God of Killing

Chapter 1513 Territory Ancestor!

Shi Yan's soul altar passed through the natural space barrier and instantly appeared in the world under the sea of ​​clouds. At that moment, Shi Yan suddenly froze.

The stars in the sky were shining brightly, right next to his soul, like the most gorgeous galaxy, mysterious and profound, giving him a feeling that would never perish.

This is the world under the sea of ​​clouds, a sea of ​​​​resplendent stars. Each star has strong life fluctuations, and they seem to have their own souls.

At a glance, the stars merge into rivers, and the rivers of stars are gurgling and flowing according to wonderful trajectories.

The main soul and the deputy soul looked at the brilliant galaxy, and he was moved spontaneously, from the depths of his heart!

The galaxies formed by the intersection of stars fill the sky one by one, like the Milky Way flowing, and the starry sky seems to be moving.

He looked down again.

It was an extremely huge land, with deep ravines and rivers all over it. Those rivers were also flowing, and they were flowing endlessly. There was a faint fishy smell coming from the inside of the rivers, which surprised him.

Beneath the sea of ​​clouds, there is actually a huge piece of land, and the land is full of flowing rivers.

It’s incredible to the extreme!

The stars and rivers in the sky are flowing, and the rivers on the land are trembling. This is a clear display of the veins in the sky and the veins on the earth. The main soul and the deputy soul watched the flow of the Tianhe and the earth's rivers, and inexplicably had an understanding. His wide sea of ​​​​consciousness, strange divergence , turning into rivers formed by spiritual consciousness.

Looking at the sky and the earth, he used the trajectories of the Tianhe and the Earthly River to try to control the movements of the rivers in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He suddenly had a wonderful feeling of grasping the laws of heaven and earth and grasping the great road. This made him excited, temporarily forgetting everything, and realizing it wholeheartedly.

When he devoted himself wholeheartedly to it, he didn't know that his true body, the divine power in the muscles of his physical body, was actually surging, as if it was faintly following the laws of the Tianhe River, the Earth River, and the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness River.

Here, the Sea Shark Emperor and the others were still fighting against Fandel. His body was originally being guarded by Xuanhe. At this moment, Xuanhe suddenly noticed something strange.

He observed carefully and discovered that Shi Yan was full of life without the divine body of the soul altar! Shi Yan's veins were filled with pure divine power, the divine power was like water, and the veins were like rivers. The veins and veins in Shi Yan's whole body were activated with divine power, and they rolled in a mysterious way. Xuan He was so shocked that his color changed.

Before Xuanhe could scream, a strong breath of Shi Yan's soul came from the space barrier below.

The divine body of Shiyan, as if summoned by the soul, suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and merged into the barrier below when Xuanhe was dumbfounded.

This change happened instantly, and even Xuanhe had no time to stop it. By the time he reacted, Shi Yan had disappeared from his side.

"call out!"

Shi Yan's body passed through the space barrier and appeared in the world below the sea of ​​clouds, right next to his soul altar.

There was no response from his main soul and deputy soul, and he was silent in comprehending the subtleties of heaven and earth. After the arrival of this body, it broke away from the shackles of his soul altar and suddenly sank to the land below.


His body fell into a river below, and the shaking land seemed to shake. In an instant, the divine power of Shi Yan's body's veins seemed to be connected with the river under the land!

The star secrets of Shi Yan's Soul Altar suddenly shined brightly, emitting dazzling starlight!

Little stars flickered, flying out from the stars in the sky and falling into the river below. There was a strong fishy smell, river water and blood coming from the rivers there!

The river water connected to Shi Yan's veins suddenly surged into Shi Yan's body. The billions of pores in Shi Yan's body were swollen, absorbing the slightly fishy smell of the river.


Surprisingly, the blood in Shi Yan's body boiled, and the blood of the undead demon was burning like it was ignited. Without the stimulation of active consciousness, Shi Yan's divine body was transforming!

The rivers of stars in the sky are the veins of the sky, the rivers on the ground are the veins of the earth, the sinews of human beings are the veins of people, and the rivers of the sea of ​​consciousness are the veins of the soul.

Heaven, earth, man, and soul merge into one, using Shi Yan's soul and body as a bridge to blend in a magical way!

If there are others in this world, they will find that the stars in the sky are gradually flowing into Shi Yan's soul altar and submerging into his vast beginning world. The Milky Way, which was transformed from the fallen stars, gradually turned into stone. The galaxy inside the Yanshijie makes Shiyan's Shijie even more mysterious.

And below, the land that is dozens of times wider than the Divine Grace Continent, and the winding rivers are gradually drying up at this moment!

On the contrary, the divine body of Shiyan lying in one of the rivers was expanding rapidly!

Shi Yan's body is absorbing water from the river and transforming his body!

Changing towards the form of a huge primordial creature!

Gradually, Shi Yan's special shape emerged. His whole body was covered with fine natural scales, and ferocious thorns appeared on his shoulders, elbows, and knees. Broad bone wings grew out of his back, and his fingers became extremely sharp. , like the claws of a ferocious beast!

His originally majestic body seemed to be magnified now. As those rivers dried up, his physical life fluctuated horribly, gradually surpassing the form of the dragon lizard's body, and his body shape was also the same as the dragon lizard's real body in the dragon lizard star at that time. It's time to tell the difference.

Slowly, Shi Yan seemed to have turned into a huge ancient god. The body lying on the land was like a stretching mountain range, thousands of miles long!

The arms, legs, feet, head, ears, eyes and other limbs are all expanding rapidly, transforming into giants. If anyone looks at it now, they will find that the so-called giants are nothing more than ants and giants compared to the current Shi Yan. Compared with the elephant, his current body is tens of thousands of times larger than before!

As the rivers in the river dry up, Shi Yan's divine body is still expanding, and the life fluctuations in his body are also constantly advancing and increasing!

Time flies, when the rivers in those places are gradually drying up, Shi Yan's body is comparable to the level of the primordial creatures, Snake and Devour!

It was as if another primordial creature was born!

At the same time, Shi Yan's Beginning Realm is also quietly changing towards the realm. The dark energy in the Soul Pool in the Sea of ​​Consciousness overflows and is injected into the Beginning Realm. The brilliant stars in the Beginning Realm are rotating, and those who originally belonged to Shi Yan The condensed stars gradually gained the breath of life.

There are life fluctuations in the Beginning Realm, which is a sign that it is about to become a realm. As the fallen galaxy enters his Beginning Realm, his Beginning World is absorbing dark energy, allowing the Beginning World to gradually breed creatures, and new ones will appear in his world. A new species, a brand new race, this ability to create life belongs exclusively to the strong ancestors of the domain!

The soul altar merged with the Tianhe River, and the physical body merged with the Earthly River. In this strange place, Shi Yan received huge benefits! Transforming towards the Territory Ancestor at an astonishing speed!

Even O'Quinn, the high priest of the Yun tribe, didn't know that in the earliest times, the Yunmeng realm was actually separate. The Yunmeng realm was actually composed of two realms, namely the Yun realm and the Meng realm. The Cloud Realm and the Mongolian Realm are separated by stacked space barriers. The existence of the Cloud Realm only covers up the Mongolian Realm.

Meng means covering up. The Mengjie is a world that is hidden. This world was one of the strange places in the early days. It was a place where creatures healed. Shi Yan was able to enter it not because of his space secrets. How exquisite it is, but because there is the breath of the primordial creature in his soul!

His secondary soul is a fusion of Huang's two clones. He is equivalent to a part of the original creature!

He didn't know that the primordial beings such as Snake, Huang, and Shi had all been searching for this place, hoping to regain their strength. The water flowing in the ground here was the source of life, a miraculous thing that could complete the transformation of life. , it is a pity that this deceived world has always been very secretive, and even the snakes and bites have not been found.

Shi Yan entered this place by mistake, and with the help of the few life source liquids left here, he completed the complete transformation of his body, and reached the level of evolution of life to the height of the primitive creatures in one fell swoop!

His body became the primordial creature!

His initial realm has also become a realm. As his realm improves in the future, that realm will become more and more magical, and may even surpass the wilderness in the future!

The source of life liquid was extracted cleanly, and the fallen galaxy merged into the realm. Not only did Shi Yan step into the realm of the ancestor, but his physical body also became a primal creature!


A huge star of life. This is a brand-new star formed by the Desolate, Ancient Gods, Ancient Demons, and Shenze Continent. There is a strange world inside this star, which is a vast and vast land. There is a giant dragon here. The body is coiled with ancient creatures, this is the heart of the ancient continent!

The dragon-like ancient creature is Huang's true body, extending like an endless mountain range. This is still an incomplete body.

At the head of the dragon, a shrunken ghost beast appeared in human form. His eyes were deep and mysterious. At this time, he suddenly sensed something. His eyes seemed to penetrate the infinite space and shoot into the Shen'en Continent in the Yunmeng Domain. His expression With a slight earthquake, I could clearly feel the changes in Shi Yan through the connection between souls.

"The physical body of Taichu, the realm of the ancestors..." Gui Li murmured, his face became quite strange, "This fusion is a bit difficult, but the benefits after the fusion are also huge. Not only can I return to the peak, but I can also break through. A level of power that I could not reach even in the Beginning Era! In that case, I can penetrate the Gate of Beginning even without relying on the Mysterious Talisman Tower!"

As he spoke, the huge body squirmed, and the real body inside the continent moved. The energy of the entire huge planet erupted, and waves of terrifying low roars surged towards the vast outside.

In the turbulent flow of space, the true body of the twelve-headed giant snake was absorbing energy. On the magnificent throne of the snake head, Zi Yao looked frightened. She heard the low roar from the wilderness, and her face changed drastically, "Listen to this roar, That guy's strength has almost recovered, and it seems like it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Saying this, the snake's twelve-headed true body wrapped around many broken stars and rushed towards the domain gate.

The depths of the Sea Devouring Clan in the Void Realm.

Hearing Huang's low roar from his soul, and feeling Huang's rising power, Shi Ye was shocked and sensed that a huge danger was coming.

(To be continued)

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