God of Killing

Chapter 32 Thunder Winged Silver Wolf

The low roar of the monster beast sounded from the distant jungle.

"Tap tap! tap tap!"

The sound of heavy running kept coming in the silent night. Judging from the weight of the footsteps, it seemed that there were humans running.

He didn't know whether warriors were hunting monsters or monsters were preying on humans. Shi Yan couldn't tell, but he didn't want to get involved. He said to Diyalan: "Hide yourself, don't meddle, and remember the fang mercenaries." Lessons from the regiment.”

Diyalan nodded and whispered to Mu Yudie in the tree hole: "Don't make any noise, just stay in the tree hole."

"Let's go and hide in a big tree with dense leaves." Shi Yan pondered for a moment, moved quickly, and soon found an ancient tree with dense leaves and squatted down.

He just squatted down, and Diyalan followed him, hiding side by side among the leaves.

The two of them looked around through the gaps in the leaves, holding their breath and hiding their breath, for fear that someone would discover something.

Not long after, five panicked mercenaries came over from a distance with embarrassed expressions.

The five people are more or less decorated, the first one is in the human realm, and the other four are in the innate realm.

The group of five people panicked and fled in panic. They looked back from time to time, as if there was some savage beast behind them.

There really is!

Only when the five people appeared in Shi Yan's sight did he find a "Fire Cloud Monster Python" and two "Frost Lizards" quickly flitting through the forest, and "Silver Armor Poisonous Scorpions" the size of washbasins also appeared from there. The five people appeared from the left side, as if they were planning to outflank the five people.

The five people looked anxious and continued to rush towards the forest ahead without choosing the right path.

Shi Yan's expression changed, and he thought that they were finished.

The five people couldn't see it, but Shi Yan could see clearly that in front of the five people running for their lives, there was a four-meter-long, extremely strong silver wolf!

Silver Wolf has two silver wings that are five to six meters long. The wings are full of wonderful patterns, which looks very mysterious and strange.

Although this was the first time he saw this silver wolf, Shi Yan had heard rumors about it before. It was the "Thunder Wing Silver Wolf", a seventh-level monster, the top of the food chain in the dark forest!

As soon as he saw the "Thunder Winged Silver Wolf" appear, Shi Yan realized that this time it was not mercenaries hunting monsters, but... monsters preying on humans!

The bloody predation begins in an instant!

When the group of five people rushed into the forest and saw the "Thunder Wing Silver Wolf" who had been waiting there for a long time, the five people immediately screamed in despair.

The "Thunder Wing Silver Wolf" did not give them a chance. As soon as the Thunder Wings spread out, loud thunder and explosion sounds were heard continuously around the five people. Three of the five people were blown to pieces on the spot!

"Thunder Wing Silver Wolf" stood there proudly, motionless and did not make another move.

But the chasing monsters swarmed up and entangled the remaining two people in an instant.

Under the joint attack of "Fire Cloud Monster Python" and "Frost Lizard", the two people were entangled, one was poisoned to death by the "Silver Armored Scorpion", and the other was bitten to death by the "Frost Lizard".

"Crunch!" "Crunch!"

There were creepy sounds in the silent forest.

In addition to the "Thunder Wing Silver Wolf", those monsters came forward to surround the bodies of the five mercenaries, chewing on their bones.

Diyalan looked horrified and didn't dare to look at that side.

She is not afraid of killing people, but she still has some taboos when monsters eat people ferociously, which makes her feel vomiting.

Shi Yan stared at the monster calmly among the leaves, silently calculating in his heart.

When the five mercenaries die, their essence will gradually dissipate, and as time goes by, it will eventually overflow between the heaven and the earth.

If he could get to that area before the essence disappeared completely, he could benefit from it!

However, there were so many monsters eating the corpses there, and he did not dare to act rashly. He only hoped that the monsters would leave soon.


In the very distance, a human scream was heard. The scream was extremely shrill and full of despair.

The "Thunder Wing Silver Wolf" who was standing there indifferently suddenly roared and rushed out.

Several monster beasts that were about to eat up the corpses of the five mercenaries immediately stopped eating at its low roar and hurriedly followed it out, as if looking for other human prey. .

As soon as he saw the monsters, Shi Yan, who was hiding in the leaves, suddenly jumped down from the tree and walked toward the bloody corpse like a ghost.

Diyalan was startled and screamed softly from the tree: "What are you doing?"

"Go and have a look. I'll be back soon. Don't leave." Shi Yan didn't even look back. He rushed to that area as quickly as possible and stood among the broken limbs on the ground, closing his eyes and feeling.

Fortunately, although I came late, there is still a little bit left. Well, warriors in the human realm do have more energy on their bodies, and there is still 20% of the energy that has not dissipated.

Wisps of essence that are invisible to the naked eye, as if attracted by a magnet, penetrated into his pores and merged into the acupuncture points in his body...

Feeling the power contained in those essences, a satisfied smile appeared on Shi Yan's lips.

Not long after, all the energy that had not dissipated here merged into Shi Yan's body.

Looking at the stumps and internal organs lying on the ground, Shi Yan frowned and endured the pungent smell of blood as he rummaged through the backpacks with pieces of flesh and blood stuck to them on the five corpses.

The food is stained with too much blood and possibly the venom of the "Silver Armored Scorpion", so it must be inedible. Crystal coins are of little use here, and carrying too many will affect the speed. Therefore, in the backpacks of these mercenaries, I didn’t even bring too many crystal coins.

After rummaging for a while, he only found some materials from the monster beasts and some healing powder.

Poor guy.

Shi Yan muttered in a low voice, wiped his bloody hands clean in his backpack, and then walked in the shadow of the big tree, heading towards the ancient tree where Diyalan was hiding.

"Howl!" "Howl!"

In the dark forest, there was a roar of monster beasts. Just when it was about to dawn, the monster beasts went out everywhere, seeming to be systematically hunting down the human warriors and mercenaries in the forest.

Listening to the heart-stopping roars, Shi Yan was not surprised but overjoyed.

The actions of the monsters will definitely affect the group of people chasing them. Those who dare to move at night will definitely alarm the monsters tonight. The more people there are in the group, the more obvious the target. Maybe those An Ming and Mo family People with fangs will also suffer heavy losses tonight and become the focus of the monsters' care.

He guessed correctly...

That night, Mo Chaoge and others did receive special care from the monster.

Because they were eager to hunt down Shi Yan and Mu Yudie, this group of people did not rest at night after Hu Long committed suicide, and continued to search for traces of Shi Yan and his group in the dark forest, which in turn attracted the attention of the monster beasts until It took five corpses for the group to realize the reality and hide in the ancient tree.

"What did you do?" Diya Landai frowned slightly, "Are the things on those people worth the risk for you? If a monster returns on the way, or you are discovered by another monster, you won't be able to escape at all. ah!"

"Am I not safe?"

Shi Yan climbed up the ancient tree, without explaining what he had really obtained in the past, and said with a stern face: "There is something strange tonight. I don't know why, those monsters suddenly went crazy, and they went around chasing the mercenaries and warriors in the forest. Maybe someone did something to make a high-level monster angry, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"Then what should we do?" Diyalan looked helpless, "Should we go on our way?"

"Wait a minute, those monsters have been busy all night, and they shouldn't appear during the day. Let's set off again at noon."

"That's fine."

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