God of Killing

Chapter 373 Hunter

Shi Yan had known that Aya was also a ruthless person, no better than Caiyi. At the bottom of the lake, when he sank into the octopus monster's mouth, he could clearly see Aya breathing a sigh of relief.

When leaving the bottom of the lake, Caiyi reminded him again and asked him to pay attention to Aiya, saying that this Aiya was the daughter of the lord of Baidi City. She was arrogant and pure. If she looked at her body, she would definitely kill her. Heart.

Therefore, seeing Aiya suddenly coming over, Shi Yan was secretly on guard, ready to deal with the attack from Aiya at any time.

Aya's expression was indifferent, her clothes were flying, and she came gracefully and stood in front of him.

Shi Yan's expression remained unchanged and he looked at him indifferently. He was secretly prepared, but then he grinned and said, "Didn't you go to find a remote place to meditate?"

Aiya looked at Shi Yan deeply with her beautiful eyes, but did not answer immediately. There seemed to be a little strange light shining in her eyes, as if she wanted to see through all the secrets of Shi Yan.

With a faint smile on his face, Shi Yan looked at her calmly without showing a trace of timidity, as if nothing had happened at the bottom of the lake and he was calm and at ease.

Aiya stared at Shi Yan for a while, then suddenly nodded slightly and said: "I really need to meditate to recover my essence. The Thousand-Hand Ink Octopus hurt me. My strength is greatly damaged now, so I must meditate immediately." That's fine. It's just that there may be something abnormal here all the time. I'm injured now and very weak, so I want to ask you to protect me."

Shi Yan was stunned.

He originally thought that when Aya came, she would immediately take action and kill him, so that he would not have any grudges against him, so that he would not suffer from mental difficulties because of him, and also to protect his pure body from being stained by his eyes.

Unexpectedly, when Aiya came over, she begged him to protect the law and never mentioned what happened at the bottom of the lake, as if nothing happened.

Shi Yan was confused in his heart, but he didn't show it. He nodded and said, "Okay."

Without saying a word, Aiya sat down in front of Shi Yan. The magic ring on her finger lit up, and pieces of bright demon crystal appeared in the palm of her crystal jade hand. These demon crystals were of different sizes, and there were more than ten pieces. , all containing power that can be directly absorbed, should be all Aiya's gains during this period.

She held the pieces of demon crystal in both hands, as if she was not sure which piece to take to restore her essence, looking hesitant.

Shi Yan stared blankly at the pieces of crystal demon crystal with surprise in his eyes, shocked by Aiya's harvest.

With so many demon crystals exposed, any warrior who enters the dark magnetic miasma would be greedy and might just rob them.

But for Shi Yan, although these demon crystals are precious, they will not make him lose his mind.

Aiya held the pieces of demon crystal and looked at them for a while, her eyebrows furrowed. After a while, she took a diamond-shaped red demon crystal, put the rest of the demon crystals into the Fantasy Sky Ring at will, and then told Shi Yan: "I I'm seriously injured, don't let anyone get close, otherwise I might not be able to withstand an attack if I'm in retreat."

Shi Yan's face changed slightly, his heart moved, his body shook slightly, and he suddenly understood.

This is naked temptation!

He took out pieces of dazzling demon crystals to arouse his greed, and also stated that he had been severely injured and his strength was greatly reduced, so as to induce him to attack.

Aya obviously wanted to kill him, but couldn't find a suitable excuse, so she took out pieces of demon crystals to make him have greedy thoughts, and took the risk to kill her while she was meditating.

So many demon crystals are just pieces of bait. She also said that she was hurt, and said that she was afraid of others approaching, but she kept encouraging her... He sneered in his heart, and Shi Yan suddenly realized that he had no feelings for Aiya at all. With insight, he secretly scolded Aya for being hypocritical and cruel. If she didn't need the help of the demon crystal to restore her essence, she might have taken the risk.

If he really decided to take action, he could be sure that Aiya would find a way to convey his actions to Caiyi and Borg, and use this reasonable excuse to kill him.

The crime of coveting the demon crystal of his companions and then attacking and killing her was extremely suitable for Aya.

With a bright heart, Shi Yan sneered. Looking at Aiya who was meditating cross-legged, he felt more and more that this woman had a sinister mind and was even scarier than Cai Yi.

When Aiya was meditating, Shi Yan looked at her coldly, his eyes unpredictable, and he was also fighting in his heart.

Although Aiya deliberately plotted against him, if he used all his hidden strength and Jingxiu was unprepared for her at this time, he might really be able to kill Aiya in an instant and leave her in a cocoon.

However, the risk is also extremely high. If Aya cannot be killed with one blow, once the fighting here attracts the attention of Caiyi and Laurie, and when those people arrive, it will be difficult for him to succeed. Once Aya I'm afraid it won't be easy to kill her after dodging one hit.

Weighing the gains and losses in his heart, Shi Yan's eyes changed unpredictably, and he finally decided to give up and prepare to fight Aiya for a short time to see what other methods she had.

Standing next to Aiya, Shi Yan leaned against a tree and looked lazy, as if he was really protecting Aiya.

After a long time, Shi Yan suddenly noticed something unusual about Cai Yi with the help of a trace of spiritual connection.

With a cold look in his eyes, Shi Yan unceremoniously exerted his restraining power.

On the other side, Cai Yi, who secretly wanted to peek into the restraint of the main soul, suddenly trembled, her face turned pale, and she covered her head in pain.

"Senior sister! Senior sister!" Boger was shocked. He thought Caiyi had gone crazy and shouted hurriedly: "What's wrong with you? Are you okay? How can I help you?"

Damn bastard!

Cai Yi cursed Shi Yan in her heart, covered her head and moaned in pain for a while, her beautiful eyes filled with resentment, and her delicate body gradually stopped trembling.

She knew that this was a lesson given by Shi Yan, but he did not really hurt her soul seriously, otherwise she would not be able to withstand the restriction in Calm's main soul with just one blow.

"I'm fine. There's something wrong with my strength. It'll be fine in a while." Caiyi reluctantly sat up straight, not daring to continue to peek at the restrictions of the main soul, and continued to use the demon crystal to restore the essence.

Not far away, a cold smile escaped from the corner of Shi Yan's mouth, and he raised his head and glanced in the direction of Caiyi.

For a while.

Aiya slowly opened her eyes, and all the demonic power of a demon crystal in her hand was absorbed, turning into an ordinary stone.

She glanced at Shi Yan with a slightly disappointed look, stood up silently, and said calmly: "It's almost time, let's go find Caiyi and the others."

Shi Yan nodded, but sneered in his heart and remained silent.

He could clearly see the disappointment that flashed across Aya's eyes. Through that look, he guessed that Aya had indeed bad intentions. She must have been secretly on guard during the retreat. As long as he made any move, This Aiya must immediately attack with all her strength, and she is bound to kill her.

The most poisonous woman’s heart!

Shi Yan cursed in his heart and followed Aiya, his eyes wandering around her back and buttocks, his eyes uncertain.

Aya suddenly turned around, her beautiful eyes flashing with cold light.

Shi Yan was startled, his essence suddenly surged throughout his body, and a violent aura was released from his body involuntarily.

Aya looked at him fiercely and said coldly: "Keep your eyes clean." After saying that, she turned around and continued flying.

Shi Yan was stunned, shook his head and chuckled, not saying much.

Soon, Caiyi, Berg, Laurie, and Lauren appeared in sight. When Caiyi saw him coming, her beautiful eyes fiercely stared at him, the resentment in her eyes was extremely obvious.

Shrugging his shoulders, Shi Yan smiled gracefully, pretending that nothing happened and said, "Is it time to set off?"

Caiyi also knew that she had lost her composure. She suppressed the anger in her heart and stopped looking at Shi Yan. Instead, she said to Aiya, "You can go."

Aiya nodded, glanced at the four people in Caiyi, and said, "Come with me."

He took out the compass and determined the direction. Aiya was in front, and continued to walk into the depths of the dark magnetic miasma as before.

...Another period of time has passed.

Follow Aya and continue to delve deeper into this dark magnetic miasma. Once Aya discovers an abnormality, she will ask Shi Yan to take risks, hoping that Shi Yan will die in the mouth of the monster or be killed by the warriors who come and go.

But Shi Yan always disappoints her. In all kinds of dangers, he can always save the day. It seems that his luck has nothing to do with his strength.

During this period, Shi Yan, Aiya, and Caiyi encountered several waves of monsters. By hunting the monsters, they obtained some monster crystals. They also met warriors from other teams. The two sides started fighting, and Shi Yan often This side wins.

There seemed to be no rules in the dark magnetic miasma. Strong people could plunder demon crystals from weak people as much as they wanted. Several times when they met other warrior groups, Aiya, Caiyi and others didn't even say a word. As soon as he sees someone he can kill, he goes up and strikes directly, even more ferocious than the monster.

Shi Yan has always preserved his strength.

He doesn't have much demand for demon crystals. Every time he encounters demonic beasts, he tries his best to take as little action as possible, and does not compete with Aiya and others for those demon crystals.

When he met the warriors, Shi Yan didn't look active. He didn't seem to be too greedy about the illusion rings on those warriors. He just stood and watched, letting Aiya and Caiyi harvest the spoils. There seems to be no greed.

However, unknowingly, by absorbing the essence of those warriors after their death, Shi Yan's essence was always in a full state and advanced to the point of breaking through the bottleneck of the third heaven of Nirvana.

The mysterious powers that followed several times did not flow to the essence light group, but escaped into the star martial soul. This made Shi Yan realize that the essence light group in his body is now refined and thick enough. If he wants to continue to improve, he is afraid that The state of mind needs to reach the third level of Nirvana.

In this way, he secretly paid attention and regarded the realization of realm as his main goal.

On this day, Shi Yan and his group of six people rested temporarily on a bare mountain suspended in mist.

Suddenly, piercing screams came from around Bald Mountain, and warriors in golden attire appeared suddenly, flying towards the six of them with grins.

Aya, Caiyi and others, who had been treating other warrior groups as prey along the way, changed their colors when they saw these warriors in golden attire, and immediately stood up to deal with them as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Shi Yan frowned and looked around. Just after looking around, he felt a chill in his heart, knowing that this time they were afraid that they would become someone else's prey.

(To be continued)

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