God of Green

Chapter 348

Gareth Bale's sudden counterattack goal made the Tottenham fans at the scene and in front of the TV go crazy.

Although there were only more than 1,000 Tottenham fans at the scene, British fans themselves are known for their madness.

These more than 1,000 fans created a momentum of thousands or tens of thousands of people, which was not like the away fans with only more than 1,000 people.

In front of the TV, countless Tottenham fans were also cheering and celebrating. Especially some fans in the bar, cheering and drinking to celebrate.

After drinking and venting their excitement, everyone was still talking about it:

"Before, Jiang Xiaolin was hyped up as if he was the only one in the world, but he was at a loss when he met our Tottenham defense. He was mediocre in the first half, but Bale performed so well and scored the first counterattack goal."

"Yes! I think Jiang Xiaolin was just hyped up. The Eredivisie itself is not very competitive. What's the point of scoring more goals in the Eredivisie? Our Premier League is still very competitive, and the stars who can play in the Premier League are valuable."

"Yes, you see that Gareth Bale's goal data is so much worse than Jiang Xiaolin's, but in the same game, Bale performed much better than Jiang Xiaolin."

"I think it's better to give the Golden Boy Award to Jiang Xiaolin. Lin, it's so unfair! What's so great about being the top scorer in the Eredivisie? We should call on Turin Sports to give this year's Golden Boy Award to Premier League players such as Gareth Bale. Even if it's not Bale, it should be other Premier League players such as Walcott and Anderson. "

"Not bad. It's too water! Whether it's Alkmaar's first place in the Eredivisie standings or Jiang Xiaolin's first place in the Eredivisie scorer list, judging from the performance so far in this game, they are all water goods. "

"My Premier League is really the best in the world! Tottenham, which ranks at the bottom of the standings, can play against Alkmaar, which ranks first in the Eredivisie standings. It's really cool. "

In addition to the fans, reporters, commentators, and guests at the scene were also talking about Jiang Xiaolin's performance.

Although Tottenham is a strong team in the Premier League and Jiang Xiaolin's main battlefield is the Eredivisie, as a super striker who scored 23 goals in the previous 8 games, there is a limit to how watery he can be!

Just looking at the performance in this game, it seems that Gareth Bale, who is also on the list of candidates for the Golden Boy Award, performed better than Jiang Xiaolin.

It was indeed a bit too abnormal.

In everyone's confusion, Jiang Xiaolin also looked at Gareth Bale who celebrated wildly with his teammates after scoring a goal, and recalled the actions of himself and his opponent in this game in his mind.

In fact, it was not that Jiang Xiaolin's level dropped, but it was really the first time to play in the European war. In addition, he met Tottenham, the most competitive Premier League team in the five major leagues, which made Jiang Xiaolin unable to adapt.

Especially in terms of speed and decisiveness in handling the ball. Before, Jiang Xiaolin had been playing in the Eredivisie, the Olympics, the World Cup qualifiers in Asia, etc., and the rhythm and level of the game were actually far worse than the Premier League.

With the continuous upgrade of the system plug-in, Jiang Xiaolin actually stood out in these games. It was too easy to score a goal, which affected him unconsciously, and the speed of handling the ball was assimilated by these opponents.

The Premier League itself is more competitive than the Eredivisie. In addition, in the European war such as the League Cup, the urgency made everyone unconsciously speed up again.

According to UEFA statistics, the speed of running and passing in the Champions League is more than 15% faster than that in the Bundesliga.

The UEFA Cup is of course a little weaker than the Champions League, and UEFA statistics are the average.

Tottenham is not an unknown team that enters the UEFA Cup from a small league. As one of the top teams in the Premier League with the most intense competition among the five major leagues, Tottenham's level is actually at the level of the Champions League.

The Eredivisie is a secondary league that is weaker than the Bundesliga, and its level may not even be better than that of the Portuguese Super League.

Once the two sides are separated, the Eredivisie teams are increasingly unable to adapt to the rhythm of European wars. Just look at the European war records of Dutch teams in recent years.

Even Ajax and other Eredivisie giants have not been able to get any good results in European wars, which is enough to prove that European wars are becoming more and more a plaything of the five major leagues.

The Champions League champions are almost all in the pockets of the giants of the five major leagues.

Of course, the big clubs don't look down on the League Cup, so the League Cup occasionally falls into the hands of small league teams, but for Alkmaar, which is a small team in the Eredivisie and has no foundation, the League Cup is already a very difficult cup competition.

This is true for teammates and Jiang Xiaolin.

This is the reason why Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates performed mediocre in the first half: rhythm problems.

Everyone hasn't adapted to it yet!

Of course, other teammates played in the group stage last season, the qualifiers this season, and the first round of the group stage.In the competition, Jiang Xiaolin was much better than Jiang Xiaolin.

This was Jiang Xiaolin's first time playing in the European competition, and he met the Premier League powerhouse Tottenham at the beginning, so he was really a little unprepared.

The key was that Alkmaar wanted Jiang Xiaolin to score again, and once Jiang Xiaolin failed to score, Alkmaar's offense was basically paralyzed.

In fact, Jiang Xiaolin played a little awkwardly throughout the first half, and he couldn't find the reason.

But this counterattack by Tottenham made Jiang Xiaolin suddenly have an idea and found the reason.

From Darren Bent's timely pass while lying on the ground, to the timely distribution of the front midfielder Didier Zokora, to Gareth Bale's decisive dribbling to break through Yarriens, to the decisive shot outside the penalty area, these Tottenham players handled the ball very decisively and quickly, and did not give Alkmaar players time to react.

Although if you really count carefully, it may not be much faster. But on the football field, many times it is just a matter of millimeters.

For example, if Darren Bent tried to stand up and control the ball after the flying tackle, he would most likely be defended by David Mendes, and he would not be able to form a quick counterattack.

Gareth Bale's breakthrough against Jariens was also the same. He dribbled the ball and ate it alive the moment he approached, without giving Jariens any time to react.

The same was true for the final shot. Even Jiang Xiaolin thought that Bale would most likely pass it to Didier Zokora, who was unguarded in the middle, which seemed more secure. Unexpectedly, Bale shot directly.

Romero was a step slower in starting because he did not expect Bale to shoot suddenly, and he missed the ball by a hair's breadth.

This goal was actually caused by the Tottenham players' slightly faster rhythm and a slightly more decisive handling of the ball.

After watching the whole process of this ball, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly had an epiphany in his mind.

It seems that he not only needs to run faster, but also handle the ball faster.

In fact, Jiang Xiaolin is just an ordinary amateur player. He was just lucky enough to be possessed by the God of Green System, and then he kept using external plug-ins to get to where he is today.

But these external plug-ins can be said to be added by the system to Jiang Xiaolin. Jiang Xiaolin himself did not fully understand it. It was just because of the intuition and natural reaction of the body formed by the system transformation that he continued to perform well and score goals.

Today's lesson about the rhythm of the game was learned by Jiang Xiaolin himself.

This thing is not even in the system skill lottery list. It is completely learned by himself after playing high-level games for a long time.

This is quite difficult for Jiang Xiaolin, who was still an amateur player a year ago.

However, once he understood this, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly felt that the feeling of the game was different.

It seemed that a window was opened in front of him, and the world suddenly became broad, and the awkward feeling in the previous game disappeared.

After all, Jiang Xiaolin has many full-level skills, which can pass, shoot and break through. As long as his mind changes, the threat will naturally be greatly different.

Therefore, countless fans at the scene and in front of the TV saw that after the game resumed, Jiang Xiaolin began to move in a large range, almost covering the entire half of Tottenham.

Anyway, his physical strength was full, his speed was full, and his off-ball running, grabbing points, stopping the ball, passing, dribbling, etc. were all full.

In addition, the team deliberately practiced the tactics of Jiang Xiaolin switching positions with the wingers, and his teammates did not feel uncomfortable. Jiang Xiaolin just increased the range of running.

This made it very difficult for Tottenham players to defend.

If the central midfielder Tom Huddlestone and the two full-backs Kluka and Aso Ekoto can barely fight Jiang Xiaolin one-on-one, the two wing forwards Aaron Lennon and Gareth Bale really have almost no ability to fight back against Jiang Xiaolin.

Because these two wing forwards are offensive forwards who are better at attacking than defending, with fast speed, good skills, accurate crosses, threatening shots, etc.

But their physical fitness is only average. And the defensive skills are even weaker.

So, not long after Gareth Bale scored the counterattack goal, in the 42nd minute, Jiang Xiaolin gave the opponent a fatal blow.

Coincidentally, this attack was caused by Jiang Xiaolin switching to the right side and facing Tottenham's left winger Gareth Bale.

After Jiang Xiaolin switched positions with his teammate, right winger Stein Schars, the right back Yarriens passed the ball to him.

After receiving the ball, Jiang Xiaolin took a few steps forward with the ball, and then encountered Gareth Bale's interception.

Now Jiang Xiaolin is more decisive in his actions.

Without waiting for Bale to get close, Jiang Xiaolin saw Bale's legs open and passed through the crotch.Bale went around the outside line, caught up with the ball and started to accelerate and dribble towards the bottom line of Tottenham.

Bale also turned around and chased Jiang Xiaolin, but he got farther and farther away. Everyone could see intuitively that Jiang Xiaolin was faster than Bale.

Bale couldn't catch up with Jiang Xiaolin who was dribbling the ball even when he ran without the ball, so it was clear who was stronger and who was weaker.

Of course, Tottenham couldn't let Jiang Xiaolin hold the ball for a long time.

After seeing Jiang Xiaolin break through Bale and rush to the bottom line, not only did Bale desperately chase back, but the full-back Aso Ekoto was also ready to intercept Jiang Xiaolin.

Secondly, the central midfielder Tom Huddlestone also moved to the side, ready to work with Ekoto and Bale to clamp Jiang Xiaolin, intercept Jiang Xiaolin's ball, and stop his attack on the side.

Now that Jiang Xiaolin has an epiphany about the game, his vision, decisiveness and speed in handling the ball are not comparable to before.

In the past, Jiang Xiaolin was more likely to dribble towards Ekoto and try to break through him.

If he really couldn't break through, he would rely on his full dribbling skills to continue to control the ball under his feet and look for opportunities to break through.

Only when he really couldn't break through would Jiang Xiaolin think of passing the ball.

This is also a dependency caused by over-reliance on the system, which makes Jiang Xiaolin very reluctant to pass the ball to his teammates.

Although he has full team cooperation, he is subjectively a little selfish, and it is difficult to pass the ball when it reaches his feet.

But now Jiang Xiaolin has figured it out. If he doesn't handle the ball quickly and decisively, he is actually wasting the team's overall counterattack time and effect.

With his full acceleration and speed, if he can keep dribbling the ball straight into the penalty area, he will naturally be the fastest in football, without a doubt.

But the problem is that the opponent will not be so stupid as to let Jiang Xiaolin dribble the ball into the penalty area without any hindrance!

As long as there is an obstruction, a delay, and he can't break through, it will be the result of being double-teamed and wasting time.

Therefore, after being stopped by Aso Ekoto and surrounded by Huddlestone and Bell on his side and behind, Jiang Xiaolin did not tangle with the opponent again.

He suddenly passed the ball while running, and just avoided Zokora's foot that was stretched out to try to intercept.

Jiang Xiaolin's full-value passing skills are still very reliable.

The ball rolled diagonally to the feet of Maarten Martens at the front of the penalty area.

Jiang Xiaolin, who had no ball at his feet, was naturally much more flexible.

With his acceleration, speed, running without the ball, etc., no one could really follow him closely.

So, naturally, Jiang Xiaolin bypassed Aso Ekoto and cut in diagonally towards the corner of the penalty area.

As long as he received the ball near the corner of the penalty area, Jiang Xiaolin had the ability to form a shot to threaten the opponent's goal.

After all, Jiang Xiaolin's long shots, arcs, and shooting skills were all full.

Of course, as Alkmaar's front midfielder, Maarten Martens would not be unguarded.

When Jiang Xiaolin passed the ball and ran to the corner of the penalty area, Tottenham striker Darren Bent, who was returning to defend, blocked the passing route between Martens and Jiang Xiaolin.

As long as Martens wanted to pass the ball to Jiang Xiaolin, perhaps Bent could break the ball with just one foot.

However, Martens did not do so. He did not try to pass the ball back to Jiang Xiaolin to form a two-on-one match, but passed the ball to the left of the top of the penalty area.

Left forward Simon Poulsen cut in to respond. This was already a relatively dangerous shooting area, which forced the right back Kluka in the penalty area to attack and block Poulsen's shooting route.

But Poulsen did not mean to shoot, because Hamdaoyi occupied a position in the penalty area, with his back to the goal and central defender Ledley Kinka behind him, and had the opportunity to take the ball with his back.

So, Poulsen passed the ball to Hamdaoui on the left side of the penalty spot in the penalty area to see if Hamdaoui had the possibility of taking the ball, turning around and shooting.

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