God of Killing

Chapter 157 A Happy Journey

After Carmon and others came over, under the command of Linda, they excitedly began to collect the trophies from these pirates.

Dozens of pirates, with scattered weapons, medicines, mortal-level martial arts and other miscellaneous things, were gathered by Carmon and others. Some of these items were very attractive to Carmon, Jet and others.

For example, the two mysterious-level martial arts skills collected from Kong Laoer and Luo Xihu, as well as the strange soft armor on Lin Xiaochang, turned out to be a spiritual-level secret treasure. Power can be accumulated in the soft armor. Once attacked, the power gathered on weekdays will automatically come out to help defend the physical body.

In addition, there was indeed a huge amount of explosives on that big ship. Those explosives were piled up in the cabin, forming a hill, which was scary to look at.

Linda raised her head, with an indifferent expression, and looked at the items collected by Kamon and others one by one. She left the piece of soft armor on Lin Xiaochang's body, took some pills and put them into her pocket, and immediately asked Kamon to The others also made their own choices.

As soon as they heard that these items could be chosen at will, Carmon, Jet and others were overjoyed and immediately began to snatch the items they had long admired.

For a time, Carmon, Jet and his group were red-faced and quarrelsome because of the distribution of these items.

Linda frowned slightly, feeling that the ugliness of these guys made her lose face, so she couldn't help shouting, "No arguing! The items we all want will be decided by drawing lots. If we argue again, I will hand over all these items so that none of you can get them. !”

As soon as Linda shouted, those people immediately calmed down and their discussions became quieter.

With her breasts puffed out, Linda nodded with satisfaction, glanced at Shi Yan casually, and said lightly: "Don't you choose something?"

"What does it have to do with him?" Carmon suddenly snorted in displeasure and glared at Shi Yan, "This kid has done nothing and is not one of ours. He has no right to share these items."

Many of the items on the ship were valuable. Kamen had no good opinion of Shi Yan, so naturally he could profit from them even if he didn't like Shi Yan.

Huo Jie and his group also shouted when they heard that Linda intended to give some items to Shi Yan.

Linda's pretty face sank and she hummed: "He came with me on this trip. I said he is qualified, and he is qualified! Does any of you have any objections?"

The relationship between Linda and Shi Yan at this time was unusual. When she saw Carmon and others ridiculing Shi Yan, she immediately felt uncomfortable and wanted to teach them a lesson one by one.

As soon as Linda got angry, Carmon and Huo Jie calmed down again and just looked at Shi Yan bitterly.

It seemed that Shi Yan, who said nothing, was the culprit.

"I'll forget it." Shi Yan smiled and shook his head, "I didn't do anything anyway, so I'm really not qualified to obtain these items."

——He doesn’t like the items here at all.

Linda also seemed to know that Shi Yan was not interested in these items. After hearing what he said, she nodded slightly and secretly gave Shi Yan a look that was different from Carmon and others.

Shi Yan smiled and shook his head, indicating that he was not interested in messing with people like Carmon, so that she could rest assured.

"Hurry up, we'll leave in a while on our ship. Although the pirate's big ship is good, it has too many blood pupil marks on it, and the blood pupil's reputation is too bad. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we will ignore this The ship is here." Seeing that Carmon and others continued to work with their heads down, Linda couldn't help but shouted impatiently.

Carmon, Jet and others nodded in agreement, and the speed was naturally much faster.

Half an hour later, those people distributed the items, stuffed the extra items into the cabin, and sailed the ship happily, talking and laughing loudly.

This ship continued to head towards Luoxia Island.

Shi Yan was still lying in the pile of miscellaneous boxes, meditating secretly, but Linda would find various excuses to ask Shi Yan to go down to the cabin to find her.

Every time Shi Yan got off the cabin, Linda would quietly fasten the wooden door at the stairway, and the two of them would suppress their voices and have a secret intimacy.

Linda, who had tasted the relationship between men and women for the first time, had some taste for sex during this period, and often took the initiative to send signals to Shi Yan, asking Shi Yan to get down from the cabin to cultivate her touching and fertile fields.

Every time Shi Yan came out of the cabin, Carmon, Huo Jie, and Jett all looked puzzled. They didn't know why Linda was suddenly so concerned about Shi Yan. They hid it when they met the pirates alone. What a secret.

When facing them, Linda and Shi Yan behaved normally. Except for Carmon, no one else thought much about whether the two would have any quarrel.

"Your food and fresh water today." Jet came to the rock and put down three baskets of fruit pulp and two jars of fresh water. He leaned against a large box and said with a smile, "Sister Linda gave me the order alone. , I’m not allowed to deduct your food, but your appetite is really amazing. The way you eat, we may not have enough food. Carmon is very opinionated. If it weren’t for Sister Linda’s pressure, I would not I dare not give these things to you.”

Shi Yan smiled slightly, went up and took out the fruit pulp from the basket, ate it by himself, and said, "Thank you very much."

"Well." Jet suddenly squatted down, got very close to Shi Yan, lowered his voice, and said furtively: "Shi Yan, every time you enter the cabin, what do you do with Sister Linda? Do you have any secrets? ? What happened on your side when you went to meet the pirate?"

Jet had a curious look on his face. When he spoke, he carefully looked behind him and continued: "I'm very tight-lipped. If you tell me, I will never tell others! Shi Yan, I'm really curious to death. You Just tell me!”

"I'm just in love with Linda. There's no secret." Shi Yan laughed dumbly and shook his head, thinking to himself, if I told you that Linda and I fight in bed every day, I don't know what you would think.

"Talk about love?" Jet opened his eyes wide, and then said disdainfully: "If you don't tell me, don't tell me. How dare you find such a bad excuse? Sister Linda has a noble status, and her family is also in our Yuanluo Sea Area. She is quite famous. Sister Linda will be a core disciple of the cult in the future. How can you be worthy of it? You can only think about it secretly. "

Shi Yan smiled lightly and didn't say much.

"Shi Yan, come down here. I have something to ask you." At this moment, Linda's voice came out of the cabin again. Her voice was cold and indifferent, with a bit of arrogance, as if she was calling her subordinates. A servant or servant.

Jett chuckled, "If you can really fall in love with Sister Linda, Sister Linda's attitude will never be like this. Go ahead, Sister Linda must have something serious to ask you, so you kid can settle down One thing, don't look around. If you really piss off Sister Linda, you won't be able to eat and walk around! Hehe, that guy Carmon was beaten into a pig's head by Sister Linda because of his random glances. I don't want to see it. You become like that, haha.”

Jet didn't believe Shi Yan's words at all.

Shrugging his shoulders, Shi Yan walked towards the cabin with a smile, his expression was natural, and he was muttering in his heart, wondering what tricks Linda would use this time, this woman was quite crazy when it came to playing, and she dared to try any position.

Thinking about it this way, Shi Yan's heart trembled, and his eyes became a little strange.

The other crew members on the ship didn't pay much attention to him, but Carmon had been quietly observing him. When he saw his ambiguous eyes, Carmon's heart skipped a beat and his face suddenly darkened.

Shi Yan ignored him and got off the cabin with a smile.

Linda had been waiting for a long time. As soon as she saw him coming down, a charming smile broke out on her face. She quietly locked the wooden door at the stairway from the inside, and squeezed her sweet-smelling body into Shi Yan's arms, her charming eyes filled with laughter. Overflowing with love, he smiled softly and said: "I want to go up there today..."


Shi Yan slapped her plump buttocks and chuckled, "Go! Lie on the edge of the bed, raise your butt, and let me come from behind for a while."

Linda's delicate body trembled, her bright eyes were watery, she was smiling, and she lay on the bed obediently, raising her beautiful buttocks high and shaking it gently, as if she was waiting for her master to hand out delicious food and kept wagging her tail. puppy.

Shi Yan swallowed, took off his shirt a little, his eyes were burning, and he immediately raised his gun and mounted his horse.

... Carmon quietly walked towards the stairs, with a sinister look on his face, and put his ear to the wooden door with an extremely ugly face.

He had been observing for several days.

As he observed over the past few days, Carmon felt more and more that something was wrong between Shi Yan and Linda, and had a vague premonition of something ominous.

Carmon has had a crush on Linda for many years. During the ceremony to become a peripheral disciple of the Three Gods Cult, he first saw Linda and fell deeply in love with her. Over the years, Carmon has given up many opportunities and has been following Linda, doing his best to drive away many men who were interested in Linda.

In his heart, Linda was his forbidden love, belonging only to him, and no one was allowed to get involved.

Shi Yan's arrival gave him a huge sense of crisis. Others had not noticed the difference between Linda and Shi Yan, but the sensitive Carmon knew Linda very well. From every detail, he had realized Not good.

This time, he finally couldn't control his inner suspicion and put his ear to the wooden door to eavesdrop on the sounds in the cabin.

In the cabin, Shi Yan and Linda deliberately controlled the sound. They did not dare to move too much and suppressed their voices.

Kamen listened for a long time, frowning tightly, but did not hear any sound.

The more this happened, the more doubtful Carmon became, and his expression became gloomier.

Linda handed Shi Yan to the cabin. It was impossible not to say a word. As long as there was speech, even if it was very low, you could always hear some.

There is no sound in the cabin, which means there must be something wrong.

Jet, Huo Jie and other warriors on the deck had strange expressions when they saw Carmon sneaking around, but neither Huo Jie nor Jet said much.

Huo Jie and the others were on good terms with Carmon, so naturally they wouldn't say much, but those who were leaning toward Linda were also suspicious and wanted to know the secrets between Shi Yan and Linda, so they turned a blind eye.

Although Carmon didn't hear anything at first, he held his breath and continued to eavesdrop with a sullen face.

Hard work pays off.

Half an hour later, Carmon finally heard some strange, slight whistling sounds.

(To be continued)

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