God of Killing

Chapter 1,136 Trust

The depths filled with water mist lead to another territory. Shi Yan, who did not release his spiritual consciousness to spy on it, still felt extremely inappropriate.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he carefully explored and felt, and faintly discovered that from the center of the thick water pattern in front, there was a vibration that resonated with all the acupoints in his body... The strong negative energy and evil spirit in his acupoints were quietly swirling. He got up, gradually restless, as if it was pouring out of his body, and gradually became a little out of control. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, and he always felt that there was danger lurking in the secret.

Cang Yun, Cecilia, and Shang Yingyue all showed a hint of surprise when they heard what he said. They all turned to look at him with inquiring eyes.

Mo Huo and Wu Feng, who knew that he could penetrate the mysteries of heaven and earth, did not dare to act rashly. They frowned and looked at him, hoping that he could give more detailed and accurate information.

"What's wrong?" Audrey frowned, a hint of ridicule flashed in her eyes, "My consciousness can be unfettered, can penetrate forward, and learn about the changes in the scene behind the fog. I just let Cang Yun break When we set up the barrier, we had already checked it first, and there was nothing abnormal."

"Boy, don't be alarmist!" Fuller shouted.

Fuller is a member of the Dark Spirit Tribe and a powerful warrior from a high-level star domain. In this vast forest, Fuller was originally the leader of the warriors from the major star domains, leading them to fight Yuga. Without Audrey, Before he appeared, he was the leader of this area.

However, during the battle with Yujia, Fuller gradually lost and was chased miserably by Yujia.

Until Audrey suddenly appeared... When Fuller and his party were in the most embarrassing situation, Audrey suddenly appeared, taking four members of the Hades Royal Clan, and led them to reverse the situation in one fell swoop, leading them to massacre everyone in Yujia. clean.

Through that battle, Audrey won the trust and admiration of everyone, and the original Fuller was no exception. He took the initiative to give up his position as leader and obeyed Audrey. Perhaps because of his love, Fuller always defended her. Audrey's status among everyone.

Seeing that Shi Yan dared to question Audrey's judgment, Fuller immediately jumped out and stared at Shi Yan with a cold face: "Can you see what's going on behind that barrier?"

Shi Yan shook his head.

"Then don't talk nonsense!" Fuller snorted coldly, glanced at everyone, and said: "We have been fighting Yujia under the leadership of Audrey for the past three years. In these three years, Audrey has never made a mistake in judgment. Perfectly accurate every time!”

The warriors who followed Audrey nodded their heads after hearing this, with a look of reverence on their faces.

Obviously, in the three years since Audrey appeared, she has won everyone's sincere trust with her unique method, and no one will doubt that she made a mistake.

She didn't make a mistake, so... the one who was wrong was naturally Shi Yan.

The little fat man Cang Yuan frowned and glanced at Shi Yan strangely. Like Audrey, he could see the fluctuations of life. He entered the forest from the rear barrier. There was nothing unusual when he came. The moment he came over quickly, , he also let go of his spiritual consciousness to patrol, but it was still as usual.

Therefore, Cang Yun also suspected that Shi Yan was making a fuss and did not take Shi Yan's words to heart.

Sha Qian, Mo Huo, and Wu Feng saw that Audrey, Cang Yun, and Fuller all expressed their opinions, saying that there would be no problems behind the barrier, and they all felt relieved. In their opinion, Audrey could also see through The energy of heaven and earth is not bound by the ancient continent. Audrey can also see the abnormalities that Shi Yan can see. In addition, Shi Yan can't explain the reason, so they prefer Audrey's judgment.

"Open the barrier." Audrey ignored Shi Yan and proudly ordered Cang Yun.

Cang Yun took a deep look at Shi Yan and did not rush to take action. Instead, he asked, "Are you sure there is a problem?"

Shi Yan shook his head helplessly, "It's just a hunch."

"That's really hard to say." Cang Yun spread his hands and apologized, then quietly moved, his fat body as light as a feather, and instantly disappeared into the white mist.

Cang Yuan's divine body disappeared in the water mist. No one could see his movements, but they could faintly detect the powerful shock waves of his abilities coming from the depths of the water mist. It seemed that the water barrier was directly penetrated, and there was no trace of it. People knew what method Cang Yun used, but they were secretly vigilant, knowing that this little fat man might be unusual.

"Shi Yan..."

Cecilia suddenly shouted softly. Like Shang Yingyue, she followed Shi Yan closely. She did not change her position with everyone's actions and still stood beside him.

At this time, Audrey, Fuller and the warriors had already moved closer to the mist. Even Mo Huo, Wu Feng, Jiao Shan and Sha Qian frowned and glanced at Shi Yan, and immediately chose to follow Ao Delly's footsteps did not stop and she hugged Shi Yan and the others.

Because Audrey just said that Haig, Philp, and Mia's people have officially entered the forest and are rushing over at extremely fast speeds.

Mo Huo and Wu Feng were worried that if they stayed behind, they might be overtaken by Hege, Philp, and Mia. In addition, in their hearts, Audrey might be better at feeling the fluctuations of life... Audrey Li is the princess of the Hades Royal Clan, one of the four great beings, a powerful race that can really compete with the Gods. They take it for granted that Audrey can bring them hope. - When Audrey appears, Shi Yan's weight among them has gradually reduced a lot.

"Do you believe me?" Shi Yan grinned indifferently, not discouraged at all. Looking at Cecilia and Shang Yingyue beside him, he was in a good mood.

"I have fought side by side with you. I know how powerful you are, and of course I will not be shallow to Mo Huo and the others." Cecilia smiled charmingly.

"You won't make a mistake without aim." Shang Yingyue's tone was cold, but the words he said were very heart-warming, "Then Audrey is too conceited. She may not judge everything correctly. Although I don't spend much time with you, but You have never let me down."

Shi Yan chuckled.

"What exactly did you notice?" Cecilia's face straightened, and she shouted directly without lowering her voice.

Because at this time, Audrey, Fuller, Mo Huo, and Wu Feng had already moved towards the other side of the barrier under Cang Yun's call. Their figures disappeared one after another, and they disappeared in a short period of time. Not a single figure was gone.

"Shi Yan! Come in!" Cang Yun, who was left at the end in the mist, suddenly shouted.

"You go in first, you don't have to worry about me not being able to get in if the barrier is closed, I can open it." Shi Yan frowned and shouted loudly.

"Okay, come here quickly." Cang Yu couldn't see the figure. He responded in the mist, then his breath disappeared, and he should have rushed to another territory.

"Forgive me for not being too clear." At this time, Shi Yan frowned and said to Cecilia and Shang Yingyue: "If you really believe in me, don't rush in. Take a moment and wait. Wait a minute, I’ll make sure there’s nothing unusual and I’ll take you guys deeper.”

"I believe you anyway." Cecilia smiled sweetly, "I still rely on you to help me get to the central area, so I will naturally advance and retreat with you."

Shang Yingyue was even more straightforward: "I believe in my father's vision. He deprived my brother of the Jie Yin Guo and gave it to you because he knew there was something strange about you. My father never sees the wrong person. Although I don't I know what’s in you, but I know you’re definitely not ordinary.”

It was rare for Shang Yingyue to say so many words.

Shi Yan smiled, and without explaining anything to the two women, he suddenly sat down and released his secondary soul.

Haig, Philp, and Mia are arriving quickly. They can get here in a day at most. Although a day is not long, it is not short either. It is enough for him to stay here with peace of mind and slowly sense.

After determining Haig's position, his consciousness changed and condensed into a wisp that slowly penetrated into the vast mist ahead. He carefully realized it, wanting to know whether his previous premonition was really strange... His expression changed with horror!

In an instant, he stood up suddenly, with a very solemn expression on his face, and shouted: "My judgment is correct!"

Cecilia and Shang Yingyue both looked shocked and asked anxiously: "What's going on?"

"Come in with me! But remember not to leave me!" Shi Yan shouted decisively and said suddenly: "You hold my hand, so as to ensure that I am fine!"

Cecilia and Shang Yingyue looked at him deeply and saw that he was speaking extremely seriously. After a slight hesitation, they each stretched out their soft jade hands, grasped his arms on the left and the right, and kept close to him.

An extremely sharp space fluctuation came. Shi Yan and the two women were like an indestructible artifact, tearing apart the water mist barrier in an instant, landing in a new territory, and settling on a huge island.


"How could this happen?"

Cecilia and Shang Yingyue exclaimed at the same time, their pretty faces became extremely shocked and surprised, and they stared blankly ahead.

Right in front of them, there was a strong sea of ​​blood, with a sinister aura rising into the sky. In the center of the sea of ​​blood floated a tombstone made of bloody bones. It was extremely evil and strange, constantly releasing waves of terrifying and crazy fluctuations.

Mo Huo, Sha Qian, Wu Feng, Fuller, and Audrey were all in a sea of ​​thick blood, wandering and fighting near the tombstone with the smell of blood.

Except for Audrey and Cang Yu, whose eyes were still calm and anxious, the others actually fought with each other, each with a terrifying expression of madness and bloodlust in their eyes. They had clearly lost their minds and souls. Obsessed.

Audrey and Cang Yu were still calm, but they were trying their best to attack the tombstone. They seemed to know that the tombstone was the key and wanted to destroy it as soon as possible.

However, whenever they tried to get close to the tombstone, people like Mo Huo, Sha Qian, and Wu Feng would come from all directions, trying desperately to stop them, as if they were going to die with them, making it impossible for them to achieve this.

Thick sea of ​​blood, floating tombstones, strange scenes, but no enemies.

The situation is developing in the most dangerous direction.

(To be continued)

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