God of Killing

Chapter 1,409 Weird changes!

The transparent green water bubbles are like green lanterns standing quietly in the sea water, and like evil and strange eyes, silently watching the visitors as they go deeper.

In the center of almost every bubble, there is a mummy of a warrior. The corpse had experienced great terror before death, and its face looked desperate and frightened.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Faloni raised her voice to remind her that her body, which was burlier than a man's, was wrapped in circles of silver-white light curtains. The light shield was shaped like an oval, constantly releasing strange soul fluctuations, as if wisps of consciousness were escaping. , and explore outside.

The members of the Black Demon Clan gathered around her. Even Telega, the farthest, was only twenty steps away from her. If you look carefully, you will find that they formed a faint formation, with Faloni as the center. Gradually spread out.

The ancient demon tribe led by Yeboer deliberately alienated Faloni and the others, and did not want to interact with each other.

They also walked slowly towards the green water bubble.

Faloni practices rare spiritual mysteries and has a keen insight into various consciousnesses. She also has a magical vigilance and can often detect danger intuitively.

She dispersed her soul consciousness...Suddenly, she looked at the place where the sea water exploded before, and a trace of doubt grew in her heart.

Just before, her soul consciousness spread, and she seemed to detect a very weak soul fluctuation. The fluctuation... passed in a flash, and when she inspected again, she found that it had disappeared.

Is it an illusion?

She shook her head secretly, suppressed her inner confusion, and continued searching in the direction of the green bubbles.

dark place.

Shi Yan's heart tightened and he immediately became cautious. That Faloni was only at the third level of immortality, not the peak. She couldn't accurately discern the direction like Mei Ji when he was hiding with dark energy, but that woman practiced The secret is special, and it was almost exposed due to his own carelessness.

This made him secretly wary.

It would be difficult for him to contend with so many members of the Black Demon Clan and Ancient Demon Clan. As long as he was exposed, he would end up miserable and be captured and sacrificed as cannon fodder.

He must ensure that he will not be discovered before the other party is in danger, and that he must always be in the dark.

He took back the consciousness he had previously released, cut off his breath, and completely sealed it away. He did not perceive everything around him, only seeing with his eyes and listening with his ears.

His pupils suddenly shrank!

A strong man from the ancient demon tribe entered between those green water bubbles. Suddenly, a look of horror appeared on his face. Immediately, as if someone had taken away his mind and will, he immediately went crazy. He even violently attacked the nearest ancient demon with a howl. The clansman fired a blow.


A violent giant python burst out from the palm of his hand. The python's head swelled instantly, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the ancient demon clan member in one mouthful. The python's mouth with intertwined fangs chewed and bit the man. bloody and bloody.


A shrill and piercing whistle suddenly came from the depths of the sea, like a sharp cold knife, piercing every heart and cutting into every mental altar.

Faloni, the dark demon who released her soul consciousness and wanted to gain insight into the mysteries, couldn't help but tremble with her burly body like a man, and streaks of blood emerged from the corners of her mouth, nose and mouth, eyes, and ears, like streaks. The tiny blood snake makes people's hair stand on end.

There was deep fear in her eyes, and she screamed: "Withdraw! Withdraw everyone!"

She shouted hysterically, and subconsciously prepared to escape, but the sea area suddenly felt a thousand times stronger gravity, and many invisible chains wrapped around them, binding them all.

The members of the Black Demon Clan and the Ancient Demon Clan struggled with all their might, unleashing the power they had cultivated for thousands of years. Suddenly thunder and lightning burst, the sea of ​​fire roared like a dragon, ice shot out like a saw blade, and colorful rainbow lights exploded, stirring the atmosphere. The sea area was like purgatory, and suddenly the power exploded endlessly.

Those warriors who were deeply trapped in it seemed as if their souls had been invaded, with deep despair and fear on their faces, and they were trying their best to escape.

Some people's souls were gradually taken away, and they began to violently attack those around them, using their strongest power to kill comrades who had worked together for many years.

Limbs flying everywhere, flesh and blood splattering, the purgatory-like sea area was horrific to watch!

Shi Yan, who was waiting for an opportunity to take action and make those people pay the price, lost his mind and the dark energy returned to his mind, resumed his whereabouts, and looked ahead in horror from a distance.

The front became a completely enclosed area, and no trace of breath escaped from the tragically dead people there.

Nothing good can come of it.

He watched from a distance, watching the members of the Black Demon Clan and the Ancient Demon Clan in dire straits, and watching the three supposedly noble figures, Nafaloni, Telega, and Yebol, each take out their treasures and use their essence to The blood was activated, and all the magic power was poured into it, turning into three electric lights, which clashed out of them.

He didn't know that Faloni, Telega, and Yebol were all outstanding figures in the Black Demon Clan and the Ancient Demon Clan. They were all key cultivation targets in the clan, and they held the clan's domain ancestors in their hands. A life-saving weapon specially forged for them.

Faloni held a crystal ball tightly in her hand. There were countless complicated and bright lights in the ball. Telega held a long spear. There were countless thunder patterns on the gun, twisting like a python. Nayebele was wearing A piece of golden armor. At this time, the armor obviously had cracks.

The three outstanding figures in their respective clans, relying on the life-saving weapons given by their ancestors, forced their way out of that strange place.

There was unconcealable fear in their eyes. They all stared ahead, watching the tribesmen killing each other to death, and watching them sink to the bottom of the sea one by one.

Those green blisters, the mummies inside the blisters, and the expressions of despair and fear on their faces quietly changed, turning into a sinister mockery... They seemed to have been briefly resurrected for a moment, releasing some evil consciousness. thus affecting entrants.

Soon, the area returned to calm, and the blood had not dispersed. The bones of the tribesmen brought by Faloni and Yebole sank to the bottom of the sea, and the area seemed to have returned to its original state.

Faloni, Telega, and Jebel stood there motionless with chills in their hearts. The tragic death of their tribesmen frightened them to the extreme, but they did not dare to go deep into it again.

A hundred meters away from them, Shi Yan had already appeared. They had seen it, but he didn't make any sudden moves.

They just looked ahead.

After a long time, Faloni was the first to recover, and the fear in her eyes still did not dissipate. "With our strength, we can't penetrate deeply. There is no need to waste our efforts. Let's go back first and report this matter to the superiors."

Yeboer didn't answer, but nodded with difficulty. He knew that Faloni was right. The dangers displayed in that sea area were simply not something they could bear.

If they had not relied on the magical weapon given by the ancestors of the clan, the three of them would have had the same result and would have become one of the dead bodies in front of them.

Yebuler turned his head and looked in the direction of Shi Yan, his expression suddenly changed, "It's actually you?"

Shi Yan looked indifferent, but now he took the initiative to walk over here, "Are you ready to evacuate?"

No one paid any attention to him.

Although the mysteries of Shi Yan's cultivation are exquisite, it's a pity that his level is too low. He is only the first level of immortality, and is not one of the seven major races. Faloni and the others had just suffered a heavy blow. When they were the most restless, they saw him reappearing and took the initiative to come over. , all feel strange.

Did he come to die?

"Are you all mute?" Frowning, Shi Yan looked at Faloni and said solemnly: "What do you feel in there? I know that the mysteries you practice are strange, you should feel something..."

He hid in the dark, and when the Black Demon Clan and Ancient Demon Clan suffered heavy losses, he released his divine consciousness and opened up the perception of his secondary soul.

From the depths of the sea, he once again sensed a familiar aura and felt a mysterious call.

However, the terrifying consciousness that killed the Black Demon Clan and the Ancient Demon Clan was not the familiar one in his soul. This made him extremely cautious and did not dare to go deep into it rashly.

"I'm curious about how you hid yourself? Even I couldn't find you out. In addition to cultivating the mysteries of space, what other powers do you cultivate?" Faloni asked rhetorically without answering.

"I asked first." Shi Yan said.

Faloni's rough face was full of irritability and impatience, "Who do you think you are? You are only in the first level of immortality, and you are not one of the seven major races. Do you deserve to have a fair conversation with me?"

"Mei Ji didn't come with her?" Yeboer suddenly asked.

As soon as these words came out, Faloni and Telega were startled and looked at Yebol in surprise.

"He should be called Shi Yan. He caused a lot of trouble on the Dragon Lizard Planet. Well, your guess is good. He is the lucky one who merged with the soul of the original creature. I'm also very curious about why Mei Ji didn't refine it on the way. You? As far as I know, Meiji and Batum are serious and are trying to break through the realm of ancestors at all costs. If she can keep you from killing you, is it because she likes you?" Yeboer said solemnly.

Faloni and Telega reacted when they heard what he said, their eyes showed surprise, and there was a hint of greed.

"You also want to refine me to death and get the soul of the primordial creature I fused?" Shi Yan laughed dumbly, "Mei Ji has failed, are you really sure that you can do it?"

Meiji failed?

Everyone was stunned.

Among the three, Faloni and Yebol are immortal third-level heaven, not the peak, and Telega is only the second-level heaven. Regardless of reputation, qualifications or realm strength, they are not as good as Mei Ji. If Mei Ji really fails, then Wouldn't it be possible for them to succeed?

However, how could Mei Ji, a mere little warrior in the first-level immortal realm, fail?

If it hadn't been a failure, how could this guy still be alive?

The three of them were all puzzled because Shi Yan was suspicious of what he said, and they didn't know whether what he said was true or false.

"Someone is here again." Shi Yan's face changed slightly, he looked away and said calmly: "They should still be members of your seven tribes. It seems that everyone knows about the ruins of Taichu. You are just the first ones. This batch is also the most unlucky batch."

Yebol and Telega looked at Faloni.

Faloni was a little confused, shook her head and said, "I didn't feel it, and I don't know whether what he said is true or not."

(To be continued)

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