God of Killing

Chapter 123: One Palace, Two Holy Lands, Three Cave Heavens, Four Sects, and Five Families

The iron ship rides the wind and waves and slowly approaches. On the deck, young and beautiful girls stand on tiptoe and look into the distance, as if they are very curious about this place.

The silk flags fluttered in the wind, and the erotic pictures on them were lifelike.

The men and women on the deck turned a blind eye, chatting and laughing in low voices, pointing at Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan and making comments, as if they had found some interesting topic.

After Xia Xinyan's appearance changed, her expression became cold again, and she stood motionless on the beach of the island.

Shi Yan stopped howling like ghosts and wolves, frowned, and looked a little unhappy.

At the beginning, he was very excited and very curious about the people on the iron boat. Especially when Xia Xinyan said that this disciple of Yin Yang Cave Heaven was extremely indulgent in matters between men and women, Shi Yan was even more happy and felt that this I'm afraid I won't be lonely along the way.

But when Xia Xinyan mentioned that the disciples of Yin Yang Cave Heaven were also fond of men's style, his face immediately became gloomy and he was very depressed.

The other party has discovered this place, and now there is no way to regret it. He has missed this iron ship, and he doesn't know when it will take him another chance.

In desperation, Shi Yan still felt that he should find an opportunity to board the ship and wait and see what happens when he gets there.

Soon, this huge iron ship, twenty to thirty meters wide and one hundred meters long, arrived here.

On the deck, there are numerous figures, and men and women are constantly coming and going. Most of these men and women have outstanding looks. The younger ones look only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the older ones are only in their thirties or forties. There is no old man.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" A thin, yellow-faced man in his forties shouted loudly on the deck.

This man has the cultivation level of Nirvana, his voice is loud and his expression is alert.

"We came from the west and wanted to travel to the Endless Sea. On the way, the ship encountered a tornado and was destroyed. The two of us escaped by chance and were washed here by the sea. Please let us get on the ship and help us escape from this deserted island. "Shi Yan said with a cup of his hands.

"From the West?" The yellow-faced man frowned, squinted his slender eyes slightly, stared at Shi Yan for a while, then looked at Xia Xinyan next to him, and said lukewarmly: "You guys Do you have anything valuable on you? We won’t take you for nothing.”

Shi Yan's expression froze, and he laughed dryly: "Everything on my body has been washed away, only some dry food is left, please..."

"Set the boat." The big yellow-faced man snorted coldly, turned around and shouted softly, but he didn't even intend to let Shi Yan and the others board the boat.

Shi Yan frowned but didn't say much.

In the backpack behind him, there is also a demon crystal belonging to a level 6 demon beast. In addition, there are a lot of crystal coins, which are not without value.

However, he was cautious and knew that if his wealth was revealed at this time, not only would he not be able to board the ship, but he might even be killed on the spot.

Instead of doing this, it is better to cry for poverty. If you really can't board the ship, you can at least live on the island for a while longer.

When he heard that the man was about to sail the boat, although Shi Yan looked disappointed, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, a lazy female voice came from a wing on the third floor of the iron ship. The window of the wing opened a gap, and a woman seemed to be looking through the gap.

Standing on the beach, Shi Yan couldn't help but look towards the window where the sound came from, and found that one of the bright eyes seemed to be looking at him.

Fortunately, it's a woman.

Shi Yan breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down and waited to see what happened.

"Protector Ju, do you have any advice?" The yellow-faced man frowned and asked displeasedly.

"Advice is out of the question." The woman in the window chuckled, her voice full of temptation, "I think these two people are quite pitiful. The flowers and plants on the floor below need to be taken care of, and we need more people to clean up the stolen goods. Why don't we just let them come up? Let’s just treat the ship as paying the fare, right?”

"Since Protector Ju has spoken, of course I have to give you this face." The yellow-faced man hesitated for a moment, and seemed to know what the woman in the wing was looking at. He nodded and said, "Come closer and let them get on the boat." .Li Wei, please arrange them later and don’t let them damage the flowers and plants clumsily, do you understand?”

The yellow-faced man gave instructions, frowned and stomped up to the third floor without paying attention to Shi Yan and the other two.

A handsome young man, with a smile on his lips, said to the yellow-faced man's back: "Don't worry, uncle, I will make arrangements for them."

This young man has the cultivation level of the Second Heaven Realm of Hundred Calamities. He looks young, but there are wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. His true age does not seem to be as young as his appearance.

Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan ignored it and walked towards the iron ship at the same time. When the rope ladder was lowered, they climbed up one after the other.

After getting on the ship, Shi Yan discovered that the iron ship was indeed not small. It was three stories high. The whole body was made of black steel, and the deck was also made of iron and wood.

There were dozens of men and women standing on the boat. Most of these men and women were in pairs, standing together intimately. In public, they actually made some hugging and kissing movements. Several men put their big hands into the lapels of their female companions, smiling all over their faces. While rubbing, there was also a coquettish and beautiful woman who was quite indulgent. She put her small hands into the male partner's pants next to her and slid them over the male partner's bulge.

In the rooms on the third floor in the center, the screams of indulgent men and women could be heard from time to time. The voices were extremely high and without any scruples.

Shi Yan had a strange expression and was amazed.

The men and women here are much more open-minded than many romantic places in the world. They seem to have no idea what shame is, and they act so indulgently that even people like Shi Yan secretly sigh.

Xia Xinyan looked indifferent, as if she despised the atmosphere here, and was afraid that people would see the disgust in her eyes, so she kept her head lowered.

"You two, come with me." The young man named Li Wei glanced at the two of them coldly and walked straight ahead.

Shi Yan and the other two followed without saying a word.

Li Wei took the two of them all the way to the bottom of the iron ship. The place was filled with pots of flowers and plants, as well as large sealed boxes with no idea of ​​what goods they contained.

The iron ship is divided into three floors. This floor is at the bottom. It seems to be a place where goods and flowers are placed. There is a damp fragrance mixed in it, and the air circulation is not good.

Li Wei brought the two of them to a dilapidated wing, frowned and pushed the door open, then quickly returned to the original place. His eyes wandered on Xia Xinyan's body for a while, and his eyes gradually gained something else, "Ugly is It’s a bit ugly, but the figure is extremely attractive, well, it’s not that it can’t be used at night.”

Xia Xinyan lowered her head, her eyes turned cold, and she gritted her teeth gently.

Shi Yan stood aside Xia Xinyan calmly, took the initiative to hold her hand, and said with a smile: "We are husband and wife, one wing is enough, there is no need to bother brother with extra work."

Xia Xinyan was held by Shi Yan, and she struggled quietly at first, but as soon as Shi Yan spoke, she understood and immediately stopped struggling.

"Husband and wife?" Li Wei's eyes were a little more playful, he nodded, and said calmly: "Well, this wing belongs to you. You can have a rest tonight. From tomorrow on, the man will move the flowers and plants here to the deck to bask in the sun. Women are responsible for cleaning this floor, do you understand?"

"Understood." Shi Yan said.

Li Wei nodded, his eyes lingering on Xia Xinyan for a while, and then he left with a smile on his lips.

"I will kill him." After Li Wei left, Xia Xinyan raised her head and said with a cold face.

"Let's wait until you regain your strength." Shi Yan walked straight to the wing, only to find that this wing was extremely narrow, less than five square meters.

Except for a dusty wooden bed, there was no furniture in the wing. There was not even a quilt on the wooden bed.

The room was sealed and had no windows. The air was filthy and there were many cobwebs. When Shi Yan stepped forward to tear off the cobwebs, dust flew everywhere in the room and the air became even more filthy.

Xia Xinyan didn't go in at all. She stood outside with a frown on her face, watching Shi Yan clean the wing.

"Yin Yang Cave Heaven is one of the fifteen major forces in the Endless Sea. It is relatively close to the Corpse God Cult, the Wilderness Cult, and the Cao Family. It has always been at odds with the Yang Family and our Xia Family. Here, we'd better not expose our identities. , otherwise it is very likely that it will be difficult to leave the ship alive." While Shi Yan was cleaning the cabin, Xia Xinyan said in a low voice outside.

"The fifteen major forces in the Endless Sea? Are they all those forces?" Shi Yan looked back at her and continued to clean up the helpless dust.

"In the Endless Sea, there are one hall, two holy places, three caves, four sects, and five great families. One hall is the Wuhun Hall, the two holy places are Tianchi Holy Land and Penglai Holy Land, and the three caves are Lingbao Cave, Yin Yang Cave, and Tianxie Cave. The four sects are the Three Gods Sect, the Holy Spirit Sect, the Corpse God Sect, and the Wilderness Sect. The five major sects are the Yang Family, the Dongfang Family, the Cao Family, the Xia Family, and the Gu Family. These fifteen major forces are the most powerful in the Endless Sea. In addition, there are many sects, families and various forces, but they are far inferior to these fifteen major forces." Xia Xinyan explained in a low voice.

"I heard you say last time that the Three Gods Sect and the Yang Family are not in the same camp. Now you are saying that the Yin Yang Cave Heaven is not in the same camp as the Yang Family. How many camps are these fifteen major forces divided into?" Shi Yan was confused. road.

"Today's Endless Sea is divided into five sea areas. Each sea area has thousands of islands. Each sea area is a camp. The Yang family, Xia family and Tianxie Cave are considered a camp in the Jialuo Sea area. Yin Yang Cave Heaven, Corpse God Sect, Wilderness Sect, and Cao Family are in Tuta Sea Area, Wuhun Palace and Penglai Holy Land are in Cangqiong Sea Area, Tianchi Holy Land, Lingbao Cave Heaven, and Holy Spirit Sect are in Black Water Sea Area, and Sanshen Sect, Dongfang Family, and Gu Family are in Black Water Sea Area. In the Yuanluo Sea Area. The fifteen major forces are located in the five sea areas and are divided into five camps. They are often at war with each other. The Endless Sea is much more complicated than you think!"

"I feel complicated now." Shi Yan shook his head, "I can't control that much, but after hearing what you said, I am sure that the Endless Sea is very exciting. Well, we boarded the ship of Yin Yang Cave, right? Are you going to the Tuta sea area?"

"Well, the Tuta sea area is far away from our Jialuo sea area. It seems that we have to take a long detour this time. In the Yin and Yang cave, warriors in the realm of acquired, innate, and human positions are ordinary disciples. , the status is the core disciple, the nirvana warrior is the protector, the heavenly realm is the elder, and the two palace masters are at the top, divided into the Queen of Heaven and the Emperor of the Earth. It is said that they all have the cultivation of the divine realm. There are only two of them on this iron ship. Nirvana warriors should be the protectors of Yin-Yang Cave Heaven and are responsible for collecting various elixirs, beautiful jade, and silk for Yin-Yang Cave Heaven. We must be careful and hope that we can successfully reach the Tuta sea area and escape from the iron ship of Yin-Yang Cave Heaven." Xia Xinyan frowned and said .

"It's almost done, come in and have a rest." Shi Yan suddenly said.

The wing room was a lot cleaner after he had messed with it like this, but there was only one bed. Xia Xinyan just glanced at it and frowned.

"You stay on the bed, and I'll rest down there. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. Don't be so defensive."

"I can't trust you." Xia Xinyan snorted, but still entered the private room, silently sat down cross-legged on the bed, closed her eyes and began to practice hard.

Shi Yan was originally going to ask more about the Endless Sea, but seeing that she seemed unwilling to say more, he gave up. He also sat down on the ground and closed his eyes to practice.

A night of silence.

(To be continued)

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