God of Killing

Chapter 1,275 It’s unclear whether it’s clear or not

A small island in the center of Huanxing Lake.

Ling Xiang brought Shi Yan all the way, landed on the island, and said with a smile: "I have been practicing hard here for many years, admiring the beautiful scenery of the mountains, rivers, heaven and earth, and I have almost forgotten the true meaning of power."

Caesar, Lorraine, and Lena all secretly paid attention to Shi Yan, wanting to see how he would respond.

"The secrets of heaven and earth are spread throughout every square inch. Those who are willing can see the truth. Those who are stupid can't see where the treasure is even if they are on the treasure mountain." Shi Yan took a deep breath among the bamboo buildings, and his face glowed with wonder. He praised: "This place is the soul of the Phantom Star. The most exquisite part of this star is here. It is really magical."

"What's so strange?" Ling Xiang asked the examiner.

"There are wonders everywhere." Shi Yan looked around, "I can't tell whether the mountains, rivers, lakes, bamboo buildings, pavilions, or swimming fish or beasts are real or fake."

Ling Xiang, Xize, and Luo Lin exchanged looks and nodded secretly.

This place is really the place where the soul of Huan Xing is located. The reason why Huan Xing has the word "Huan" is related to this place. Even the strange formation of the phantom realm is related to this place.

The mountains, rivers, scenery, fish, spirits, and beasts all exist, but they can change at any time, which is extremely weird.

"These mountains, rivers, scenery, fish, spiritual beasts, should be the things that have moved out of the sect's first realm. The sending, receiving and survival depends on your thoughts. Because the space here is layered, it is not your first realm, but it runs through your first realm, and your first realm , is on one of the layers of space, but is it like this?" Shi Yan suddenly shook, reacted suddenly, and looked at Ling Xiang in shock.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Xiang and the other two people were horrified and secretly surprised.

Shi Yan can see that this place is filled with stars and souls, and the mountains and rivers are empty. This is already extremely extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, after a moment of concentration and realization, he also said that the mountains, rivers and scenery actually came from the beginning of Lingxiang. He said that the beginning of Lingxiang was one of the layers of overlapping space. This was not something ordinary people could see.

Even when Laina and Xing Ming came here for the first time, they could only see the first layer and could not express the second deep meaning like Shi Yan.

"As expected of the new Lord, the cultivation of the First God Realm can be seen so thoroughly." Xize nodded and praised sincerely.

"You do have extraordinary eyesight. It seems that the Gods are really in trouble this time." Lorraine smiled calmly.

Ouyang Luoshuang, who was beside Shi Yan, followed quietly without saying a word. At this time, her bright eyes turned, and the moonlight poured out from her pupils like water, falling at her feet.

Miraculous changes suddenly occurred... The moonlight flowing out of her eyes was like sulfuric acid with terrifying corrosive power, melting away the tranquil landscape and rapidly changing the world.

The world composed of many illusions was shattered by the moonlight that could see the reality in her eyes. Not long after, a real world reappeared.

Surrounded by high mountains and forests of ancient trees, they were among majestic palaces. Those palaces were made of huge stones, thick and simple, and had an awe-inspiring majesty.

This is reality!

The moonlight in her eyes tore apart the illusion and revealed the reality.

Ling Xiang, Xize, and Luo Lin all had strange expressions on their faces. They all looked deeply at Ouyang Luoshuang, as if they had discovered something magical.

"Little girl, who is your master?" Lorraine suddenly remembered what Ouyang Luoshuang said before, saying that her master would help her take revenge. Lorraine didn't take it to heart at the time, but now Lorraine feels a little uneasy.

The wonderful moonlight cast by Ouyang Luoshuang gave her a sense of familiarity, as if she had heard it from someone. That person must be extremely ancient, which made her memory a bit blurry. If she didn't feel wrong, then Ouyang Luoshuang's The master should be an extremely terrifying figure, probably from the same era as her master.

Ling Xiang and Xize were also stunned, with thoughtful eyes, staring deeply at Ouyang Luoshuang.

From the changes in Ouyang Luoshuang's power, they also noticed the magic. The holy and flawless aura of Ouyang Luoshuang also made them feel familiar.

Just for a moment, I really couldn't remember it.

"You two also encountered a lot of troubles on the way. You guys should take a rest today and let's talk about important things tomorrow." Ling Xiang didn't confirm Ouyang Luoshuang's identity and origin, so he decided to take a break first. We can talk to Nishizawa and Lorraine again, and deal with this matter carefully by disengaging with Shi Yan today.

Shi Yan didn't care and said, "That's fine."

"Xiao Ling'er, you come to arrange the distinguished guests." Ling Xiang smiled lightly and shouted loudly.

From the dense forest behind, an ancient spirit suddenly flew in. Her eyes were very smart. When she came over, she had a straight face and seemed unhappy, saying, "Come with me."

"Ling'er is my goddaughter. Ling'er's father was my brother. Unfortunately, he died young." Ling Xiang explained, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Shi Yan nodded slightly.

Gu Ling, on the other hand, had a cold look on his face, snorted, and led the way to a majestic palace.

Shi Yan glanced at Ouyang Luoshuang.

Ouyang Luoshuang looked calm and took the initiative to approach him, walking with him in the direction of the ancient spirit.

"What do you think of him?" After Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang left, Ling Xiang turned around and asked with a distracted look.

"Quite extraordinary, with unique vision. Although the realm is weak at this time, with the uniqueness of the bloodthirsty Lord, I am afraid it can be improved rapidly." Lorraine replied.

"It's not that simple. You don't have to worry about the terrifying mysteries of the Bloodthirsty Lord, but the understanding of the realm still needs to be accumulated step by step." Lena shook her head. It’s only one step away, but this step has trapped me for two thousand years. I don’t have enough understanding of the realm and my pure strength is not enough to break through.”

"Xize, what do you think?" Ling Xiang asked.

"The fact that he can defeat Hazen and Haig is enough to prove that his talent in cultivation is not lower than those two people. Coupled with the unique secrets of the bloodthirsty lineage, I think his future will be very bright." Caesar road.

"Xize and I have the same opinion. If this kid can survive, he will definitely be a terrifying figure in the future." Ling Xiang nodded.

"Does the flowing aura of the woman next to him feel familiar?" Lorraine suddenly spoke.

"This is also what I am confused about." Ling Xiang's expression condensed, "I always felt that I had seen it on someone, but unfortunately I couldn't remember it for a while, so I arranged for them to rest first, and we all took care of it."

"Well, I also feel a bit familiar. I seem to have heard it from someone." Caesar said.

Several people were puzzled, frowning in thought, and secretly surprised.

On the other side, Gu Ling did not have a good face at all. He introduced Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang into a palace, and said with a cold face: "This is the place where our Qianhuan Sect entertains distinguished guests. You can go in. If you need anything, ask for it yourself." Call someone."

After saying this, Gu Ling had a look of disgust on his face, secretly scolding the man for not having a good thing, humming softly, and left.

She has a very good relationship with Cecilia. This time, Cecilia was temporarily imprisoned by Lena and couldn't get away because of Shi Yan. Shi Yan came from the fantasy world, but he brought a strange woman with him, and said that she was his As a woman, Gu Ling secretly felt that Cecilia was not worthy of her, so she naturally didn't have a good look towards him.

"Wait a minute, last time I saw you and Cecilia together, this time, she didn't come with her master Lena?" Shi Yan asked softly.

"Why are you asking Cecilia? You have a new love, why are you still thinking about your old love? Men are really unreliable!" Gu Ling's eyes wandered between him and Ouyang Luoshuang, clearly mocking him.

"Is Cecilia here?" Shi Yan frowned.

"I don't know!" Gu Ling snorted coldly, turned around and left with a cold face.

"After so many years, you are still so charming. No matter where you are, you are always accompanied by a beautiful woman. It's true that you can't change your name." Ouyang Luoshuang's voice was cold, and she suddenly interrupted after Gu Ling walked away.

As soon as her thoughts changed, she found that no one was around, so she no longer deliberately approached Shi Yan and took the initiative to distance herself from him, her expression slightly cold.

Shi Yan stood at the door, looking at the simple floor structure in the palace. He turned around after hearing the words, his eyes wandered around her body, and suddenly said: "Then you, are you considered one of the beauties around me? I will hug you and kiss you." I kissed you too, so it counts, right?"

He was unhappy with Ouyang Luoshuang's attitude and fought back.

Ouyang Luoshuang's jade-like fair face suddenly showed a touching blush, and she bit her silver teeth lightly, "Shameless!"

"Whatever you say, but some facts cannot be changed, and in this fantasy star, you have to admit that you are my woman." Shi Yan shrugged and said coolly.

"When my master comes over, we will be clean between you and me, and that little girl won't be dissatisfied with you." Ouyang Luoshuang took a breath and returned to calmness. Her skills in cultivating her mind are better than many people. Much.

"I'm curious, who is your master?" Shi Yan squinted.

The aura on Ouyang Luoshuang's body was very similar to that of the powerful gods he knew. He had been suspicious before, but then he heard that Ouyang Luoshuang had a master. He wanted to know who it was at the time. Now Ouyang Luoshuang took the initiative to mention him. Just ask.

"Who is it?" Ouyang Luoshuang showed a hint of confusion, hesitated, and then said: "I don't know his identity, but his realm cultivation should be extremely superb. He has something to do when he comes to Huanxing, so he asked me to wait outside. He came over, and while I was waiting, I had a conflict with Xing Shang and Wei Yun, and was captured by mistake..."

After a pause, Ouyang Luoshuang's bright eyes were soft, and she whispered: "Thank you anyway. I didn't expect that a cold person like you would save me."

Shi Yan touched his nose and said, "I didn't want to rescue you, but when I think of you back then, I always feel that you were ruined by the character Xing Ming. It's really unjust."

"The me back then?" Ouyang Luoshuang was surprised.

Shi Yan nodded, with a strange look in his eyes, recalling: "That year, my realm was extremely low. On that day when you broke through the meteorite from the meteor city and emerged from the sky, you were like the moon god coming to the world, with unparalleled splendor. At that time, I thought, like you Such a woman should probably only exist in a man's dream, rather than appear in reality..."

At that time, he was as weak as an ant, while Ouyang Luoshuang was the goddess of the moon. With her cultivation in the heavenly realm, there was a gap between the two that could never be crossed. They were so different.

(To be continued)

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