God of Fishing

Chapter 981: Tongtian ladder

To get to the Tongtian Ladder, you have to go to the very small floating island when Han Fei came.

On the way to there, no one is more familiar than Cloud Whale.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or what?

Anyway, when Han Fei came to the big river, they saw Yun Whale flipping in the clouds.

A few people did not want the cloud whale to land, but flew directly to the sky, and came to the cloud whale's side for a moment.

Cloud Whale knew Han Fei. At the first sight of Han Fei, he opened his mouth and rubbed Han Fei with his head. Han Fei, who had no force, was sent out by Cloud Whale.

Han Fei laughed: "Big man, I invite you to eat crabs!"

With that said, Han Fei took out a crab over 20 meters in size and threw it at the mouth of Yun Whale.

"Woo ~"

"Creak ~"

After crushing the crab in one bite, the cloud whale happily went round and pushed Han Fei up.

Liao lying on the door of the brain of the cloud whale, and turned his head to look at Han Fei: "Han Fei, your relationship with cloud whale seems to be better than others!"

Qingchen smiled and said: "This is the benefit of feeding."

Han Fei laughed: "That's not it? I feed it every time."

With that in mind, Han Fei patted Cloud Whale and said, "Big guy, please send us to the Tongtian Ladder. Do you know where it is? It is next to the floating island."

"Woo ~"

As soon as the cloud whale flicked and flicked a white cloud, his body sank into the clouds.

Han Fei then looked at Liluolu and Qingchen: "Why do you both go to Qianxing City? Are you not happy about Broken Star Island?"

Qing Chen chewed the dried fish in his mouth: "After breaking the law enforcement, there is nothing to challenge. Since the last war, the Kraken has suffered heavy casualties, fearing that it will not come back in a short time."

Li Luoluo said: "I heard that Qianxing City is interesting, there are many ancient things, I want to see."

Han Fei pouted.

Regardless of whether the two of them tell the truth, they will go to Qianxing City anyway, and there is no competitive relationship. You can't stop them, can you?

But I saw Zhang Xuanyu leaned close to Liluo and said, "Girl, remember me?"

Li Xiayu glanced at Zhang Xuanyu, raised his eyebrows: "I don't remember."

Zhang Xuanyu didn't care, instead he smiled and said: "Then get to know it again? Girl, look at my face value, and then look at your face value, is there anything in common?"

Zhang Xuanyu looked at Zhang Xuanyu for a while, stupefied: "What do they have in common?"

Only Zhang Xuanyu smiled: "A handsome, a beautiful ... I ... Hey, who dragged me?"


A vine caught Zhang Xuanyu and threw him directly into the air. It can be seen that Luo Xiaobai can no longer listen.

The cloud whale also whined, tilted his body, and seemed to be thinking whether to take Zhang Xuanyu. It can be seen that Zhang Xuanyu flew back by himself, so he continued to fly forward.

Zhang Xuanyu returned to Cloud Whale and sighed. He sat next to the music maniac, and accompanied him to pick up the sea melon seeds.

Luo Xiaobai said: "Tongtian ladder is not simple. But anyone who enters Qianxing City through Tongtian ladder, even if they have the permanent residence of Qianxing City. Moreover, Tongtian ladder is also an assessment."

Han Fei: "What assessment?"

Luo Xiaobai said: "The Seven Great Sects will invite those who enter the Thousand Stars City through the Tongtian Ladder. Therefore, there will be an assessment under the Seven Great Sects on the Tongtian Ladder. Of course, it is not mandatory."

Luluodao: "How do you know? Didn't you come from the town?"

Luo Xiaobai paused for a moment ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ It seems. "

Han Fei asked: "Is it difficult?"

Luo Xiaobai: "I don't know."

Qingchen said with a smile: "I know, I heard it's quite difficult! However, it doesn't seem to be difficult. Someone who has climbed the sky-high waterfall has basically passed it."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Why is it basically? Shouldn't it be all?"

In Han Fei's view, no one who can go to Xuantian Waterfall is simple. Is there anyone who can't get up?

Luo Xiaobai: "It should not be so exaggerated. Among the seven major gates, Haiyun Tower is the most low-key. And the evaluation of Haiyun Tower is also the most difficult. Even if someone fails, it should be blocked by Haiyun Tower. Got them. "

Han Fei was slightly surprised: indeed, as the Seven Major Sects, the presence of Haiyun Tower was too low.

Tian Jianzong is the most high-profile. The Jade Immortal Palace is full of girls. It is a dream paradise for Zhang Xuanyu and others. Therefore, it is also the most famous. Taixu Temple, Shanhai Pavilion, Gui Yuanfeng and Wushengmen have their own strengths.

On the contrary, it was the Haiyun Tower. Although it belonged to the Seven Great Sects, Han Fei found that he did not seem to have met the people of the Haiyun Tower a few times.

The only one I have seen several times is the cosine. However, his strength does not seem to be strong, there is nothing very special, and people remember.

The sword of Tianjianzong, the sister of Jade Immortal Palace, the gate of No Life Gate, the virtual sword of Taixu Temple, the physical strength of the disciples of Shanhai Pavilion, and the comprehensive strength of Gui Yuanfeng are impressive, but Haiyun Tower does not.

Han Fei: "What kind of college is Haiyun Building?"

Luo Xiaobai shook his head slightly: "I'm not familiar with the Seven Great Sects, so I'll know if I go up and look at it."


The cloud whale is a peculiar creature that specializes in flying around the earth. It is very fast, and it took only three hours to arrive.

Everyone in Han Fei jumped from the cloud whale, and Han Fei put a big octopus in the mouth of the cloud whale again: "Thank you, big man."

"Woo ~"

Cloud whale sounds ethereal, resounding between heaven and earth. It turned around, submerged in the clouds, and swam lonely in the sky.

Turning around, Han Fei looked at the so-called Tongtian ladder.

Once, when they first looked here, they thought it was a hanging ladder, and they needed hands and feet to climb up with the ground.

Actually, otherwise, after waiting here, Han Fei and they discovered that the so-called Tongtian Ladder only looks like a hanging ladder, but in fact, it is more like a flame step hanging in the air.

However, looking from the direction of the hanging island, only one side can be seen, and the image of a hanging ladder is presented.

The ladder is like a burning chain of fire. In fact, except for the burning part, the rest of the place is blank. You can only confirm the way through the chain of flames.

Han Fei tried to stand in the blank space outside the flames. However, once unconsciously, the body began to fall. Only standing on the invisible flame chain can truly stand still.

However, once standing on the flame chain, the whole person directly became a fireman. This flame is not only the heat of the flame, but also seems to have a slight impact on the soul of the god.

Immediately shouted: "Stand up straight, won't it?"

Liluo stood directly towards the second chain of fire. As a result, he stepped directly into the air and could not stand at all.

Luo Xiaobai: "It should be one step at a time. Otherwise, if you fly along the fire chain all the way, won't you reach Qianxing City?"

Yueren shook his face wildly: "There should be no such simple thing."

Han Fei stepped from the first fire chain to the second fire chain at the moment. Stepped on the foot, the whole person disappeared in front of Luo Xiaobai.

Qingchen screamed: "Oh! There is something wrong with the space."

Zhang Xuanyu shrugged and said, "Go! I can only go layer by layer."

Successively, after they walked to the second floor, they saw Han Fei. At this moment, the five Firemen looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Han Fei: "It's unclear how many floors the Tongtian Ladder has? However, the intensity of the flames and the degree of shock of the soul will become stronger and stronger. Hey Xiaobai, do you want to go?"

Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "Together with you."

Han Fei thought: Yes, let Luo Xiaobai go back through the teleportation array, it is estimated that she is also unhappy ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But she saw that the madman has stepped on it, and he still said in his mouth: "Since going to the ancient battlefield My soul is soaring, let's go, hurry up. "

Everyone walked up 4,000 steps along the way, and all of them had been replaced with inferior warriors.

The main thing is that if you do n’t change it, your clothes will burn out, instead of being really hot or overwhelming.

After several people of Han Fei crossed this foot, Han Fei seemed to see a punch, strength and strength, and the peak of the submarine fisherman.

Han Fei bombarded with a punch, and shattered the blow easily. Others have made similar actions.

Perhaps the ladder is difficult for others to climb. Any random attack is at the peak level of the submarine angler. But the five people on this side are all comparable to the existence of law enforcers. How could they be afraid of this attack?

The 5000th floor was swept by Jianguang and was shattered.

6000 floors, or Jianguang, but very fast. Han Fei recognized at a glance that this was the combat skill of the Jade Immortal Palace, but it was still easily broken.

The 7000 floor is the door.

The 8000 floor is Jianhai.

The 9000 layer is a weird magic sound. Among the people, Leren crazy is a little uncomfortable, but he walked over, which shows that the pure soul beads of Leren crazy did not eat in vain.

Han Fei said with a smile: "After all, it is still the assessment of the level of submarine fisherman. Although the flame temperature has long been different, it is not impossible to prevent."

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "The soul shock is not so strong, just look at the final assessment."

Han Fei doubted: This so-called Tongtian Ladder is still 9999 floors. If it is not set by Qianxing City, it is set by Yin Yang Palace. Therefore, it will be surprisingly similar.

When Han Fei stepped into the 9999th floor, his heart suddenly moved into a brief loss. He saw Lin Miaomiao and was shooting at himself.

"Huh? Demon?"

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