production line?

However, Han Fei turned to think: Anyway, as long as he does not die, the entire Qianxing City is mine. I am also helping myself.

Thinking so, Han Fei was much more comfortable.

After 8 years, should there be enough people to get the demigods?


Three days later.

Han Fei and others are building non-smoke stoves in full swing.

Mu Jiaer even engraved the words Non-smoke Mu Huo directly on the stove, for fear that others might not know.

And this day.

Is also the non-smoke animal stove, announced the whole day of broken star island.

One day, Judao was in an uproar. .

After enjoying the non-smoke animal husbandry, many people directly use the word "skillful" to describe it.

And Han Fei, was crowned with a new name-the father of the demigod.

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