God of Killing

Chapter 1464: Watching the changes of heaven and earth indifferently

The vitality of heaven and earth evolves the stars and all things, and the dark energy gives birth to soul life. This is the way of creation!

Nowadays, in the beginning of Shi Yan, the way of creation is evolving. The energy of heaven and earth pouring in from the hole extends out, making the territory of the beginning open up, breeding chaotic air masses, condensing stars and mountains, and swallowing black holes. The emerging dark energy is like the source of the soul, endowing the stars with vague and young soul consciousness.

Shi Yan is the master of this world. His consciousness can extend to any place and he can observe the subtle changes in every corner of this world.

He watched everything silently... Gradually, the enlightenment in his heart became more and more profound. He finally understood the source and mystery of divine power and dark energy. Divine power exists deep in the warrior's Dantian. It is formed by absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth and condensing it, refining divine crystals. Become.

The death essence absorbed by his acupoints is also a kind of vitality of heaven and earth. It is absorbed by the warrior after his death before his divine power dissipates. After the death essence is condensed and purified in the acupoints, it becomes the purest The Yuan Neng of Heaven and Earth, which is the foundation for the formation of all things, can transform all things again in his original realm.

What the swallowing black hole swallows is the soul altar and soul energy. After being refined and condensed by the black hole, it becomes pure dark energy, which is truly pure soul energy.

Dark energy comes from the warrior's soul, spirit, and consciousness. After it pours into the Beginning Realm, it brings the soul magnetic field and gives the Starry Aura to the Beginning Realm.

He silently felt it and looked at the changes in the Beginning Realm. He found that perhaps the realm was not enough, or the understanding of dark energy was still not deep enough. The dark energy pouring into the realm only gave a star a very vague and young consciousness. But there is no way to truly enable those monster beasts that are just bodies to open up their wisdom and form racial creatures with flesh and blood and souls.

He suddenly understood that if there were living beings in the Shi Realm, it would be the key for the Shi Realm to begin its transformation into the Realm Realm.

That is the domain ancestor.

It's a pity that he is still only the second level of immortality, and there is still a long way to go before he can break through the realm of the ancestors.

Feeling the changes in his divine body, soul, and beginning world, his consciousness condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness. He found that there was an extra pool in the sea of ​​consciousness. The water pool was in the sea of ​​consciousness. It was as black as ink, only the size of a millstone, and was billions of times smaller than the sea of ​​consciousness. First, what flows in the pool is pure dark energy, which is true soul energy!

The small soul pool occupies a small area in the sea of ​​consciousness, but it is the core of the sea of ​​consciousness!

Above the soul pool, the devouring black hole is running, dropping a drop of rain-like energy from time to time, which is also purified and pure dark energy!

The swallowing black hole swallowed up the soul altar of many powerful people in the immortal realm. After a long period of transformation, the soul power that had not formed dark energy flew towards Ming Hao, Xuan He, and Frederick.

And after thousands of times of condensation and refinement, part of the true dark energy formed poured into the beginning world, and part dropped into the newly formed soul pool, becoming Shi Yan's own dark energy.

With his spiritual consciousness restrained, he discovered that his ancient divine tree was filled with surging and crystal clear divine power, and its branches were shining.

His thoughts stirred, and he immediately realized that he had reached the highest level of immortal second-level divine power. The ancient divine tree was completely overflowing with divine power. Even this flesh and blood body was being tempered again unknowingly. Every time A piece of flesh and blood, every tiny fiber is full of vitality!

He did not reach the third level of immortality because he lacked the understanding of the new realm of mysteries, but he was very satisfied when he looked at the ancient divine tree in Dantian and the dark energy soul pool in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He suddenly realized that the soul pool of the Consciousness Sea was the key to his becoming the ancestor of the domain in the future. The dark energy could give him the soul of the original realm, allowing him to truly become the master of a domain and evolve his own world.

He just sat there, continuing to feel himself and realize the subtle changes in his divine body.

Time flies.

In the long river without stars day and night, Adela, Reddy, Qinglong and others are so anxious that every day seems like a year.

The Lord of God, Xuan He, Frederick, Ming Hao, and Audrey are all safe and sound. Each of the four has gained something. At this critical moment when their realm is advancing rapidly, they are not in a hurry to return to the wilderness.

Audrey had just entered immortality and had just obtained the Soul Refining Cauldron. When she was familiar with the Soul Refining Cauldron, familiar with the new realm, and realized the secrets of the soul clan, she often had new feelings and was often indulged in joy.

The God Lord and Ming Hao had just gained insight into the mystery of dark energy, and they wanted to spend all their energy on feeling the existence of new power, and wanted to explore every trace of the mystery of dark energy.

Xuan He and Frederic were even more amazing. After absorbing Shi Yan's soul and the gift of divine power, they gained a new understanding of the mysteries. From the realm of the second heaven of immortality, they suddenly entered a realm and officially entered the third level of immortality. God, this made Xuan He and Frederick ecstatic, and they felt the wonder of the new realm with more and more heart.

Shiyan was like a rock, and it never moved as soon as he sat down. No one knew the earth-shaking changes in him.

After a long, long time, Audrey, Shenzhu, and Ming Hao all woke up. After the three of them talked and waited for a while, Na Xuanhe and Frederick gradually woke up.

"How long has it been since Shi Yan gifted us with power, to when we broke through the third level of immortality, and now when our realm is stable?" Xuanhe opened his eyes and realized that a long time had passed. After smiling calmly, he looked at Adela.

Adela's eyes were gloomy, and there was bitterness in the corner of her mouth, "Nearly thirty years have passed."

"Thirty years..."

Xuanhe murmured, then stood up and smiled casually: "It's not that long. In addition, the time we were originally trapped was only a hundred years, which is very short."

"It was indeed short in the past, but the situation in the wilderness is unclear, and we can't practice like you. For us, these thirty years... are really difficult to endure." Adela said with a bitter smile.

"Then what can be done?" Xuanhe shrugged and pointed at Shi Yan, "He hasn't woken up. Who of us can return to the wilderness?"

Everyone was silent.

The source of fusion is composed of people who are proficient in the mysteries of space, and Shi Yan is the only one, so they can only place their hope on Shi Yan.

Then they continued to wait, and after another three years of waiting, Shi Yan finally opened his eyes for the first time. It was like there were two galaxies rotating in his pupils, and his whole person gave people a sense of deep and unfathomable mystery.

After decades of meditation and hard training, Shi Yan felt as if hundreds of thousands of years had passed, and he seemed to have experienced the evolution of heaven and earth in an era.

After he woke up, he was actually a little exhausted physically and mentally. The kind of exhaustion that only many old warriors have. It is a mentality that has gone through countless tribulations and seen countless vicissitudes of life.

Xuanhe and others looked at Shi Yan with slightly startled expressions. They felt an ancient and desolate feeling from his body. They used to think that Shi Yan was young, but now they saw that Shi Yan was even older than them. It has experienced the weirdness of countless eras.

Even Qinglong, the oldest holy beast among the people, was stunned for a long time, shook his head, and said in confusion: "Why do I feel that he has lived longer than me, but I haven't seen him in a hundred years, and his temperament has changed too much."

"He didn't have this temperament before he fell into coma. It seems that the changes that happened to him after this sleep are far more wonderful than we thought..." The Lord of God pondered, and suddenly said: "Shi Yan, you got it What?"

With the help of Huang's clone, Audrey obtained the Soul Refining Cauldron and the Immortal Realm, while he gained insight into the coveted dark energy. He believed that Shi Yan should gain even more!

"What did you get?" Shi Yan looked a little confused in his eyes. "It's still in the immortal realm. It doesn't seem that much has changed. If you really get something, maybe..."

He did not continue.

Everyone was extremely curious, and they all stared at him, as if they were about to eat someone.

"Perhaps he vaguely saw the rules of the avenue, glimpsed the initial changes in the world, and experienced the rise and fall of an era..." Shi Yan himself was not sure.

Everyone didn't understand it very well.

"Feelings, mysteries, rules, and the evolution of heaven and earth! This is the most immeasurable gain! Those things are the most precious wealth in the world! Those things will have unimaginable benefits for your realm, mysteries, and divine body in the future! It will slowly show up in the future." Di Carlo said suddenly.

After hearing what he said, everyone thought about it carefully, and they all realized something, and looked jealous and crazy.

"Brian and Ming Hao both have insight into dark energy. Xuan He and Frederic have entered the third heaven of immortality. Audrey has entered the realm of immortality. Life is really wonderful, good and interesting." Shi Yan looked at the crowd and said calmly Smiling, he nodded and said, "Everyone is waiting for me to open a door and step into the wilderness, right?"

Everyone also felt a sense of wonder and nodded secretly.

"Well, then let's go back. The connection between me and Shen'en Continent does exist." Shi Yan grinned, and without waiting for anyone to say anything, he used the power of space to condense a light door in front of his eyes. His first One steps into it.

Everyone was stunned.

Seeing him condense the light door and step into it, Adela and Reddy, who had been waiting for a long time, hesitated.

"More than a hundred years have passed, and I don't know what the wilderness has become now. I... don't dare to face it, for fear that I will become a meal for the snake." Reddy was a little timid.

Not only him, but also the Lord of God and Ming Hao were a little timid. Only when the door was really opened did they understand the fear.

It's a fear of the unknown.

"We have reached this point, fear... so what? I am not afraid of the betrayal of the four heavenly kings under my command. What are you afraid of?" The Lord of God snorted coldly. When everyone was hesitant, he was the second to enter the door. Door.

Then came Audrey and Ming Hao.

Xuan He and Frederick, who have been trapped here for many years, have thought too much and worried too much in these years. They have never seen those powerful ancestors in the void sea, and have never had a glimpse of the wider world, so they feel guilty. I am timid, so I dare not take action.

"This door has a time limit. If you don't go in early, that door... will be closed!" Di Carlo's eyelids twitched, his face changed, and he couldn't help shouting.

He rushed into it decisively.

When Xuan He, Frederick, Adela and others heard what he said, they no longer dared to hesitate and rushed through the door one by one.

The door gradually healed and finally turned into broken light and disappeared.

(To be continued)

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