God of Killing

Chapter 12 The mysterious martial arts in the blood pattern ring

Retracting the overflowing essence, Shi Yan suddenly glanced at the dark red ring on the ring finger of his left hand. This strange ring, which he named the blood pattern ring, came from the blood pool and seemed to have a lot to do with the blood pool. .

With a thought in his heart, he suddenly remembered the scene when he first put on the blood pattern ring. At that time, the essence in his body was still very weak. The moment the ring was put on, the essence in his body rushed towards the ring uncontrollably, but because of The essence was too weak to break through the shackles of flesh and blood, preventing the essence from flowing into the ring.

Now that he has broken through to the third level of heaven, the essence in his body has grown stronger and condensed, and the essence can now overflow...

If you inject essence into the ring, will something happen?

Shi Yan was very curious and vaguely felt that there was a secret hidden in this ancient ring. Perhaps through this ring, he could understand the abnormalities in the acupuncture points of his body.

Through the gaps in the leaves, Shi Yan observed for a while and found that the Mohist warriors were getting further and further away from him and would not return in a short time.

Shi Yan decided to give it a try!

Jingyuan slowly flowed from his lower abdomen, the speed became faster and faster, and rushed into his left arm. As the essence flowed at high speed, the tendons in his left arm ached, and the essence rushed into the ring finger of his left hand like a broken bamboo. , suddenly pouring crazily towards the flesh under the ring.


The essence was like smoke, first emerging from under the blood-patterned ring, and then wisps of pure essence disappeared into the ring in an instant.

The blood-patterned ring suddenly burst into scarlet light, and the barrier in the blood-patterned ring seemed to be suddenly torn apart. A strange thought suddenly overflowed from the blood-patterned ring, and poured back into Shi Yan's arm, along the The arms rushed all the way to his neck, and finally rushed into Shi Yan's mind.

Martial Arts - Rampage!

The thoughts released from the blood pattern ring turned out to be a set of memory fluctuations. This is a strange martial arts. The training method of this martial arts poured into Shi Yan's mind, and was deeply engraved in Shi Yan's memory like a brand. .

Martial skills are the method by which warriors use essence to attack. Martial skills are the same as those of alchemists. They are also divided into five levels, which are also mortal level, mysterious level, spiritual level, holy level, and divine level.

The division of martial arts is somewhat different from that of alchemists. Each level of alchemist is divided into seven levels, but martial arts have no grades, only these five levels.

High-level martial arts can make the best use of the essence in a warrior's body, allowing a warrior to have extremely terrifying attack power. The higher the level of the martial arts, the more exquisite the use of essence, but if you want to practice higher For a high-level martial skill, the warrior must have a certain level. The higher the level of martial skill, the more stringent the training conditions are.

Generally speaking, warriors in the acquired and innate realms are most suitable to practice ordinary martial arts, warriors in the realm of human and hundred calamities are most suitable to practice mysterious martial arts, warriors in the realm of status and nirvana are most suitable to practice spiritual martial arts. Warriors in the heavenly and divine realms are best suited to practice holy-level martial arts, while warriors in the true god and god-king realms are best suited to practice god-level martial arts.

If low-level warriors forcefully practice high-level martial arts, most of them will waste their time.

Because the realm and essence are not strong enough, it is generally difficult to successfully practice high-level martial arts. Even if you barely succeed, because your own realm and strength are insufficient, it will be difficult to bring out the true power of high-level martial arts. It is better to practice and yourself Martial arts of comparable level are effective.

For example, warriors in the acquired realm, even if they have legendary god-level martial arts in their hands, they will still waste their resources, because the power of the realm is too weak, and it is impossible to successfully practice god-level martial arts.

Of course, if a high-level warrior does not have high-level martial arts but only practices low-level martial arts, it will be difficult for him to unleash his true power.

If a warrior in the Realm of True God only has mortal-level or mysterious-level martial arts in his hands, then the strength of this warrior in the Realm of True God will be greatly reduced. His own strength will be restricted by low-level martial arts, and he can only exert his true power. Only 70% to 80%.

In the Divine Grace Continent, martial arts are more rare than the alchemist’s panacea. Martial arts are the most expensive treasures on the continent. Generally speaking, martial arts are in the hands of major aristocratic families and various forces. The reason why some aristocratic families can attract warriors to join them is , inseparable from the martial arts they hold.

The higher the level of martial arts, the greater the value. Some advanced warriors, if they do not have high-level martial arts in hand, will be restrained in battles with others, will be very frustrated, and may even be killed.

Therefore, for the sake of a high-level martial skill that suits them, those advanced warriors can do anything.

Shi Yan sat in the middle of the leaves, slowly sorting out the "Rampage" martial arts in his mind, and straightening out the memory. Only then did he realize that "Rage" was also divided into three levels, and what he had in his mind was only the first level of "Rage". As for the training method, he didn't know what level of martial arts this "rage" belonged to, and he didn't know whether it would be suitable for him.

This martial skill comes from the Blood Pattern Ring. It pours directly into his mind by instilling memories. It is weird. Moreover, the practice requires the countercurrent of essence. It is very different from the training method of ordinary martial arts. Shi Yan is hesitant in his heart. He doesn't know whether to practice this. Completely ignorant of the details, still with incomplete martial arts skills.

As one of the five major Shi families in the Merchant Alliance, the Shi family naturally has its own martial arts. The highest level of martial arts in the Shi family is the spiritual level. There is only one kind. It is regarded as a treasure by Shi Jian, the head of the Shi family. Currently, only those who have reached the level have reached the level. The old man alone is qualified to practice.

However, in addition to this highest level of spiritual level martial arts, the Shi family also has a variety of mortal level and mysterious level martial arts.

Shi Yan originally planned to return to the Shi family and use his new identity to practice the ordinary and mysterious martial arts of the Shi family. Now that the blood pattern ring suddenly appeared such a mysterious martial skill with no level or details, he also I don’t know whether I should practice it or not.

With a sullen face, he condensed the essence again and rushed into the blood pattern ring, only to find that the essence was blocked in front of a barrier in the blood pattern ring. No matter how hard he tried, the essence could not break through that barrier. He faintly It feels like there is something behind that layer of barrier, but it's a pity that it's hard to know unless it is broken through.

Behind that layer of barrier, there is likely to be more information about "Rampage", and it is very likely that there are two other training methods for "Rampage". Unfortunately, it seems that only his essence is strong enough to a certain extent. Only then can one break through the barrier.

In desperation, Shi Yan withdrew the essence that poured into the blood pattern ring, sorted out the incomplete "martial arts" in his memory, and hesitated again.

Do you want to practice?

The dark eyes were shining brightly, and among the leaves, the expression on Shi Yan's face was uncertain. After a long time, he was ready to try it first, intending to see the first level of "rage" and train his body. What will change.

The Jingyuan slowly flows to the Giant Bone Cave. After the Jingyuan arrives at the Giant Bone Cave, Shi Yan slowly injects the Jingyuan into the Giant Bone Cave according to the first level of "rampage" rotation, and the Giant Bone Cave rotates violently. , the negative emotions such as resentment, despair, madness and so on contained in the giant bone cave were suddenly triggered, turned into a force and overflowed, starting to change the muscles, bones, flesh and blood around the giant bone cave.

The sting ensues!

The flesh and blood in the area of ​​the giant bone cave suddenly contracted, and the muscles seemed to tighten instantly.

Shi Yan's heart trembled, and he quickly reversed the flow of essence. He felt a pain that tore his veins spread throughout his body. The essence flowed back a few inches. Shi Yan's heart was cruel, and he forced himself forward again. He saw that the essence was like an irritable beast. , instantly passed through the Jugu Point, and rushed towards the Jianzhen Point.

Jingyuan gathered into the Jianzhen point and rotated it in the same way, triggering out the negative emotions such as resentment, despair, rage, etc. hidden in the Jianzhen point. Shi Yan felt that the flesh and blood in that area shrank suddenly, and there was actually a hazy feeling. White mist overflows from the pores on the shoulders. The gray-white mist is mixed with emotions such as despair, jealousy, etc., which is soul-stirring!

The essence flowed backwards again, Shi Yan's right arm was in splitting pain, cold sweat oozed from his forehead, and even his back was soaked.

Extremely painful!

Gritting his teeth, the crazy side of Shi Yan exploded in vain. Regardless of the pain in his arms, Shi Yan continued to activate the essence in his body and rushed towards the Wuli point...

I don't know how long it took, but resisting the pain of screaming, Shi Yan's essence rushed all the way from the Jugu point to the Yangchi point on his wrist. All the negative forces in the acupoints of his entire right arm seemed to be absorbed. Triggered.

Looking carefully, he found that the muscles of his right arm had contracted and become leaner and thinner. A gray-white mist lingered on his arm, and all kinds of negative emotions of resentment, despair, and panic came from the mist.

Just looking at it seems to be able to affect people's minds and make them feel fear.

The essence flowed back and forth in his arm, a force like a river bursting its embankment, mixed with all kinds of negative emotions, stirring in his arm. Shi Yan felt that his right arm seemed to have infinite power, and he had an unhappiness-filled desire to explode.

From the bottom of my heart, violent and murderous thoughts suddenly burst out!

Shi Yan was panting, his eyes were as murderous as rainbows. Among the leaves, he searched for targets ferociously like a jackal, wishing to crush anyone who appeared under him into powder with the power of his right arm, and beat the opponent to pieces with bones and blood. It's so refreshing.

After a while, two figures came slowly from the front, cursing all the way. They were two warriors from the Mo family. After searching in other directions to no avail, they were sent to this area by Mo Yanyu.

"That little bastard has gone somewhere. If I see him, I will cut off his head! Damn it, my old friend is still waiting for me in the Merchant Alliance, so I wasted so much time here. Long time, fuck!" A tall and muscular warrior with thick and long beards cursed in an unclean manner.

"Zheng Tie, be careful. That kid killed four of us. He is by no means an easy person to deal with. He ate more in one meal than the two of us combined. This kid is a bit weird. Don't capsize in the gutter." The other warrior looked wary and kept looking around while walking, obviously much more cautious.

"Don't worry, you and I are both in the realm of the second level of the day after tomorrow, and we are together again. If that little bastard dares to show up, he is just asking for his own death. Huh! If we take care of him earlier, we can get on the road earlier. This damn place I've really had enough of being stupid, I want a woman! I want a woman!" The warrior named Zheng Tie seemed to be crazy about women, and he roared loudly in the forest.

"Hehe, Miss is also a woman..." The cautious warrior smiled softly.

"Hehe, the lady is indeed a woman, but we can't bear it. I think Master Karu has been very diligent in finding the lady recently. I wonder if I will have a chance to kiss Fangze. The lady's face, that butt, tsk tsk, I don't know if I will. What a cheap bastard, it’s a pity that our realm is too low, I’m afraid there is no hope in this life.”

Zheng Tie lowered his voice, with a silvery smile on his face, as if he was secretly imagining something. When he thought of something happy, he straightened his lower body and laughed twice.

"Stop dreaming. The young lady has a fiancé. That boy Ling Shaofeng is not someone to be trifled with. If he knows that you are interested in Miss Yin, you will be dead!"

Hearing him mention Ling Shaofeng, Zheng Tie's expression changed and he muttered: "That boy is very evil. It is said that he is about to reach the realm of human cultivation. I have seen him kill people, and his methods are so cruel that you can't even imagine. If Kalu If we run into Ling Shaofeng, we are probably going to die. We really have to be careful, in case what we say is known to that kid..."

Zheng Tie couldn't help but shudder, obviously he was extremely jealous of Mo Yanyu's fiancé.

The two of them talked about Ling Shaofeng in a low voice, their expressions a little unsightly, and they gradually walked towards Shi Yan's position. They had no idea that Shi Yan, a bloodthirsty beast, was hidden in the dense leaves above their heads.

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