God of Killing

Chapter 1,209 Who is your teacher?

Scarlet blood lines squirm on the surface of the blood shield, intertwining into a complicated and strange prototype of the world. Endless evil and horror emerge, twisting the soul and soul, and trying to plunge people into an abyss and purgatory.

Shi Yan held the shield, his heart was shaken, and his eyes were as red as blood!

His soul altar was constantly rising and falling, and the mark on his main soul's forehead was as scarlet as a blood star. The red was dazzling, echoing the blood shield mark, and trembling like a big heart.

He had a strange feeling... He seemed to have the magical power to control the seven emotions and six desires of living beings. Holding the blood shield, he seemed to hold the collection of emotions of all living beings, which could infinitely amplify the evil desires in the heart and soul, and turn a good person into a vicious one in an instant. People are evil.

Very strange feeling.

He looked at Bello, as if he saw the hidden desires in Bello's heart, his unwillingness to be controlled by the gods, and his struggle to get rid of the constraints of making his own decisions... He seemed to have seen all the secrets of Bello's heart, and completely penetrated them. The secret was completely exposed.

The blood shield... is like Bello's inner demon, the demonic barrier of his soul, covering him with an invisible prison, triggering his inner desires and torturing himself. The more desires and secrets he has in his heart, the more the inner demons will grow. It's so powerful that it will tug at his soul, making it impossible for him to break free.

Shi Yan suddenly smiled.

He held the blood shield in one hand and twisted the blood sword in the other. The blood shield and the blood sword blended perfectly with him, like they were part of his flesh and blood, inseparable from each other.

Through the blood shield, he can clearly detect the changes in Bello's mind, gain insight into his inner desires, and even see his many years of life experience... Bello's life journey is like a scene reflected through the blood shield. Quickly flashing through his mind, he was high-spirited in his youth, held a high position in his middle age, relied on the Gods in his old age, became brothers with Sloan, and made various choices for the future of the Shadow Clan... Shi Yan saw through Bello's life.

"It's so sad." He walked towards Bello step by step, shook his head and sighed, "You are both sad and pitiful. You always think about your family and work hard for the continuation and strength of the race. For the survival of the Shadow Clan, you put down your self-esteem and face. Deliberately befriending the God Clan Sloan, attaching the Shadow Clan to the God Clan, and turning the entire clan into the God Clan's lackeys. You have been living for your family and race, but have you ever truly lived for yourself? Have you ever been happy for a moment in your life? "

Bello looked ferocious, as if he was in a state of inner demons, and roared: "You think I am willing?!"

Boom boom!

Bello's divine body cracked like porcelain, blood spattered, and tendons were stretched, causing the space to collapse, revealing tiny gaps.

Hoo ho ho!

A strong suction force emerged from those space cracks, causing huge trees, rocks, and sand in this area to roar up and be pulled into those cracks one by one.

The fierce adsorption force became stronger and stronger, and even Shi Yan's divine body was swaying, as if it was tied by countless ropes, being pulled towards the gaps in space.

He knew that those gaps were connected to Bello's original realm. Once he fell into them, it would be difficult to escape, and he would be squeezed by Bello at will, without even a trace of strength left to fight back.

"My Shadow Clan has always been weak. If we want to survive, we can only rely on the powerful. The Gods are the overlords of the universe. As the leader of the clan, what's wrong with me choosing a big backer? My choice is right, and it will always be right. I will bring guidance to the Shadow Clan. The new life has given the Shadow Clan many life stars, I was right!”

Bello roared up to the sky at the gaps in space, venting his unwillingness to fate, "We, the Shadow Clan, are not one of the four great creatures! I can only do this one step! But it's different now. If I kill you, I will get it." Origin Fruit! I can bring a new world to the Shadow Clan!"


Bello laughed ferociously and tore his chest apart, and the veins burst out, like the strings of a piano breaking!

when! when!

He seemed to have activated the magic of space, causing large areas of space to collapse and shatter. The Demonic Dragon Star instantly shook the mountains, mountains and rivers collapsed, and ocean blocks disappeared.

..."Bello, what are you doing!"

"That area was shattered. Bello must have come here by mistake. He was fighting Shi Yan!"

"He didn't send a signal!"

"There won't be any surprises, right?"

In every corner of the Demonic Dragon Star, the God Clan members had stern expressions on their faces, looking in one direction and frowning and talking.

Sloan's eyes were cold. He was silent for a while, then suddenly looked away at Koda and said, "Do you know what Bello wants to do?"

Koda's heart tightened, and he bowed his head and said respectfully: "He should be killing the immortal demon youth. That young man... also practices the secrets of space, so he seals the space or causes the space to break. In that case, It will be very dangerous for anyone to enter. We don’t practice this secret. He may think that it will only hurt us, so... he didn’t notify us."

His drooping face was full of horror and uneasiness. He knew that Sloan was suspicious by nature. If Sloan had a bad opinion of the Shadow Clan, it would be a disaster for their entire race.

At the end of the day, they, the Shadow Clan, are all vassals of the God Clan, and they depend on the God Clan to survive.

"If you are worried, how about I go there in person?" Ke Ke raised his head, his face full of sincerity, his eyes gentle and peaceful.

Sloan stared at him deeply for a few times, nodded with satisfaction, smiled lightly, and waved his hand: "No, I trust Bello, and I know he will not let me down."

When he said this, the God Clan members who originally had objections were speechless and stopped Dobello's questioning.

Kodak secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


The void exploded inch by inch like bamboo knots. Bello was at the intersection of void gaps, and his consciousness and soul could not be captured.

Shi Yan looked at Bello as if looking at a ball of air, with no trace to be found.

This is because the void node is shattered and Bello's position is too special. This has a huge advantage: he cannot lock Bello at all to attack.

At the same time, the blood shield's imprisonment of Bello's inner demons was instantly dismantled.

Bello regained his senses. He looked at the blood shield with fearful eyes, showing a frightened expression, and said solemnly: "It is indeed a treasure of the bloodthirsty lineage. It is indeed miraculous. The rumors are indeed true. Bloodthirsty The treasures of the same lineage are all in a world of their own, and they have many wonders. Once you see them today, you must be convinced."

He suddenly became excited and laughed, "I look forward to thinking that the bloodthirsty treasure will fall into my hands. Boy, are you ready to die?"

"Ready." Shi Yan grinned.

He held the blood sword in one hand and suddenly tapped the blood shield with the hilt of the sword. Suddenly, a "clanging" sound of gold and iron came from the blood shield. The sound wave was like thousands of armies fighting, like a boiling river, shaking the soul.

"Clang! Clang!"

There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, with unspeakable magic power, as if it was beating people's hearts.

The bond between Blood Shield and Bello is reestablished.

In an instant, Shi Yan saw Bello's various experiences again. He saw a secret that Bello had hidden deep in his heart... A dark shadow floated in front of Bello's eyes in a sealed cave. What Luo was explaining was that the dark shadow could freely travel through the void sea, swimming in the space gaps like a fish.

This turned out to be Bello's deepest secret.

That wisp of dark shadow seemed to be explaining the subtleties of space mystery to Bello, in an extremely magical and mysterious way... He was Bello's enlightenment teacher, introducing Bello into the mysterious palace of space mystery, and imprinting the mystery on it. Deep in Bello's mind, it has influenced Bello for many years, making him the leader of the Shadow Clan.

This extremely secretive memory was vague and seemed extremely long ago, as if even Bello himself was about to forget it.

Shi Yan used the blood shield to reflect it from the depths of Bello's mind. The dark shadow was blurry, but if he looked carefully at the position between his eyebrows, there was a faint mark of a blood cloud. That person... He turned out to be a certain inheritor of the bloodthirsty lineage!


When the magic sound disappeared, Shi Yan was shocked, looked at Bello with a strange expression, and suddenly said: "Who is your teacher?"

"Teacher?" Bello was obviously stunned, and then shook his head, "I don't have a teacher. I understand the secrets by myself, and everything I have is achieved by my own efforts."

He suddenly laughed sinisterly, "What? You knew you were going to die tragically at my hands, so you started to change the subject to delay?"

Shi Yan frowned deeply and suddenly said: "Have you ever been in a coma, or have you ever had a real dream? When you woke up, you found that you gradually understood the secrets of space, and then you became more and more sophisticated. ,Do you have?"

He was reminded of Hassan's experience.

Hassen was once cowardly and timid, but because of a coma, he merged into Xuanshan's obsessive spirit and transformed himself in one fell swoop, becoming the second-most genius among the gods after Hassen.

Afterwards, Hassen himself had no idea what had happened.

"Are you still proficient in the mysteries of destiny?" Bello snorted impatiently, "Yes, when I was practicing in the secret realm of the Shadow Clan, I once fell into a coma because I went crazy while practicing. I had a dream. I dreamed of a god. You only taught me to understand the secrets of space, and when I woke up, I found that I had fully understood them. It was also during that period of hard training that I truly understood the direction of my cultivation, and finally achieved the status and achievements I have today."

After saying these words, Bello stopped talking nonsense and moved through the space gaps. His soul breath locked Shi Yan, pushing the layers of space to imprison Shi Yan.

Shi Yan stayed in place, his expression became extremely strange, and he stared at Bello without making any move.

He finally believed what Shang Chen said: The bloodthirsty bloodline is unparalleled!

The leader who was good at controlling souls had countless incarnations, and I don't know how many back-ups he had secretly left for the bloodthirsty lineage. Obviously, Bello, the leader of the Shadow Clan, is one of that person's back-up men.

If the blood shield hadn't reflected Bello's life experience and revealed the deepest secrets in his heart, he would never have imagined that Bello would be that man's disciple.

Even Bello himself regarded it as a dream, and the secret was deceived even from himself. No wonder the gods would not have any objections.

Horrible guy!

When he thought about that man's methods, he felt a chilling fear all over his body. He was so impressed by such a scheming and sinister strategy.

(To be continued)

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