God of Killing

Chapter 4 Medicine Slave

Gurgling water, shaded by green trees, an earth dragon drinking water by the clear river, its body covered with packages of all sizes.

Next to Earth Dragon, a dozen tough warriors were feasting on their food, enjoying the food and talking about topics not suitable for children. Behind Dilong, there were also a dozen skinny people, their hands and feet were heavily shackled, squatting on the ground, looking down and eating nutritious food.

In a sedan chair on Earth Dragon's body, there was an old man with a cold expression, wearing a black and gray robe, with five exquisite white medicine bottles embroidered on the chest of the robe. The old man was thin and wearing a hair crown, looking down at those people. The shackled man looked like he was selecting pigs for slaughter.

The old man's eyes wandered uncertainly, and sometimes he would fall on those warriors who were eating and drinking, revealing an intriguing and sinister look. Every warrior he looked at would have a huge change in their expressions, and they would remain silent, as if they were very afraid of him.

"Have you finished eating? Let's continue on the road after eating." Mo Yanyu carried Shi Yan and walked through the bushes with a cold face.

Many warriors smiled dryly and put away the unfinished delicacies in their hands, saying repeatedly: "Eat, eat."

Mo Yanyu had a stern face and was full of impatience. When she came to the old man's side, she forced a smile and said: "Master Karu, have you finished eating?"

The old man nodded coldly and hummed: "Miss Mo, we are still three months away from the Merchant Alliance, but there are only sixteen medicine slaves you have found left. I'm afraid I won't be able to support the Merchant Alliance... "

"Don't worry, Master, we will continue to replenish the medicine slaves for you on the way." Mo Yanyu looked serious, threw Shi Yan to the ground, and said with a smile: "Look, isn't there another medicine slave?"

"Yeah." Karu nodded lukewarmly, his eyes wandering over Shi Yan's body like a poisonous snake, and frowned: "This kid is so thin, I'm afraid he won't be able to support him for a few days, right?"

"He is indeed thin, but he has essence in his body..." Mo Yanyu explained.

"Warrior?" Kalu's eyes brightened slightly, and he was obviously a little interested.

"He is indeed a warrior!" Mo Yanyu affirmed.

"That's about the same." Kalu smiled eerily, and began to look at Shi Yan more carefully. After a while, he slowly nodded: "Very good, Miss Mo, please feed him for me. I want him to be strong first. A A seriously injured warrior cannot withstand my torture, and it would be such a waste if he died early because he was too weak."

"Don't worry, Master." Mo Yanyu's dark eyebrows condensed with evil spirit, and she scolded: "Johnson, what are you still doing? Why don't you put shackles on this guy's hands and feet quickly!"

"Here we come!" A bald man nearly two meters tall with a sinewy face responded, quickly took out a pair of brand new shackles from Dilong, and roughly clamped the shackles on Shi Yan's hands and feet, completely ignoring Shi Yan. Will it hurt?

The big man was wearing heavy armor, and the muscles exposed outside the heavy armor were bulging and full of astonishing explosive power. His dark black heavy armor seemed as light as nothing on his body, and it did not affect his speed at all.

"Johnson, take good care of him and don't let him get pulled out of the team." Mo Yanyu glanced at Shi Yan with hatred, and then walked straight to the front of the team, as if she didn't want to get in trouble with Shi Yan. Stay aside for a second.

"Don't worry, miss, I'm the best at this kind of thing." The bald man Johnson grinned and beat his chest in assurance.


Shi Yan felt sore all over and watched the development of the situation coldly without saying a word.

He knew that in this situation, anything he said was useless. In this world of the jungle, no one would reason with you. He knew that if he did not adapt to this world, he would soon become a nobody. No one will take pity on the white bones that ask for help.

The weak essence in his body flows slowly, and the soreness and numbness in his hands and feet has improved a lot after this period of rest. However, the extra shackles on his hands and feet are dragging him down, making his body that has not yet recovered feel like he is carrying An iron mountain made it difficult for him to move forward.


Suddenly, his back was severely whipped with a whip. The whip came extremely quickly and with great force, causing the skin and flesh on his back to split open and causing burning pain. When he turned around, he found the big man named Johnson holding a leather whip and looking at him with a sinister smile on his face.

"Damn medicine slave! Leave quickly! Do you want to be whipped again?" Johnson cracked his mouth and laughed.

Shi Yan did not reply, but looked at Johnson very calmly for a few seconds. Before Johnson raised his whip again, he followed the medicine slave in front with difficulty and silently. He felt that every step weighed more than a thousand kilograms and required him to consume A lot of strength.

After Shi Yan turned around, the wild laughter on Johnson's face gradually subsided, and instead showed a strange expression.

Along the way, there were many dishonest drug slaves who were "taken care of" by him at first, because of his cruel and vicious methods. Two drug slaves were under his "care" before they were tested by Karu. He was beaten to death. When all the medicine slaves looked at him, there were only two expressions in their eyes.

Either fear or deep-seated hatred.

Only this person, when he looked at him just now, showed neither fear nor hatred, but was unusually calm, the kind of calm with a hint of coolness.

This man seemed to have no awareness of being a prisoner. I don't know if it was because he hadn't clearly understood the situation yet, or for some other reason.

That kind of calm gaze gave Johnson the strange illusion that he had become someone else's prey, which made him very uncomfortable. But because Shi Yan had already moved forward honestly, he could not find an excuse for the attack at the moment and could only After giving up, but secretly swearing in his heart that he must "take care of" from behind, this kid showed fear towards him.

He enjoyed the look of fear that others showed when they looked at him, which gave him the wonderful pleasure of being the master of other people's lives.


In the next few days, Shi Yan was taciturn, but extremely cooperative, letting him go as he pleased and stopping as he pleased, without any resistance or emotion. He seemed to be indifferent to the things around him. Among the uncooperative medicine slaves, Among them, Shi Yan looks very different.

Even Johnson, who wanted to teach Shi Yan a lesson, found it difficult to find an excuse to deal with him. Shi Yan was so cooperative that Johnson felt it was unreasonable, but he couldn't think of a reason why.

Shi Yan would only speak when he was taking a break to eat, and every time he would ask for food. Under Master Karu's instructions, his request was fulfilled every time.

Soon, those warriors discovered that Shi Yan was very edible. He ate even the low-quality food reserved for medicine slaves with gusto. The food he ate for the first time was probably the sum of the seven medicine slaves. After that, every day, His food intake will increase by one portion and will continue to increase.

This made many warriors find it incredible. They couldn't understand how Shi Yan's thin body could hold so much food. At first, these people were worried that Shi Yan would not be able to digest it, but they soon discovered that they were wrong.

Shi Yan's skinny body had quietly become stronger in a few days. Although the strength was not particularly obvious, all warriors with keen observation noticed this phenomenon.

Obviously, Shi Yan not only digested those low-quality foods, but also made those foods become nutrients for his body.

Shi Yan's physical changes made Master Karu very happy. This old man with gloomy eyes allowed Shi Yan to eat with confidence and boldly, and he must give him as much as he could without losing a cent.

Seeing Shi Yan getting stronger day by day, Johnson felt a little uneasy. Every time he saw Shi Yan's calm eyes with a hint of coolness, Johnson felt that this kid would be a disaster, but he didn't dare to disobey Kalu. He was ordered to provide Shi Yan with enough food without any deductions.

Fortunately, Johnson knew Master Kalu's methods, which made him somewhat reassured, and secretly hoped that Kalu would take action soon.


After eating food for twelve people in a row, Shi Yan stopped his movements, rolled up the last grain of rice at the corner of his mouth and swallowed it. Ignoring the surprised looks of the medicine slaves next to him, Shi Yan slowly closed his eyes.

The food for twelve people was quickly digested in the intestines and stomach. His body was like a bottomless pit and the most sophisticated instrument, grinding and decomposing the food one by one and transforming it into blood, muscles, bones, internal organs, and muscle cells. The nutrients made his originally thin body become stronger quietly.

The wound on his chest healed very early. It only took a day and a half for such a long wound to heal without leaving any scars. It was so miraculous that it made him realize that he was indeed different from before.

Only he himself knew how much his body had changed in just a few days. He could clearly feel this change every moment!

The food he ate turned into nutrients for his body, making his body gradually stronger. The weak essence in his body had doubled in strength due to the continuous flow of it day and night in the past few days!

He clearly felt that there was a lot of strength in his body, and the shackles that were once as heavy as mountains were no longer a big burden on him.

Concentrating his mind, he clearly felt that the essence in his body naturally started from the lower Dantian, followed the Du Channel up, and went down along the Ren Channel, passing through the three passes to communicate with Ren Du, making the heart and kidneys intersect, water and fire complement each other, and a small After the week ended, the essence in his body grew stronger again.

Shi Yan, who has some knowledge of qigong, knows the difference between the large and small Zhoutian. The small Zhoutian only follows the two meridians of Ren and Du, not the twelve main meridians, nor the other six meridians of the other odd meridians, but the large Zhoutian not only needs To walk through the twelve main meridians, you also need to walk through the other six extraordinary meridians, which is extremely difficult.

Among the twelve main meridians and the eight great wonders, he only has access to the two meridians of Ren and Du. He can only perform the Small Zhoutian, and the Great Zhoutian is difficult to circulate. From another Shi Yan's memory, he also knows that there is only the innate realm in this world. Only with a strong warrior can the twelve major meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians flow unimpeded, and then the great celestial cycle can be carried out.

Shi Yan was not discouraged. He knew that as long as the essence in his body was strong enough, sooner or later all these blocked tendons could be opened.

"Another one died. In six days, two people have already died after trying the medicine."

"I saw it. Before the man died, his body had already started to rot. It was so miserable!"

"Instead of dying like this, it is better to commit suicide. There is no hope for living. We are destined to be like them."

"We can't commit suicide! If we die by suicide, our relatives won't even get a blue crystal coin! Hey... let's endure it. After half a year, we will be free if we don't die, and we can also get a sum of money. For my wife With our kids, we have to keep going!”

As soon as this medicine slave said these words, the other medicine slaves fell silent one by one. The idea of ​​committing suicide seemed to be dispelled. They all suppressed the fear in their hearts and secretly told themselves that they must hold on.

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