God of Killing

Chapter 1,309 Corroding the World

Deep in the blood sea of ​​the Holy Land.

At the corner of the Death Bone Island, Xuanhe looked solemn, with many star compasses scattered around him. Those star compasses were refined into spheres, like stars of life, like rivers of stars, and spread around like dense nets, as if they were stars that were millions of times smaller. .

The star compasses are shining with bright luster, and there are faint and thin lines connected in series with each other.

Not far away, Frederick was also frowning. There were also star compasses around him. If you looked down from the sky, you would find that the luster released by those star compasses was as bright as a sea of ​​stars, and the two of them seemed to be inside the vast sea of ​​stars in the universe.

Both of them are in the second level of immortality, respectively the leader of death and the leader of corpse power. At this time, their spirits are fused with the star compasses, as if they are deducing the great changes in the starry sky, using their thoughts to move the star sea, and preside over it. Fierce battles are taking place in various areas within the Star Sea today.

I don’t know how long it took, but Frederick tugged at his hair irritably, frowned deeply, and said: "Judging from the current situation, it may not be easy to win."

He could roughly see the battle situation in the twelve star fields through those star compasses. That situation was obviously not good for the bloodthirsty lineage.

After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, the Protoss is far superior to all other races in terms of equipment, elixirs, experience, and battle formations. It can be clearly said that today’s Protoss is almost impossible for any single force to win in a duel. The Hades Royal Clan , Sky Demon Clan, and Undead Demon Clan are all four major races, but at this time, compared with the God Clan, they are completely behind.

Judging from Frederick's feeling, if the battle remained unchanged, they would all lose in the twelve major star regions, and the gods would steadily gain the upper hand and be defeated one by one.

"Don't be anxious, Ming Hao has been operating secretly for many years, and the power revealed at this time is not all he holds." Xuan He, still the old god, smiled calmly, "If Ming Hao is not sure, it is impossible to agree to fight with the Gods. You and I just do our part and he will just surprise us.”

Although Xuanhe has always regarded Ming Hao as his enemy, he knows very well how terrifying Ming Hao is, otherwise he would not have suffered for thousands of years and would not be able to take revenge on Ming Hao.

The last time he met with Ming Hao, Ming Hao's words solved the knot that he had felt for many years. Although he was still unhappy with Ming Hao, he was no longer as extreme as before. When he looked at Ming Hao calmly, he knew that Ming Hao The role he can play in this battle must be better than his.

Because the soul-controlling secret has a natural advantage in commanding soul servants to secretly change the situation in the star sea, it is definitely not comparable to his death secret.

He also knew that as early as ten thousand years ago, in the era when bloodthirsty was not destroyed, Ming Hao was already in charge of many forces. After these ten thousand years of secret manipulation, Ming Hao's power has increased no matter how much. Over the years, they have been trying their best to trace Ming Hao's true identity and want to defeat Ming Hao's power.

However, in the end, none of the twelve families of the Gods and the Elders Council were able to know Ming Hao's true movements and where he was hiding.

Ming Hao has always been alive and well. With his influence, he has quietly changed the situation in the star sea, causing many star regions to compete with the gods.

Many people say that the reason why the Protoss has not been able to successfully conquer several crucial star fields after the severe losses they have experienced over the past ten thousand years is that Ming Hao is blocking them behind the scenes. This is because of Ming Hao's existence and the pace of the Protoss. It's like being tied up by a rope, unable to move forward in a big way.

Xuan He and Frederick were talking, and suddenly, they both narrowed their eyes at the same time.

In their eyes, there was a strong light of disbelief, and the terrifying movement in the body of the god caused a tsunami of blood and caused the vortex above the head to rotate at extremely high speed.

"Do you feel it?" Xuanhe shouted.

Frederick nodded heavily, with a look of shock on his face, looking at the endless sky in the distance, and said: "His aura, this is impossible. He clearly died back then, how can he still have aura?"

"It's unbelievable." Xuanhe was also very solemn.

At this moment, a ray of cloned soul suddenly fell from the sky. The soul moved and turned into a clone of Ming Hao. He looked at Xuanhe and Frederick and said, "It seems you have noticed it too."

Xuanhe and Frederick nodded solemnly.

"He did die back then." Ming Hao suddenly frowned and said, "It's just that I have never been able to find his body. His death is a mystery. After thousands of years of tracing, I have not been able to understand the mystery. Now, His aura appears in the Fire Rain Star Territory, but it is obviously different. I think we should pay attention to this matter."

After a pause, Ming Hao smiled strangely, "That kid is also in the Fire Rain Star Territory. To be precise, the sudden appearance of his aura was caused by that kid. This guy is really a disaster. Where are the others? , where major changes will occur.”

"Show us." Frederick shouted impatiently.

Ming Hao smiled gloomily, "As you wish."

A wisp of his soul suddenly changed, and another ray of fluctuation appeared inside the clone. After the figure flashed, Ming Hao, Xuan He, and Fei Liete walked directly out of the blood sea in the Holy Land and appeared in the desolate Ancient Demon Continent. The black hole was anchored. Underneath the Ancient Demon Continent, it was like a wisp of shadow.

After Ming Hao, Xuan He, and Frederick reappeared, they raised their hands and pulled, directly condensing a void mirror. The interior of the void mirror reflected the Fire Rain Star Field, and the scene within it appeared clearly.

Before Ming Hao met Bloodthirsty, he and Di Carlo were brothers, majoring in the mysteries of space.

He has never given up on the mysteries of space. In the vast sea of ​​stars, he is the only one who can compete with Di Carlo on the mysteries of space!

Xuanhe and Frederick looked at the void mirror intently, and their expressions suddenly changed.

The scene they saw was consistent with what the Gods saw at this time...

Viderson came madly, exuding astonishing invisible corrosive poison. His "field" spread crazily, covering a star of life. The sixth-level star of life was melting little by little. Under their gaze, as the rocks shook, and as Xuanhe, Frederic, and Minghao watched from far away, the six-level life star was erased from the sea of ​​​​stars.

Fortunately, there were no living creatures on the Star of Life and had been evacuated long ago, but the spiritual beasts, insects, etc. above it were all melted away.

"The corrosive acid poison revealed on that man's body was clearly possessed by Jiaduo back then, but he also has the immortal body of the gods, the blood of the gods in his body, and practices the remote secret of 'magnetic field'. This man is quite... Confusing."

Frederick looked deeply at Widson, frowned and said, with a look of confusion on his face.

Xuanhe was silent for a while, then said: "That aura is indeed Jiaduo's. Only the fusion of Jiaduo's corrosive poison and corrosive mystery can achieve the power of dissolving the Star of Life. This person must have a mysterious connection with Jiaduo , he has not practiced the secret of corrosion, and the corrosive and poisonous aura is imprinted on his soul and blood, which is extremely abnormal!"

Ming Hao nodded and said, "It seems that only by asking him personally can we know what happened to him."

"He is the second level of the First God, but now... the level of power he has shown has reached the level of pseudo-immortality!" It’s a mystery that we can’t see through, because even Jadot’s bloodline is not enough to improve him so quickly! There must be something we haven’t seen through yet!”

He looked at Ming Hao, pondered for a moment, and said, "Maybe you should go there yourself."

A strange light flashed in Ming Hao's eyes, "If I go there, the tacit understanding between us and the Gods will be torn apart, and the war between the immortal-level existences in the Fire Rain Star Territory will lead to the direct destruction of the Fire Rain Star Territory..."

As soon as these words came out, Xuanhe and Frederick both frowned.

This tacit understanding existed not only before the gods and bloodthirsties, but also existed long ago. It is an unwritten rule that all beings who have truly reached the level of immortality will abide by.

Because once immortal-level beings fight in a high-level star field, fierce collisions and life-and-death struggles will inevitably lead to the collapse of the star field. In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, the star field is not endless. Destroying a star field is equivalent to destroying hundreds of millions of creatures. Destroying the future that countless races rely on for survival is an irresponsible atrocity to one's own people.

Star fields are the fundamental core of the universe. If you lose one, you will lose one. In order to kill the bloodthirsty, many star fields were completely destroyed.

From that time on, those who truly reached the level of immortality almost all silently abide by this agreement. Even if they have to fight to the death, they will enter the star field after the destruction.

It was a strange place. There would not be any stars of life there, only crushed star fragments, countless meteorite remains, the decaying bones of strong men, chaotic cosmic remnants, and unimaginable horrors...

For hundreds of millions of years, there have been countless star fields destroyed by the most powerful beings. Once those star fields are destroyed, they will merge into that strange place, called the "Sea of ​​Nothingness", which is the most cruel and dangerous place in the universe.

It's endless, boundless, and endless. It's even more mysterious and weird than the turbulence in the void.

So far, no one has been able to explore the mystery and the origin of bloodthirsty. Before Ming Hao gave a definite conclusion, many people speculated that he came from the depths of the "Void Realm Sea". The mysterious power controlled by bloodthirsty also Countless people speculate that it comes from the "Sea of ​​Nothingness"...

There, only beings who have reached the level of immortality can go deep, and it is also the place where true immortal beings have a decisive battle.

The four heavenly kings of Guangming, Xiaoyao, Shenwu, and Zizi, who had disappeared for thousands of years, all practiced in the "Sea of ​​Nothingness". Xinghuo also practiced outside the "Sea of ​​Nothingness" for many years before entering the realm of pseudo-immortality.

It is said that Ming Hao's true body has always been hidden in it.

What's more, it is said that the ancient continents operating in the star fields, as well as the other four ancient continents, are deeply related to the "Sea of ​​Nothingness".

"I can't go there, otherwise it will cause great changes and the situation will be difficult to control." Ming Hao pondered for a long time, and suddenly said: "That kid is there, and this matter also happened because of him. I think by this time, he should have been separated from that person. I noticed Jiaduo's aura on his body. Let's wait and see what happens. I'll send him a soul thought and tell him that your doubts are..."

After hearing what he said, Xuan He and Frederick nodded helplessly after thinking for a moment.

At this time, the situation for Shi Yan, who was traveling in the void of the Fire Rain Star Domain, was not optimistic.

While being chased by Wadeson, he was constantly suffering the changes in the acupoints of his divine body. Now, the vortexes in his acupoints were spinning crazily, and the pain all over his body was unbearable. The pain of the power purification was a hundred times greater than before.

He felt that his divine body seemed to be undergoing some strange change.

(To be continued)

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