God of Killing

Chapter 152: Refining Secret Treasure

With his mind sinking into the blood pattern ring, Shi Yan immediately saw the black ice and cold flames inside the blood pattern ring. The black ice and cold flames were still trapped and could not break free from the constraints of the blood pattern ring.

The blood pattern ring has been releasing cold air, which comes from the black ice flames and is injected into Shi Yan's body.

Two blue moon stones came from the blue-scaled beasts in the sea. In the previous battle, several green-scaled beasts that were killed by Linda were quietly manipulated by Shi Yan before they sank to the bottom of the sea. The blue moon stone was taken out.

Blue moon stone is a kind of stone in the body of blue scale beast. It does not have any energy in itself and can only emit a faint crystal light, which has a cooling and meditative effect.

According to Kamon and others, the blue moon stone seems to be the future demon crystal of the blue scale beast. Once the blue scale beast can reach level six, the blue moon stone can store the power of the blue scale beast and become a demon crystal with energy.

From this point of view, blue moon stone should also be able to store other energies.

When Shi Yan listened to Kamen and others talking about the uses of blue moon stones, he became more thoughtful. This time in the sea, he collected two blue moon stones, just to see if the blue moon stones could store some mysterious The cold air of the ice-cold flames.

Although the Xuan Bing Hanyan was imprisoned by the blood pattern ring, there was always a flow of cold air overflowing.

This cold air penetrated Shi Yan's whole body, but he couldn't find many ways to use it. Only when covering it with mental power, could the cold air be added to the mental power.

However, only Shi Yan, who was in the realm of hundreds of calamities, did not have strong enough mental power. One or two mental shocks would exhaust all his mental power.

Now that most of the strength in his body has not been restored, Shi Yan needs to find a new source of strength to cope with the unknown situation.

Qingyue Shi put his hands on the blood pattern ring, and Shi Yan's heart moved, trying to use his mental power to draw out the cold air from the blood pattern ring.

A trace of ice-cold power quietly flowed out from the blood pattern ring... Under the connection of Shi Yan's spiritual power, there seemed to be a small bridge between the blood pattern ring and the blue moon stone, with the spiritual power as the bridge body. , connecting the blue moon stone and the blood pattern ring.

The cold power penetrated from the blood pattern ring and slowly poured into the blue moon stone.

The blue moon stone overflowed with misty green light, and the blue light gradually became a bit cold and white. The blue moon stone in the hand gradually became cold to the bone.

In the blue moonstone, there are traces of hair-like lines of cold air. Those lines are very clear and shine with cold white light.

It works!

Shi Yan felt happy in his heart, concentrated his mental power, and continued to stimulate the cold air flowing from the black ice flames to inject it into the blue moon stone.

The blue moon stone is getting colder and colder, like an ice cube in the hand, but it is well controlled by Shi Yan, without too much cold air leaking out.

Gradually, the surface of the blue moon stone has more and more lines, and gradually there are fine cracks. As the cold air of the black ice cold flame penetrates, the blue moon stone seems to have reached the limit of containing the cold air. If the cold air continues to increase, the blue moon stone will It might explode.

Shi Yan's expression was solemn, his eyes were like a torch, and he looked at the blue moon stone in his hand unwaveringly.

When he realized that the blue moonstone seemed to have really reached its limit, he decisively moved the blue moon stone away from the blood pattern ring and took back the spiritual power connecting both parties.

The blue moon stone is extremely cold, but because Shi Yan's body has been changed by the cold air of the black ice flames, he is not afraid of the cold air.

Wisps of cold air are contained in the blue moon stone, wrapped in the center of the blue moon stone. People who don't touch the blue moon stone can't feel the amazing cold air in this small stone.

Carefully putting this piece of blue moon stone away, Shi Yan followed the same method and injected cold air into another piece of blue moon stone.

The two pieces of blue moonstone have obvious cracks. As long as there is a violent collision, the blue moon stone will probably burst immediately.

Once the blue moon stone bursts, a large amount of cold energy contained in it will be immediately ejected.

Based on Shi Yan's understanding of the terrifying cold energy of the black ice flames, the cold energy contained in the two small pieces of blue moon stone was more than the black ice beast that was raging in all directions on Monroe Island.

Once the cold air bursts out, the people around you will definitely be affected, and they may be directly frozen into ice sculptures by the cold air.

Before the body's strength has been restored, these two pieces of blue moon stone can also be regarded as a secret treasure, which may come in handy at critical moments.

The two blue moon stones were carefully put away, and Shi Yan continued to close his eyes and rest, feeling the changes in the hole.

after an hour.

A trace of strange power secretly overflowed from the acupuncture point. Under the full operation of Shi Yan's mind, those strange powers were injected into the essence light group of his Qi Sea.

The energy of several human warriors is just a drop in the bucket for Shi Yan, who is now in the realm of a hundred calamities. When his acupuncture points are purifying those powers, the negative emotions that overflow from them cannot even affect Shi Yan's consciousness.

Although the overflowing strange power was small, it was better than nothing. When this strange power poured into his Jingyuan light group, Shi Yan found that the Jingyuan had grown slightly stronger, and the Jingyuan in his body had recovered. It’s about 30% to 40% before reaching the peak.

As long as he is willing, now he can directly kill Kamon. Even if he is facing Linda, with his martial spirit and the mystery of martial arts, he can make Linda surrender.

Shi Yan was calm, a faint smile appeared on his lips, and he continued to restore his essence silently.

"No, your food." At three o'clock in the morning, Jet suddenly came over and threw a large piece of dried meat over and handed over a bag of water.

Shi Yan opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "Why did you eat meat today?"

These days, Shi Yan always ate some dry steamed buns on the ship. The crew on the ship drank a lot of wine and meat, but no one ever treated him kindly.

Linda didn't care much about food, and just asked Jet to give Shi Yan a piece of food every day. Most of the time, Linda rested under the boat, so she didn't know how Shi Yan was treated in terms of food.

"You guys still have some courage. I gave these dried meats to you personally. Don't let Carmon see them, otherwise Carmon will definitely make trouble for me." Jett chuckled, "No matter how much strength you have, the bile duct Surrounded by blue-scaled beasts, you still jumped into the sea. This proves that you are not a coward, which I admire very much. You are a man, so you are qualified to enjoy the treatment of meat."

Jet was only in the realm of the second heaven. On the ship, Linda was always the only one who looked up and down.

In addition to Linda, he also needs to take care of Carmon's emotions. After all, Carmon is not a light person on the ship, and he is also highly regarded by Linda. Carmon does not like Shi Yan, and of course he did not dare to give meat to Shi Yan before. .

Jet was somewhat impressed by Shi Yan's performance this time, so he secretly added some delicious food to Shi Yan while Nakamon closed his eyes to rest.

Shi Yan bit into the dried meat, drank water in mouthfuls, and said with a faint smile: "I will remember your favor."

Jet laughed, "I don't want you to return any favors. If you didn't have some courage, I wouldn't care about you. To be honest, I'm not happy with you, you're naked with Lin." Sister Da was so close, I wanted to beat you up, hehe."

Shi Yan grinned, shook his head and said nothing more.

"Okay, eat slowly, don't let Carmon find out, otherwise that guy may come to me for questioning." Jet stood up, patted Shi Yan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You kid, remember, Sister Linda is the soul of our ship. Don’t have any illusions. Sister Linda has a bright future and will be a core disciple of the divine religion in the future. You are not worthy of her."

"I know." Shi Yan smiled and nodded.

Jet didn't say much, and left with a smile, and got together with other crew members, laughing strangely in low voices, and they didn't know what topic they were discussing.

The green-scaled beast did not continue to pursue.

The four level-4 blue-scaled beasts were trapped by the magnetic field created by Shi Yan for at least a day and night. The level-4 green-scaled beasts were not around, and the remaining green-scaled beasts pursued them for a while before finally giving up.

The boat had long passed through the fog and set foot on the normal channel again, continuing towards Yunxia Island in the southeast.

Yunxia Island is the island of the Gu family. The location of Yunxia Island is very close to the Jialuo Sea. This time the Yang family retaliates against the Gu family and the Dongfang family, Yunxia Island is one of the key targets.

It is said that the Gu family's stronghold on Yunxia Island has been uprooted, and many of the Gu family's guards have died.

Recently, the masters of the Yang family began to cause trouble for the Dongfang family, but they did not care about Yunxia Island. The Gu family seized the opportunity and prepared to rebuild the defense of Yunxia Island, and then sent their masters to Yunxia Island to resist the Yang family's fierce offensive.

Among the masters sent by the Gu family, there were Gu Jiange and his father Gu Lie, as well as dozens of strong men from the Gu family. The main reason why these people came to Yunxia Island was to rebuild Yunxia Island. He wants to negotiate with the Yang family on Yunxia Island and does not want to continue fighting with the Yang family.

Since the Fourth Demonic Realm was ready to move in the past few months, and the demons seemed to be invading in large numbers, the Yang family also accepted the Gu family's proposal for peace talks, and was also preparing to send people to Yunxia Island to discuss the matter with the Gu family.

The reason why Shi Yan wanted to go to Yunxia Island with Linda and others was because he knew that Gu Jiange would go to the island and that people from the Yang family might also go to Yunxia Island. He even guessed that Xia Xinyan would also show up, so he wanted to Go join in the fun.


The boat sailed into a sea area full of reefs.

Linda quietly came out from under the boat, her hair flowing, and frowned: "Hang up all the flags of the divine religion, and be careful, there are pirates in this area."

"Sister Linda, do the pirates dare to attack our ship?" Huo Jie sneered, "They must have taken advantage of them. If they know that our ship belongs to the divine religion and still dare to attack, I will let them do it." I can’t eat it and carry it around!”

All the major islands in the Endless Sea are infested with pirates. The pirates live in no fixed abode and will rob ships passing by whenever they find an opportunity.

Generally speaking, pirates do not dare to attack the ships of the fifteen major forces, but there are also bold pirates who will take risks and escape to other sea areas after committing a crime, without fear of being chased across the sea.

"Usually not, but it's hard to say." Linda frowned and said: "If it is a large ship of the level of the Sun and Moon Star of the Divine Cult, it means that there must be experts from the Divine Cult on board, and then the pirates will definitely not dare to mess around. But with a small boat like ours, you can tell at a glance that it is a transport ship for the peripheral disciples of the divine sect. There must be no experts on board, and the pirates may dare to attack."

"Hmph! Come and kill one, come and kill two!" Carmon's face was full of disdain, "They are just pirates, and I don't take them seriously."

"Hahaha! You are so arrogant! I want to see what arrogance you have!"

A wild laughter suddenly came from behind a huge reef in the distance. The laughter fell, and willow leaf boats emerged from behind the reefs, quickly approaching Linda's ship.

(To be continued)

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