God of Fishing

Chapter 990: Is this building a house?

Han Fei has seen Fang Zhengzheng's plant maze. That's the shape of a plant built into a wall, which can be moved, ambushed, and people can't find an exit inside.

If you use the plant wall as a line of formation, together with the gathering of spirits to supplement the aura, the upper part is closed. This became the deep-sea stone forest where the tortoise was imprisoned in the secondary fishery, but it was not difficult to manufacture.

As for the killing of the different dimension, it is a little difficult, but it seems not difficult to make a cube.

You have to make a big cube yourself and use it as a library. In this way, in each block, lay a serial killing array. Turning the Rubik's Cube irregularly will save you nothing.

However, this Rubik's Cube seems not simple. It is not construction trouble, but formation trouble. With the current level of formation, the power of killing out may not be enough. At most, it can block the realm of law enforcement.

"Forget it, only get it out first, and then gradually upgrade and strengthen it later."

Han Fei said oneself.

As for the rest, the cafeteria and the dormitory are installed directly in Houshan. As before, they live in the trees. As for the training ground for teaching students, it can be arranged in a maze.

With such a thought, Han Fei immediately felt perfect. Now, it not only solves the problem of school construction, but also trains students, without building so many houses, which is nice.

Flattening the ground all the way, Han Fei had already flown to the sky, flying head-down, and was studying how to arrange the array.

Only the musicians shouted, "What are you doing?"

Han Fei impatiently said: "You are busy with you, I'm doing construction."

Li Luoluo and Luo Xiaobai were turning the ground, muttering: "I think he is lazy."

Luo Xiaobai shook his head: "No. Although Han Fei doesn't take care of his words, he is still very reliable in doing things."

He grinned, facing Han Fei, beckoning: "I want to build a small villa with your big waterfall hanging over the sky."

Han Fei waved: "What do you want? Thug Academy does not provide dormitories. Later, you go to the forest and set up yourself!"

I saw Han Fei holding the fish skin map in his hand and pondered over and over again.

"No, you have to be able to move ... No, it's too troublesome to move, you can use the teleportation array instead ... Well, in addition to the killing array, you have to get a defensive array to protect the plant wall ... What kind of killing array is good? It ’s all thrown in ... "

Half a day passed by in a flash.

At night, a group of people was sitting in Houshan, eating hot pot.

Han Fei is holding the fish skin diagram in his hand and is still studying it. Now, under normal circumstances, cooking is maddening.

After years of experience, this fat man has some gaps with Han Fei, but the basic dishes have been mastered and the taste is not bad.

Le Ren said madly: "No! When you eat, you have to eat well so that it tastes."

Zhang Xuanyu leaned over his head and said, "What are the bells and whistles of your painting?"

Han Fei pushed his head away: "I want to build a school that is different from the seven major schools. Now I have found out, why there are so many ruins and mysteries in this world ... all are studied by people what!"

Everyone: "?????"

Luo Xiaobai, including Luo Xiaobai, was stunned: Why did he build a house, and how did he reconnect with the ruins and the secret realm?


The third day.

All things have been dealt with. The wood and stones collected by Zhang Xuanyu and the musicians have been piled up into small hills.

At this time, everyone was crouching on a piece of wood, watching Han Fei wandering in front of the pile of wood and stones. They all want to see, what is Han Fei going to do?

Suddenly, Han Fei took out a large piece of wood from the refining world.

Luo Xiaobai's eyes shrank immediately: "Ten thousand years red shirt?"

Zhang Xuanyu's eyes widened: "What! Didn't it disappear?"

Yueren whispered: "I don't see it disappeared, but it was uprooted by Han Fei. According to his character, there are ten things that can be done."

Li Luoluo looked awkward: "So, this is a tertiary fishery, the tree in the center of the sea grassland?"

The dry old man also saw this scene with great interest. Although the present ten-year-old red shirt is not valuable to Han Fei. But no matter how valuable it is, you have to see, how big is this material?


I only saw a huge amount of Lingquan springing out, and it instantly ignited, rubbing the spirit fire soaring high.

Han Fei suddenly came here for a moment, and immediately shocked everyone and looked at everyone in a daze.

Even the dry old man was dumbfounded, and after a while, he said: "Master Han Fei ... Is this a refiner?"

Everyone is ignorant, Luo Xiaobai mouth corners smoke: "This ... How big? What?"

Zhang Xuanyu grunted and swallowed: "Crazy, how much Spirit Spring is this?"

The mad mad little fish forgot to put it in his mouth, and said with a big face: "Aren't you building a house? Relying on refining?"

In the eyes of everyone, a huge red ball slowly appeared. Its diameter must be 50 meters. This is the diameter of Wannian Red Shirt itself, and now Han Fei took a ball out.

However, after the ball came out, gradually, the sphere began to deform.

Some sticks were sticking out from the top, bottom, left, and right of the ball. Then, it deformed again and turned into a complex round screw shape.

In fact, Han Fei did not really go deeper in refining, mainly because it was not necessary.

This is just an internal piece of a normal Rubik's cube. As long as the outer frame is constructed, it becomes a fourth-order cube.

At first, Han Fei felt that the third-order cube was too simple, and the fifth-order cube was too troublesome, so he made a fourth-order cube.

Unfortunately, the inner part itself is only 50 meters in diameter. Therefore, this whole Rubik's cube is made, and the side is 80 meters long.

In the face of everyone's face, Han Fei began to make stones. This is too much. Adding a little bit of scraps from the big red shirt, its quality is not bad, just enough to meet the standard of ordinary utensils.

Of course, if Han Fei is willing, it can be better. But how much aura will cost that way! Moreover, the real spirit weapon needs to go through the complete refining process, and the cost is too high.

After more than two hours, 56 pieces of quirky parts with different shapes appeared. All parts have 1 or 2 or even 3 square faces. Because the fourth-order cube has a total of 8 corner blocks, 24 side blocks and 24 center blocks. Therefore, everyone was confused.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Xiao Bai, falling, come to help."

Luo Xiaobai and Li Luoluo walked over in a daze.

I saw that Han Fei divided the 56 pieces into several piles, writing colors, and said, "Come on, give these faces, but you can't be wrong. One on the ground, there are six colors of orange red yellow white blue green."

Liluo wrinkled, grinning the most: "This is the house you said?"

Han Feidao: "Look at me, don't you? Just because you have more colors, you come to paint."

Le Renkuan and Zhang Xuanyu were sitting on the wood, eating small dried fish, and watching Han Fei.

In the end, it was up to them to paint those squares colorfully.

After everything is done, Han Fei refinishes ...

Finally, a square hexahedron appeared in front of everyone.

Zhang Xuanyu finally couldn't help saying: "No! What is this?"

Han Fei grinned: "Magic cube."

If it is just the Rubik's Cube, then this does not constitute a real dimension killing array. Otherwise, it should be a full 64 blocks without internal parts.

It's not that you can't practice it, but the cost is too high. Without the connection of internal parts, the ultimate solution is to refine this thing into a giant magic weapon, that is, to evacuate all the auras of your body, it is not enough.

However, Han Fei does not need this to be a giant magic weapon, as long as it is an ordinary weapon.

Han Fei looked at the huge six-color cube with satisfaction, and suddenly grinned: "Get up!"

Suddenly, everyone saw the big cube flying, and it reached more than 30 meters high before stopping.

Withered water wondering: "Master Han Fei, are you inside this box, with a floating stone?"

Han Fei immediately grinned: "You look good."

Dry water smiled faintly: What kind of vision is this? Without a floating stone, you are not a spiritual weapon, nor can it fly!

Happy man: "Is this a house?"

Zhang Xuanyu grinned: "How can a house look like this?"

I like it very much: "No ... I think it looks pretty."

Luo Xiaobai did not make any remarks, UU reading www. She couldn't understand uukanshu.com. For the first time, she felt that her IQ was not enough.

Han Fei laughed and said: "Good looking? There are better looking."

But seeing Han Fei's thoughts move, the whole Rubik's cube spins up. It didn't take a few turns, the original beautiful six-sided complete color completely spread out.



"What is this operation?"

"Can it still turn?"

And Luo Xiaobai's face changed a lot: "Han Fei, how to turn back?"

The old man in the water narrowed his eyes and drew in a breath: "Why is there infinite change in skill?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "It's not good now. There are no formations in it yet. When I put all the formations into it, this thing can rotate automatically. By then, even myself, I don't know what I will encounter when I enter Formation? How is it, magic is not magic? "

Everyone was silent.

After a long time, the musician said madly: "Then how do we get in?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Don't panic, wait for my formation to be completed, and then join the self-destructive formation. At that time, if someone wants to open it forcefully, he won't get anything. You can only enter if the colors of the faces are the same.

Zhang Xuanyu said leisurely: "What kind of stuff do you fight?"

I saw Han Fei's thoughts: "That's it ..."

I only saw that the Rubik's Cube Collection began to turn, and I didn't know how many times. Luo Xiaobai, including Luo Xiaobai, has been turned into a daze, and the Rubik's Cube slowly recovered as before.

Zhang Xuanyu took a deep breath: "Just ... what? I saw it clicked, and I didn't understand any of it."

Le Ren scratched his head frantically: "It's over, I guess I can't enter the library in my life."

Liluo stiff face: "I think it is better to build a house normally."

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