God of Killing

Chapter 308 Critical Attack

The two water pillars burst out with an endless wave of energy. Amidst the dazzling light and water arrows, the water pillars quickly disappeared.

Immediately, Shi Yan and Man Gu finally met face to face on the water waves, and a thunderous roar suddenly exploded from the collision of their fists and feet.

Groups of dazzling beams of light instantly enveloped the two people, and the two figures suddenly blurred. In just a few seconds, they clashed hundreds of thousands of times.


When the waves hit the ground, the two men were entangled, and they dived directly into the bathing place like spears, carving out a huge cave in the bathing place.

In the crazy infusion of water, all kinds of violent forces shot out from the holes, creating water dragons with unparalleled power.

The water poured crazily like a hole, and then transformed into "water dragons" that shot out into the sky. The water dragons rushed up to the sky, and the energy slowly dissipated, and then turned into fluffy drizzle, flying down from the sky.

"Damn it, I can't see it!"

"Why did you suddenly enter the underground? It's such a bummer. I really want to rush underground and have a look."

"If you want to die, just go in and take a look. I promise I won't see you tomorrow."


In the stands of the crumbling tavern, many warriors complained one after another. They were itching to go down and take a look, but they were afraid that they would not be able to bear the aftermath of the two people's power, so they could only stay in the tavern, sighing endlessly.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the ground that was dug like a deep well, Shi Yan and Man Gu were entangled together. The violent force in both bodies exploded. All kinds of violent energy that could crush ordinary warriors burst out after the two bodies collided. , amidst the thunder-like silent explosions, deep water channels were everywhere in the ground.

Shi Yan activated the petrified martial soul, and his body was as hard as iron stone. The negative power in his body was like a manic wave, gathering with the essence and rolling crazily in his body.

Every time he punched out, there was a heaven-shaking explosion that came from the bones of his hand.

In the thrilling release of relief, his well-tempered body gave him an unparalleled wonderful feeling, as if his body was filled with endless power and had to explode.

When Man Gu's violent brute force blasted into his body, Shi Yan felt extremely painful all over his body, as if even his cells, flesh and blood had been shattered.

However, in the heart-wrenching pain, he actually enjoyed it very much.

He even had an extremely weird illusion, feeling that his body was a magical weapon... The ancient hammer-like bombardment that fell on him seemed to be indispensable for tempering some kind of magical weapon. In one step, Mangu's strength that was enough to break the inside of his body seemed to be just the right amount for his body to achieve some kind of wonderful tempering effect.

The fleshy body like steel and iron bones, under the ancient bombardment, the cells are constantly dividing and reorganizing, the tendons are tightened, as if they are about to break at any time, even the bones are cracking, and the bone marrow in the bones seems to be starting to Something changes.

The strange essence of black ice cold flames and earth core fire hidden deep in the body, under this beating, miraculously integrated into the bone marrow and became a part of his physical cells and blood vessels. The medicinal power of various absorbed elixirs also truly It all melted away and filled every drop of blood in his body.

Under Mangu's crazy bombardment, he felt surprisingly wonderful!

But Mangu didn't like this feeling... As the leader of the new generation of the Savage Religion, he had been receiving the most overbearing power instillation from the Savage Religion since he was a child. He was born with divine power since he was a child, and his muscles and flesh were different. Compared to ordinary people, this physical body gives him unparalleled strength, allowing him to practice the various violent martial arts of the Wild Sect to a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Mangu has always believed that he is the new generation of Barbarian God, and no one at the same level can confront him head-on.

However, today's battle with Shi Yan made him realize that the legend of the body of the barbarian god that had been passed down by his barbarian religion was not the only truth.

In this world, it turns out that there are people who do not need to practice the various magical powers of the Savage Religion, and do not need to resort to the maddening elixirs of the Savage Religion to achieve the powerful physique that he can get!

The terrifying power he unleashed with all his strength was enough to shatter the body of a demonic beast of the same level. The physical strength of the demonic beast was far beyond the comparison of warriors of the same level.

He once tried, and indeed he punched a Level 5 monster "Blue-Eyed Armored Lion" until its internal organs exploded and he died tragically on the spot.

The blue-eyed armored lion demon body is so powerful that the internal organs of the demon beasts in the physical body are even covered by pieces of flesh armor. Even if the powerful essence of a normal warrior penetrates, it is extremely difficult to break through those flesh armors and directly damage their internal organs.

But he just punched, and the crazy explosive power attached to the fist directly broke the internal organs in the blue-eyed armored lion demon's body, and even the flesh armor was shattered.

Unparalleled divine power.

He believed that there was no pervert in the world with stronger brute strength and tougher body than him.

But today, all the violent force that he was proud of was raging on Shi Yan's body like a violent storm, but it was unable to directly smash Shi Yan's internal organs.

He even had a strange feeling of fighting against a ten thousand-year-old rock. He felt that when his fist came down, it hit some kind of rare rock. He felt that what he was hitting was not a flesh-and-blood body..." Boom boom boom boom boom!”

An overwhelming roaring wave came from the huge hole deep into the ground. Water dragons meandered and flew into the sky, twisting in the crystal water with a dazzling look.

Waves of tremors penetrated the ground and spread from the center of the bath. Wherever the tremors passed, the earth began to crack open.

The originally crumbling tavern finally could no longer withstand the continuous attacks. Amidst the screams, many warriors flew over and fled.

Before all the warriors could evacuate from those taverns, the remaining taverns finally collapsed one after another under the continuous tremors.

Xia Xinyan, Ye Changfeng, and Lin Yaqi, like many warriors, moved away and settled in trading venues far away from the bathing beach. The trading venues were made of the unique Lieyang Stones of the Japanese Island. Each trading ground has its own unique formation protecting it underground.

Therefore, all kinds of tremors in the ground were offset one after another when they hit those trading venues.

The trading floor is safe and sound.

Soon, many drowned warriors moved their positions and went to the trading ground to watch.

Xia Xinyan, Ye Changfeng, and Lin Yaqi are also in this group.

None of the three seemed to be worried about Shi Yan. Xia Xinyan looked calm, while Na Ye Changfeng and Lin Yaqi looked interested and talked about it all the way.

The abnormal vibrations in the ground in the distance became more and more fierce, so fierce that even the elders who were practicing in seclusion on the Sun Island in Shengguang Mountain were alarmed.

Halfway up the mountainside of the island, several figures with hot auras quietly appeared at the entrances of hidden caves. They were covered by ancient trees at the cave entrances and looked down coldly.

A beam of blazing holy light passed by.

Tang Yuannan, the current leader of the Three Gods Sect, quietly appeared on the mountainside. Standing on a dense wild pine, he raised his hand and waved towards several nearby cave entrances.

When the old men who emerged from the retreat cave saw his wave, they immediately gathered around him and stood beside him.

After the old men stood up, Tang Yuannan smiled calmly, pointed to the noisy bathing place below, and said, "The person who fought against Man Gu is Shi Yan."

The eyes of several old men with weathered but energetic eyes shone strangely upon hearing this. One of them bowed slightly and said in a deep voice: "Can the leader really be sure that he is the successor of the Star God?"

Tang Yuannan looked serious and said solemnly: "It's half true."

Several leaders of the Three Gods Religion were shocked. When they looked down, their expressions became more focused, as if they were considering the future of the Three Gods Religion.

"According to the rules of the divine religion, once he succeeds in nirvana, regardless of his previous status, he can become the new generation of star gods of our divine religion." Tang Yuannan looked solemn and said in a deep voice in front of several elders: "The divine religion As long as five of the current nine elders agree and agree for him to become a Star God, he will be a new generation of Star God and will immediately have a lofty status in the divine religion. You should weigh it carefully. I think it will be the day when he succeeds in nirvana. , it should be...very close."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several elders of the Three Gods Sect changed slightly.

"Once his identity as Star God is confirmed, then the rights of the Three Gods will be reshuffled. Some of you must give up the interests in your hands." Tang Yuannan looked at these Three Gods with deep meaning. The elder pointedly said: "I know that it may be difficult for everyone. Some things are easy to get and difficult to give up, but I hope you can make some sacrifices and concessions for the religion. Even I will Use part of the existing profits in your hands as a stepping stone for the new generation of Star Gods."

The elders of the Three Gods Religion remained silent.

"Leader, I heard that he seems to be from the Yang family?" The elder suddenly spoke up.

Tang Yuannan sighed in his heart and nodded helplessly, "Yes, Emperor Yang Qing sent Xiao Hanyi, one of the three Shura Kings, in order to bring him back, which shows how much he is valued. Fortunately, Emperor Yang Qing cannot come back for the time being. If we Being able to seize the opportunity and tie him firmly to the Divine Religion will be a great blessing for the Divine Religion."

"If he has the rights and interests of the divine religion, but he is bent on the Yang family, what should we do?" The elder was stunned.

"The divine religion has the rules of the divine religion." Tang Yuannan pondered for a moment and said with a solemn expression.

Several elders' expressions changed, and they nodded secretly. They immediately stopped asking any more questions and focused their attention on the bath below again.

They wanted to see if the guy below was qualified enough to make them willingly give up their existing interests.

Opportunities must be fought for by oneself.

(To be continued)

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