God of Killing

Chapter 409 Devouring the Void Spirit

Shi Yan and Cai Yi stood side by side and spent ten minutes finally arriving underground.

There is a cave inside the ground, which seems to be hollow, with a huge swamp area.

In the swamp, there are strange trees with many rattans growing. Those trees are human-shaped, each one is ten meters high, and they are moving slowly in the swamp. Ghosts are wandering around in the swamp, exuding a cold... Evil thoughts can affect people's consciousness.

Those ghosts glowed with an oily green light, and the water in the swamp was also green, making the swamp very strange and gloomy, like a ghost world.

Dozens of Nirvana and Heavenly Realm warriors were scattered in all directions of the swamp, each with solemn expressions, fighting against the strange human-shaped trees and ghosts.

Once a warrior dies, all his blood will be drained, and his soul will be immortal. He will be quickly assimilated by those ghosts and become a ghost, staring at the warrior with human life and releasing terrifying soul fluctuations.

In the swamp, warriors from all sides gathered together and were fighting. Among them, Zhao Feng, Li Yue and his party were ten meters to the left of where Shi Yan fell. They were also dealing with the vines and ghosts, looking very nervous. dignified.

After Shi Yan and Cai Yi came down, they immediately arrived at the location of Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and others without stopping.

"Shi Yan, be careful, these vine demons and ethereal spirits are very difficult to deal with. Swords and various power attacks are ineffective against ethereal spirits. Only soul attacks containing artistic conception can destroy ethereal spirits. And those vines Demon, this is a foreign object between a living thing and a plant. It can suck human blood and use human blood to strengthen itself. Don't get entangled in those vines."

When Zhao Feng saw him coming, he immediately shouted loudly to remind him to pay attention to those vine demons and ethereal spirits.

"The vine demon can bombard with power. This kind of thing is very evil. Those vines have thorns. Once they pierce the human body, they will penetrate into the blood vessels and drain the warrior's blood. Don't be killed by those vines. It is entangled, and there are ethereal spirits, which have very terrifying corrosive power on the soul. Once they are drilled into the sea of ​​consciousness by the ethereal spirits, they will be controlled by the ethereal spirits."

Chixiao faced a vine demon's vines as if facing a formidable enemy, and his body was surrounded by thick smoke. His whole body was looming in the smoke. Once a vine came over, he would hide in the depths of the smoke, letting those vines It's hard to find his location.

Brothers Li Yue and Laurie were only focused on dealing with the Void Spirit and had no time to remind Shi Yan. When they found out that he was coming, they took the time to explain the power of the Vine Demon and the Void Spirit.

The three vine demons have roots stuck in the swamp, but they can move dexterously, as if they have legs, and they move very quickly.

A dozen virtual spirits were hovering around Zhao Feng, Li Yue and others. They seemed to understand the rules and attacked together every time. At the same time, they released violent mental fluctuations and attacked the Guangming Cult, Chi Xiao and others.

Under those mental fluctuations, Zhao Feng and Li Yue were able to cope with it with ease, but the Laurie brothers were a little miserable. The two of them kept retreating under those mental fluctuations with ugly faces, firmly guarding the sea of ​​​​consciousness, fearing His mind was occupied by those ethereal spirits.

Shi Yan observed carefully and found that many warriors had empty eyes and green pupils. Together with the ethereal vine demons, they were also attacking the warriors who entered.

Those people were obviously warriors, but they seemed to be occupied by the void spirit. They lost their own consciousness and were completely controlled by the void spirit. They only knew how to mechanically attack other warriors.

After Shi Yan and Cai Yi came here, they immediately joined the battle circle, and together with Chi Xiao, Zhao Feng and others, attacked the vine demons.

Shi Yan just glanced at it and found that there were many warriors in the swamp. It was just because everyone was fighting with the vine demon and the virtual spirit. In the turmoil of anger, he couldn't see the faces of those people clearly, so he made a rough total. , he knew that there were at least seven or eight warrior teams here.

There seemed to be a fight taking place further away, but it was difficult for him to see clearly because it was too far away.

Before coming to this island, his essence had been restored through the demon crystal. The black ice cold flame and the earth's core fire had recovered 70% to 80% of their power. Now they are dormant in the blood pattern ring, ready to respond to his call at any time. pop up.

With so much to rely on, he was not worried. He had enough time to deal with the entanglement of the canes and was still quietly paying attention to the surrounding situation.


Cai Yi gave a sweet shout and shouted to Shi Yan: "Behind you!"

A green ethereal spirit turned into a beam of green light, bypassed Laurie, and suddenly pounced on him.

The ethereal spirit is the evolution of the soul. It has no body, but has extremely strong soul fluctuations. Evil thoughts pierced into his mind one step ahead. The ethereal spirit quickly caught up and headed directly towards his sea of ​​consciousness. Come.

Before Shi Yan could turn around, he immediately felt a sharp pain in his head, like being stabbed by countless steel needles in his head.

In the severe pain, he was negligent for a moment. Just such a moment of negligence gave the virtual spirit an opportunity.

A green light suddenly disappeared in his mind.

The expressions of Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and others changed greatly. Cai Yi also had anxious eyes and shouted: "Shi Yan, calm down, don't be controlled by the virtual spirit!"

It is difficult for others to save this kind of soul-like invasion. Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and others watched helplessly as the virtual spirit rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness, and they were unable to do anything.

Every warrior's sea of ​​consciousness is a mysterious place that accommodates the main soul. If other people's consciousness rushes into the sea of ​​consciousness, it will only make the sea of ​​consciousness more chaotic. It may even make the sea of ​​consciousness become violent and accelerate. The control of ethereal spirits.

Therefore, seeing Shi Yan being rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness by the virtual spirit, Zhao Feng and others did not dare to rush in with their spiritual consciousness. They knew that if they did so, it would only make Shi Yan more chaotic.

To fight against the virtual spirit, you can only rely on your own soul cultivation and strong willpower. If you cannot resist the control of the virtual spirit, you will become its slave and sink completely.

Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and others were shocked. When dealing with the vine demon, they all looked at him distractedly, wondering if he could handle it.

Shi Yan knows the sea.

The ethereal spirit that penetrated deep into it caused a change in his sea of ​​consciousness. The countless strands of consciousness in the entire sea of ​​consciousness seemed to suddenly become powerless in an instant. A terrible mental fluctuation rippled from the ethereal spirit. Come, filling his entire sea of ​​consciousness.

His eyes suddenly became confused and empty.

When Chi Xiao and others saw Shi Yan's empty eyes, they all felt cold in their hearts and secretly screamed that something was wrong.

Cai Yi's pretty face changed slightly, showing a worried look, and shouted again: "Keep your mind!"

At this moment, Shi Yan suddenly grinned and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

The five demons lurking in the sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly turned into five huge phantoms, and rushed towards the ethereal spirit in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. The ethereal spirit showed an extremely panicked look in his sea of ​​consciousness, and unexpectedly Not daring to stay any longer, as if he had discovered something terrible, he hurriedly fled outside.

The five demons swarmed up and entangled the virtual spirit together. They opened their huge fang-filled mouths and directly ate the virtual spirit.

Within the sea of ​​consciousness, his main soul also opened its third eye, and the evil aura of the Nine Nether Soul-Eating Flames also quietly spread.

In just a moment, he regained his senses and was not affected by the virtual spirit at all. Such a change shocked Zhao Feng and others.

"Leave these virtual spirits to me."

When everyone was horrified, Shi Yan's face was stunned, and he said slightly excitedly: "Don't deal with the virtual spirit, I am enough."

Just after the five demons nibbled away at the virtual spirit, he clearly noticed that the five demons had become stronger, and they still had some unfinished ideas. In the eyes of the five demons, the virtual spirit seemed to be a tonic potion that could enhance their strength. .

With this discovery, Shi Yan directly let go of the soul's defense and stood there motionless, waiting for the virtual spirit to fall into the trap.

The imaginary spirits were not very intelligent and could not absorb the lessons at all. After discovering that Shi Yan was undefended, those imaginary spirits turned into beams of green light and drilled directly into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Whenever a virtual spirit falls into his sea of ​​consciousness, he discovers the five demons floating above the sea of ​​consciousness and the natural enemy aura released by his main soul that destroys all souls. He wants to escape at all costs.

At this time, the five demons will disperse and search for those ethereal spirits in his sea of ​​consciousness. Once the illusory spirits are touched by the five demons, they will be stuck by glue and cannot move anymore.

The five demons were extremely excited. They grabbed those virtual spirits and feasted on them in his sea of ​​consciousness, absorbing them with great joy.

A virtual spirit that was about to escape from his sea of ​​consciousness was illuminated by the evil light of the Nine Nether Soul-devouring Flames from the third eye of his main soul, and was immediately annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

The Nine Nether Soul-Eating Flames have the evil ability to kill all souls. Those ethereal spirits that enter his sea of ​​consciousness are simply destined to die. No ethereal spirit can escape the evil light of the Nine Nether Soul-Eating Flames.

Zhao Feng and others saw ethereal spirits burrowing into his sea of ​​consciousness one after another, but he was still looking around with a smile on his face, seemingly looking for more ethereal spirits. This made Zhao Feng and others speechless and shook their heads secretly. Sighing, he was shocked by the strange abilities Shi Yan showed.

Soon, all the virtual spirits surrounding Zhao Feng and others were eaten away by the five demons of Shi Yan's sea of ​​consciousness.

After the five demons absorbed the virtual spirits, they each grew in size, their images became clearer and clearer, and even their faces became lifelike.

Shi Yan suddenly no longer satisfied with this piece of virtual spirit.

With such delicious food in front of you, wouldn’t it be a waste if you don’t enjoy it?

"I'm going to find other ethereal spirits. Just be careful of those vine demons."

After saying goodbye to Cai Yi, Shi Yan laughed loudly, left Zhao Feng's place, and started to swim in the swamp like a leisurely stroll.

Those virtual spirits that originally pounced on other warriors, after discovering that his consciousness sea was completely defenseless, rushed towards him one by one like chicken blood, and flew into his consciousness sea one after another.

All the virtual spirits that fell into his sea of ​​consciousness could only enter but not get out. They became nutrients for the five demons to replenish their soul energy, and were eaten away by the five demons one by one within his sea of ​​consciousness.

The team of warriors nearby quickly discovered this anomaly. They all showed horrified expressions and secretly observed Shi Yan.

"Shi Yan, I'm Ye Changfeng, come over here and help me!"

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind a group of vine demons on the left. The voice seemed quite anxious.

(To be continued)

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