God of Killing

Chapter 1,285 A bloody journey

Afaner fell from the sky, twelve electric dragons roared out, and the scorching lightning covered both Chen Rong and Chen Yan.

In the violent current, Chen Yan's whole body trembled slightly. He used the secret meaning of wood to change the surrounding area, making the ancient trees move closer to each other and wrapping them up.

Chen Rong practiced the Mystery of Wind. He looked at Afaner intently, the meaning in his eyes swirled, and millions of wind blades suddenly appeared in the sky. Those wind blades were like daggers, attacking Afaner overwhelmingly, trying to crush Afaner.

It's a pity that Afan'er is wearing the exquisite armor of the gods, and the surging light flows in the armor, forming a layer of film to block Chen Rong's sharp wind blade.

Afaner is a warrior of the Bradley family. He is equipped with a powerful magical weapon. The huge supplies obtained by the Bradley family from conquering the sea of ​​​​stars are refined into many treasures and distributed to the warriors in the clan.

Although Afan'er is only at the third level of the virtual god, the secret treasures he possesses are extremely precious and cannot be compared to Chen Rong.

The armor on his body canceled all Chen Rong's attacks, but the twelve electric dragons released by him rushed down, electrifying the wooden sea formed by Chen Yan and exploding one after another. In the explosion of ancient trees, Chen Yan vomited blood and was covered in sweat. Smoke appeared from the wood debris, his face was pale, but his eyes were full of hatred, and he said sternly: "Afan'er, even if I become a ghost, I will never let you go!"

Afan'er sneered and said, "Then I won't let you even have a chance to become a ghost."

While he was speaking, the wind barrier on Chen Rong's body was struck by the electric dragon and suddenly exploded. Chen Rong's body was also split open, with a look of fear on his face.

Both were in the third heaven realm of False God, but he found that Afaner was superior to him in every aspect. Whether it was the realization of the secrets of the realm, the profound refinement of divine power, or the level of the secret treasure, he was at a disadvantage in all aspects.

He finally understood why Letka only sent Afaner, who was in the same realm as him, to station in Tianxiao Star, because Letka knew very well that Afaner alone was enough to suppress his Chen family without any ability to counterattack.

When he sadly realized this fact, he knew it was too late, and the Chen family's fate would soon happen.

"Do you really think that if we leave your Chen family, we won't be able to find mining slaves for mining?" Afan'er sneered, "To tell you the truth, our Bradley family has recently captured another star field, and there will be a large number of mining slaves by then. Come here, if your Chen family is not honest, then you will have no choice but to disappear. Just like the Thunder Sky Alliance, you deserve to be exterminated. I will bloodbath Tianxiao Star first, and then send a message to kill all the people in you Mine Star!"

Chen Rong looked desperate.

Chen Yan was also dumbfounded. Only then did he realize the terrible consequences that impulsiveness without power would bring to the family.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, and he knows that he and the Chen family are doomed.

"Save my brother! Save my brother quickly!" A voice that should never have appeared suddenly came from outside, burning with anxiety.

Chen Rong was stunned, his face became extremely ugly, and he shouted loudly: "Chen Lei, let's go! Let's go quickly!"

He has always felt guilty about this sister. When his family was destroyed, not only could he not be happy when he heard his sister's voice, but he felt as if he had fallen into a dark abyss and his whole body was cold.

"Save my brother!" Chen Lei's voice came up again, and by this time the golden beetle chariot had appeared from the clouds.

"Just kill them all, and save me from continuing the interrogation." Afan'er chuckled, his eyes wandered around Chen Lei, and then his expression froze. He looked at Ouyang Luoshuang on the golden beetle chariot behind Chen Lei. The eyes burst out with extremely hot light.

This is also the last time his eyes shine.

The next moment, Shi Yan fell down, like a sharp sword, piercing his head directly.

It really stabbed him in the head.

Shi Yan pierced his skull with one hand and fell directly into his brain. He immediately secretly used the Devouring Mystery, and then saw Afaner's divine body, as if the flesh and blood had been sucked out by a water pump, in an extremely terrifying way. It shriveled up and lost essence and blood rapidly. In a short period of time, only a piece of skin and a skeleton were left. Then when Shi Yan pulled out his hand, Afaner's skin and bones suddenly scattered like dust.

Chen Rong and Chen Yan were as dumb as a wooden chicken.

The Chen family members on the golden beetle chariot also showed fearful expressions, and their backs were cold.

Shi Yan showed an unfinished expression, licked the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "It turns out that this is okay. I used to be too afraid of being discovered and cowered, but I didn't understand the various subtleties of devouring..."

He let go of his consciousness and wandered around. He glanced at the Chen family's sacred mountain peak, grinned, took a step forward, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Ouyang Luoshuang was too lazy to follow and didn't even look in that direction.

"He, he is..." Chen Rong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said in shock: "That person in the portrait?"

Chen Lei nodded.

At this time, on the mountain peak of their Chen family's holy land, screams were heard, and the gods who were gnashing their teeth with hatred were seen. They were trying to escape from the mountain as if they saw a ghost. .

When Chen Rong and the others turned around to look, they found that the mountain peak was covered in a layer of blood. They could only hear the screams of terror, but could not see the true appearance inside.

"This, this is?" Chen Rong stammered, not knowing what to say.

"When we came over, we first went to the mining star. There was no one from the God Clan there." Chen Lei explained.

Chen Rong and Chen Yan were shocked.

A few minutes later, Shi Yan changed into black clothes and came leisurely wagging his fingers. His hands were dark red, the color of blood. He came to Chen Lei and Chen Rong and said, "Is there still a star in the sky?" A member of the God Clan?”

Chen Rong shook his head.

Shi Yan frowned and asked again: "Where are the nearest God Clan people gathered? What is their approximate size? Is the First God present?"

"Yes, there is a powerful First God of the God Clan stationed on the nearby Tianfeng Star." Chen Rong said hurriedly.



"very good."

Shi Yan looked at Ouyang Luoshuang, pondered for a moment, and said, "I have recovered a lot of strength. I don't need you to follow me anymore. If you have anything, you can leave voluntarily."

"I don't know where Yu Hai is." Ouyang Luoshuang said calmly.

"Have you ever thought about returning to the Divine Grace Continent? You may not know that the Divine Grace Continent today is different, comparable to any high-level Life Star." Shi Yan was silent for a moment and said.

There was a strange color in Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes. She frowned and then said: "I will definitely go back. That is my hometown, but not now. My master treats me well. I at least want to see him. What's the matter? Things need to be explained clearly..."

"What about you now?"

"Don't worry, wait until you find Yu Hai for me and send me there directly. This will save me a lot of trouble."

"Well, you go to the mineral star and wait for me. Wait for me for a while."


"You go directly there."

Shi Yan opened his hand, and the starlight condensed in his palm, outlining a wonderful void pattern. Using his own divine power as the context, he carved out the door to the starry sky.

On the other side of that door is the Chen family's mining star.

Ouyang Luoshuang did not doubt him, stepped in and passed directly.

Shi Yan felt warm in his heart and said to Chen Lei: "I will not return to Tianxiao Star, but I will go to the Mine Star. This door will exist for one day. If you want to leave, prepare within one day. From this door Go to the ore star."

After saying this, he turned into a ray of starlight and headed east, and a journey to kill the God that shocked the Leixiao Star Territory began.

"What's his origin? Why are you helping us?" After Shi Yan left, Chen Rong looked at Chen Lei with confusion on his face.

"I don't know either." Chen Lei shook her head.

"Ms. Lei made the most correct decision. She stopped us from subpoenaing Letka, but instead took the initiative to approach these two people, which gave our Chen family a glimmer of hope." Chen Deqiao praised and briefly described what happened.

"Letka summoned the entire Xinghai and asked all the forces that relied on them to search for this person. This shows that this person is extremely extraordinary. Perhaps, the hardships of our Chen family have really come to an end." Chen Rong's eyes lit up and he immediately expressed his stance: " Let everyone in the family prepare, let’s leave this place and live in a different environment from now on.”


Yunlei Star in the Leixiao Star Territory is the most famous trading star in the Star Territory. Warriors from all forces come here to trade, and the personnel are complex.

"Did you hear that?"

"Did you hear that?"

"I heard that there is a killing star coming, specializing in killing people from the God Clan."

"I heard that many Gods were killed, and none of the Gods in the Gods stronghold near us have disappeared."

"Three members of the First God Realm of the God Clan were killed. Hundreds of False Gods and Origin Gods died. All the strongholds of the Bradley family disappeared after this person passed by."

Similar conversations are always happening on the streets of Yunleixing, in teahouses, and in many secret rooms.

Many local forces in the Thunder Firmament Star Territory have learned about the major events in the Star Sea through their own channels. A young man from outside is going on a killing spree in the Thunder Firmament Star Territory, killing the gods who enslaved them, almost every day. One day, they all receive news that a member of the God Clan has been killed, and every day there is news that this person is killing a god.

A secret room in Yunleixing.

Several old men sat with solemn expressions. There were many barriers set up around the secret room, so not even a fly could fly out.

They are all representatives of the local forces in the Thunder Sky Star Territory, vassals of the Gods, and visionaries who have submitted to the Silver Power of the Bradley family for many years. Now they are gathered here together because of one person.

"What do you think?" the oldest one among them asked with his eyes drooped.

"Mr. Lei, your attitude is the key to this matter. Back then, you were the deputy leader of the Leixiao League, and we all listened to you." The others expressed their views with twinkling eyes.

"Don't mention that back then, the Thunder Cloud Alliance was gone. Now I am not Lei Hai, but Lei Dong. You should also know the identity of that person through your own channels. The bloodthirsty new lord is the future that can truly compete with the gods. Overlord, the Bradley family is really nothing compared to him. If we get his approval, we in the Thunder Sky Star Region will have hope." The old man who calls himself Lei Dong has the cultivation of the second level of the First God. Xiu Lei, after the destruction of the Thunder Sky Alliance, changed his appearance and went into hiding. He did not dare to conflict with Letka head-on and only acted secretly.

“We’ve all had enough and if there’s hope, we’re willing to give it a try!”

"That's what I mean too!"


(To be continued)

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