God of Killing

Chapter 35 Blocking the door

Shi Yan slowly opened his eyes and looked at Diyalan who was indulging in surprise with a smile, "Congratulations, Sister Lan."

After figuring out the strange uses of the mysterious martial spirit, Shi Yan was also very excited. Diyalan just messed around with him for a few days, got some benefits, and miraculously broke through to the human realm. It can be seen that this mysterious martial spirit has endless magical uses. .


Diyalan's beautiful eyes were filled with gratitude.

Of course she knew that the series of changes in her body were all due to Shi Yan. In the past few days, she had really felt the benefits.

"Well, maybe it has something to do with the power of the medicine in my body, but it was also obtained through Sister Lan's hard work." Shi Yan looked indifferent and said: "Sister Lan, you have reached the realm of human status. You can take a look at your 'Blue Demon Flame' Has the martial spirit changed?"

Diyalan smiled brightly, like a flower in bloom, and stretched out her left hand, a ball of blue flames "spurting" out of her palm.

This ball of fire, about the size of a watermelon, gradually covered her entire left hand.

The blue flames seemed to have a spiritual surname, turning into fiery snakes that circled around her smooth wrists.

As Diyalan's thoughts changed, the wonderful "blue demon flame" changed into various forms. The flames sometimes turned into the form of a spiritual snake, and sometimes turned into a bird, lifelike, as if it could fly out of her hand at any time.

"The moment I broke through to the human realm, I felt the 'Blue Demon Flame' change, and the martial spirit strengthened..." Diyalan's mouth was full of smile, "Not only did it change from the size of a fist, it became a sincere human being. It is about the size of a head and has the ability to condense objects. This is its second stage."

Martial soul condensate?

Shi Yan nodded, and immediately realized that Diyalan's "Blue Demon Flame" martial spirit was quite extraordinary, and praised: "Then I really need to congratulate Sister Lan."

"It's not all thanks to you." Diyalan's eyes were rippling with blue waves, she was smiling, and there seemed to be spring feelings coming out of the corners of her mouth.

"This, how is this possible?"

Mu Yudie on the tree, her delicate face was full of disbelief, "It's only been ten days, how could Sister Lan break through to the human realm so quickly. Sister Lan, I remember that you seem to be in the third level of the innate world." You've only stayed in this realm for half a year, right?"

"Yes." Diyalan was very happy and said proudly: "It was indeed half a year ago that I entered the third level of the innate world. Even I did not expect to be able to break through the human level so quickly. I originally thought that it would take at least three to five years of hard training before I could advance to the human realm, haha."

Mu Yudie rolled her eyes and was almost speechless.

Could it be that...that guy's thing really has the magical effect of a god-level concoction?

Thinking of this, Mu Yudie blushed again, cursed herself secretly, and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Another five days passed.

Shi Yan and the other three continued to move cautiously in the dark forest.

For five days, every night, the dark forest was very lively. The roars of monsters and the screams of human warriors and mercenaries could be heard from time to time, which was frightening to hear.

Shi Yan realized that someone must have provoked a high-level monster. Over the past few nights, he would look for a quiet and safe area to rest, and would not go out at night.

Do not provoke monsters or mercenaries, and adopt a policy of avoidance.

It is precisely because of this caution that although the three of them did not travel much in the past five days, they did not encounter any major threats.

In addition, Shi Yan was lucky enough to meet some human warriors who were killed by monsters. Once the monsters left, Shi Yan would get the remaining essence of those people during their lives.

For safety reasons, he would wait until the monster left for a while before showing up.

Although each harvest was not big, the cumulative effect gradually made his body's "Petrified Martial Spirit" stronger.

Up to now, his body can be completely petrified in an instant according to his thoughts, the surface of his skin has turned dark brown, and his body's defense is slowly increasing.

In the past few days, he has never forgotten the practice of "rage".

It's just that the last level is a bit difficult to practice. Once he tries to activate the negative power in the acupuncture points on his head, he will have a splitting headache. When the essence flows back, he will faint under the severe pain.

After practicing for several days, I still haven't achieved a breakthrough in the last level of "Rampage".

After fainting several times in a row, he secretly guessed that the method might be wrong, so he gave up on blindly trying and planned to try another method in a few days.

It's late at night again.

Shi Yan and his three men hid in a dark cave in a valley, covering the cave entrance with shrub leaves and talking in low voices.

Outside the cave, the sound of monsters passing by came one after another. The roars and hisses of monsters seemed to fill all directions. There were countless monsters outside.

"There is something wrong tonight. It seems that all the monsters in the dark forest are out and about." Diyalan frowned, "This is too strange. Generally speaking, even if the mercenary warriors are active too frequently, the monsters are at most After two or three days of tossing, it’s impossible for so many monsters to come out and move around, and I don’t know what happened.”

"If the monsters make such a big noise, there must be high-level monsters behind them." Shi Yan said with a sullen face, "That 'Thunder Winged Silver Wolf' is a seventh-level monster, equivalent to a warrior in our heavenly realm. Not only does it have demon crystals in its body, but it also has intelligence that is not inferior to ours. It has taken the lead, so the matter is definitely not small."

"Fortunately, we have been very careful these days. We don't ask for how far we can walk, but we just want safety. Otherwise, we will definitely suffer." Diyalan nodded.

"Tap!" "Tap!"

The sound of messy footsteps suddenly came from outside. Judging from the sound, there should be human warriors walking around.

Monsters and beasts appear frequently in the outside world. If human warriors are active at this time, there is a high probability that nothing good will happen, and they are likely to be chased by monsters and beasts again.

"Would you like to go out and take a look? Maybe we can help?" Mu Yudie was kind and asked the two for their opinions in a low voice.

Shi Yan and Diyalan ignored it and said nothing.

"What? Do you want to die without saving me?" Mu Yudie frowned, seeming a little unhappy.

"There are monsters running rampant outside. We managed to hide ourselves well. Once the location of the cave is exposed, I think we will be in danger. Besides, how can you be sure whether the warrior outside is the God of Disaster? What if? I don't know how many problems it will cause if I covet your beauty, so I'd better stop meddling in my own business." Shi Yan snorted, not polite at all.

It's not that Mu Yudie has no brains. She understands these situations in her heart. She just said this because she didn't want to see others being killed alive by monsters.

However, being scolded by Shi Yan with a straight face, she couldn't help but look up, snorted, and whispered: "Cold-blooded! There is no human touch at all. It turns out that she is afraid of death. I thought..."

"That's not fear of death, that's seeking death!"

Shi Yan smiled coldly and grinned: "Miss Mu, you saved me twice, but I think I have repaid your favor. Please remember that the reason why I am still here is no longer It’s because of you, but because of Uncle Luo’s instructions.”

After a pause, Shi Yan continued in a deep voice: "I'm not your servant, don't mess with me with your young lady's temper! It really makes me feel unhappy, I'll just pat my ass and leave. You can make as much trouble as you like." "

"You!" Mu Yudie felt aggrieved, her eyes were filled with mist, and she gritted her teeth and choked, "You, you know how to bully me!"

"Okay, okay, we should unite at this time. We all want to go to the business alliance, and we will have more or less care when we are together. Don't lose your temper." Diyalan persuaded.

"not good!"

Shi Yan suddenly stood up, his face a little ugly, "Those guys seem to know there is a cave here, they are coming!"

"No way?" Diyalan was startled and hurriedly picked up the dagger and stood side by side at the entrance of the cave with Shi Yan, "What should I do?"

"Howl!" "Roar!"

The roars of monster beasts came from outside the cave, and more and more monster beasts seemed to be gathering here.

"Block the hole!"

Shi Yan's expression changed, and he stretched out his hand to hold down a rock blocking the entrance of the cave, and shouted: "Help hold it down, don't let anyone enter the cave! As long as someone enters the cave, the monster will definitely know that there is something fishy here, and will If we keep staring here, we will suffer disaster when the time comes!"

When Shi Yan entered the cave, he not only covered the outside with leaves and shrubs, but also moved a rock to block the entrance of the cave, just to prevent this from happening. Unexpectedly, it actually came in handy.

"Okay!" Diyalan was startled, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold up the rock blocking the entrance of the cave with Shi Yan.

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