God of Killing

Chapter 1,154 A battle in the air!

A corner of the ancient continent.

In a deserted place with a forest of strange rocks, the rocks are as sharp and angular as ice peaks, revealing a deep and cold air.

Hassen, Mia, Yeoman and two members of the Charteris family were all sitting in the middle of the stone forest, holding the divine crystal and recovering silently.

They had just been struck by countless cold and strange rocks in the stone forest, and their divine power was greatly consumed. Blood was still flowing on Yeoman's arms, and Mia's goose-yellow dress was also broken into pieces, revealing her snow-white skin.

Hassen has disheveled hair and looks like a ghost, with a sinister and sinister aura.

Instead, he was the first to recover. With a thought, he pulled out the bloody bone from his body inch by inch. He stroked the bloody bone with his rough, calloused hands and closed his eyes to sense it.

Two members of the Charteris family sat beside him, one on the left and one on the right, their eyes filled with violent anger.

After a long time, Hassen touched the bones and said solemnly: "We still can't sense the movement of that guy. We still need to continue to pursue and move."

The two subordinates nodded coldly.

Three hours ago, Hazen led Mia to chase them and found them. Hazen used the feeling between the blood and bones to try to reunite his subordinates as soon as possible, so as to launch unrelenting revenge on Shi Yan.

He has always wanted to find Shi Yan, kill Shi Yan, and take back the blood and bones that Shi Yan got.

It is a secret treasure that the Charteris family has gone through all kinds of tempering and spent countless evil materials to create. It belongs to Hasen alone. Even if the owner of the blood bone is killed, as long as he returns to the Charteris family and uses the power of the blood bone, He can also find new followers to fuse with blood and bones, and can also release the "Bone and Blood Refining Ghost Tomb" evil formation, allowing him to always maintain terrifying combat effectiveness.

Blood Bone is an evil magical weapon specially tempered for Hassen. It can enhance Hassen's strength and give Hassen the power to fight against Haig. It is also a weapon for him to compete for the future leader of the God Clan.

He will never give up.

The divine crystal in Mia's hand suddenly turned into powder, and the energy was exhausted and turned into ashes. She moved her slender brows, took a deep breath, and said, "Hassen, how are you doing?"

"I have no problem." Hazen grinned and said: "Everyone says that Heig is the future leader of the Gods, but I refuse to accept it! In this ancient continent, as long as I get the recognition of 'Huang', everything can be done. Changes have occurred! Among the five ancient continents, Huang is the most peculiar. He is the soul in the center of the ancient continent. As long as 'Huang' recognizes me, Heig will temporarily merge with the origin of the ancestral star. I will also kill him and crush him!"

Hassen's reputation among the Protoss is not good. He is unruly, unyielding, and has bloody and cruel methods. He is deeply rooted in the essence of the Chatris family.

Such people are often unsociable and disobedient to anyone. When the Charteris family was the most powerful, they were the largest family of the twelve great families of the God Clan. All members of the Charteris family were secretly working with the Bradley family. Fighting, hoping to climb to the top again.

Hazen is the hope of the Charteris family. All the elders of the Charteris family have carefully cultivated him, hoping that he can surpass Haig, and hope that he will bring a new world to the Charteris family.

Hassen has sworn since he was a child to compete with Heig as his opponent. His goal is very clear - he wants to replace Heig and make the Charteris family the leader of the Gods.

He has few friends within the God Clan, but Mia is one of the few friends he has. When he was very young, he and Mia were once put into the Five Ultimate Fields of the God Clan to undergo penance. At that time, he was not as powerful as Mia, and was killed by Mia. After taking care of Mia for a while, he treated Mia as a sister and established a deep friendship with Mia at that time.

Mia doesn't like nihilistic people, and Haig is exactly this kind of person. Back then, Hazen was very young and relatively simple. The two of them went through adversities together and went through hardships, and finally the relationship between the two parties was solidified.

"Haige has received a generous gift from the Ancestral Star. If you can get Huang's recognition again, no matter how hard you try, you will never have a chance. You must treat this matter well!" Mia said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win this time!" Hasen said with a gloomy face, taking a deep breath: "If I can't get Huang's approval, I will kill Haig with all my strength in the ancient continent. Either I die or he wins. Only one of us can be the leader of our clan."

"I hope you win." Mia smiled slightly.


Suddenly, two members of the Charteris family suddenly covered their abdomens and groaned in pain.

The moans of the two gradually became louder, and finally they roared with red faces. The blood and bones in their abdomens stirred, becoming uncontrollable and extremely violent. Their intestines were entangled, and their faces turned pale in pain. Even tears are about to flow out.

Hassen was also shocked. He pressed his bloody bones with both hands. The veins on the back of his hands trembled like small snakes. A manic and fierce energy penetrated into the bloody bones in an instant. A strange pattern on the blood bones suddenly became clear, like a picture scroll slowly opening... The blood bones in the bodies of the two of his subordinates broke free little by little, as if they were summoned by someone, like fierce beasts trying to escape. An extremely terrifying shock came from the prison.


The two of them were rolling at Hasen's feet in agony. The patterns on the two bloody bones flickered, as if someone was about to erase the marks and fly away.

"How could this happen!" Mia screamed.

"It's that boy from the Immortal Demon Clan! He's causing trouble!" Hasen looked ferocious. Seeing that his two subordinates were gradually unable to hold on, his expression changed horribly, and he suddenly stretched out his hand.

He put his two hands on the heads of his two subordinates and slapped them!

The skulls of the two subordinates were instantly shattered, and the main soul in the soul altar cracked like a fragile egg, splattering out broken souls.

Hasen's face was cold and he didn't look at the tragic death of his two subordinates. He raised his hand and twisted the two blood bones again. He sucked in the cold air and inserted the two blood bones into his abdomen bit by bit. His face was twisted and he said: "Their souls are not enough to keep their bones and flesh from escaping. I can only inflict heavy damage on that guy by destroying their souls and using my soul as the guide!"

Yeoman, who was watching quietly from the side, turned slightly pale, horrified by Hasen's cruel and violent methods.

Mia frowned slightly. Although she didn't quite agree with Hassen's actions, she didn't say much. From her point of view, Hassen's subordinates were all scapegoats found by the Charteris family for him, and it was normal to die for him.

The skulls of the two subordinates were crushed by Hasen, and their souls were shattered. However, they did not immediately disappear into ashes, but burned like two clusters of flames. Even their divine bodies suddenly dried up and lost their blood like ancient trees that quickly withered. There was a very strange sound. Thick fluctuations suddenly surged out, all flowing into one end of the three blood bones in Hasen's abdomen, causing Hasen's strength to surge instantly.

"Purgatory Burning" is the evil secret of the Charteris family, and the clansmen who can be given blood and bones all understand this secret.

Hassen relied on the specialness of their divine bodies and souls, and the evil contract as a medium, to cause the divine bodies and souls of his two subordinates to undergo "purgatory burning" to instantly form a surging force, allowing him to inflict heavy damage on Shi Yan, and even directly kill him. Shi Yan killed him from the air.

The surging and terrifying ferocious energy was injected into the blood bones one after another. The intestines and tendons in Hasen's abdomen seemed to have eyes, and they were wrapped around the three blood bones. Hasen roared to the sky, and began to circulate his power, rushing his spirit and soul into the three blood bones. In the evil formation, ignoring the restriction of distance, another terrifying transformation of "Bone and Blood Refining Ghost Tomb" was carried out... in the desert.

Shi Yan, who saw nine bloody bones in front of him, suddenly turned pale, as if he had been hit hard by a giant hammer, and his body trembled suddenly.

Cecilia and Shang Yingyue were both beside him. Seeing his poor condition, their expressions changed and they shouted in unison: "What's wrong?"

Shi Yan's mouth was bleeding, and his eyes were cold to the bone. He waved his hands towards the two women, indicating that he was fine, and closed his eyes again.

A wave of death surged from his body, and traces of pale mist slowly wandered out of his acupuncture points and quickly merged into the blood bones. The wonderful patterns on the blood bones seemed to gradually become dim. He stood up, as if there was an invisible brush, trying to erase the evil patterns engraved on the blood and bones.

call out!

A blood bone penetrated an unknown distance and suddenly submerged into the desert in an instant, stopping directly in front of his eyes, leaving another blood bone in front of him.


A mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out, directly splattering on the ten bloody bones. The bloody bones immediately became stained with blood, and the smell of blood was soaring to the sky.

His face turned pale again.

In the ancient continent.

Some of the remaining members of the Charteris family were struggling hard, and some were closing their eyes and adjusting their breaths, but suddenly their souls were shaking, being pulled by a terrifying force, like a kite about to fall, spinning into the sky. , rushing in a certain direction.

Bang bang bang!

A member of the Charteris family suddenly fell in front of Hassen. Hassen was full of rage and shouted: "Fight with me with all your strength!"

Every member of the Charteris family immediately realized that Hassen had used the forbidden technique of "Bone and Blood Refining Ghost Tomb" to force them to come here at the cost of burning their souls and bodies.

Without saying a word, they all sat upright around Hassen, using all their strength to help Hassen fight the enemy together.

Hassen is in a very bad state. Everyone knows that when he is at his most powerful, he is always in the most dangerous state. This is a common problem for every member of the Charteris family - they are evaporating the mysteries of purgatory burning!

Mia and Yeoman ignored each other and saw the solemn expressions on each other's faces. They knew that Ha Sen and Shi Yan, thousands of miles apart in the ancient continent, had started a fight again. This fight was ten times more dangerous than before!

If Hassen fails, not only will he die, but all of his subordinates will also die, and Shi Yan will forcibly deprive him of all the bones of Xuanshan. The blood and bones that the Charteris family spent countless materials and worked hard to temper for Hassen will become Shi Yan's hand. The magic weapon in the world!

(To be continued)

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