God of Killing

Chapter 23 Fang Mercenary Group

Zhao Xin and Hu Long hurried to the grass and surrounded Mu Yudie in the center.

Mu Yudie, who had been hiding in the grass, stood up embarrassedly, glanced at Shi Yan from a distance with a red face, and secretly thought that he was embarrassed now.

But Mu Yudie immediately realized that her worries were unnecessary. After taking a look, she found that Shi Yan did not pay attention in her direction at all. His dark eyes were staring at the direction in which Luo Hao rushed out, as if A beast waiting for an opportunity.

A big cycle quickly circulated through the body, and the soreness and numbness in the body eased little by little. Shi Yan had a sullen face, while silently recovering his strength, paying attention to Luo Hao's area.

"Follow me! 'Fire Cloud Demonic Python' is about to die, follow closely and don't let it escape!"

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow quickly!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

From the forest not far away, there were shouts and screams, and arrows flew rapidly through the air, chasing the prey.

"Hoo ho!"

A fire suddenly broke out in the forest, and the raging fire covered the entire area. Thick smoke curled up, lingering in the woods, and the choking people kept coughing.

"Kakaka! Puff! Take, take, take!"

The sounds of ancient branches bursting in the forest, the sound of arrows flying, and the sounds of running and fighting could be heard incessantly. In the woods not far away, a battle was in full swing.

"Someone!" A cry suddenly came from the forest, with a bad tone, "You want to snatch the victory?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't want the 'Fire Cloud Demonic Python' to hurt my people, so I stopped the 'Fire Cloud Demonic Python' from escaping that way." Luo Hao's voice suddenly came from the forest, like a Japanese There was some dispute.

"Hmph! We, the Fang Mercenary Group, have been keeping an eye on this 'Fire Cloud Demonic Python' for half a month. I hope you won't step in."

"I said, I'm not interested in this level four monster." Luo Hao explained.

"Uncle Luo seems to have had a dispute with someone. Let's go over and take a look." Mu Yudie frowned and raised his head in the grass, but couldn't see the situation clearly, feeling anxious in his heart.

"Go and have a look!" Hu Long snorted, "I've heard of the Fang Mercenary Group. This mercenary group has a bad reputation. Uncle Luo, don't suffer any losses."

"Then let's go there quickly." Mu Yudie became even more anxious after hearing what he said.


Zhao Xin nodded and said to Hu Long and Diyalan: "In the past, we still had to surround Miss Mu. Even if there was a fight, Miss Mu's safety must be the top priority."

"Nonsense, do you still need to explain this?" Diyalan said impatiently.

The group of four people murmured and quietly left from the grass, heading towards Luo Hao.

Shi Yan was not in a hurry and waited for a while before slowly standing up.

Feeling the active energy in his veins, he first moved his hands and feet slightly to ensure that the sensitivity of his hands and feet would not be too affected by fatigue, and then walked unhurriedly in the direction where Mu Yudie and the others passed. go.

"Hey!" Someone called in surprise, "Beauty, hehe, there are two beauties here. I have been wandering here for two months and I have never seen beauties of this level."

"Captain, you can promise us that you will meet our needs here, but you can't keep your word."

"Shut up, didn't you see that the famous flower has an owner?"

Shi Yan walked over slowly, frowning and looking around. ,

On the ground, there was a huge python with flame patterns all over its body and a length of seven or eight meters. The fire was shining in its tail, its body was full of arrows, and there was a blood hole between the eyes on its head, which was "gurgling" with blood.

Next to the "Fire Cloud Monster Python", there were eight mercenaries wearing the same kind of warrior uniforms. They all had fangs tattooed on their exposed left arms. Each of these mercenaries was tall and strong, with good looks. Rough and powerful, even the worst ones have innate realm cultivation.

The head of the group had short brown hair that stood up like steel needles. There was a long scar on the left side of his face, one extending to his neck, which looked extremely ferocious on his face.

After Shi Yan came over, he happened to see the members of the Fang Mercenary Group rubbing their hands one by one and looking around Mu Yudie and Diyalan with glowing eyes. The obscene meaning in these people's eyes was clear at a glance.

Only the leader did not look at Mu Yudie and Diyalan, but looked at Luo Hao with a sullen face. His right hand was curled up in his cuff, which flashed silver light from time to time, as if he was ready to kill at any time.

"Go home and see your mother!" Under the obscene gazes of these mercenaries, Diyalan was the first to hold back and cursed loudly.

"Haha, this bitch is so cool! She's my type!" A rough mercenary with his bare chest and thick chest hair laughed loudly, clapped his legs and shouted: "Captain, I want this bitch!"

"Come here if you have the guts!" Diyalan pulled out the dagger from her waist and assumed a fighting posture, "Come on, let me see if you have the guts or not!"

"Haha, here I come!" The big man was very excited and was about to rush over.

"Tumu!" Barnard shouted softly and said calmly: "Everything can be discussed, don't act rashly."

"I know, captain." The big man with chest hair named Tu Mu chuckled, straightened his lower body towards Diyalan, and said with a silver smile: "Girls, we will take off our clothes and play hand-to-hand combat in a while. That's more exciting. Then you can You know how powerful the uncle is!"

"I will chop up a few ounces of your meat." Diyalan sneered without showing any signs of weakness.

Mu Yudie's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, her pretty face was full of disgust, but she didn't say much, as if she was already used to it.

"Who asked you to come here?" Luo Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought that something was wrong. He knew the habits of these mercenaries very well. The mercenaries who hunted monsters in this area lived a life of licking blood from their swords. Maybe it will be torn apart by monsters that day.

Because this kind of pressure always exists, people who work in this area have no moral principles and often engage in burning, killing, annihilating, and looting.

Mu Yudie and Diyalan are both beauties, and beauties are a scarce resource here. The delicate bodies of beauties are the best way to relieve stress, so when Luo Hao saw them coming out, he knew something bad was going to happen.

Shi Yan walked over silently, stood next to Luo Hao, and secretly looked at the people of the Fang Mercenary Group.

"Tu Mu!" Barnard, the leader of the Fang Mercenary Group, shouted, the scar on his face shook, and he said with a ferocious expression: "Get materials!" When he spoke, his cold eyes were still on Luo Hao and Shi Yan The others were patrolling, and the silver light shone in their sleeves.

"Yes!" Tu Mu stopped teasing Diyalan and waved his hand. Three more mercenaries came forward, holding daggers. The four of them were covered in blood and moved on the "Fire Cloud Demonic Python". They skillfully moved the demonic python. Peeling the skin and cramping, gouging out the eyes of the demon python, and carefully pulling out the fangs of the demon python one by one.

Barnard and the remaining three mercenaries have been looking at Luo Hao, Shi Yan and his group with cold eyes. As long as Luo Hao and the others make any move, they will immediately take action to hurt people.

Luo Hao had a sullen face, and the broadsword in his hand was also gleaming with light, and said: "We are not interested in the 'Fire Cloud Demonic Python' at all. Just get busy, we will leave now." Luo Hao saw that Barnard was not easy to mess with, I don't want to cause trouble, I just want to get Mu Yudie to a safe place as soon as possible.

When Barnard saw that Luo Hao and others were really leaving, he was slightly startled and suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

Luo Hao turned around, his face suddenly turned cold, and he hummed: "Everyone, we don't want to have any disputes with you, but don't go too far."

"Hehe." Barnard smiled, his face softening, "My friend misunderstood, I have no other intention, I just want to make a deal with you."

"What deal?" Luo Hao was stunned.

"I'll use one eye, three fangs, and two meters of python skin from the 'Fire Cloud Demonic Python', and trade them with you for those two women." Barnard pointed at Mu Yudie and Diyalan, and said with a smile, "I These brothers have been holding it in for a long time and need to solve it. Women here all have a price, and I think the price is fairly fair, what do you think?"

"Fuck!" Hu Long's eyes almost burst into flames.

Zhao Xin snorted coldly, Mu Yudie also gritted her teeth gently, Diyalan waved the dagger in her hand and shouted: "If you have the guts, come and grab it!"

Only Shi Yan squinted his eyes and said nothing.

Luo Hao stretched out his hand to stop Diyalan's chaos, shook his head slightly towards her, turned around and said calmly: "I'm sorry, they are my partners, not my private property, and we will not exchange anything."

"Oh, forget it." Barnard nodded and said casually, "See you later."

"See you later." Luo Hao looked at him deeply and shouted: "Let's go!"

Luo Hao glared at Diyalan, told her not to speak, and signaled her to leave quickly.

Zhao Xin and Hu Long were very angry, but under Luo Hao's eyes, they did not dare to get angry. They could only quietly walk around Mu Yudie and leave. Shi Yan touched his nose and left without expressing any opinion.

"Captain, are you going to do it again this time?" After Luo Hao and his group disappeared in the forest, Tu Mu grinned strangely, "We know the captain's hobbies, and we will not compete with the captain for that little girl. , but the leader wants to give us a taste of that hot bitch."

Barnard's eyes became colder and colder, and he nodded slightly, "Collect the materials on the demon python first, and we will act according to the same rules later."

"I understand." Tu Mu sneered, "That bitch still wants to stamp on my roots, I will kill her in a moment!"

"She is a flower with thorns. Although she is a little worse than you, she is still in the realm of the third heaven. Be careful and don't capsize in the gutter." Barnard snorted, "Remember to kill the male first." , don’t just be busy fucking women, give me some points, don’t let any of them go!”


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