God of Killing

Chapter 262 The Power of Heaven

Half a month later.

Dishan, Duolong, and Yurou, the three leaders of the Yi Clan, and the three leaders of the Yinmei Clan, Yi Tianmo, came to the stone palace where Shi Yan temporarily lived.

In the stone palace.

Shi Yan was as calm as water, sitting on the stone ground motionless. In front of him, Pan Zhe and six warriors from the Endless Sea had gray faces, desperate eyes, and somewhat dull expressions.

The four daughters of Cao Zhilan hid in the stone room and could not come out for a long time.

Shi Yan opened his eyes, looked indifferent, smiled slightly, and said, "You are here."

Yu Rou smiled and nodded, "How is it? The time is up, I think we should set off? What about you, are you ready?"

Di Shan squinted his eyes, his deep eyes wandered over Shi Yan for a while, and nodded secretly in his heart.

One and a half months have passed, and Shi Yan seems to be only one step away from reaching the third level. Shi Yan's mind is firm, his strength is strong and refined, and his body naturally exudes a calm and capable aura. He is full of confidence and does not seem to bear any difficulties in his heart.

From the perspective of Emperor Mountain, Shi Yan is undoubtedly very strange. Not only does he have immortal blood, he is also physically strong and unpredictable, and he is cruel and ruthless. He is definitely a person who can do great things.

During this period of time, he had been silently observing Shi Yan, watching Shi Yan treat those warriors from the Endless Sea as soul experiment subjects, causing their souls to explode and die one by one without any reaction.

Shi Yan's cold methods were an excellent quality in Dishan's eyes.

"Ready." Shi Yan stood up slowly, looked up at the sky, and said: "The changes in the world over the Yin Beast Mountain are more obvious. We really need to set off early."

After a pause, Shi Yan said again: "Are you ready?"

"Us?" Jia Meng was stunned and asked strangely: "What do we need to prepare? Can't we just go with you?"

Kaba and Duolong also looked puzzled.

On the other hand, Di Shan, Yu Rou, and Yi Tianmo frowned slightly, seeming to have guessed some of Shi Yan's intentions.

"Once the barrier on the other side of Yin Beast Mountain is broken, the six of you will naturally enter the mountain immediately." Shi Yan pondered for a moment, and then said seriously: "There must be something weird inside Yin Beast Mountain, and there is a way out to the outside world. It is very likely that it is among them. When the way out appears, this abandoned land may undergo earth-shaking changes, and it may collapse soon. You can leave quickly. Where are your people? The wealth you have accumulated over the years , don’t you need to take it away?”

Kaba and Yameng suddenly changed color.

"Go and prepare, don't say I didn't remind you." Shi Yan said lightly: "It's best to call all your tribesmen to the foot of Yin Beast Mountain. If the situation goes bad, evacuate immediately. If it's too late, When that space collapses, you still know the consequences before you leave."

Kaba, Jiameng and Duolong turned around and left without saying a word, with hurried expressions and slightly flustered expressions.

Dishan, Yurou, and Yitianmo stayed behind.

"You..." Shi Yan was surprised.

"You don't have to worry about it. I've already given orders over there. As soon as you leave the city, my people will follow you immediately." Yi Tianmo frowned.

"Di Shan and I have already made arrangements. As long as I send out a message, people from our two tribes will set off with us. Our Yi tribe is closer to Yin Beast Mountain. When we arrive at Yin Beast Mountain, we The people of the two tribes are almost at Yin Beast Mountain." Yurou smiled sweetly, "Shi Yan, you think very far, and you actually know that the day when the barrier of Yin Beast Mountain is broken is when we must leave. "

"It's obvious." Shi Yan smiled, looked ahead and said, "It seems that we will be delayed for a day or two more. When Kaba and the others are ready, we can set off immediately."

"You can leave now." Dishan said a little impatiently, "Don't worry about those three people. It will take time for you to break the barrier. Maybe by the time you break the barrier, their people will arrive."

"That's it..." Shi Yan pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's fine."

Looking at Pan Zhe and others with a smile, and then at the four girls who came out of the stone room timidly, Shi Yan said to Yi Tianmo: "Bring these people with me, I'll keep them for use."

Yi Tianmo frowned, rolled his gray-white eyes, and suddenly said coldly: "These four girls are still virgins. Aren't you going to use their bodies to contain the backlash?"

"Yes." Shi Yan nodded, "I'm lucky, no such abnormality occurred during my cultivation. But when I break the barrier, I don't know if that kind of situation will occur, so I asked you to help me Take it with you. In short, they are my protection, what? Is there a problem? "

Di Shan and Yu Rou also looked at Yi Tianmo strangely.

"No problem." Yi Tianmo snorted and responded lukewarmly, "I will send someone to take them all with me. What else do you want?"

"No more." After stretching, Shi Yan glanced at the four daughters of Cao Zhilan and said to Di Shan and Yu Ju: "Okay, we can go."

"Let's go." Yu Rou landed next to Shi Yan lightly, pulled her hands, and immediately grabbed Shi Yan's shoulders. Her snow-white wings vibrated, and her mature and graceful body disappeared under the gaze of everyone.

"You handle these people." Di Shan said this to Yi Tianmo and left immediately.

Yi Tianmo looked at Cao Zhilan, Pan Zhe and others with a gloomy face in the stone hall, with a little strange light shining in his gray-white pupils.

The power of spiritual consciousness flew out from his eyes and disappeared silently into the minds of Cao Zhilan, Pan Zhe and others.

The faces of Cao Zhilan and others changed, and their hearts were awe-inspiring. They knew what Yi Tianmo wanted to do, but they were unable to resist.

Yi Tianmo's use of soul power far surpassed that of Shi Yan. His consciousness penetrated into the souls of these people. Even Cao Zhilan knew nothing about it and could not sense anything.

The peeps and explorations of his spiritual consciousness are not as traceable as Shi Yan's. It makes people feel as if there are hundreds of insects burrowing into their minds, which makes people feel fear.

Cao Zhilan and He Qingman were all worried and did not even dare to look at Yi Tianmo, not knowing what he wanted to do.

After a long, long time.

Yi Tianmo slowly retracted the power of his spiritual consciousness that he had released, and suddenly snorted coldly and said lightly: "You guys come with me."

After this exploration, he found that the soul restrictions of Pan Zhe and others had all been broken by Shi Yan. Even women like Cao Zhilan had no restrictions in their minds that could restrain their power.

However, in the minds of all male warriors, there are many new hidden soul restrictions. Shi Yan has placed restrictions deep in the soul of every male warrior that are difficult for ordinary people to detect.

Cao Zhilan, Gu Linglong, and Qu Yanqing also failed to escape this disaster.

Shi Yan also planted soul seeds in their souls, and those three soul seeds are about to sprout. This means that even if the three women leave Shi Yan in the future, their every move will not escape Shi Yan's influence. Knowledge mastery.

He Qingman was the only one whose soul was clean and had not been tampered with.

If Yi Tianmo wanted to, he could easily wipe out the soul seeds before they took root.

However, he was worried that Shi Yan would find an excuse to make things difficult for him when he saw him again, so he had no choice but to give up.

Yi Tianmo cursed Shi Yan's viciousness in his heart, but his figure gradually flew out.

Not long after, Yifeng and others received a message from Yi Tianmo and came over one after another. At Yi Tianmo's signal, Yifeng and others took Pan Zhe and others and flew into the sky one by one, heading towards the Yin Beast Mountain. .

In the ancient city.

All the Yinmei clan members began to take action. After receiving the signals from the three commanders, those who had been prepared long ago and belonged to Yi Tianmo set off in a mighty manner, lining up in an orderly manner. Go outside the city.

The Yinmei clan members belonging to Kaba and Gameng were slightly panicked. Under the shouts of Kaba and Gameng, they eagerly collected precious items, shouting and shouting, dragging their families and their families with them, creating chaos.

Many members of the Yinmei tribe in the city were in a hurry. Each of these people looked happy, as if they did not know the dangers in the future, but they just felt that they could return to their ancestral land this time.

The three great commanders, Yi Tianmo, constantly instilled the beauty of the ancestral land into their subjects. Every member of the Yinmei tribe imagined the ancestral land as a land of gods and felt that there were all the beautiful things that belonged to them. Everything is available there.

...Yin Beast Mountain.

Deep into the mountain tops of the sky, huge Yin beasts were roaring up to the sky.

More Yin beasts are scattered in every corner of Yin Beast Mountain. Hundreds of Yin beasts appear very uneasy, and even emerge from the belly of the mountain, as if they are aware of the danger.

Deep in the sky, lightning and thunder are running rampant, the wind is howling, and there are bursts of thunder.

Lines of dazzling firelight flashed from the depths of the sky. Deep in the firelight, a collection of colorful light points could be vaguely seen. They were torn gaps in space, containing terrifying divine power that could strangle all living creatures.

Every member of the Yi tribe and the Yinmei tribe knows that in the sky at the top of Yin Beast Mountain, there is divine power that can destroy the true gods. Knowing that the existence of that divine power is to restrict the powerful men of their two tribes and let them The people of the two tribes will never be able to leave this place.

The strange scene in the sky made the Yin Beast tremble, and also made the aliens who saw it panic, realizing that the most terrible disaster might be coming.


A slender and sharp dazzling divine light suddenly shot out from the depths of the sky. The divine light was like a huge scythe, directly slashing at the top of Yin Beast Mountain. The divine light flashed, and a piece of hundreds of hundreds of pieces was cut out from the top of Yin Beast Mountain. The meter-long boulder suddenly rolled down.

The huge roaring Yin beasts were instantly transformed into blood mist under that divine light, leaving no bones or residue behind, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

More Yin Beasts were extremely frightened, screaming miserably, and subconsciously began to shrink into the Yin Beast Mountain, not daring to show their heads again.

At this time of great power, Shi Yan, led by Yu Rou, finally arrived at the foot of the mountain with an extremely solemn expression.

(To be continued)

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