God of Killing

Chapter 21 Metamorphosis

Shi Yan's limbs were spread wide, and he was lying on his back. His face was red as if blood was oozing out, his chest was beating rapidly, he was breathing heavily, and his body twitched from time to time.

Looking up at the bright starry sky, Shi Yan felt that every cell in his body was trembling. As his body twitched, his muscles, tendons, bones, and internal organs were all expanding and contracting in a regular rhythm.

Without using a trace of essence, he slowly closed his eyes and felt the wonderful changes in his body after losing strength, felt the strange tremors in the muscles and bones, felt the decomposition and reorganization of cells, and felt the passing power condensing bit by bit... …

As a hardcore extreme sports fanatic, Shi Yan understands that this limit is often just the beginning of the next one.

The limits in the human body can be constantly broken, and the limits can be surpassed over and over again. The potential of the human body is endless and has no limit.

The experience of extreme sports tells him that only by breaking the limits can we make great progress.

With his eyes closed and without using any energy, he could clearly feel the changes taking place in the muscle cells.

After careful consideration, he quickly realized that the "Immortal Martial Spirit" in his body began to act, repairing his body in a way that he could not understand, reorganizing his torn muscle tissue and becoming stronger and tougher. !

Overloaded gravity exercise can increase explosive power. Only when the muscles are torn at the extreme limit will they become stronger and more powerful during the next reorganization, the size will also increase, and the explosive power will also be enhanced.

As an extreme sports fanatic, Shi Yan is well aware of the truths that have been practiced repeatedly and knows the methods to increase physical strength as quickly as possible.

Feeling the soreness of the muscle cells in his body, and carefully comprehending the effect of the "Immortal Martial Spirit", Shi Yan slowly smiled, forced himself to sit up, took out the food from his backpack, and indulged in a hearty meal.

High-intensity exercise consumes too much body energy. If the body wants to recover as quickly as possible and gain stronger strength, sufficient food is essential!

Pieces of dried meat were bitten into the abdomen. As soon as the dried meat fell into the intestines and stomach, it was quickly digested by the intestines and stomach and turned into nutrients for the body.

Quickly, he ate all the food for five people in his backpack.

Shi Yan felt the changes in his body, and the smile on his face deepened. He moved his hands and feet slowly for a while, and finally closed his eyes, silently moving the essence to move around the world.

As soon as Jing Yuan moved, Shi Yan's body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

As expected!

The speed at which essence flows through the body's tendons is definitely three points faster than before!

After the body reaches its limit, it becomes extremely sensitive, and the tendons are extremely active. When traces of essence flow in the tendons, the tendons seem to absorb wisps of weak essence. Under the nutrients of those essence, his muscles are The pulse seemed to have swelled a bit and became extremely tough!

Shi Yan had long guessed that the tempering of the body was as crucial as the cultivation of Jingyuan, and the two complemented each other.

When the body is strong enough, the speed of cultivation and accumulation of Jingyuan will also be accelerated. The stronger the body, the greater the help for the gathering and use of Jingyuan. The two "martial spirits" hidden in the body may also be strengthened. a little.

After trying it today, Shi Yan finally confirmed his guess and grinned.

In the grass in the distance.

"Xiaodie, why are you here? You should have a good rest. Only with enough sleep can your martial spirit recover as soon as possible." Luo Hao sensed Mu Yudie when he used the gravity field to deal with Shi Yan. When Shi Yan was lying on his back, unable to rest, he came here quietly and blamed Mu Yudie as soon as he came up.

"I couldn't sleep. I was wandering around and saw you practicing." Mu Yudie was obviously not afraid of him and smiled softly.

After a pause, Mu Yudie suddenly said with a pretty face and a strange expression: "Uncle Luo, are you... too cruel? I remember that when you trained Zhao Xin, you only used three times the gravity field. At that time, Zhao Xin was in the realm of the second level of the innate world, and he had the foundation of physical training. But you, this guy, has five times the gravity as soon as he comes up, what do you think? "

Luo Hao had a wry smile on his face, shook his head, and sighed: "I used five times the gravity as soon as I came up. I didn't want him to waste energy at this time, and I wanted him to quit before the difficulties. Who knew, who knew that this kid could actually It was so crazy that I was dumbfounded in the end. I wanted to stop it several times, but he didn't want to!"

"You mean, your original plan was to scare him off immediately? He would never dare to come to you for a trial in the middle of the game again?" Mu Yudie rolled her eyes and was almost speechless.

"Yes." Luo Hao sighed, "You also know that controlling the gravity field still requires some energy, and you can't be distracted. I don't want to waste my strength, and I don't want him to be unable to walk the next day. We can't walk, it will affect our speed. You know, this kid will be a madman."

"Uncle Luo, how many laps did you expect him to give up in the first place?"

"Four laps!"

Luo Hao stretched out four fingers and said in a deep voice: "Generally, warriors who have just entered the innate realm and have not undergone systematic physical training can only complete four laps under a five-fold gravity field. Five laps may be enough." It’s the limit. I see that kid is so thin and frail, and he will stop on his own initiative after just four laps.”

"...Well, he has completed eleven laps." The expression on Mu Yudie's pretty face was extremely weird. She couldn't help but raise her head and quietly glanced into the distance, only to see Shi Yan sitting there as calm as a mountain. , actually started practicing again, "Ah, he, he actually sat up again!"

"What? He can still move?" Luo Hao was stunned, glanced at Shi Yan from a distance, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Madman, this guy is a madman! If he behaves like this, he won't even be able to move tomorrow. Under this intensity of training, he will find that there is no part of his body that is not in pain tomorrow, and I think our schedule will need to be adjusted tomorrow."

"Hey, this is the only way. He is such a random guy." Mu Yudie shook her head and smiled strangely.

Early the next morning, the sun had not yet risen and the fog was heavy.

"Xiaodie, come down, let's go." Under the ancient tree, Luo Hao called softly.

"Let me sleep a little longer." Mu Yudie murmured like she was dreaming, "Why do we have to set off so early today? Aren't we sure that guy won't be able to move today..."

"They are already waiting for you." Luo Hao whispered, the horror on his face has not disappeared.

Ten minutes ago, Shi Yan came over in full swing and asked for three pieces of food.

In front of him, Shi Yan ate up the food for three people like a whirlwind, then patted his belly and said with a satisfied look on his face that he was ready to go. Luo Hao was shocked and speechless for a moment. He used a command The man stared at Shi Yan with horrifying eyes for several minutes before he recovered and muttered: "Pervert!"

"Is that guy waiting for me too?" Mu Yudie murmured, rubbing her eyes reluctantly.

"Here he is, he is more energetic than us." Luo Hao smiled bitterly.

"What?" Mu Yudie woke up suddenly, with strange light in her beautiful eyes, searching for traces of Shi Yan under the tree. When she found that Shi Yan's body was as straight as a javelin, and his eyes were glowing, she was like Luo Hao. , also opened his mouth wide, and muttered in a low voice: "What a pervert!"

Shi Yan carefully looked at what he was wearing again, and after making sure there was nothing unusual, he frowned and said, "Uncle Luo, Miss Mu, where do I look like I'm abnormal?"

"The whole body looks like it!" Mu Yudie chuckled and suddenly felt in a very good mood.

Her beautiful smile was like the arrival of spring, and all the beautiful scenery in the dark forest seemed to be covered up by her smile.

Zhao Xin and Hu Long suddenly had obsession in their eyes, but they immediately reacted and lowered their heads to cover up in embarrassment, not daring to look into Mu Yudie's eyes.

Shi Yan narrowed his eyes and scanned Mu Yudie's ethereal face boldly, "Miss Mu, if I were a pervert, I would be the first to attack you. You'd better be careful tonight, I will If you can't control yourself, you must scream loudly when the time comes. I like to hear the crazy screams of women the most."

"Presumptuous!" Diyalan snorted coldly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that there is another beautiful woman. I may be favoring one over the other, which is why the beautiful woman is angry. Don't worry, I will also remember to find you, so don't be jealous." Shi Yan suddenly understood and patted his head repeatedly. I blame myself, as if I have really forgotten something important.

"Giggle! Giggle!" Mu Yudie covered her stomach and laughed happily in the tree. She laughed so hard that the flower branches trembled and she almost fell from the tree. While laughing, she pointed at Shi Yan and said, "You... Guy, it’s so interesting, how could there be such an interesting person like you, haha..."

Diyalan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh, with a look of helplessness against Shi Yan.

Zhao Xin and Hu Long had astonishment on their faces, and their expressions were as weird as they could be.

The two of them couldn't figure it out. When they treated the two beauties, they had always been polite and polite. They were afraid of offending the beauties in some way. They had to be as careful as possible. However, under their attentive service, the two beauties rarely treated them. Smile.

This guy Shi Yan was not polite to the two beauties at all, and his words were so frivolous, but these two beauties were not stingy with their smiles at all. What the hell is going on?

"Ahem!" Luo Hao glanced at Shi Yan strangely and said with a smile, "Okay, stop making trouble, let's set off."

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