God of Killing

Chapter 189 Coming out of the mountain

At the bottom of the magma pool, Shi Yan looked shocked.

Xuan Bing Hanyan's message pushed the blood pattern ring to an astonishing height, and made him realize for the first time that the blood pattern ring was not an extraordinary object.

As a heavenly fire, Xuanbing Hanyan has amazing spiritual insight. It is in the blood pattern ring, and even it cannot detect the ring spirit in the blood pattern ring. This shows how weird this blood pattern ring is.

Sensing the approach of Ten Thousand Years Earth Core Fire, the Blood Pattern Ring sealed the power of the Black Ice Cold Flame, and used the power of the fire absorbed in these days to condense into the favorite fire crystal jade of Ten Thousand Years Earth Core Fire, paving the way. He eliminated everything and reopened the space, preparing for the arrival of the earth's core fire for thousands of years.

Even Shi Yan himself wouldn't believe it if he said that there were no Ring Spirits in the Blood Pattern Ring.

"This ring is extraordinary. Normal phantom rings can only store items, and they can never store living souls. But your ring is completely different. It doesn't seem to be able to store items, but it can store people like me. Even I can't feel the existence of the Ring Spirit among human beings. This Ring Spirit must be no small matter." Xuan Binghanyan sent a message.

Shi Yan clearly felt that the breath and power of the Black Ice Flame no longer emerged from the Blood Pattern Ring.

The blood pattern ring seems to have completely sealed the Black Ice Flame, so that the Black Ice Flame can no longer penetrate its power. In addition to still being able to communicate with Shi Yan's soul, the Black Ice Flame can no longer do anything else.

at the same time.

The person standing on the rock in the solid ice suddenly felt that the power of the fire around him became gradually stronger.

"I can't continue to inject cold power into the ice covering your body. The ice will completely dissolve after supporting it for a day or two at most. You must immediately call on the Earth Core Fire again to let the Earth Core Fire melt before the ice melts. Fire takes the initiative to penetrate into the blood pattern ring, otherwise you have to leave immediately. Although your body has some fire power now, it is still difficult to survive at the bottom of the magma pool."

Xuan Binghan Yan was a little anxious and hurriedly explained the latest situation to Shi Yan.

Shi Yan was shocked.

He was in a magma pool, surrounded by extremely strong magma. He could stay there because the black ice flames continuously injected cold power into the ice covering his body, which kept him safe and sound.

Once that layer of ice barrier melts, his body will be completely exposed.

Shi Yan doesn't want to die.

After receiving the message from Xuan Bing Hanyan, he did not dare to hesitate. He immediately released his spiritual consciousness again and slowly approached the fire crystal jade where the fire in the heart of the earth had been for thousands of years.

As soon as the spiritual consciousness touches the fire crystal jade, the ten thousand years of earth core fire in it immediately becomes active again. However, this time when Shi Yan wants to let his consciousness leave the fire crystal jade, the ten thousand years of earth core fire is alive and dead. If it didn't come out, it was obviously frightened by the breath of the black ice and cold flame just now.

The inner fire has not been released for thousands of years, but the ice on the surface of his body is melting bit by bit, and more heat power is quietly seeping through.

Shi Yan was a little anxious, "It doesn't obey. Is there any other way?"

"No more. There is no other way except for you to let it leave the fire crystal jade on its own initiative. How about we leave from here first? Wait until next time you figure out the secret of the ring and come here to harvest the earth's core fire? Hurry up Decide, if it's too late, you may not make it out alive."

Xuan Bing Han Yan was at his wits' end and persuaded Shi Yan to leave as soon as possible.

Shi Yan had a worried look on his face and was thinking quickly, but he had no clue.

There is a ring spirit in the blood pattern ring. Although the ring spirit is not revealed, it seems to know his thoughts. Since the ring spirit has opened up a space in the ring and condensed the fire crystal jade, it obviously also wants the center of the earth for ten thousand years. Fire entered.

If this is the case, will there be any solution for the blood pattern ring?

Shi Yan didn't know it, but he was ready to die as a doctor.

After hesitating for a moment, he took off the blood pattern ring from his hand and suddenly threw it towards the fire crystal jade.

At the same time, Shi Yan immediately focused his attention and used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with the Wannian Earth Core Fire, allowing the Wannian Earth Core Fire to enter the blood pattern ring.

The blood-striped ring flew toward the fire crystal jade in the magma pool. On the way, the blood-striped ring suddenly turned into a streak of fire, and its surface was surrounded by flames.

A strange hot breath overflowed from the blood-patterned ring... Shi Yan was stunned, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Blood Pattern Ring seems to really know his thoughts!

The blood pattern ring actively condenses the power of fire and releases the hot breath, which is exactly what the ten thousand years of earth heart fire likes.

Once the Ten Thousand Years Earth Heart Fire cannot detect the breath of the black ice cold flames from the blood pattern ring, but senses the power of heat that makes it like it, and then is persuaded by his spiritual consciousness, it will definitely be shaken and actively enter the blood pattern. Quit.

A flash of light flashed through his mind.

Shi Yan concentrated his mind and communicated with the consciousness of the thousand-year earth core fire, constantly persuading it to actively enter the blood pattern ring, spreading his sincerity and friendliness.

The blood pattern ring fell on the fire crystal jade.


Clusters of flames emerged from the fire crystal jade and the blood pattern ring. Among the flames, there was the breath of the earth's core fire that had lasted for thousands of years, and it was extremely hot.

In the fire crystal jade, that fist-sized ball of ten thousand-year earth core fire is still changing into various forms. It seems that it has not come out of the fire crystal jade, but only released part of its power to explore the blood pattern ring. I want to see it. What exactly is inside the Blood Pattern Ring, and can it be entered?

Shi Yan noticed the cautiousness of Ten Thousand Years Earth Core Fire.

Instead of urging it with his spiritual consciousness, Shi Yan just waited silently, waiting for the decision of the Earth's Core Fire for thousands of years.

The fiery power of the Ten Thousand Years Earth Core Fire quietly penetrated into the blood pattern ring, and secretly explored the blood pattern ring to see if this small ring was a satisfactory place for it.

The solid ice covering the body became more and more unbearably hot.

Shi Yan's forehead was already stained with sweat, and he felt a little nervous.

Time passed quietly, and with every second that passed, the ice would melt by a minute. Time dragged on for too long, and it would be difficult for him to walk out of the magma pool alive.

I don't know how long I waited, but when Shi Yan was sweating all over his body, the ten thousand years of earth heart fire finally took action.

The earth core fire in the fire crystal jade curled up and gradually emerged from the fire crystal jade. Based on the trust in Shi Yan, the earth core fire suddenly wrapped around the blood pattern ring.

The fist-sized ball of ten thousand-year-old earth core fire became smaller and smaller under Shi Yan's gaze.

Shi Yan could see that wisps of flames gradually flew into the blood pattern ring and drilled into the small fire crystal jade inside the blood pattern ring.

Shi Yan's face was full of surprise, and he stared at the ten thousand year earth core fire for a moment.

Soon, the fist-sized earth core fire completely disappeared within the blood pattern ring.

After the earth core fire disappeared, the blood pattern ring glowed with a red halo, flickering.

The blood pattern ring suddenly moved.

A circle of rainbow light rippled out, and the blood pattern ring took the initiative to fly out from the fire crystal jade, floating in the magma pool, and slowly came towards Shi Yan.

Shi Yan did not hesitate, reached out to grab it, held the blood pattern ring, and put it on his finger again.

His mind sank into the blood pattern ring.

Within the blood pattern ring, a strange vortex enveloped the Black Ice Flame, sealing all the breath and power of the Black Ice Flame.

In another area, in the fire space where clusters of flames condensed, a small fire crystal jade stayed quietly inside. In the fire crystal jade, a ball of fire was extremely active, constantly changing into various forms.

Black ice, cold flames, and thousands of years of earth-centered fire are all in the blood-patterned ring. They are separated into two different tiny spaces. They are clearly distinct. Their powers do not conflict or affect each other.

Shi Yan's mind sank, and he immediately noticed the life fluctuations of the black ice and cold flames, and the joyful consciousness of the thousands of years of earth's core fire.

The two kinds of flames coexisted in the blood pattern ring, each exuding their own breath of life, but they seemed unable to feel each other.

It's amazing!

The Xuanbing Cold Flame and the Ten Thousand Years Earth Core Fire, one attribute is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. The two flames are together. Once their powers interfere with each other, each other will be restrained by the other.

The Black Ice Cold Flame is better. After all, it is too powerful. However, if this ten thousand-year-old Earth Core Fire, which has not yet fully evolved its life form, is suppressed by the power of the Black Ice Cold Flame, its evolution will be very difficult. It would be extremely disadvantageous.

The Blood Pattern Ring opens up two spaces to separate the Black Ice Cold Flame and the Ten Thousand Years Earth Core Fire. Although they are both within the Blood Pattern Ring, their power is limited to a small area. Not only do the forces of the two sides not interfere with each other, , even the consciousness of life is divided, and each other cannot feel the other's existence.

"Is it coming in?" Xuan Binghanyan sent a message.

"Well, I'm already in."

"Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you get out of here quickly?"

"Well, I'm starting to float."


Shi Yan popped up from the surface of the magma pool, covered in red, with only a thin layer of white smoke lingering around his body.

There was an icy cold air in the white smoke. The cold air spread out and offset the heat of the magma, preventing Shi Yan's body from being burned.

Arriving at the surface of the magma pool, Shi Yan felt at ease.

The power of the flames of the magma here is actually very weak. It is so weak that Shi Yan feels that even if all the power of the black ice and cold flames is consumed, his physical body can withstand it.

Of course, Shi Yan did not waste time. He climbed up from the red rock wall next to him without waiting for the white mist to completely dissipate.

The Dragon-Slaying Sword came into play at this time.

With one stab of the sword, a hole was cut into the red rock wall. Shi Yan kept swinging the sword, turning his body into stone, and touched the red rocks with his flesh and blood. However, he found that his palm only hurt faintly, and was not affected by the iron. The red rocks are burned.

His body, tempered by the power of the earth's core fire for thousands of years, has adapted to high temperatures. After entering the third stage of petrification, the physical defense has also improved to a higher level, making him completely unafraid of the high temperatures in this area.

Soon, with the help of the Dragon-Slaying Sword, Shi Yan gradually climbed up the crater.

A full moon hung high in the starry night sky.

Under the bright moonlight, Shi Yan emerged from the crater in red, and shouted loudly: "Master Mo, are you here?"

"Hoo ho ho!"

The sound of green-blooded demon bats flying through the air suddenly came out.

Not long after, a Shura Blood Guard, who was in the first level of heaven, came riding a level four green-blooded magic bat.

"Master Yan, great changes have occurred in the Jialuo Sea in the past six months. Master Mo has returned to the Undying Island first. He asked me to stay and wait for you." The Shura Blood Guard bowed.

Big change?

Shi Yan was stunned, frowning and looking at the green-blooded demon bat, his face full of doubts.

(To be continued)

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