God of Killing

Chapter 161 I will wait for you! Will keep waiting!

Dark clouds were gathering, a strong wind suddenly blew from the sea, and the sky was overcast, as if there would be a downpour.

The calm sea surface suddenly rose and fell, setting off layers of waves.

In the waves, a small ship moved forward with difficulty.

On the deck, Linda's hair was flying, her pretty face was solemn, and she kept shouting, asking Jet and others to be careful, and asking the warriors on the ship to be alert and not to capsize the ship.

The sea wind became more fierce and fierce, raging on the sea and setting off higher and more violent waves.

The boat was swaying and looked very dangerous. Linda was also a little nervous. She held her breath and was cautiously guarded, not daring to relax at all.

Shi Yan frowned and stood at the stern of the boat with the same solemn expression.

The storm came suddenly without any warning. One moment it was sunny, and the next moment it was covered with dark clouds. The scene was a bit strange.

With a sullen face, Shi Yan suddenly remembered that when he and Xiao Hanyi were riding the green-blooded magic bat, there was a sudden violent storm and dark clouds, and soon from the layers of dark clouds, a huge white bone body of Demon Emperor Bo Xun emerged. Hand, the giant white bone hand directly snatched away Shura King Xiao Hanyi, and took him to an unknown area in the Fourth Demon Realm.

Thinking of Xiao Hanyi, Shi Yan felt a little heavy and felt aggrieved.

Now the storm was also extremely unexpected, appearing suddenly in front of his eyes, making Shi Yan doubtful and confused.

At this time, the small boat was very close to Yunxia Island. In another day's journey, the boat could reach Yunxia Island.

At this critical moment, something suddenly happened on this piece of sea surface, which really made Shi Yan dare not relax, and he had many guesses in his mind.

Standing at the stern of the ship, Shi Yan directed his spiritual eyes in all directions.

There is nothing abnormal on the sea, and wherever the mental power passes, everything is normal.

Shi Yan did not give up and continued to use his mental power to cover the distance. With the tenacity of overdrafting his mental power, he spread all the way to Yunxia Island, getting farther and farther... He didn't know how long it took, but he felt mentally exhausted. At that time, he faintly noticed a cold and evil aura from the direction of Yunxia Island. The aura did not seem to be concentrated, scattered between the sky and the earth, and was gradually disappearing... Shi Yan was surprised and turned his spirit I am immersed in the direction of Yunxia Island and feel it carefully.

This cold and evil aura is evenly distributed on Yunxia Island, like a ball of air lingering in the sky above Yunxia Island. The cold and evil aura is vaguely similar to the aura released by Demon Emperor Bo Xun's Bone Body. It's somewhat similar, but weaker.

Could it be possible that a demon from the fourth demon realm appeared on Yunxia Island?

With a chill in his heart, Shi Yan's expression suddenly changed.

He had a premonition that something must have happened on Yunxia Island. He secretly guessed that there was something strange on Yunxia Island.

When he was about to continue to concentrate on feeling it, the cold and evil aura lingering on Yunxia Island dissipated with the wind.

At this time, he also consumed too much mental energy, and a feeling of fatigue came over him. He had to withdraw his mental energy, frowning and thinking hard.

The violent storm that was about to brew gradually dissipated, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly drifted away. Soon, everything returned to normal.

The evening glow reappeared in the sky. Shi Yan raised his head and looked at the glow in the sky, his face becoming more solemn.

This moment was when Gu Lie, Gu Jiange and his son were talking to the devil in the Soul Gathering Pond.

"What happened? The storm disappeared again? How strange."

"Yes, this kind of situation is really rare. It has been brewing like this, but in the end it was nothing."

"Well, something is wrong. Normally, when the dark clouds gather like this, there will be heavy rain. It's really strange. There is no heavy rain this time. I don't know what's going on."

Jet, Nano and others frowned and talked, looking very surprised, marveling at such an abnormal natural phenomenon.

Linda breathed a sigh of relief, shook her hair, and shouted: "You can relax your vigilance now."

"I know, Sister Linda." Jet smiled, leaned lazily on the deck, squinted his eyes, looked in the direction of Yunxia Island, and said loudly: "This trip will be over soon. After we hand over the things on the boat to the Gu family, we can return. Sister Linda, will you still go back with us?"

Many crew members on the ship were slightly startled when they heard what Jet said. Then they seemed to suddenly remember something and looked at Linda and Shi Yan.

In the far corner, Carmon and Huo Jie looked at Linda with gloomy faces and malicious eyes.

Linda's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, and she sighed silently in her heart. She quietly looked at Shi Yan, who had his back to her, and a hint of bitterness escaped from the corner of her mouth, "Of course I will go back with you. I am a member of the Divine Cult, and the mission is completed. Naturally, I have to go back to the religious sect for business, where is my home, where can I run to?"

"That's it..." Jet secretly looked at Shi Yan and said with a smile: "That's good. I thought I wouldn't be able to meet Sister Linda in the future! Haha, it's better to follow Sister Linda to feel comfortable. Follow others. When danger comes, , we will be sacrificed as cannon fodder, and those leaders are not as kind as Sister Linda."

"Yes, yes, we will still follow Sister Linda from now on."

The other crew members on the ship also shouted in agreement. After hearing that Linda would still go back, these people quietly breathed a sigh of relief and secretly felt happy.

Among the peripheral disciples of the Three Gods Religion, many leaders would ask the people below them to act as shields when they were in danger when going on a mission, and they often did not care about the lives and deaths of their subordinates.

Jet, Nano and others also have many friends who were treated as cannon fodder and sacrificed forever when they went on missions because they followed the wrong people.

Jet has been in the Three Gods Cult for a long time and knows what those little bosses are. If Linda doesn't go back this time and there is no leader, they will be assigned to other little bosses, and their safety will be in danger in the future. Guaranteed, he might be sacrificed like cannon fodder like his friends who died.

Jet quietly stared at Shi Yan and secretly looked at Linda.

From Linda's face, he saw sadness and helplessness. Seeing that Linda was not in a good mood, Jet did not dare to say anything. He winked at Nano and others, indicating that everyone should not continue to test, lest Lin Da uncomfortable.

Linda stood in front of Jet and others. She seemed to be in bad spirits and looked a little lonely.

After a while, Linda took a gentle breath and left. She walked to Shi Yan at the stern of the boat, stood side by side with Shi Yan, and looked at the boat that was glowing red under the twilight. On the sea surface, the two people had their backs to the glow, their figures stretched out very long, and their shadows merged together.

Linda lowered her head and found that her and Shi Yan's figures overlapped. She sighed in her heart and thought to herself how happy it would be if she and Shi Yan could really be as inseparable as these two shadows. , What a pity... Shi Yan frowned, still thinking about the cold and evil aura of Yunxia Island in his heart. He suspected that something must have happened on Yunxia Island. His mind was full of doubts. He didn't know what happened during this trip to Yunxia Island. Okay, should I continue?

Although that cold evil energy is very scattered, if it really wants to gather together, it will probably be very large and terrifying.

No matter what kind of creature that aura comes from, Shi Yan is sure that it is definitely not something he can deal with now. If he enters Yunxia Island rashly, once he encounters that creature, he is afraid that he will not have any power to fight back.

Thinking this, Shi Yan began to hesitate.

"Shi Yan..."


The chaotic thoughts in his mind were slowly put back. Shi Yan took a deep breath, regained his clarity and calmness, and glanced at Linda beside him.

Under the rays of the sun, Linda's face was rosy and glowing with a faint ray of rays of rays, and she was charming and charming. There was a touch of emotion in her bright eyes, which made people's hearts beat.

"Linda, you are becoming more and more charming." Shi Yan looked at Linda deeply and said sincerely.

During this period of time, after his nourishment, Linda was indeed radiant. A woman who lives in love will be happy both physically and mentally, and will naturally become more attractive.

"Shi Yan, we're almost at Yunxia Island..." Linda sighed quietly and reminded.

Shi Yan's expression was startled, and his brows suddenly furrowed. After a while, he said helplessly: "Good times are always short-lived, hey..."

"Shi Yan, you can be with me. No matter who you are, as long as you are willing to be with me, I will, I will be with you..." Linda hesitated.

"I want to go to the Jialuo Sea Region." Shi Yan shook his head, "Linda, I have my pursuit, and you also have your family. If you are willing, you can come with me. I will come to the Yuanluo Sea Region again. But it is to deal with the Dongfang family and the Gu family, you follow me..."

He knew that he was not a person who could endure loneliness and live in peace. Sooner or later, his revenge on the Gu family and the Dongfang family would be carried out. One day, his name, Shi Yan, would be resounding throughout the endless sea.

Linda's family is in the Yuanluo Sea Territory and is attached to the Three Gods Religion. If Linda follows him to the Garo Sea Territory, as long as the Three Gods Religion finds out about it, Linda's family will be angered and Linda's family will not be able to escape the Three Gods Religion. The wrath of the cult.

——This is definitely not what Linda wants to see.

Before he had enough strength to change everything, there would be no benefit to Linda following him, and he did not dare to make a promise lightly.

Linda suddenly fell silent.

For a long time, Linda lowered her head and said quietly: "Shi Yan, my home is on Xuelong Island in Yuanluo Sea. If you come to Yuanluo Sea in the future and pass by Xuelong Island, remember to come to Qiao Rui's house to see me."

Shi Yan sighed in his heart and nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I will definitely look for you. When one day I am strong enough, I will go to Blood Dragon Island. When that day comes, I will not be afraid of the Three Gods Cult, I can protect you Keep you and your family safe from harm.”

Linda's eyes were secretly moist. She gritted her teeth and was about to cry. She looked at Shi Yan with tearful eyes and said firmly: "Shi Yan, you must remember your promise today! I will wait for you! I will always wait!" "

(To be continued)

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