God of Killing

Chapter 1,339 Mistress

Thousands of years ago, Bloodthirsty was surrounded and beaten by powerful people and returned to the ruins. All that was left was his broken bones, which were obtained by the ancestors of the God Clan, Tianshui Palace, Qianhuan Sect, and Broken Hall.

Tens of thousands of years later, the powerful gods, Ling Xiang, Xize, and Lorraine, all those in the immortal realm, placed their hope in the bloodthirsty remains and tried to gain insight into that mysterious power, but they all ultimately failed.

In the eyes of many people, that kind of power is the reason why Bloodthirsty can become the strongest, and it is also the main reason why the God Lord and the powerful kill Bloodthirsty.

——Everyone wants to get that power!

Today, that power reappears in the sea of ​​​​stars, inspired by bloodthirsty inheritors.

How can it not shake the world?

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned hot when they looked at Shi Yan.

"Hoo ho ho!"

Suddenly, the warriors who had previously escaped from the snake's body suddenly surged in speed, and they all rushed over like streaks of light passing by.

The bodies of the first three warriors are all broken, and they have been dead for who knows how many years. There are still holes in their chests, and fishy and foul-smelling mucus is flowing. They can even faintly see their intestines and stomach moving, which is chilling and will make the timid. Scalp numbness.

The three people's eyes were dull and empty, without the emotions that humans should have, and the strange power surging in their bodies was cold and sharp.

"Take, take, take!"

Diamond-shaped sword lights, fierce and sharp, burst out from their mouths.

The sword light was cold and sparkling with crystal luster, and it was nailed directly to the chests of the three elders of the God Clan. The three elders of the God Clan, who were only in the realm of the First God, did not even scream, and their eyes went dark and they lost their life.


Countless diamond-shaped sword lights penetrated, dense as rain, and surged in violently.

The strong men with glowing eyes no longer had time to question Shi Yan's secrets. They all used their power to condense their divine power.

Either the divine power is condensed into the sea, or the cold power is piled up into icebergs, or the golden light is like the brilliance of the sun and the moon, or the blood is as thick as a river. All kinds of mysterious releases of mysteries make the chaotic river basin in the void suddenly become magnificent and unpredictable, like countless fireworks. Gorgeous and colorful.

A handsome figure quietly appeared on the head of the giant insect "Snake", with a smile on his lips and dark eyes, looking at everyone quietly at this moment.

"Tian Xie!"

Xuan He, Frederick, and Di Carlo shouted loudly at the same time, their disbelief reaching the extreme, and their minds were shaken for a moment.

Tianxie is the president of the Julan Chamber of Commerce. In today's star sea, Tianxie is extremely powerful, second only to the God Clan, Bloodthirsty, and the Underworld Royal Clan. The most important ones are the Qianhuan Sect, Shattered Palace, and Tianshui Palace. Tian Xie is the leader, and everyone obeys Tian Xie's orders.

How could the president of the Julan Chamber of Commerce, who was extremely wealthy, appear at the head of the snake and still stand upright and unharmed?

Everyone had a bad feeling and realized that something strange was wrong. Even the four heavenly kings of the God Clan frowned, especially the Shenwu King. He stared deeply at Tianxie, with fear and uneasiness in his eyes. , suddenly shouted: "No! You were not so powerful before!"

Some time ago, he was ordered by the God Lord to go to the Julan Chamber of Commerce headquarters to find Tian Xie, trying to persuade Tian Xie to side with the Gods.

Naturally, Tian Xie did not agree. Because of this, Shen Wu also fought with Tian Xie on the grounds of competition. At that time, Tian Xie was the immortal second heaven, practiced the secret of fire, and his power was not inferior to Shen Wu. The two were evenly matched and fought to a draw.

But today's Tianxie made Shenwu feel a chill in his heart. The chill came from the instinct of his soul. He knew that Tianxie at this moment was much stronger than then!

If he were to fight Tian Xie again now, he believed that he would definitely lose, and perhaps not even be able to escape successfully.

Because the aura exuding from Tian Xie's body at this moment made him feel like when he faced the Lord of God.

"Everyone is welcome and well." Tianxie smiled casually and said with a suave demeanor, "Welcome everyone to come here. I, Tianxie, would like to say hello to you on behalf of my mistress."

A charming and gorgeous figure appeared behind Tian Xie, and it was Zi Yao. At this moment, Zi Yao was sitting on a colorful and magnificent throne. The throne seemed to be made of many crystal jade, and it looked magnificent. , dazzling and bright.

She sat cross-legged on the colorful throne, with an indifferent expression and a condescending look on her face, looking at everyone coldly.

After she appeared, Tian Xie took the initiative to bow his body, his attitude became more humble, and introduced to everyone: "This is my mistress."

After Zi Yao and Tian Xie emerged, those cold-blooded warriors who were attacking fiercely paused their movements, like stiff corpses floating around the crowd, looking at the crowd with blank eyes.

"Tian Xie! What the hell are you doing?" , When did you, Tianxie, become so shameless?"

This is the unanimous confusion of everyone.

"My mistress has always been my mistress, and she has not changed from the beginning to the end. It is my honor, Tian Xie, to be my mistress's servant. And I was also created by my mistress." Tian Xie smiled. Minus, when you talk boastfully in front of everyone, you are not ashamed but proud.

Everyone took advantage of the situation and looked at Zi Yao.

Almost everyone showed inexplicable surprise, frowned in thought, and secretly guessed the origin of Zi Yao's identity.

Among the people, not many people knew the origin of Zi Yao. Only Xuan He and Frederic knew that there seemed to be such a woman beside Shi Yan. However, when did this woman...when did she become Tian Xie's mistress?

Everyone was puzzled.

"She is that giant insect!" Audrey suddenly whispered.

"She is that insect?" Adela looked confused and said in surprise: "How is it possible? She is so beautiful, how can she be such a disgusting thing?"

"That's her." Audrey took a breath of cold air, and her plump breasts swelled, making her delicate figure even more attractive. "I have integrated the origin of the ancestral star, and there is a memory imprint in it, and it came from her body. Her aura is exactly the same as that of the giant insect, she is that primordial creature!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was extremely shocked and their expressions became solemn.

"Boy, is what she said true?" Frederick stared at Shi Yan, his face gloomy, and the luster in his eyes swayed fiercely.

Shi Yan sighed, nodded, and said: "Audrey is right, Zi Yao is indeed a snake."

When he was speaking, Zi Yao, who was dismissive of everyone, looked at Shi Yan from a distance with a strange light in his beautiful eyes. His emotionless eyes changed, revealing complex and inexplicable emotions.

Shi Yan felt bitter in his heart. He realized that the current situation was completely controlled by Zi Yao. The appearance of Tian Xie and the corpses of the warriors emerged one by one, which meant that Zi Yao was fully confident. He knew that he was temporarily soft-hearted and gave Zi Yao had enough time to plan and prepare and directly reversed the situation.

Widson, who could severely injure her, exhausted his life and fell, and the God Lord and Ming Hao, who could threaten her, were sent into the "Sea of ​​Nothingness" by her. At this moment, her clone came quickly, who else could stop her?

"Tianxie, what is going on?" Xuanhe shouted.

Tianxie smiled gently, shrugged and said calmly: "The Mistress, like Huang and Shi, is a primal creature, the first born creature. It is not something that low-level creatures like you can understand and understand. The Mistress needs your strength to recover. The Mistress needs your strength to recover. Mother wants to destroy Huang and the beginning of Huang, which is the universe you live in. It’s that simple.”

Those members of the God Clan were not too impressed when they heard what Tian Xie said, because they had heard the Lord of God analyze it before and had roughly realized the mystery.

But Shi Yan, Xuan He, Adela, and Qinglong were all shocked when they heard what Tian Xie said. Their minds were like lightning explosions, making them dizzy.

The universe they live in is actually just the beginning of Huang, created by Huang!

This bombshell destroyed every soul and sea of ​​consciousness, making them all blinded and stunned, indulging in huge panic.

"The universe we have been living in is just the beginning of desolation. So, are we living beings?"

Of all the people in the field, only Shi Yan quickly sobered up and calmed down, feeling an extremely mysterious feeling in his heart.

Tian Xie's words were an enlightening shock to him, making him wake up like an epiphany and making him realize the truth.

He has always been vaguely suspicious, doubting everything, because his own beginning realm is now also extending towards the vast sea of ​​​​stars. He just inspected it carefully with his spiritual consciousness and found that the stars in his beginning realm are now bright, like the sun, the moon, and the stars. There are already many mountains, rivers, wind, rain, thunder and lightning!

When his body and soul were transforming, he didn't expect that the beginning world would also change. Now, his beginning world is outside the prosperous and powerful life race, and it is almost similar to the star sea where he lives.

He can create the starry sky and condense the starry sea world, so why can't Huang?

He almost immediately believed what Tian Xie said.

"You are all created by Huang. No, to be precise, you were created by Huang's four individuals. Shen'en, Shenze, Ancient God, and Ancient Demon were all Huang's old bodies. They only split apart after being severely injured." Xie turned around and saw that Zi Yao looked indifferent and showed no signs of displeasure, so he readily explained the reason.

Everyone was immersed in the huge soul impact of Tianxie's words.

"Her eleven clones will arrive soon. Do you want to continue to listen?" Suddenly, Di Carlo gritted his teeth and shouted fiercely.

Everyone was shocked and suddenly woke up, realizing that Zi Yao was not in a hurry at this moment.

It's them who should be worried. Once her avatars are reunited, who else will be spared?

The dazzling purple eyes showed a mocking color, looking in the direction of Di Carlo from a distance, as if he was not afraid that he could make any noise.

After Tian Xie returned, Wei Desen died, and the Divine Master and Ming Hao disappeared, she saw that the existence of her main soul alone was enough to shock everything in this place.

"Give you a way to survive." Tian Xie smiled and suggested seriously: "You all hand over a soul seal and serve my mistress as the master. My mistress will give you strength. You can return to the wilderness according to my mistress' instructions. Doing things in Shijie will ensure that you will not perish."

(To be continued)

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