God of Killing

Chapter 1321 Big meat dumpling

The curtain of star light covered the top of his head, resisting the penetration of the majestic heavy rain. Shi Yan's expression was solemn, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Xia Xinyan was keenly aware of the subtle changes in his expression and exclaimed: "What did you find?"

"Someone is coming."

A thought flashed through Shi Yan's heart, and he took the initiative to release the movement of life and extend his consciousness.

He wanted to know whether Di Carlo and Reddy were here specifically.

A soul consciousness floated out, flickering in the light outside the domain, and focused on seeing.

It is indeed aimed at this place!

The destination where Di Carlo and Reddy came together was surprisingly this place. The moment when his consciousness was released, Di Carlo and Reddy showed surprise at the same time. They ignored each other, frowned slightly, and turned into two bunches. The lightning and lightning instantly passed through the space distance.

The next moment, Leidy and Di Carlo came to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan. These two warriors, who had both reached the Immortal Second Heaven realm, had extremely strange expressions when they saw Shi Yan.

"Why are you here?" Di Carlo asked in surprise.

Shi Yan was equally confused, "Then why are you here?"

"You gave me a pure power!" At the same time, Xia Xinyan also exhaled softly, her beautiful eyes flashed with a strange light, staring at Di Carlo, and asked: "You and I have never met, you Why do you pour that pure power into me?"

"Because you practice the Mystery of Time. In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, you are not the only one who practices the Mystery of Time, but you are the one with the most advanced realm at present." Di Carlo glanced at her and said in a warm and gratified voice: "It seems that your heart The demon has been cleared away, well, that’s great, so that you can continue to break through the realm and continue to improve.”

"I don't understand you."

"You don't need to understand for the time being, because your realm is still too low. When the time comes, when your realm is sufficient, I will naturally tell you the reason."

"Why are you here?"

Di Carlo suddenly frowned and fell silent, took a deep breath, looked at the clusters of clouds beside him, then looked at Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan, and said, "How do you know this place?"

"It's just a coincidence."

Shi Yan touched his forehead and pondered for a moment. He felt that stating the facts would help to gain insight into the matter, so he explained the situation in detail, "A friend of mine accidentally came here and seemed to be caught by those clouds." Swallowed, I sensed the fluctuations in her life..."

"That's not a cloud!" Reddy said suddenly.

Di Carlo looked at him, "Do you have any contact with those guys from your Heavenly Demon Clan?"

Reddy shook his head, hesitated, and looked at Shi Yan, "You should ask him. I think he knows better than me."

Di Carlo's eyes were slightly bright, and he said without mincing words: "Boy, do you feel familiar here? Are those unique auras that are only the earliest generation of the Sky Demon Clan around?"

Shi Yan looked around, looking at the clusters of clouds and the strange heavy rain, and asked tentatively: "Are you referring to the creature that may exist here?"

Reddy and DiCarlo nodded at the same time.

"No, there is no trace of the ancestors of the Sky Demon Clan, otherwise I would definitely be aware of it. At that time, in the Thunder Sky Star Region, I saw the soul of Thunder and Lightning for the first time, and I could immediately sense the subtlety, but here, I I don’t feel that way.” Shi Yan said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Reddy and Di Carlo's expressions became solemn at the same time.

After a while, Di Carlo said in a deep voice: "Our guess was wrong. It is not one of the ancestors of the Sky Demon Clan. So... who could it be? Isn't it a creature from our star sea?"

"What are you talking about?" Shi Yan was stunned.

Di Carlo looked at him, hesitated, and said: "This thing has always existed in this chaotic void area. Many warriors who accidentally fell into this place over the years have been swallowed up by it. It is very strange, like splitting. It is like wreckage scattered in various strange places in the turbulent void. I have lived in the turbulent void for many years, and I have seen its existence in many different areas. It has a sense of life and can absorb the energy here, and it seems to be slowly growing. Squirming, but never communicating with living creatures..."

When talking about this strange thing, Di Carlo's eyes had a look of shock and confusion, and he seemed to be a little uneasy, as if he was worried about something.

"Isn't it just clusters of clouds? Could it be that these clouds are its body?" Xia Xinyan exclaimed softly.

For some reason, Di Carlo was not cold towards Shi Yan, and even had a bad attitude, but he was very gentle towards Xia Xinyan and paid great attention to Xia Xinyan's questions.

"The cloud is just a cover on the surface. I want you to see what it really looks like. Look carefully." Di Carlo formed a seal with his hands, interlaced his fingers, and shot out sharp blades like scissors from his fingertips. All shot towards a dark cloud.

The sharp blade is like a smart scissor, cutting through the dark clouds like peeling an orange, and the clusters of dark clouds are split like smoke.

Immediately, something ugly emerged in reality...

The thing was a grey-brown mass, covered with spots, like a person's nostrils with sticky mucus, like a worm, like a flesh pimple, like a sarcoma, it was still slowly squirming, it was extremely disgusting and ugly.

After just one glance, Xia Xinyan had a look of disgust on her face, "It's so disgusting."

"There are tens of thousands of clouds here, and inside each cloud there is such a thing. Many flesh balls contain warriors. They all accidentally fell into the turbulent flow of the void, and were restrained by it and slowly destroyed it. Dead. These clusters of clouds are just ugly lumps of flesh, like bugs and tumors. Sometimes they can condense, but most of them are scattered. I also want to tell you something, in the land of turbulent voids , there are many areas with similar clouds, I have seen many, and with my level of cultivation, I have not been able to detect the end of the void turbulence. Perhaps there are more such clouds in more remote, remote and deep places. The existence of things..."

DiCarlo explained.

Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan's faces were filled with shock and regret, and they were stunned and didn't know what to say.

In the endless chaotic river basin of the void, there are actually clusters of these cancer-like creatures in many places. It is unknown how long they have existed, and they have swallowed up countless warriors who have mistakenly entered this place.

Even Di Carlo couldn't figure out whether this thing had high-level intelligence.

Because he had never established communication with this object, but Di Carlo had always had a vague feeling. He felt that this object must have intelligence and complete life consciousness. The reason why he did not communicate with him was because of this object... I don't even bother doing it.

"I have a very ridiculous feeling. I feel that it doesn't bother to communicate with us because it thinks we are not worthy. It's like we can't communicate with an insect because we are high-level creatures, and insects are only the lowest level. Creatures, there is an insurmountable distance between the two sides..."

DiCarlo added.

"Absurd! It's really ridiculous. You must feel wrong." Even Reddy couldn't stand listening anymore and kept shaking his head, questioning Di Carlo's feelings.

"Other than you, who else knows that your stuff exists?" Shi Yan suddenly asked.

Di Carlo snorted, "I don't know. As far as I know, there seems to be no living person who knows about this thing. Guys like Xuan He, Frederick, and Tian Xie are indeed superb, but they are only limited to other areas. In In this void turbulence, they are restrained everywhere and cannot stay for too long."

"Then what is the purpose of your coming here?" Shi Yan asked again.

"He feels that this thing is a hidden threat and cannot communicate, so he plans to destroy it. Let us destroy each gathering point of this thing that he knows about to avoid any trouble in the future." Reddy was kind to him. , explained casually.

After all, Shi Yan resurrected him and was the original fusion of his ancestral star. Deep in his soul, he felt that he could get along well with Shi Yan, and he would instinctively get close to Shi Yan.

This is a mark on the soul that has existed since birth and can never be erased.

"Destroy this place?" Shi Yan grinned, "It's a good idea. I also have this plan. It seems that we are on the same page."

"You should have tried it." Di Carlo frowned and said with a solemn expression: "Although your realm is not high, you have integrated the origin of the ancient continent and possess the sky fire. It is said that the sky fire can refine any living being. You You tried it, but it didn’t work?”

Reddy's face also darkened, "Is this guy really that troublesome?"

"My Heavenly Fire can't refine it, maybe because it's not all integrated, but this thing is indeed very weird." Shi Yan nodded.

Di Carlo had a straight face and his eyes wandered around. After a while, he suddenly said to Shi Yan: "Now, your bloodthirsty lineage is at war with the gods. If you don't do business, what are you doing here? I will resolve the matter here with Leidy, you should leave as soon as possible and don’t waste the respect Xuanhe and Minghao have for you."

"One of my friends disappeared." Shi Yan snorted.

"It turns out it's because of women. Hehe, the boy has the same demeanor as I did back then!" Reddy laughed loudly, which shook the void like an explosion. He glanced at Xia Xinyan evilly, grinned and said, "I'm still bringing you back." The two girls came out, they were amazing!”

Both Leidy and Qinglong are of the bloodline of the Dragon Clan, and both are barbaric. It is rumored that Leidy and Qingxiao, the two ancestors of the Celestial Demon Clan, have been fighting each other for many years because of the fight between women.

"Besides, Xing Huo, the elder of the God Clan, has just died, and the Fire Rain Star Territory has won for the first time. The details of the larger battle will naturally be planned by Xuan He, Ming Hao, and Frederick. I don't need to worry too much." Shi Yan said indifferently.

He is self-aware. Before he breaks through immortality and truly has the qualifications to challenge Xuan He and Ming Hao, his new bloodthirsty lord is indeed just a puppet.

He was able to ascend to the position of Lord because Xuan He, Ming Hao, and Frederick, as the new Lord, could issue orders in a legitimate manner.

Unless Xuan He, Ming Hao, and Frederic disregarded the rules of the bloodthirsty years, as the eighth subordinates, they would not be qualified to summon all those who cultivated the eight evil powers to launch a war against the gods.

"If you really insist on staying, I will tell you more things, because you can indeed be of some help." Di Carlo pondered for a while and nodded slightly.

Shi Yan's eyes lit up.

(To be continued)

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