God of Killing

Chapter 341 Miracle!

The blazing sun, the bright moon, and the stars in the sky all gathered on the light shield above the head. The light shield was like a huge mirror, reflecting all the sun, moon, and stars!


Such a strange scene made Shi Yan feel shuddered, and he suddenly realized that an ancient religion like the Three Gods Religion indeed had something to admire.

He also stayed in the Yang family for a while, and the sacred mountain formed of pure spar on the Immortal Island once gave him such a shock.

Compared with the wonders of these three gods, the sacred mountains piled with crystal stones are naturally formed and are masterpieces of nature. But here, it was obviously man-made. It was hard for him to imagine who it was and what kind of magic power he had to create such a miracle.

Looking up at the sky, he found that the sun, moon, and countless stars that appeared above the light mask emitted wisps of strange light. Those rays of light intertwined together and slowly condensed into droplets of milky white water. , dripping from the light shield above the head in three directions toward the dilapidated palace below.

"Come up with me and take a look."

Tang Yuannan smiled casually, suddenly flew into the sky, and landed in the center of the three milky white light pillars dripping down below. There he waved to Shi Yan, gesturing for Shi Yan to follow him.

Shi Yan was stunned, suddenly a little embarrassed, and said: "I just suddenly reached the realm of Nirvana. With my true power, I can't levitate in the void."

Tang Yuannan was stunned for a moment, feeling a little strange. He subconsciously thought that with the strength Shi Yan was showing now, flying in the air should be a piece of cake, so he didn't reach out and lift Shi Yan up. Now when he heard what Shi Yan said, he immediately understood Shi Yan can possess such a strong power, it is definitely not his true cultivation level.

"I'll take you up." Tang Yunan smiled, and instantly came to his side, reaching out to grab his shoulder.

Shi Yan was suddenly alert and subconsciously wanted to use the power in his body to be ready to fight back at any time.

Tang Yuannan reacted immediately, stopped his movements in a hurry, spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "I mean no harm, you don't have to be so nervous, right?"

"There is no harm in being cautious." Shi Yan's expression remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand and pointed at a believer of the Three Gods Religion casually, and said: "Let him send me to heaven."

He was a Heavenly Realm warrior from the Three Gods Religion. He was only in the first level of heaven. He was very old. The look he just looked at Shi Yan was filled with fear. He should be the kind of person who cherishes his life very much.

After being pointed out by Shi Yan, his expression changed and he was a little reluctant. He shook his head quickly and smiled dryly: "My cultivation is shallow. There are many people here who are more advanced than me, so you should find someone else."

When he said this, he further exposed his caution. This kind of person is most afraid of death, and he is the kind of person who will definitely not do anything without absolute certainty.

"It's you." Shi Yan insisted.

The man wanted to cry but had no tears, and cursed secretly in his heart, but he had no choice but to look at Tang Yuannan with a mournful face, as if hoping that Tang Yuannan would say something to dispel Shi Yan's decision.

"Bring him up." Tang Yunan's eyes turned cold and he said impatiently, "Hurry up, don't waste my time."

The man had a wry smile on his face, his head drooped, and he cautiously walked towards Shi Yan, fearing that Shi Yan would suddenly attack and freeze him instantly.

Shi Yan looked indifferent and just looked at him coldly. When he came in front of him, he said calmly: "As long as you are honest, I will be very peaceful. If you are not honest, hehe, then I will let you." It’s not easy.”

The man's face changed and he became more cautious. When he came to grab Shi Yan, he kept staring at Shi Yan's eyes, secretly paying attention to the energy fluctuations in Shi Yan's body. When he was sure that there was no violent power in Shi Yan's body, he suddenly After exploding, he took a deep breath and lifted Shi Yan up to the sky.

Many believers of the Three Gods Religion had strange expressions and looked at Shi Yan in a rather complicated way.

Shi Yan's caution exceeded their expectations, and Shi Yan's vision was also surprisingly accurate, and he actually chose this guy who was famously afraid of death in the sect.

With this guy leading Shi Yan, the people of the Three Gods Sect believed that even if Tang Yuannan had bad intentions, he might not be able to achieve the expected goal through this guy.

Under the leadership of that person, Shi Yan slowly lifted into the air with him, and slowly came to Tang Yuannan's side. When he was thirty meters away from Tang Yuannan, Shi Yan suddenly coughed lightly.

The man's face changed drastically, but he was very sensible. He stopped in a hurry and did not dare to get closer to Tang Yuannan.

Although this guy was afraid of death, his eyes were not bad. He knew what Shi Yan was worried about. In order to prevent Shi Yan from messing up, he was really honest and peaceful and did not do anything to make Shi Yan unhappy.

Tang Yuannan was a little dumbfounded, shook his head slightly, then pointed downwards and said to Shi Yan: "In the center of the three temples below are the three pools of the Sun, Moon and Stars of the Divine Sect. It can be said that the foundation of the Divine Sect is this. Three Pools of Moon and Stars.”

Shi Yan looked down, his eyes full of surprise.

In the center of the three dilapidated temples, there were three oval pools the size of football fields. The water in the pools was crystal clear, with a strange phosphorescence on the water. In each of the three pools, there were the sun and the moon. Among the reflections of the stars, in the center of the sun pool, a huge reflection of the sun stood still, with the faint halo of the sun appearing.

The same goes for the moon pool. The bright moon is like a big silver plate, standing still in the pool water, and the silvery white moonlight spreads quietly.

Only the star pool seemed slightly strange.

In the star pool, countless star reflections, like fist-sized fireflies, are constantly moving in it, seemingly following some magical trajectory. As the star reflections move, the starlight in the star pool shines brightly. It gives people a feeling of vitality, which is very strange.

In the light mask above the head, drops of light from the sun, moon and stars in the mask condensed into droplets of milky white water, which fell into the three pools of the sun, moon and stars "tick-tick-tick".

After the water droplets gathered by the light of the blazing sun fell into the sun pool, the water droplets seemed to be alive, drifting spiritually towards the reflection of the blazing sun in the center, becoming part of the reflection of the blazing sun, making the sunlight reflected in the blazing sun The halo is brighter.

The same is true for the water droplets collected by the light of the bright moon. After the milky white water droplets fall into the moon pool, they also float spiritually towards the reflection of the bright moon in the center of the moon pool, becoming part of the reflection of the bright moon, making that round of bright moon's reflection. The brilliance is brighter and softer.

The water droplets coming from the stars all over the sky are different. These water droplets are very precise. When they fall into the star pool, they magically fall directly onto the reflections of the stars, and are directly reflected by the stars appearing in the pool. The reflections merged, making the reflections of the stars seem like reality.

Looking at the star pool below, Shi Yan had a wonderful feeling of being deep in the universe. He felt that the star pool was like the Milky Way, in which the stars were ethereal and bright, and seemed to be moving slowly according to the rules of heaven and earth, giving Shi Yan A mysterious and profound feeling, very wonderful.

"This dilapidated palace is the holy land of our Three Gods Sect. It is located in the center of the triangle of the three islands of Sun, Moon and Star." Tang Yuannan looked up at the light shield and explained to Shi Yan with a smile: "Above our heads, Above the vast sea water are the three islands of the sun, moon and stars. The three islands of the sun, moon and stars of our divine religion are actually just three formations of the three pools of the sun, moon and stars that gather the power of the sun, moon and stars. Those three islands have been around for thousands of years. Come, it has been running, gathering the light of the sun, moon and stars in the nine days, and according to a wonderful way that even I can't understand, it purifies the energy of the sun, moon and stars that have been collected for thousands of years, and turns it into this milky white water droplet, from above our heads. The light shield drips into the three pools of sun, moon and stars."

Shi Yan was shocked.

Looking up at the strange light shield, looking at the condensed milky white water droplets, and thinking about what Tang Yunan said, a strange thought suddenly came to his mind.

The principle of this huge ancient formation of the Three Gods Religion was the same as that of the solar energy in his world, only more magical.

In his original world, there were many ways to utilize solar energy, using special materials to absorb the sun's energy and form electrical energy and thermal energy, which were then utilized by people.

The Three Gods Religion did something even more miraculous. They used the three islands of the sun, moon and stars, the light shield above the ruined palace, and the three pools of the sun, moon and stars to not only collect the energy of the sun, but also gather the energy of the moon and the stars in the sky. And it will be condensed into this kind of milky white water droplets, forming magical energy that warriors can directly soak in and absorb.

Obviously, the ancient formations of the Three Gods Religion are even more weird and magical. This is not comparable to the solar energy in that world.

"You should know that the martial souls of our Three Gods Sect all come from the Three Pools of Sun, Moon and Star. If a newborn baby has outstanding talent and is immersed in the Three Pools of Sun, Moon and Star, he or she will have a chance to possess the martial soul of Sun, Moon and Star. , has the strange ability to directly absorb the sun, moon and stars." Tang Yuannan looked proud and said: "Among the many forces in the Endless Sea, most of the martial spirits are carried at birth and cannot be formed later. We are the only three gods. Only by teaching can we use the Three Pools of Sun, Moon and Star to allow babies without martial souls to possess martial souls through immersion. It can be said that our Three Gods Sect can create strong martial souls!"

Shi Yan nodded emotionally and said, "Not bad."

"The foundation of our divine religion is here. The three islands of Sun, Moon and Star above are just three formation eyes, but they are part of maintaining the normal operation of this place. There are also many restrictions on those three islands, even if they are red The power of Yan reaches the sky and can break the Great Sun's Holy Light Sky Curtain, but it is difficult to smash the Sun, Moon and Star Islands."

Tang Yuannan smiled and said to Shi Yan: "In other words, the foundation of our Three Gods Religion is almost difficult to shake. As long as this place is not destroyed, our Three Gods Religion can continue to accumulate strength and select new-born babies to train follow-up A master. It is precisely because of this foundation that we can still develop again after the death of the Star God and the Moon God a thousand years ago."

Shi Yan nodded again.

"The Flame Sun Martial Spirit, the Star Martial Spirit, and the Silver Moon Martial Spirit between you and the Moon God were the first to be condensed from the formation of the Sun Moon Star Three Pools. They are superior to all the later Sun Moon Star Martial Spirits. ! These three martial spirits are different from those that come after them. Not only can they condense more power of the sun, moon and stars, they can continue to evolve, and they can also be inherited. This may be the most magical handiwork of those who built this temple. This is why, with the Of these three great martial soul masters, the three gods of the Divine Sect, the Sun, the Moon and the Star, will definitely be the ones to take the lead.”

When Tang Yuannan said this, his eyes shone brightly and he said to Shi Yan: "Whether you admit it or not, you are the star god of our Three Gods Religion with this kind of martial spirit! Now, you can soak in the star pool and gather stars. Use the power of the pool to unlock the imprint of the Star Martial Spirit, and truly possess the Star Martial Spirit."

Shi Yan's expression perked up and he smiled calmly: "Then I'll be disrespectful."

(To be continued)

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