God of Killing

Chapter 1,300 Coming from the same school

A duel between immortal level experts, the power of the laser impact is terrifying and can destroy a star field.

As soon as Di Carlo and the King of Light fought, both Xiaoyao and the Ancient Thunder Dragon Reddy stopped at the same time. Their attention was focused on Di Carlo and the King of Light. With this, Shi Yan was temporarily relieved of the pressure.

But Shi Yan was still extremely cautious, using almost all his hidden power to pile up layers around the divine body to cope with attacks that might come at any time.

He knew that there was a huge difference in realm between him and Xiaoyao. As long as Xiaoyao put down his identity and suddenly attacked secretly, if he was caught off guard, he would be destroyed in an instant.

Therefore, when watching the battle, he also kept an extra eye on him, secretly watching out for Xiaoyao.

One space after another emerged from Di Carlo's body, and was destroyed by the light spirit of the King of Light.

Those spaces are the manifestation of Di Carlo's secrets. They can connect the star fields in the vast sea of ​​stars, allowing Di Carlo to travel to the ends of the world at will. His traces will not be caught or pursued, just like a ghost. mystery.

However, now those spaces are shattering, collapsing, exploding, and being annihilated at the same time as the light elves.

Whenever the elves of space and light disappeared, Di Carlo and the King of Light were shocked. The impact of the doomsday brought countless storms to the Leixiao Star Territory, and those storms spread unknowingly. , will turn into a natural disaster for many life stars in the Leixiao Star Territory in the next hundred or even thousand years.

Those mortals will never know that the scene they call a natural disaster was caused by the aftermath of the duel between two immortal beings hundreds of years ago.

That is their sorrow.

Shi Yan was shocked and looked at Di Carlo silently, as if looking at his own future.

As a practitioner of the mysteries of space, he knew that if one day he could reach the second level of immortality, he could also be like Di Carlo, able to dominate the turbulent flow of the void, travel across the star field with his consciousness in a single thought, and move his body between the gaps in the void and the sea of ​​stars. Wandering around.

The different spaces that emerged on the surface of Di Carlo's physical body, and the mysterious and mysterious fluctuations, opened a door for him.

A door leading to the profound and subtle secrets of space!


Suddenly, the King of Light gave a deep shout, and with a touch of his eyebrows, he moved the altar.

A brilliant sea of ​​light suddenly emerged above his head. The sea of ​​light was boundless, vast, and the light was divine and dazzling. It represented the ultimate in light and contained the source of the mysteries of light.

That sea of ​​light is the evolution of the first realm of the King of Light, the ultimate in light, and the essence of power.

As soon as the sea of ​​​​light emerged, Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang, who were at a slightly lower level, had their eyes dazzled, their vision immediately blurred, and they could not see anything.


Di Carlo frowned, and strange marks formed on the palms of his hands. Heavenly doors emerged from his palms, one after another, like flying doors pulling out layers of phantoms.

That gate leads to nowhere and connects to it. It reveals the wild atmosphere of the universe and the original fluctuations.

The sea of ​​​​light sat down and suspended on the heavenly door. Countless rays of light rushed into the heavenly door, disappeared inside the heavenly door, and shot towards Di Carlo's sea of ​​soul consciousness... The King of Light suddenly showed a hint of shock and confusion, and he was deeply moved. Looking deeply at the heavenly door, his expression changed quietly.

"Is that enough?" Di Carlo showed a hint of ferocity for the first time, and shouted in a deep voice: "Until the Lord of God recovers, the Gods will not pose a threat to me! I have always been a loner, and if it really angers me, I will lead the Void Domain River into In the Ancient God Star Territory, I want to see how many of the twelve major families of your God Clan can survive!"

Carefree and bright suddenly change color.

The two of them looked deeply at Di Carlo and were silent for a long time. The King of Light withdrew his light sea, and his expression quickly returned to his natural state.

At this time, Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang regained their vision and could see the surrounding scenes clearly again.

Everything is business as usual.

"Di Carlo, can you promise to ignore the confrontation between the gods and the bloodthirsty lineage?" Guangming stared at Di Carlo solemnly.

"I said, I only took action this time to revive Reddy. That kid revived my old friend. I owe him a favor, so I saved him once." Di Carlo snorted coldly, and then said: "This Lei Xiaoxing This domain was created by Leidy back then, and you gods will not be allowed to invade in the future!"

"Ming Hao is your junior brother. Before joining the bloodthirsty sect, he practiced the secrets of space with you. Don't you miss the feelings of the sect?" Xiaoyao said suddenly.

As soon as he said this, Shi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up and he couldn't help but look at Di Carlo.

He suddenly remembered Bello, the leader of the Shadow Clan back then. Bello was the Second Heavenly God and practiced the secrets of space. This man... was bound by Ming Hao's soul-controlling secrets and was also taught the secrets of space by Ming Hao.

He trembled and suddenly woke up, secretly cursing himself for being slow, as he should have contacted Di Carlo and Ming Hao long ago.

"The moment he became the bloodthirsty sect again and became the head of the Eighth Guards, he was no longer my junior brother." Di Carlo's eyes were slightly cold, "The teacher's death was also related to bloodthirsty. Ming Hao and his enemies , naturally I will not get together with him."

Xiaoyao and Guangming looked at him deeply with hesitant expressions.

They all know that Di Carlo and Ming Hao's teacher was once the most powerful figure in the sea of ​​stars. This person can be said to be the originator of space mysteries. He only accepted two students in his life, namely Di Carlo and Ming Hao. At that time, he was addicted to Blood emerged from the sky, leaving a trail of blood in the vast sea of ​​stars, attracting countless strong men to take action to rectify it.

Di Carlo's teacher is the most powerful person.

Unfortunately, this person became the most dazzling stepping stone for the rise of bloodthirsty in the world, and was killed by bloodthirsty.

It was also because of his death that Bloodthirsty became synonymous with the strongest person in the Star Sea. For many years after that, no one dared to make an enemy of Bloodthirsty.

After the death of that man, Di Carlo practiced hard and never came out of seclusion, while Ming Hao sought bloodthirsty revenge. As a result... in the end, Ming Hao failed to take revenge, and instead strangely became the head of the Eighth Guards, and was passed down by bloodthirsty. The soul-controlling secret has become the most powerful force among the bloodthirsty forces, giving the bloodthirsty the world and secretly controlling many star regions.

The secret of bloodthirsty persuading Ming Hao is still a mystery to this day, and no one knows the secret.

DiCarlo didn't know either.

Perhaps only Ming Hao himself knows why he, who wanted to take revenge that day, accidentally turned into the leader of the Eighth Guards.

"Okay, we'll give you this thin noodle." King Guangming pondered for a while and said decisively: "In the future, our Gods will not get involved in the Leixiao Star Territory. That kid... I won't touch him this time. I hope what you said is true. We can stand idly by while we fight bloodlust."

He looked at Xiaoyao, "What did you say?"

Xiaoyao's eyes were gloomy, his gaze lingered on Shi Yan for a few seconds, and he suddenly smiled gloomily, "It's just the realm of the First God, it's easy to kill him. If you can escape this time, if you can't escape later, it will be worth it in exchange for Di Carlo's staying away. "

"Di Carlo, I hope you will bear in mind the death of your teacher!" Guangming snorted, turned around and walked away, taking a million miles in one step and disappearing in an instant.

"Let's go." Xiaoyao chuckled and left with Ouyang Luoshuang.

Ouyang Luoshuang stood coldly on the moon crystal. Suddenly she turned around and took a deep look at Shi Yan. The complicated meaning in her eyes made Shi Yan's heart move slightly.

Xiaoyao and Guangming came here arrogantly, intending to kill Shi Yan and severely injure Di Carlo. However, when they discovered that Reddy had been resurrected and had also reached the second level of immortality, the two of them knew that the purpose of this trip was difficult. Achieved.

The King of Light fought against Di Carlo and found out that Di Carlo's combat power was not inferior to him, so he immediately came up with a new idea.

Di Carlo saw what he was thinking, and made a decisive statement, clearly stating that he would not interfere in the war between Bloodthirsty and the Protoss in the future. This statement of his stance was exactly what the light wanted, so he made a decision.

The two came with soaring evil aura. Although they failed to kill Shi Yan, they measured Di Carlo's true power, learned about Reddy's resurrection, and forced Di Carlo to promise not to participate in the war. They were interested in Guangming and Xiaoyao. He said that whether the result was good or bad, it was acceptable.

As for the survival of Lei Xiao Star Territory and Shi Yan, in their eyes, it is far less important than Di Carlo's attitude.

"You and Ming Hao are actually brothers." After Xiaoyao and Guangming left one after another, Shi Yan looked strange and suddenly shouted softly.

Di Carlo snorted coldly, looked at him coldly, and said: "You saved Leidy, and I saved you, and now you and I are clean. If you want to see Ming Hao, please tell him, don't do it again." Disturb my peace!"

"When Bloodthirsty killed your teacher, you should work with the Gods to get rid of the Bloodthirsty lineage? I'm very strange, why would you ignore it? I can understand if you don't help Bloodthirsty, why don't you Helping the Gods?" Shi Yan said solemnly.

"You're noisy."

A sharp light appeared in Di Carlo's eyes, and then he secretly released his divine power to form a space cage, completely covering Shi Yan.

A door suddenly cracked open.

Shi Yan was forced into it by Di Carlo. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had arrived at the Divine Grace Planet.

Floating in the vast endless sea clouds, Shi Yan raised his head and looked at the sky, his brows furrowed.

There was too much confusion growing in his mind. Ming Hao clearly wanted to seek revenge on Bloodthirsty, but by mistake, he became the leader of the Eighth Guards. Di Carlo did not avenge his master and destroy the Bloodthirsty lineage, but chose to remain neutral and did not join the gods. Son, what on earth is he thinking?

He was able to escape from Xiaoyao this time because of Di Carlo. Was Di Carlo's action really because he wanted to save the ancient thunder dragon Reddy, or because of Ming Hao?

He thought hard, but he couldn't figure out the reason. He only felt that the relationship between Ming Hao and Di Carlo was not as simple as Guangming and Xiaoyao said. The grievances and hatred between these two people might be beyond his imagination. complex.

A green arc of lightning flashed.

The holy beast Qinglong suddenly appeared. He frowned and said, "Where is Leidy?"

"Leidi and Di Carlo should be still in the Thunder Sky Star Territory. He has woken up and is clamoring to continue fighting with you to seize the position of leader of the Sky Demon Clan." Shi Yan said calmly.

Qinglong chuckled, "I'll wait for him to come."

(To be continued)

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