God of Fishing

Chapter 992: Shuziwumen

A few people in Han Fei, mixed into the crowd at the door.

Although some people feel face-to-face, because they didn't see the scene when Han Fei came, they just thought that this was the boy who came together.

And Han Fei is also quite low-key. In fact, Luo Xiaobai was very polite just now, but he actually said: We need to take a look at the original appearance of the Su family, not what you see with us ... …

This is how the children of the big clan speak, in a tactful manner, with toughness.

And Luo Xiaobai has always been a meticulous person. If you want to come to the Su family to accept students, then you have to see what the Su family is like? So, after entering the door, several people pretended to be passers-by.

Of course, this does not prevent the Sus from being able to cover up very well, or itself.

Following Han Fei behind them is just a Su family servant at the level of a dangling fisherman. At that moment, the man glanced at Han Fei a few people and said with some restraint: "Several little masters, do you need me to take you around?"

Luo Xiaobai shook his head: "No, you just follow. You don't have to say anything when you see anything."

The servant hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Yes."

Gardens and other elegant things are actually not pretty. The usual wealthy homes will pursue something for pleasure. Of course, it is also a matter of sentiment.

Several people in Han Fei quickly separated from the crowd and walked to a remote place. After all, the Su family is very big, and even if it is gone, the family is like a palace. There is no shortage of small bridges, pavilions and towers, and small rockery.

And this worthy of appreciation is not Han Fei's goal. In Luo Xiaobai's words, what does a family look like, what do ordinary people in this family look like? Look again, what is the bottom tribe of this family? Finally, let's look at the high-level tribe.

In this way, mutual verification may be able to see something.

Along the way, Han Fei and they met many people. Of course, there are people on duty in many yards. It is not difficult for these people to talk, and after knowing Han Fei's identity, they can walk freely.

In fact, in such a family, no one is actually on duty. Some people dare to come in, it is impossible to be found by these people on duty. So, this is just the layout of some scenes.

When Han Fei completely separated from the crowd, Han Fei suddenly said: "Wait for me."

Liluo: "How?"

I only saw Han Fei's eyes closed, and he heard everything. He automatically ignored the noisy voice over the front door, and he only listened to the silent place.


There are 9999 palace rooms in the Royal Palace, and there are also places like the Cold Palace.

And here in the Su family, it is also the same.

Although Han Fei has a great sense, he has not swept it indiscriminately. However, through the sounds made everywhere, one can also judge the original appearance of this Su family.

Just about 20 miles from Han Fei, in a courtyard, a woman's voice was arguing.

There is a voice of grief and indignation: "My family is three thousand, why can't I attend the banquet? Three thousand is 12 years old this year, and the talent is not bad."

There was another female voice who smirked: "You should know that this is a matter of the rise and fall of the Su family. There are only two places to enter the thug academy. The direct lineage of this family, how many people dispute this? How many people are suppressed? Su Sanqian's talents are mediocre, it's okay not to go. Go, once you are not selected, do you know how many people are going to offend? "

In the courtyard.

A plainly dressed woman is arguing grievously with a relatively expensive lady. On the side, a young man stood with no expression on his face.

"Mother, don't go."

The woman hurriedly said, "Sir, this is the only chance to get ahead, even if you are desperate."

But listening to that maid sarcastically said: "Are you desperate for the turn? You don't want to think about it, family branch geometry? Just come out of a house, can your orphans and widows be able to deal with it? I am also good for you ... Su Sanqi You must be sensible, this banquet cannot go, otherwise you will harm yourself. "

The maid looked soothed, but in fact his face was indifferent, and she didn't have a cold for the mother and son, and even a little bit jealous.

Just listen to the woman suddenly look right: "Su Sanqian, I'm your mother. Rather than being depressed in this small courtyard, it's better to fight it. Your father had no right to speak when he was there. Would you like to stay under the fence for a lifetime? "

The woman's eyes were red with tears in her room, and she stared straight at her son.

The teenager clenched his fists, grieved, and looked at the painful mother, then looked at the indifferent girl, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "I go."

"Where are you going?"

The maid suddenly froze and looked at Su Sanqian and her son indifferently: "It's better to be a little self-knowledge. Although you are a son, you still have a little chance to get ahead. But now you are out of this door Oh ... there is only one way to die. "

Outside, several people in Luo Xiaobai, already led by Han Fei, came to this place.

In fact, Han Fei heard many places, some people are talking about the Thug Academy.

After all, everyone has received news before coming this time. Many older generations know how brilliant the Thug Academy used to be? Therefore, the argument has never been cut off.

However, like Su Sanqian and her son, who wanted to go to the banquet after their hard work, it really didn't.

Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Fei, frowned, and said, "In fact, there are many branches in the family clan. These people's status is usually not high. Moreover, there are many factions within the clan, and there is hardly any time for the child to come up."

Zhang Xuanyu said angrily: "I don't like it most, this kind of outrageous person. I want to see if a maid does anything ..."

Zhang Xuanyu just wanted to go inside, he was pulled by Han Fei. Han Fei looked at Zhang Xuanyu strangely. The life experience of this product did not seem to be very good. I was afraid that he might not see it.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "Not busy, let's take a look first."

The dangling fisherman who followed Han Fei behind them had a cold sweat at the moment. The homeowners have explicitly banned them, and they must not have trouble at the banquet. Why don't these people listen? Where did your brain grow?

In the hospital.

The mother of Su Sanqian refused, and stubbornly said: "Today, my son will definitely go. You don't want to make a noise here, do you?"

The maid's face slightly changed: "Why, do you still want to do it?"

At that moment, the maid stepped on the strange asynchronous method, and the phantom flashed, grabbing the woman's neck with one hand.

"Not allowed to touch my mother!"

Su Sanqian shouted, but his strength is too weak, how can a junior angler be faster than the peak hanging angler? He just flew out of the air just because of the shock.

"Three thousand!"

Because that maid didn't really want to hurt anyone, Su Sanqian just flew out. At that moment, the spider silk buckled to the ground, Su Sanqian twisted his body, and a long stick appeared in his hand, trying to fight back.

Li Luoluo was surprised and said: "Yeah! This kid, who also trains the control division and the soul division division!"

Su Sanqian's mother intended to resist with fingerprints. However, after all, the strength was weaker, and the neck was directly buckled by that maid.

But seeing the maidservant, and holding up Su Sanqian's long stick, he said with a cold voice: "Toast without eating fine wine? The face of the third lady, you dare not even give it, waiting to be swept away from Qianxing City! , Yang Qing'er, if it is not the face of the main family, do you think you can stay in Qianxing City with your strength? "

"Let me go!"

The maid sneered: "If you really care about your mother, you should stay here obediently, and don't have those inconspicuous thoughts. Today I will teach you a lesson. If you dare to do anything, no one can save you."

"What a big tone!"

Just as the maid was about to teach the mother and son a magnetic voice rang behind her.

The girl suddenly changed her color ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and quickly turned around, but saw an extremely handsome young man leaning against the wall, looking at the scene faintly.

The handsome look of the servant was shocked. She was convinced that she had never seen this man. Seemingly feel that his current image is not very good, he quickly withdrew his hand and sighed slightly towards Zhang Xuanyu: "This son, are you?"

Zhang Xuanyu's mouth twitched: "Don't you want to teach them a lesson? Why don't you do it?"

It seems that he felt Zhang Xuanyu, with a slightly ironic meaning, the look of the maidservant changed slightly, and the visitor was not friendly.

Just listened to her slightly cold face: "Is this son coming to the banquet? It's just that this is the Su family's house, and the son should not appear here."

Zhang Xuanyu said with a smile: "I am standing here now, what's the problem?"

Opposite, the woman quickly ran to Su Sanqian and protected him behind her. Not everyone can break into the Su family, and the comers are afraid to be extraordinary.

The maid frowned: "This son, this is the family of the Su family. The son didn't take it seriously."

Zhang Xuanyu sneered: "Is the Su family treating his family like this? Isn't Shuzi a human being? Shuzi can't even attend a banquet? This is the first time I heard."

With that said, Zhang Xuanyu looked at Su Sanqian's mother and son: "You go, don't care about her."


That maid blocked the way and looked at Zhang Xuanyu with a bad look: "This son, are you too wide?"


The majesty fell, and the maid was staggering immediately, bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

Who is Zhang Xuanyu? The power of the soul is powerful, and the best soul attacks. Faced with a pinnacle dangling fisherman and a coercive force in the past, how can he withstand the pinnacle fisherman's peak strength?

Zhang Xuanyu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled evilly: "I control it, what can you do? Or, you let your master come to me?"

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