God of Killing

Chapter 1,461 The outer layer of the wilderness

Deep in the chaos of space.

Several figures shuttled through the cold, desolate light, each with a haggard expression and gray eyes.

They are surprisingly Xuanhe, Frederick, Adela, Di Carlo, Leidy, and the Holy Beast Qinglong. They are the strongest beings in the immortal realm in the wilderness, the most peak beings.

Back then, they tried to leave through Shi Yan's space gate, but were disrupted by the intervention of the snake. They were unable to penetrate deep into the void sea, and were transported to this extremely deep and remote place in the space chaos area. Di Carlo, who was practicing the mysteries of space, at that time Just prepare to break the space and return to the wilderness.

It is a pity that if the Desolate Realm and the Space Chaos Flow Domain are closed, even Di Carlo, who has reached the immortal realm, cannot re-enter the Desolate Realm.

The group of people could only wander around in the chaotic space, trying to find a way to leave. As a result, decades passed and they were still wandering.

At this moment, the group of people's faces were gloomy, and they were still fighting against the invasion of the flow of light from outside the domain. There was no energy in the chaotic space flow domain, and they could not absorb it. They kept consuming it. After decades, half of their divine power had been consumed.

"Di Carlo, what is the relationship between the spatial chaos and the wilderness?" Xuanhe and Adela stood side by side, their eyes full of irritation.

In the beginning, he was calm and composed. The misunderstanding between him and Adela was resolved, and being trapped here was still acceptable.

Then, as his divine power faded, he gradually realized that something was wrong and began to look for a way to survive.

The ancient thunder dragon Reddy and the holy beast Qinglong were still at odds with each other. They were far apart, sometimes bickering and sometimes glaring.

However, now, they have all become calm, and they rarely quarrel or talk.

"Yes, what is the relationship between the wilderness area and the space chaos area? You should be able to know it if you practice the power of space." Adela also asked.

Di Carlo pondered for a moment, and used his divine power to condense a sphere. The sphere slowly expanded to the size of a house. Di Carlo's power condensed and flashed, and the inside of the sphere was cut again, turning into pieces of mist. Areas, each area gradually has light spots... "The wilderness is like this sphere. The gray spaces inside are star areas. The Maya Star Area, the Ancient God Star Area, and the Sirius Star Area are all there. Among them, it is part of the sphere, and those light points are the sun, moon and stars in each star field."

Di Carlo explained, and immediately his divine power changed, and then numerous criss-crossing rays of light appeared inside the ball, like a three-dimensional ball net covering every corner of the ball, with countless intersections between light rays.

"The intersections of those light rays are space nodes that can jump between each other. As practitioners of space mysteries, we can move through those nodes, from one star field to another star field. There are countless space nodes within a star field. It is exquisite A space mystic can use one of the space nodes to teleport to a space node in any corner of the wilderness at will. The so-called crossing the star field actually spans all space nodes..."

He looked at everyone's expressions of contemplation, and changed the mysteries again.

On the outer layer of the sphere, patches of mist-like areas appeared, like the cloudy atmosphere on the surface of stars.

"These cloud-like spaces are the Void Chaos River Basin, located in the outer layer of the Desolate Territory, and read in the Desolate Territory. Between the Space Chaos River Basin and the Desolate Territory, there is a barrier of the domain. The barrier is formed by the condensation of the Desolate Territory, and it can be forcibly broken through. It's very difficult. Unless you reach the level of wilderness, it will be difficult to tear apart. In the past, I could use the space nodes in the wilderness to directly escape into the space chaos area with the space mysteries. Generally speaking, the space nodes can be smashed and exploded, which can open the gap and reach directly. In and within the chaotic space flow domain, one can also return to those space nodes with the mysteries of space and enter the world inside the wilderness..."

After a pause, Di Carlo looked helpless, "But now I can't establish contact with the space nodes inside the wilderness. This is not because those space nodes have been smashed, but because the barriers of the wilderness directly cut off my consciousness. Penetration, to put it more clearly...the entire wilderness is temporarily closed, and you can't get in or get out!"

"The wilderness is a sphere, and outside the sphere is the chaotic flow of space. Then where did we enter the void sea from?" Xuanhe asked.

"I'm looking for it. I think we should be getting close. The Domain Gate is the connection between the Desolate Domain and the Void Domain Sea. If we can find it, we can enter the Void Domain Sea from here. There are many magics in the Void Domain Sea. Maybe we can Find a way," DiCarlo said.

Everyone was silent, followed Di Carlo, and continued to wander among them.

I don’t know how much time passed, but they came to a place shrouded in thick fog, where their consciousness and sight were blocked. Even Di Carlo had never set foot in it before. “The space chaos area is extremely vast, not much smaller than the wilderness. , after I cultivated to the immortal realm, I often wandered here, but I haven’t completely explored it yet. Many of them are unknown places, and it is easy to get lost..."

Di Carlo explained, leading everyone to this land of dense fog, "This space fluctuates violently, and we might find something. Let's take a look after we go deeper."

They traveled through the land of dense fog. After a few months, they crossed the land of dense fog and suddenly saw a vast ocean.

The ocean floats in the turbulent flow of space, as if it is alive and has no end.

However, everyone in Xuanhe looked excited when they saw the ocean. They couldn't help shouting in surprise, "It's that river! When we went to the wilderness back then, we had to cross this river!"

Hearing what he said, everyone became excited and entered the ocean one by one, using their divine power and mysteries to fly across the ocean.

There is not an island or even a stone in the ocean, and the sea water is very shallow. You can see the bottom at a glance. The bottom of the sea is vast, like clouds and mist, mysterious and unpredictable.

Everyone was flying over the ocean, looking for the entrance to the void sea, and everyone was looking forward to it.

One day, while they were continuing to fly, their expressions suddenly changed drastically, and they all looked up and looked into the distance.

In the very distance, curtains of light flickered, and soon a figure suddenly appeared.

Xuanhe was shocked and rushed over there as fast as possible. Everyone did not hesitate and rushed in that direction, with surprise on their faces.

Not long after, Xuanhe was the first to rush to that area. After just one glance, Xuanhe was stunned.

On the sea surface, there are three unconscious people floating at this time, namely Shi Yan, Audrey and God Lord Brian. The three people have long breaths and are in some strange and unexplainable state. They have their eyes closed and have not woken up.

Ming Hao was also there, he was still the same ghost, but his spirit was dazed, as if he had suffered a heavy soul injury, and he was muttering something in a low voice.

Soon, Audrey, Frederick, Di Carlo, Reddy and the holy beast Qinglong all gathered one by one.


"Shi Yan!"

"God Lord!"


Everyone screamed and looked extremely shocked. They all escaped with Shi Yan, but the two sides lost contact.

Now when they suddenly saw Shi Yan and others, they subconsciously thought that Shi Yan had also been dragged into the chaotic space flow area by the snake, and had been consuming power in it. Now he has exhausted his power.

Ming Hao, who was confused, suddenly woke up when he heard everyone's exclamations. He looked up and was completely stunned. "Why are you here?" Ming Hao screamed.

"We have always been here!" Xuanhe replied, "What about you? What's wrong with you? Are you trapped here too and have exhausted your strength?"

"Us?" Ming Hao was dumbfounded. He smiled bitterly and shook his head after a while, "We are much more interesting. Hey, it's hard to describe. We just returned from the Sea of ​​Nothingness."

"Sea of ​​Nothingness?!" Xuanhe, Adela and others all screamed.

"Brother! What happened? Why is Audrey unconscious?" Adela asked anxiously.

Ming Hao looked at Shi Yan, Audrey and the Divine Master with extremely complicated expressions, "It's really hard to explain in words."

"We have been trapped here for decades, and we have plenty of time. You can explain slowly!" Di Carlo shouted.

Ming Hao pondered for a moment, nodded with a wry smile, and then trapped him and the God Lord at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Destruction. They were unable to conflict until Shi Yan arrived, and then obtained the Mysterious Talisman Tower and the Origin Talisman of the Origin, which in turn caused jealous fights among countless warriors in the Sea of ​​Destruction. , in the battle between the strong ancestors of the underwater domain, the three separated souls of Shi Yan, Audrey, and Brian finally gathered together, using the intimidating power of the terrifying giant shadow to establish the situation in one fell swoop.

Everyone in Xuanhe was dumbfounded.

"If you hadn't said this, I would never have believed it. I never expected that the Sea of ​​Nothingness is far richer and more wonderful than we thought." Xuanhe sighed, "I have been to the Sea of ​​Nothingness, But I have never seen a warrior. According to what you said, maybe we were all wrong because we took shortcuts and failed to appear directly at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Destruction. Instead, we went further and further..."

Xuanhe looked regretful.

Everyone in Di Carlo was also filled with sighs. They were all shocked by Ming Hao's words and sighed for their thrilling experience. Then everyone fell silent. After a long time, the holy beast Qinglong said: "So, it is better for Huang to take you out of danger. , sent you here? So...where is he now?"

Everyone was extremely suspicious.

Ming Hao looked at Shi Yan and the others and said bitterly: "His figure split into three and disappeared from their bodies again. At this time, they were still unconscious. Perhaps only when they wake up will we know what really happened."

"You said, you have been trapped for decades? Do you know the current situation in the wilderness?" Ming Hao changed the topic.

This time, Xuanhe and others smiled bitterly, "No, we don't know anything. Before seeing you, we have been wandering here, trying to find the entrance and exit of the wilderness. We have not seen anyone, and we cannot return to the wilderness. , these decades have been a waste of time.”

"The devil knows what happened in the wilderness today. Maybe the anemone has completely destroyed or engulfed the wilderness." Adela sighed.

"Then we must find a way to go back!" Ming Hao shouted.

"Shi Yan!" Di Carlo was shocked and shouted: "He is the key! He practices the secrets of space and is integrated with the Divine Grace Continent. What I can't do, he can rely on his connection with the origin to use the secrets of space. Force through the passage!"

"We'll wait for him to wake up!" Everyone said in unison.

(To be continued)

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